• 2 days ago
It's a 2v2 scramble with a brutal twist... Hit a good shot and your opponents can make you take it again and each team has one reverse mulligan per hole!

Featuring Miniminter, Josh Zerkaa, Randolph & Callux!

Thank you to Pyrford Lakes Golf Club for hosting us, check the course out here - https://www.pyrfordgolf.co.uk/

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00:00Welcome back to Big Wedge. This is reverse Mulligan. Now, what does that mean?
00:04What does it mean?
00:05That means after you take a shot, we can go, nah mate, do it again.
00:08If you hit a good shot, I can say...
00:10Every time?
00:11Once a hole. If you don't use it, you lose it.
00:13And how are we playing?
00:15Alternate shot, Simon and this my guy.
00:19Me and Josh. The comments have got me today.
00:22So you're doing an alternate shot and you've both got a club.
00:25Who's teeing off?
00:26I'm teeing off.
00:27Okay, let's get it.
00:30By the way, you don't have to call the Mulligan in the air or anything.
00:36Yeah, exactly. It's not a steal shot.
00:37But you can't get to the ball and then call it.
00:39No, no, no. You do it after it lands.
00:41Yeah, so we don't have to go all the way up there and then all the way back.
00:43What's your predictions? Who are we going to use the first one on?
00:45Probably me. I usually hit better shots.
00:52Say it, say it. Do you want to say it?
00:56That was really special.
00:57I think you take a drop over there.
01:00Do you want to call it, guys?
01:02We'll call it, like, the day. Like, call the video, yeah?
01:05Can we start the video again?
01:06Because that was awful.
01:08Really not great.
01:09But the comments will say, oh, you know, you tried hard.
01:11No, no, no. They told him the wrong hole.
01:14If that was straight, it'd be great.
01:17Cleanest hit of the day.
01:19That sound, though.
01:20Oh, I love it.
01:21So boring. Get a life.
01:23Is it?
01:23You guys.
01:24I don't know if that's any good.
01:26Oh, yeah, forget it. Mulligan.
01:28They're using a mulligan now.
01:29They're calling it now.
01:30Yeah, for attention.
01:32No way.
01:33Can we start it again?
01:34That's so bad.
01:35To be fair, I know you're going to do it again anyway.
01:38I don't even know if this went up.
01:39That's a legitimate mulligan. I'm not being trolled.
01:41No, that's a mulligan.
01:42That's a mulligan.
01:42That's a mulligan.
01:43That's a mulligan.
01:44That's a mulligan.
01:44That's a mulligan.
01:45That's a mulligan.
01:45That's a mulligan.
01:47That's a legitimate mulligan. I'm not being trolled.
01:48No, that's a mulligan, yeah.
01:49They've used their mulligan.
01:51They've used it.
01:52On the off chance he messes up.
01:53You won't, though.
01:56Oh, that's better.
01:56I was thinking about it.
01:57Oh, my God.
01:58I thought his chest was going to collapse when he did that move.
02:01I think his chest is going to collapse anyway.
02:04Mate, it collapsed when I was born.
02:05As I came out.
02:06All right, we've heard that story all the time.
02:07You can't keep saying that, man.
02:09Somebody else is going to run out.
02:11Josh, well, fuck, mate.
02:13That was a great shot.
02:14Thank you, mate.
02:15Well, we had to mulligan that one, you know.
02:16Yeah, we had to mulligan it.
02:18Off the first hole.
02:19Because also, if we lose, we lose, right?
02:21This is a whole match play.
02:22So, like, if we lose, we lose.
02:24So, we lose this hole.
02:25No hard done.
02:26Win next one.
02:26I think that ball's findable.
02:28Because it opens up round here loads, isn't it?
02:30There's no...
02:30He's really off to search for it.
02:34Shall I hit it?
02:35Yeah, I think so.
02:35Yeah, all right.
02:36If he does find it and you want to use it, you can always...
02:38All right, thank you.
02:38All right, Randy.
02:40Even if you do hit a good shot, I'm still going to call it.
02:45Well, Josh, someone say if we find it, we can use it.
03:01If you PayPal both of us, £250 right now, you can place another ball.
03:07And we won't tell Josh.
03:08I'm not confident that I'll hit the next shot well.
03:11Josh, you may as well just go to your ball.
03:14That's your ball there, Josh.
03:18Did you find it?
03:19Well, you picked it up now.
03:21I know.
03:21It's too far.
03:23Oh, you're there now.
03:25For f***'s sake, man.
03:27Sorry, I topped it.
03:29We're still up.
03:29I'm not looking.
03:30To be fair, it went quite far for a top.
03:32Do you want to concede, Randy?
03:34No conceding.
03:34No conceding, man.
03:36Freaking first shot concession.
03:38Is that the word concession?
03:40No, concession's different.
03:41Yeah, I know.
03:42Alternate shot, Josh.
03:43You might want to use a hybrid now.
03:44It won't go anywhere.
03:45I'm on the green.
03:46No, that's you on the right.
03:47F***ing hell, did I hit the ball that far?
03:49I think that one...
03:50Am I pin high?
03:52Can you see a ball this one left?
03:53That's your first one.
03:54And your second one's up there.
03:56Well, it's a pin.
03:57Yeah, just take your shot,
03:58because I can't be bothered to go back to the car.
04:00But I'm looking, Josh.
04:01I reckon you got this in one.
04:02Is it pin high?
04:03Is it on the green?
04:04What is this?
04:05Par four?
04:07No, the green's up that hill.
04:09You can keep saying it.
04:10I like that.
04:14Don't hit something too good,
04:15because we still have Mulligan.
04:16I know, I thought about it already.
04:18His ain't just half decent.
04:19Come on, Josh.
04:20Go, Josh.
04:21Josh, I'm adding to you.
04:26Wait, wait, let's see where it goes.
04:27Please, guys.
04:33That's why.
04:35That's why.
04:36That's why.
04:38It was sad, because it didn't go there,
04:39because he was saying Mulligan anyway,
04:40so it's pointless.
04:41See you next.
04:42It's pointless, f***ing...
04:44Listen, hole two, we come alive, okay?
04:48All about the second hole.
04:49Use the Mulligan on Callux for him to hit it better.
04:51I know, I know.
04:52Where does it...
04:53It went over this, no?
04:54Yeah, towards...
04:55Yeah, there.
04:56Yeah, nice.
04:56That's fine.
04:57Yeah, yeah, yeah.
04:58Because we can get...
04:58It's here, by the way.
05:01Yeah, now we're...
05:01We can get it on the putt.
05:02Yeah, we can't.
05:03Hold on, hold on, by the way.
05:05Hold on.
05:06We should have used your ball,
05:06because we can't take a drop.
05:08We took a drop for your shot,
05:09but we found it.
05:10So, we f***ed it up so bad.
05:12Oh, sir.
05:12Because it wasn't my shot.
05:13You would have been taking your shot.
05:15Yeah, I know, actually.
05:17He said, though, before I took my shot,
05:18he said, take it.
05:19If Josh finds it, we can use it, Josh's.
05:21No, I picked it up, see, it was hard.
05:22Yeah, that's what I...
05:23Callux's drive was unbelievable.
05:25And we're back here.
05:26I'm just hoping I don't scuff it into a bunker.
05:29Can you hold the tree for me?
05:31Let's watch that shot first.
05:32All right.
05:32You could have done that before I got in there.
05:34It's okay, though.
05:35Don't get lippy.
05:36I'm not lippy, man.
05:37Yeah, good boy.
05:37Oh, my God.
05:41Do me a favor.
05:43And just take loads of f***ing mud.
05:46No, because when I do that, it goes five yards.
05:49Don't worry, I've got...
05:50No, yeah, I know.
05:51After your drive, I'm going to do you proud.
05:53This is an eagle opportunity.
06:00Oh, it's really good.
06:01Oh, a little bit soft, but...
06:03Yeah, nice.
06:04I'm happy with it.
06:04Very good.
06:05Very good.
06:05Mate, we're going to wipe the floor with them today.
06:07Right, me?
06:15Do you want me to hold it?
06:16No, I actually don't want you to.
06:18Damn, Randy.
06:18Is it in the tree?
06:21Yeah, no, it's halfway there.
06:23It's all right.
06:24It's all right.
06:24You tried.
06:24Yeah, you're not under a tree now.
06:26This is your distance.
06:28Oh, Randy, it's on mine.
06:30Oh, yeah, for sure.
06:35Watch it check.
06:35Watch it check.
06:37Great shot.
06:38Great shot.
06:38Wait, so we have to lie now?
06:40Yes, Josh.
06:41As it lies.
06:41As it lies.
06:43I don't lie.
06:43No, wait.
06:44We're not as it lies, by the way.
06:45I was going to say.
06:46We're not winning as it lies.
06:47We've had two, but we've had five.
06:48We took a drop.
06:49You missed out on the tree.
06:50It's three shots.
06:51Hold on.
06:52We've had five.
06:52We've had two.
06:53So if you three-foot every draw...
06:55No, because you have to make that.
06:56Four-foot draw.
06:57I haven't got a passer.
06:59Don't worry.
07:00We've got three shots.
07:01You didn't three-putt there, did you?
07:03I don't even need to read the line, actually, do I?
07:05Because it's not a scramble.
07:06Simon's good at putting as well.
07:07Better than Luke.
07:08So Luke's his one-putt.
07:09Simon hits another one before he goes in.
07:11Let's rotate when it is it.
07:14Come round.
07:14Come round.
07:15Come round.
07:15Come round.
07:15Come round.
07:16Oh, Simon.
07:19Bit short there, mate.
07:21And you know you will...
07:22You need four-putt, though.
07:23Yeah, but you're going to...
07:24You're going to three-putt now, actually.
07:26Total four.
07:29Why would you do that?
07:30I had to get over, but I made sure I wasn't on your line.
07:34Oh my God, you are on fire today.
07:40The last of you, and this is it.
07:41On crud.
07:42Well done.
07:43Well done, Simon.
07:43Good push-up.
07:44What's a par?
07:45Still the worst on the channel.
07:47No, thanks, but...
07:50That's a solid win, that.
07:52That's a par.
07:53We've got a par on alternate.
07:54And I was glad to be a part of it.
07:59Yes, I get it.
08:01I've been infected with restless whispers and cheats that manifest...
08:06We're one nil up.
08:08Hole number two, 100 yards, par three.
08:10And I have to tee off, which is annoying.
08:12Randy, all I asked from you, right?
08:13Oh, it's me, isn't it?
08:14Is just clear the water.
08:15What water?
08:16What is that?
08:18Like, just clear it.
08:18I've never seen that.
08:20And it's actually really easy to clear, by the way.
08:21All right, all right.
08:22I'm really gutted.
08:23Because he even said, like...
08:24He was like, I'll slide tee off first.
08:26I want to tee off on a par three.
08:28Instead, he teed off last time.
08:29Simon, you have the opportunity to do something remarkable here.
08:33Remember, hole in one, we delete the channel.
08:35And go home.
08:36Is that the rule now?
08:37Hole in one, we delete the channel?
08:42That's class.
08:44Oh my god.
08:49Why do you look so concerned?
08:50Yeah, it's fine.
08:51It's worked.
08:53Surprised at how that worked.
08:55Oh, Randy.
08:56What have you done?
08:57Randy, Randy.
08:58I think you can do better.
09:01I think we don't.
09:02They're literally near the green.
09:04Yeah, but he could get on the green next lap.
09:05We can do it on a port or a chip.
09:07Yeah, sure, you know what your role is.
09:08Yeah, fuck it.
09:09Go on, take a shot.
09:10What's a right?
09:18Come on, brother.
09:19Come on.
09:20Come on, Simon.
09:22Give it to them.
09:23Come on, bro.
09:24Line this up.
09:25Take your time and get this in.
09:26That's good.
09:27I can't do it.
09:28It's a left wrist.
09:28There's a hole in one if you get it.
09:30You could chip it really well.
09:31One per hole.
09:32You could chip it really well.
09:32All right.
09:33All right, whatever.
09:34Another tee shot.
09:35This is the most risky shot on the tee.
09:36Yeah, true.
09:37Let's see.
09:40Same place, Josh.
09:41Same place.
09:42It's further left.
09:43It's in a bush.
09:44Yeah, you're right.
09:44He cooked, he cooked.
09:45He cooked.
09:46Sorry, Simon.
09:47He cooked.
09:49Why didn't you tell them?
09:50I know.
09:50Why didn't you say it?
09:51I don't know.
09:52We sat in the car and I go,
09:54we don't tell them.
09:55They'll have no idea.
09:56He goes, good one.
09:57Do you want a mulligan?
09:59I actually forgot what we're filming.
10:00I know.
10:01Knew if you knew.
10:02I should play in golf.
10:07Um, yeah, I think I'll say the word.
10:10Yeah, obviously.
10:12Yeah, we'll uh,
10:13obviously we'll take a mulligan.
10:16Don't get your ball off the green.
10:22Wait, wait, wait, wait.
10:23It's shorter.
10:24It's definitely shorter.
10:26It's good.
10:26It's good.
10:27So we're, we're dropping near you.
10:30Your first shot was faster.
10:31That was so good.
10:36Why'd I hit one so hard?
10:37What were you hoping to get from the mulligan?
10:40They put, they hold it on the putt.
10:42You see mulligan.
10:42Do it again, you know?
10:43Yeah, but if it's easy, it won't really matter.
10:45It won't be easy.
10:46Well, this could like,
10:47this could mess up their shots more.
10:48Yeah, it worked out.
10:49In the bush now, it worked out.
10:50And again, do they got a drop?
10:52Where's your first one?
10:53First one was here.
10:55Second one went, oh wait, it's there.
10:58You can see it behind the tree.
11:00If you could try and hit it just through here low.
11:03Flop it.
11:04I think there's a gap, Simon.
11:06You are the flop god, so you do you.
11:08So I'm taking this shot.
11:10We found the ball.
11:12And I'm going to flop god this out of here.
11:15What happens if, right, he hits this
11:18and then it goes on the green.
11:19I look at it and it's not my ball.
11:21All right, Simon, you ready?
11:23Born ready.
11:24Flop god.
11:25I can't wait to do this.
11:30Saddest knock.
11:31Could you hold my putter, please?
11:33Good shot, Luke.
11:33We've gone two yards.
11:35Good shot, mate.
11:36Good shot.
11:36Good boy.
11:38We're further.
11:39We're here.
11:40This is hard.
11:40What am I meant to do?
11:42We're back in it now.
11:43Yeah, we're back in it.
11:44I can't believe we committed to do that.
11:45I'm a bit afraid of them.
11:46Flop god, yeah.
11:47Get marinated.
11:48I can't believe Simon allowed that either.
11:49What do I do?
11:51I reckon putt it.
11:54I putt it.
11:54I'm just going to do what you did.
11:56Yeah, okay, fine.
11:56Fine, do that.
11:58You've got this, bro.
11:58Honestly, there's a chance that I'll put this in the water.
12:00Don't say that.
12:01So I'm going to be having to hit stuff on purpose.
12:04Yeah, look, look.
12:05It's going to go down anyway.
12:06Just going to land it right.
12:07It'll roll left.
12:11I didn't hear anything.
12:12What happened?
12:16Water gnolls!
12:17You're in the water.
12:18In the water?
12:21We in the water?
12:23Shut up.
12:24It went really far right.
12:26Yeah, that's if it didn't land in the water.
12:27It landed over there.
12:29It hit the, like, the...
12:30It rolled down.
12:31It might get caught in the recovery.
12:32See that green bush there?
12:33It's not the big one.
12:33The smaller one in front.
12:34No way.
12:34Around there.
12:35Good boy.
12:37Right, should we shoot now?
12:38Yeah, we'll have a little shot here.
12:40Right, you know you're landing it, yeah?
12:41They've had three.
12:42Yeah, on that mound.
12:44We probably should have dropped.
12:45We should have dropped on the first one.
12:46We should have dropped.
12:48So they said it rolled, right?
12:50How did you hit it that far out the bushes?
12:53That's a confident hit.
12:54Don't look a bullet in the water.
12:58Saw that.
12:59I saw that.
13:03I didn't follow through.
13:04Josh, where did it go?
13:05Let him go so we're both on three.
13:07Yeah, where did it go?
13:09The bush around, right?
13:10This here?
13:14I think it's a drop, mate.
13:16Oh, there's legitimately a ball in there.
13:20Brother, there's legitimately a ball.
13:22That's a hazard.
13:25Take your shot.
13:26I think it's not a drop for them.
13:28Oh, fuck.
13:29Just do a good shot.
13:30Here you go, Randy.
13:33There's no way he fucks this.
13:35Oh, no.
13:36Keep going.
13:36Oh, yes.
13:37Keep going.
13:37No, that's bloody good.
13:38I keep scoring every one of these shots.
13:40Really good.
13:41All right, so you're saying there's a ball in here.
13:43Brother, have a look in there.
13:44Oh my God, there's a ball.
13:45There's a ball.
13:46So I'm playing.
13:48I'm playing tight lists.
13:50Tight list something.
13:52That's the one I found.
13:53But I am playing tight.
13:54Pro V1s.
13:55Is that tight list?
13:56I'm playing Pro V1.
13:57So if this is a Pro V1, we get a…
14:01That's a free drop, right?
14:02Yeah, 100% a free drop.
14:03Did you find a hazard?
14:05I get a free drop if this is my ball.
14:07We're in a hole.
14:08Oh, yeah, of course you are.
14:10You're in a lot of hole of shit.
14:11Could be better than you.
14:12Fuck, you need to go to comedy school, lad.
14:14See that hole?
14:17Have a look.
14:18There's a ball.
14:20It might be it, by the way.
14:25I think you went in over it.
14:26Is it there?
14:28I don't know, have you found it?
14:29That's just helping.
14:30It's Wilson.
14:31Yeah, yeah, I'll have that.
14:33Is it right?
14:33I think we just…
14:34Is that it or no?
14:35That might be it, no.
14:36It was my ball.
14:37I think we just drop here.
14:39Yeah, it went in around here, so.
14:40My butt is wet now.
14:42You've got to two-putt that to win.
14:44No mullies as well, look.
14:45If this goes in.
14:47Oh, yeah.
14:49Hey, you never know.
14:49All right, what do you need?
14:50We need this to go in.
14:52So we can two-putt it.
14:54They have to get it in two.
15:03You called that as well, right?
15:04Yeah, of course.
15:04Did you call it?
15:05Of course.
15:06The clubface was actually pointing there.
15:07We're going to wait for you guys to see if you do three-putts.
15:10All right.
15:12Classic Callux.
15:13Dog shit.
15:14If you guys take more than three putts, we'll take our shot.
15:18Should we do it on purpose?
15:19Yeah, no.
15:21Yeah, no.
15:21I realise I want to go home one day.
15:23I want Simon on my team.
15:25Let him do a read for me.
15:26All right.
15:27I'll just go home then.
15:28Do you want me to read it for you?
15:29No, thank you.
15:30I'll read it right.
15:31No, but I won't hit it how you'd hit it, so.
15:33No, no, look, wait.
15:34This guy's the guy.
15:35Trust me, the only thing to get out of hitting the ball.
15:36What is it wrong?
15:37What is it wrong?
15:38Oh, a little bit further right.
15:40There you go.
15:40Handle that ball.
15:41Why did we do...
15:42What was...
15:43They have six shots on us.
15:45Isn't it three?
15:46Three, and then we take the drop.
15:48Oh, my God, if that...
15:52Oh, good shot, good shot, good shot.
15:54You're being a goat.
15:55The comments would have been all over you.
15:56Wow, you helped Josh.
15:58Wait, should I get...
15:58Can we do three?
15:59No, finish it off.
16:02His comedy is so poor.
16:05Hold on.
16:06That was comedy, I was going to miss for fun.
16:07He said that on purpose, so if he missed, it wasn't that bad.
16:09Oh, fair, yeah.
16:10I want to.
16:11I know how Randolph works.
16:12That's quite clever, you know.
16:19Alex, don't make a mulligan the first shot again, please.
16:21No worries, because I'll do it twice in a row like before as well.
16:24Hit a bad shot so you can actually drop it without taking a mulligan.
16:26I'm not sure what psychology that is.
16:32It's unreal.
16:34That is unreal.
16:35Call it.
16:38That's ridiculous.
16:39Yeah, mulligan, mate.
16:41Let's do it again, obviously.
16:44I don't want to do a tee shot, but I have to.
16:45Jesus Christ.
16:46You've already teed.
16:46You're going to do that again, though, aren't you?
16:48The thing is, you can't get it off his head.
16:49Not that good, but it'll be good still.
16:5190% of that.
16:52Yeah, I respect that.
16:53Swan's there.
16:54It's an improvement for us, at least.
16:55Is that a swan?
16:56Or a boat?
16:57Yeah, a swan.
17:02It's worse, though.
17:03It's definitely worse.
17:04It's definitely worse.
17:04It's still all right.
17:08We're okay.
17:08Yeah, yeah.
17:09Good mulligan.
17:10Good mulligan.
17:10It's like doing front flips.
17:12Good driving, you are.
17:13Look at that swan.
17:15Oh, yeah.
17:15Wait, watch it, though.
17:18Oh, yeah.
17:19Well done, mate.
17:20Well done.
17:20Fucking have that.
17:21Yeah, well done, mate.
17:25Oh, not again.
17:27All right.
17:28We call it in the air, does it?
17:33Is that real?
17:35Is that real?
17:38Doesn't Randy have to take it again if the ball's lost?
17:40Is that real?
17:40We're doing lateral drops.
17:41Yeah, we're doing laterals.
17:42You can do it like, oh, my God.
17:45In the middle of the…
17:46Do you want to call it mulligan?
17:47Bit of fun.
17:48We're not even winning.
17:52That was a voice crack.
17:56Oh, my God.
17:57If you slice it out here, mate, they should drop right here.
18:00There, how about there?
18:01Why not here?
18:02Okay, if you want to push for that, you do that.
18:03Yeah, yeah, I will.
18:06All right, you lot are here.
18:08Bro, you sliced it out.
18:10It went so far.
18:12It was too far in there.
18:15Yeah, it went right quite early.
18:16I was trying to say, you guys are good there,
18:18but Calex is very strongly opinionated on this.
18:20I left my bottle in there now.
18:22Go and get it.
18:23Yeah, okay.
18:26You wouldn't put this in the water, would you?
18:28No, this is going to be sick.
18:30And then we call mulligan.
18:31Cheers, man.
18:33And then puts the next one in the water.
18:35Kills the swan.
18:37Did you know that swans are protected by the Queen?
18:40Her Majesty.
18:40What's that?
18:42It's a stork.
18:47He's just saying, no, no, no.
18:50I think that's actually fucking lost.
18:54No, it's not, it's not, it's on the fairway.
18:55That's all right, yeah.
18:56Throat bounce.
18:57We'll let him have that.
18:58Do you want to mulligan that one, guys?
18:59They've still got a mulligan.
19:00We're going to go over and take a look and we'll let you know.
19:03Can you just stay here for a second?
19:05You can't go over to it, you have to call it now, he said.
19:07Yeah, you said you can't go over there.
19:08We'll tell it to him once you do it.
19:14If their trash stinks, they're done.
19:16If it's not a par three, they're done for.
19:17Yeah, they're absolutely finished.
19:19Because they've got two slicing McPoodles.
19:22Oh, they are actually off.
19:23They're right next to us.
19:24Oh, yeah.
19:26That's a good shot, actually, from me.
19:27Oh, that's their first shot, isn't it?
19:29And I took a drop.
19:32Oh, no.
19:33So they're two ahead now.
19:34As it lies.
19:34As it lies.
19:36God damn it, we might have lost the war, Josh.
19:38We might have lost the fucking war.
19:39I can't fucking, my driver's broken again.
19:41Yeah, me too.
19:42The thing is, they've got a good advantage.
19:43I've got some, like, limp wrists.
19:44Callux is good at driving.
19:46Not always, though.
19:47No, he is.
19:47He always is.
19:48We're as it lies, by the way.
19:49You've had three.
19:51That's on Josh, I'll rate that.
19:52As it lies.
19:54You guys are up first.
19:54You first.
19:55Yeah, what did you use?
19:56I'm using a pitch.
19:57Oh, fuck.
19:58Why are you holding a seven?
20:00I wanted to.
20:01It's like 110 yards.
20:03I didn't get the average yet.
20:04Come on, Josh.
20:05Average, yeah?
20:07Average at best.
20:09Yeah, average shot.
20:12Fucking hell.
20:14He's wellied that.
20:19Pre-average shot, like I said.
20:20All right.
20:20Yeah, I think it's good as well.
20:22So actually, you should use Mulligan, guys.
20:24I think it's safe.
20:24Use it, guys.
20:25We haven't used it.
20:28Can you?
20:28All right, there's a downhill slope there,
20:30at the bush, by the way, so you know.
20:31Look, say it to the camera.
20:32It's a joke, it's a video.
20:34Can I say it?
20:35It's a joke, it's a video.
20:41Ah, it's so short.
20:44They call Mulligan.
20:45Say it again.
20:46All right, Josh, let's see if you're okay.
20:48Right on.
20:48All right.
20:50Coming in.
20:51Okay, third shot.
20:52Come on, Cal.
20:53What is this?
20:56S Club.
20:57That's cool.
20:58This is bad.
20:59This is their third shot,
21:02so it's not looking good for us.
21:09That does help.
21:09Fuck me, Simon.
21:10I'm going to use your ball.
21:11Trying to fuck him.
21:13Really trying to fuck this up.
21:16Hey, Simon, there's that thing that you sometimes do
21:17where it goes like two yards.
21:18You don't do that?
21:19Yeah, sometimes you do it.
21:21Shall I just putt?
21:22If you want to putt.
21:23Simon, am I correct in saying if you,
21:25after you hit this, we're as it lies?
21:27Yeah, you've had four, yeah.
21:28Yeah, yeah, we'll be as it lies after this one.
21:30Putting for you, Randy.
21:32Yep, putt for me, mate.
21:33Nah, get the wedge out.
21:33No, I got it in your head.
21:34Randy told me to.
21:35Nah, I got it in his head, mate.
21:37I said don't do that thing where you hit it two yards.
21:39Yeah, we need to do that, though.
21:40In his head, though.
21:41No, because he could have putt this well.
21:42He's literally been on fire.
21:43Mate, he's going to putt it so badly.
21:44You've seen him in the last video.
21:45He was on fire when he was putting.
21:46What last video?
21:48Look at him, bro.
21:49Oh, look, oh my God.
21:52Why would you make him putt?
21:54He would never do it with a chip.
21:56He's always going to putt.
21:57He's always going to putt.
21:57Yeah, yeah.
21:58Yeah, yeah, we take them.
22:01We take them, we bake them, we make them, we lake them.
22:03That's Randy's.
22:04Thank you, Randy.
22:06I was going to chip.
22:07No, you weren't.
22:08Randy went, don't do that thing where you chip it two yards.
22:10You're right, I should putt.
22:11He said, he went, I've got it in his head.
22:12Yeah, he did, in a good way.
22:15Yeah, so by making putt, he's been putting like fucking crazy.
22:18But as it lies, right now.
22:19Yeah, we still have one.
22:20Oh, they've lost.
22:22They've lost, though.
22:29No, please, Nico Mulligan.
22:33You can't bank them.
22:34We know.
22:36Why do we call him Mulligan?
22:41They're both shit.
22:42Fuck me.
22:43All right.
22:44We're shit, Josh.
22:45Can we end this?
22:47So, no, should we take my shot?
22:49Uh, I mean, if we get this, we win the hole.
22:51Yeah, facts.
22:51Go on, finish this.
22:53Sad times.
22:54Something like that.
22:56What's he doing?
22:58You're always looking out for me, aren't you?
22:58Like, I'm in your fucking head, mate.
23:10Oh, I've gone in.
23:11That's it, fuck.
23:11So, what does this mean?
23:12This is, um, this is five.
23:16So, you hold it for a draw?
23:18If you hold that, it's a draw.
23:19Yeah, that was your six shot, right?
23:21Yeah, but they got a mulligan.
23:22Wait, let's just go X-hole.
23:23You've got a mulligan.
23:24We have a mulligan.
23:25I'm going to hit it twice in a row.
23:26He holds it, and we call him Mulligan.
23:30He said, I'm going to do it twice in a row.
23:31You know what?
23:32We can't stack mulligans.
23:34If we miss it, should we let him have another go?
23:35Yeah, we can't stack mulligans.
23:38Josh just hit that one.
23:40No, you call Mulligan.
23:43Watch him out till you fucking smoke this now.
23:45He's going to do the same again.
23:47Watch out, everyone.
23:48Lock in, brother.
23:54I rate it.
23:59Imagine he dunked that.
24:00It's still a scolder, though.
24:01It's still a scolder.
24:02It's still a scolder.
24:03Oh, fuck.
24:04It's still a scolder.
24:05It's still a scolder.
24:06It's still a scolder, though.
24:07Let's check.
24:08Can you get my eyeball, please?
24:12Come on.
24:19Average shot best.
24:19Otherwise, we'll mulligan it.
24:24Go on.
24:25Oh, my God.
24:27Time to smash it.
24:28It's the Spanish Major all over again.
24:30Call it?
24:31I'm kind of tired of this tee shot calling,
24:33and I want to do it somewhere else.
24:34Yeah, I mean, that's fine.
24:35Average tee shot.
24:36That's what you do.
24:37You just do average shots.
24:38You're like the F2 of the golfing world.
24:41No, swazz it.
24:42I just said it was average.
24:46This was Billy and Jezza.
24:51Oh, he's finally turned up.
24:54Short, though.
24:54It's good.
24:56He's finally turned up.
24:57Hey, don't look him in the eyes.
25:00He doesn't do that again.
25:02You don't think so?
25:07Do it again, Randy.
25:08Do it again.
25:09Get better.
25:10Don't try to smash it, though.
25:11Just focus.
25:12Lock in.
25:13He's pressed his tee in third.
25:14No, no, no.
25:15Re-tee, re-tee.
25:16Do the whole thing again.
25:17Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
25:18No, that'll be fine.
25:19I would reset the whole tee.
25:20Do it all again.
25:22Good boy.
25:22Good boy.
25:24I'm not helping him.
25:25I'm part of the team, mate.
25:25I'm not going to help him.
25:26He's done, he's done.
25:26Look at him.
25:27He's done.
25:27He's fumbling.
25:28No, Randy, lock in.
25:29You got robbed over Christmas.
25:31What the fuck?
25:33Oh my god.
25:34Oh, I saw my head now.
25:36I forgot all day, Josh.
25:43You beauty, Randy.
25:45Fair play.
25:46That's my team, mate.
25:47Come on.
25:48There's nothing you can do.
25:49Let's go.
25:50Recreated it.
25:50Even better.
25:51Even better.
25:52We are out of a mulligan.
25:55We are.
25:55I apologise.
25:56That's okay.
25:57I'm hoping that you...
25:58I'm hoping my shot is still playable.
26:00I hope that you're far enough away from the...
26:03I know.
26:03I don't know if it just hit the tree and died.
26:04Yeah, it might have died.
26:05Oh no.
26:06Is that it?
26:06That's it.
26:09Do you want me to cut this round the tree with a five iron?
26:16Five iron?
26:18What the fuck are you on about?
26:19I've just got to cut it round.
26:20A five iron?
26:21Yeah, but I've got to cut it round.
26:23I want you to hit it...
26:24This is terrible.
26:25You see the right-hand bunker?
26:26I want you to get it just in front of that.
26:28I'll just do that.
26:29Yeah, just do that and we're good.
26:30And then, you know what they're going to do?
26:31You're going to do that,
26:33and then they're going to say mulligan,
26:34and then you do it again.
26:35Callux, mate?
26:36Yes, brother.
26:37What do you want?
26:38What are you thinking? Talk to me.
26:40I can't actually do anything.
26:41I've just kicked a fucking twig in pieces.
26:44That's how hard I am.
26:45Whatever you do now, I don't care.
26:46I've just done something cool.
26:46Yeah, no, no.
26:47It's all good.
26:47I understood that.
26:48Oh, guys, watch out.
26:49It's going to literally...
26:49Oh shit.
26:50...ping off a tree.
26:50Guys, fucking...
26:52He told me he's going to use a five-iron and curl it round.
26:55He can't curl shit by his dick.
26:57What the fuck?
26:58What does that mean?
26:59It's got a K, dude.
27:01It's in a hybrid.
27:04Not bad, actually.
27:05He'd actually take that, you know.
27:06Yeah, good job, Luke.
27:07What? It went nowhere.
27:08No, no, that's fine, though.
27:10It went nowhere.
27:11No, no, I don't want to.
27:12I don't want to.
27:14What's wrong?
27:14Are you?
27:15No, no, no.
27:16Okay, then.
27:17Or are we?
27:18Are you?
27:21Go on, say the word.
27:21Say the word.
27:22It's too late.
27:23No, you got out of it.
27:23You got out of it.
27:24Say the word.
27:24Okay, fair.
27:25If you had the green, though.
27:26That's decent, though.
27:26Yeah, it's not bad.
27:27It depends on my shot, really, now.
27:29There's a hope that Josh fucks us up.
27:31Oh, it's you now, fuck.
27:34I was excited to hit the shot.
27:36I didn't know it was that long.
27:37Get out of my car.
27:38Get out of your car.
27:42Fucking pelts it.
27:44Or he scuffs it into the window.
27:45Oh, that's a shout.
27:47A little scullerino.
27:49I'm going to put my money on that.
27:51Ain't left in the bunker, though.
27:52You don't have to go to the flank, here.
27:53I don't want to scull it, though.
27:54You do it all the time.
27:55It's only you today, as well.
27:56Yeah, true, true.
27:58Anyone like a golfer?
27:59You're a golfer, Josh.
28:00How do you not scull it?
28:01One thing you have to do is take the shot, though.
28:03Yeah, facts.
28:04Yeah, facts, facts.
28:08Randy, why are you not telling him to speed up now that he's on your team?
28:10He's my teammate now.
28:11We can all scull about.
28:12We're making content.
28:16Josh, lock it in, man.
28:18We can all scull about.
28:19By the way, guys, what a drive.
28:20By the way, everyone, what a drive, man.
28:21Well, it took two attempts.
28:23Both were fucking good.
28:27So rattled.
28:31That's good.
28:32That's really good.
28:32Birdie sculled it.
28:34Shot, Josh.
28:34Really good.
28:35Just really good.
28:36We're going to get birdie.
28:36Let's go, champ.
28:37Come on, Cabbage Jet.
28:38Devon got money, didn't they?
28:40Yeah, we're going to call it, as well.
28:41We're going to keep that shot.
28:42Yeah, yeah, yeah.
28:44He's done it!
28:45He's done it!
28:46Locked in!
28:47Maybe we just shouldn't use the money gun on Randy.
28:50I feel like he always will do all right the second time.
28:52You reckon?
28:52I think he has more composure over it, whereas Josh...
28:55Josh hits a banger.
28:57Call it.
28:58Call it, yeah.
28:58Fair enough.
29:00He keeps conspiring.
29:01Look, there's a dude that wants to do something there.
29:02Yeah, it's good.
29:02Let him get something.
29:04Why is Simon always manipulating when he's not on my team?
29:06When he's on my team, he's just nothing.
29:09Keep it in.
29:10He won the last video for us.
29:11Simon, he's chatting shit about you.
29:12He just said he won us the last video.
29:14Yeah, yeah, but that's because he had to say,
29:16sorry, it ain't nice, because he said something bad about you.
29:17What did he say?
29:18I said, Simon's always manipulating when he's not on my team.
29:20When he's on my team, he's just shit, but I was just joking.
29:24Sorry, no, I said you won us the last video.
29:27That was just mean.
29:28Yeah, and he was like, oh no, cut it out, cut it out.
29:29And I was like, no.
29:31Winter rules, you want to clean up more?
29:33All right.
29:33It's not actually on the fairway, I don't think.
29:34Yeah, respectable man.
29:36Fair enough.
29:38Yeah, he really said, fuck you, Randolph.
29:42Oh my god.
29:42Oh my god.
29:43And I really said, money gun.
29:47That is so good.
29:48That is so good.
29:49How close is it?
29:51It looks like it's in the hole.
29:53Come here, come here.
29:53Yeah, let's go for it first.
29:55It's in the hole.
29:58What annoying video, isn't it?
29:59There's absolutely no way I'd do that again.
30:01No, you do, you do, you do.
30:02Whatever he hits is a football and goes in.
30:04Which one, which one goes in?
30:05The one that's there.
30:06It counts.
30:08Still good, mate.
30:09Nah, it's too far left.
30:10That was good.
30:10That was good, though.
30:11Actually, it still was really good.
30:12Really good.
30:13Yeah, I'll take that.
30:14Nah, respectful, that was good.
30:15That first shot, holy fuck.
30:18No, we've had one extra shot.
30:20Oh, money.
30:21You went one, two, we went one, two, three.
30:23Oh, the tree, the tree.
30:25Tree shot, Cal.
30:26I could have lied there, you know?
30:28Yeah, I know.
30:31I've got gloves on.
30:37Yeah, great shot.
30:38Where's the second one?
30:40Look at the divot, bro.
30:41Oh, even the back shot, that's crazy.
30:43I didn't even bring my sandwich, by the way,
30:45because that's not a sandwich.
30:46Yeah, I don't have a sandwich.
30:49I think I was hungry.
30:50You land this next to the hole.
30:52Don't scuff it.
30:54It's against the grain of the grass.
30:56We can all scuff it out, yeah, come on.
31:00Yeah, you're fucking crap.
31:03Good shot, actually.
31:04Good shot, Eddie.
31:04Caught a little bit.
31:06Okay, so we've had one, two, three, four.
31:09You've had two.
31:13So we'll let them get to four.
31:15Yeah, we'll let them have two putts and see if they get it.
31:17We've got two putts, Randy.
31:18Okay, so put it in the dustbin.
31:20Two putts to win.
31:21Otherwise, I've got to make that.
31:22Put it in there.
31:28It's a pretty solid putt.
31:30Oh, fuck.
31:31Go on, Josh.
31:32To win the hole.
31:33Man, this video.
31:41All right, two, one.
31:43We can do this, though.
31:44I'm telling you, we need to use the mulligans on Josh.
31:49It's the way.
31:50Because he can hit a great shot.
31:52Can he do it twice?
31:53Whereas Randy hits two average-ish decent shots.
31:57Two average 150-yard drives.
32:04Randy, you take eight or seven?
32:05For what, our distance?
32:06133 into wind.
32:08I'm going to check.
32:08I've got to check, Josh.
32:09I don't have an eight.
32:10No, I know you haven't.
32:10I've got to check.
32:11That's not 130, that's like 150.
32:13Where is it, Randy?
32:15It's actually 134, so it's worth checking.
32:20Don't look it.
32:25Go on.
32:26Two right.
32:27Great, Josh.
32:27Average at best.
32:31Oh, Simon said it.
32:33I've teed up.
32:33What if I get a one-in-one, right?
32:34Every tee shot, if you get a one-in-one, you can't mulligan it.
32:37I was tempted to say you shouldn't be able to call a mulligan if it goes in.
32:40If it goes in the hole.
32:41Once it's in the hole, you can't call it.
32:43No, I don't think you can.
32:44No, I think you can.
32:45No, you should have to call it just before it goes.
32:46Or a putt.
32:48As long as it's not a hole-in-one.
32:49If my chip went in.
32:50No, you can call it, because it makes it even better.
32:53It's like such a tranny.
32:54It went in.
32:55Hole-in-one, though.
32:56Yeah, hole-in-one, you can't.
32:59Love that.
33:00It's gone nowhere.
33:00Average at best.
33:01Yeah, you hit the floor, but it's still better than mine.
33:03It's gone nowhere.
33:04There's an argument if you do that, you know.
33:06See, in case it goes into a next one.
33:08Yeah, I'd agree.
33:10Because if you chip that.
33:12Like how much mess you're going to make.
33:13Not much.
33:15Molly gun.
33:17Why? That's so weird.
33:19Because from there, we shouldn't mess up.
33:21We've got too much power with this.
33:22We just spit it out.
33:23Three out of four out of five holes so far we've done on the tee.
33:26Every tee shot I've hit right.
33:28Out of bounds.
33:30This one was less so.
33:31The other two were this angle.
33:32Yeah, that's crazy.
33:33I don't know why.
33:34Looks, mate.
33:35Don't get in that water.
33:36Freezing my voice says, pretend it's not there.
33:37Don't be drawn to it.
33:38The water is not there.
33:39The water is not there.
33:41Yeah, I know.
33:42You didn't hear it.
33:42You said it.
33:43I know.
33:45Always nervous.
33:50That's better.
33:51Pressure makes diamonds.
33:52Go in.
33:53Go in.
33:54It's going in.
33:57Oh my God.
33:59By the way, we were just discussing it.
34:00You went for it.
34:01I haven't seen it yet.
34:03That is ridiculous.
34:04You have to though, because the other shot is still so easily on the green.
34:07But you ain't going to mess it up too much.
34:09It's funny.
34:10I'm a bit far.
34:12Miles, man.
34:16Oh my God.
34:17What a shot, man.
34:18It was all over it, man.
34:19We used to have a Mulligan's call on them.
34:21Oh, true.
34:22So we won the whole 3-2-1.
34:23You'd hope so.
34:24Let's get it.
34:25When I take my actual time on shots and I look it through, I hit so much better.
34:31That's sick.
34:31Why didn't I just...
34:32Look at that spin.
34:34That's all I've done today is like half a foot.
34:36Oh my God, Josh.
34:36Why did we do that?
34:37The logic was there, to be fair.
34:39I think I hit like anywhere here.
34:40You can place it wherever you want.
34:41Good boy.
34:43Do we call a Mulligan if it's half decent?
34:47I want to see him in the fucking bunker.
34:57Do it again, bad boy.
34:59He don't do that again.
35:00No way.
35:01He's got a different stance.
35:02Yeah, that's awful now.
35:06That's actually really good.
35:07Too bad, spin.
35:09He's actually cooked.
35:10Fair enough.
35:11Jesus Christ.
35:12Well done.
35:14They've had three.
35:15Little birds, Simon.
35:16Worst case, close enough that you can tap it in.
35:19They're putting for two.
35:21That was our third shot.
35:23To be fair, his first one was a little bit closer.
35:25Oh, fuck.
35:29Holy poly.
35:31I've really fucked that.
35:32Wait, we're actually in this.
35:34Oh my God, Josh.
35:35Wait, so that's...
35:35We've had two shots.
35:37This is your third shot and this is our fourth.
35:38I really fucked that, I'm sorry.
35:40Look, Kyle will get his in anyway.
35:41Yeah, we're not really...
35:41Yeah, I get it.
35:42I got excited for him.
35:43I hit that so soft, you know.
35:44You know what, take your shot because...
35:45Yeah, because then it's as it lies.
35:46Yeah, yeah.
35:47And you get this, we win anyway.
35:49Okay, fine.
35:49Yeah, you're getting.
35:52Oh my God.
35:53Hyden, Hyden, Hyden, Hyden.
35:54Join me, join me.
35:55Hyden, shame.
35:56If I've got the lines,
35:57Luke's has got nothing.
35:58That four's unbelievably coated.
36:00Right, to win the hole.
36:06See, I just want to use that for a moment.
36:08Because your shot was so good.
36:09Yeah, thank you.
36:09Your shot was so good.
36:10Thank you, thank you.
36:11You're three-two up into the final hole.
36:13And it means I can draw only.
36:16Me, Ram, DC, go.
36:18Par five.
36:19Is it?
36:20Ending on a little five.
36:21That's good.
36:27All right, I haven't hit one drive straight.
36:29Yeah, don't make it happen now.
36:31Wait, where is straight?
36:32Make it happen.
36:32Yeah, where is straight?
36:36Oh my God.
36:36That's a great drive.
36:37Best of the day.
36:42Oh, amazing.
36:42Oh, no, no, no.
36:44I wouldn't.
36:44Par five.
36:45Should we just let it run?
36:46I don't know where it is.
36:47Oh, okay.
36:47Yeah, I wouldn't call it.
36:49A great drive.
36:49I forgot that's the video.
36:51I don't even know where the line is.
36:54Where's the hole?
36:54To the left.
36:56I actually wanted to curl that.
36:57Wait, is the hole to the left or the right?
37:01And there's water somewhere.
37:03In the middle, apparently.
37:11By the way, the fact that you didn't call Mulligan on my drive is crazy.
37:15Especially after that as well.
37:16No, it's par five though, so.
37:18I don't know where it is.
37:19It's either fucked or it's gone over.
37:20No, no, no.
37:21As in Simon's, I don't know.
37:22Simon's went dead straight like down there.
37:24But is it not right?
37:25No, no, no.
37:26Dead straight.
37:27Is the hole not right?
37:29Okay, by the way, boys, do you want Mulligan, man?
37:30Because if that got over there, it's probably onward for the game.
37:33Oh, no, I'm happy for you to have that.
37:35Okay, thank you.
37:36That'll drop fine, mate.
37:37Bro, the fact that they didn't mulligan that is insane.
37:39That's one of the best drives I've ever hit.
37:41Yeah, no, I think I said it, and then after I said it, I was like,
37:43fuck, I forgot the video we were recording.
37:46They believe that we've had a faux pas there by not calling Mulligan.
37:49It's par five, so I don't want to do it on the tee again.
37:53I want to keep it in check because we keep wasting ours.
37:55I want to have it available for us.
37:57But it was a very good drive, though.
37:58Great drive from Simon, but you know.
38:00I just don't know where the hole is.
38:01I didn't see where it landed.
38:03It might be fucked.
38:04No, I think it's in a very good spot.
38:06It's a very good spot, but what I'm saying is,
38:07I'm saying I'd rather use it on a chip, you know,
38:09because I want to see how the hole plays out.
38:12Well, an easy win.
38:14You've won both videos today.
38:17We haven't won yet.
38:18Can we chill out?
38:18We've won.
38:19Don't do this because, you know,
38:21you did the pars and stuff.
38:22You're always like, oh, we've won this hole.
38:24Too far.
38:25Too far.
38:25It went further than this, boys.
38:27It went further than this.
38:28No, no, that's it, that's it, that's it.
38:30No, don't let them bet you like that.
38:32It's where it goes out of the red stakes.
38:33It might be over, you know.
38:35All right, Josh, come on, smoke them.
38:37Where's the hole?
38:38What are you boys doing up here?
38:39You guys want to go a little bit further?
38:42Can we?
38:43You think Randy drove it this far?
38:44I did.
38:46Absolutely not.
38:47He's very convinced he did, so I just...
38:48My drive went there,
38:49and that's one of the best drives I've ever hit in my life.
38:51All right, Josh, take your shirt from where?
38:52I don't know where it got going.
38:54Brandy hits it 40 yards.
38:56I think Randy just wants to get stepped in,
38:57because this is absurd.
38:59The fact that he's looking there.
39:04I think it's gone.
39:06But I think there's more parts where I need to hit it from.
39:08From here, Josh, it's fine.
39:09I think you've gained some yardage, yeah, but it's fine.
39:12Go on, take it.
39:13I know what that's like.
39:14Go on, take it.
39:15Miles, it was a great drive.
39:16Was it from here to your ball pit?
39:17You know what?
39:17We'll let Randy have this one.
39:18It was a great drive, boys.
39:20Have you still got...
39:23Sorry, he's thrown it another 10 yards.
39:25You're like a goalkeeper, you see it?
39:26You throw it out.
39:28They do that in football, don't they?
39:29They do that.
39:29You got this, Josh.
39:30Josh Yerker.
39:36Oh, yeah, I think that went 400 yards.
39:43So it's a drop again from over here.
39:44That was again?
39:45You know why I wasn't fan of it?
39:46It was a good drive.
39:47It'd be back there.
39:48It's a great drive.
39:48You didn't even see how good it was.
39:50You're all yapping.
39:51It's a little stinger, man.
39:52Yeah, mine's in here.
39:55My ball's in here, so we got to drop for five here.
39:59You got Simon?
40:01Are you sure that's yours?
40:03Could it be mine?
40:06You've had one.
40:08We've had four.
40:10We've got a mulligan on them.
40:12Yeah, I don't think that's going to help us much, but we'll try.
40:13Yeah, we'll have a mulligan on you.
40:15Yeah, but you don't need it because our shots are average.
40:17We have to hit good shots, really.
40:19Go on, Cal.
40:19Average at best.
40:20Come on.
40:21I feel like I fucked up that six.
40:22How did I fuck up the six?
40:23Yeah, you just shit me.
40:24Yeah, facts.
40:25No, I'm joking.
40:26You're not really.
40:26I'm going to compress this one for you, Simon.
40:28Oh, in a water, then.
40:29He's topping this, by the way.
40:29Yeah, I know.
40:30Toppy, toppy.
40:33There, fucks.
40:34Good shot.
40:35Hold on.
40:36That's probably one of the best shots I've done.
40:38That's perfect.
40:39That is perfect.
40:41You see that compression?
40:42Is it in there or not?
40:43Can we go and check?
40:45You can't check.
40:45You've got to call it or not.
40:47I can't water it.
40:48No, it's not, it's not.
40:50It's island green.
40:51Don't leave it.
40:52It's fine.
40:53Should I not have it in, Josh?
40:56Yeah, great.
41:00Did anyone see the compression on that ball?
41:02I don't know what that means.
41:03So it was a 9-iron, so it's supposed to go like that,
41:05but I kept it down and therefore it's travelled further distance.
41:08So why don't you just use a lower club?
41:12I don't know.
41:15Randy, just know that even if you hit a good shot, we'll call Mulligan.
41:24I think I'll let him have it, you know?
41:25Yeah, I'll let him have that.
41:27Good approach shot.
41:27That's good, that's good, that's good.
41:28100 yards at a time.
41:29Yeah, yeah, yeah.
41:30Wait, 120, perfect distance.
41:31Pitch range, look at that.
41:32There's a water there.
41:33We're approaching.
41:34Yep, we're going to beat them.
41:35We are.
41:36I don't think we are, but I'm happy to be involved.
41:39He's in the water.
41:40I think they might be.
41:40This might be in the water.
41:41I know, 100%.
41:42I hit it so clean.
41:46We really haven't driven that far.
41:48There, that's it.
41:49That's it.
41:50That's it, yeah.
41:53Randy, where are you going?
41:53They're there, check.
41:54For fuck's sake.
41:56For fuck's sake.
41:57Out of bounds.
41:57Out of bounds, though.
41:58No, not red stick.
42:00It's behind red stick.
42:01Red stick.
42:02That just means you can't take a cut.
42:05I'd be dead.
42:07Do you want to do a boxing match?
42:09Do we actually make it to the ring?
42:15I get a sidemen three months off camp.
42:17And one mil each to actually probably…
42:19We don't fight.
42:20Yeah, we don't fight.
42:21No, no, no, but we get in and then…
42:23You don't get one mil for five looks.
42:25It's very true.
42:28How's that?
42:30It's got over.
42:30Water splash.
42:33Is that…
42:34What are you on, mate?
42:35Yeah, eight, nine minutes.
42:39All right, Josh, good game.
42:40Josh, good game, mate.
42:42Josh, mate, please.
42:45I can't hit the ball anymore.
42:46I forgot to say go.
42:46Josh, please, please.
42:47Hang on, wait, hang on.
42:50Josh, please.
42:54Yeah, well done.
42:54Good game, good game.
42:57I've lost two balls.
42:57Shit thing to end on.
42:59Oh, mate.
43:00Oh, man, Josh.
43:01Get me back into my winter arc, man.
43:02How many shots have you had?
43:04How many shots have I had?
43:05We've had three drops.
43:06So you went your drive, drop, Josh's shot.
43:10That was my fifth shot, it was Randy's pitch.
43:14And then that was the sixth shot.
43:16Next shot, seven.
43:16And we dropped, so next shot is eight, no?
43:18Next shot, seven.
43:19Randy hit, took a drop.
43:21Josh hit, did you take a drop from that?
43:24So then Randy did the pitch there, then you just hit that.
43:26Got a drop again now.
43:27So that was your sixth.
43:28Yeah, and we got a drop.
43:29For seven.
43:30Who wants to give you a mulligan for that shot?
43:33I want it to remain close.
43:34Oh, I'd always take it.
43:40He didn't take two shots before.
43:42And it's in the water again.
43:46Look, can I do a mulligan?
43:48No, shut up.
43:49I'll hit it properly.
43:50I was laughing earlier.
43:51You're not getting a chance now.
43:52He's going in the water.
43:53Hey, Simon's going in the water, though.
43:55Let's get a bird, Simon.
43:56Oh, you're stunk up the gap.
43:58I especially stunk up the gap here.
43:59Should we do a bunker off?
44:04Oh, my God.
44:05You've given me a chance.
44:08I already had the ball in my hand.
44:10You hit the ball down, by the way.
44:11Yeah, but hold on, Simon.
44:12Did you presume that we're going to shout mulligan?
44:14Yeah, because you're really predictable.
44:17Hold on, that's not nice.
44:18He's got you there.
44:20Even the crew are laughing.
44:22Yeah, look, fuck off.
44:26Just joking, mate.
44:28Oh, a little bit out, but yeah, mulligan.
44:35Do it again.
44:36Go on.
44:37Yeah, go on.
44:37You've got to keep saying it.
44:40Bro's flexing on us.
44:41It's crazy.
44:51They're all together.
44:52Each one counts the shot, by the way.
44:55Bro's class.
45:06Please, man.
45:08I just don't shout, no matter what.
45:12Good boy.
45:15No, you're class.
45:16Fair play.
45:17That was actually good.
45:18Fair play.
45:19That's five in a row.
45:21Yeah, respect.
45:22Get on the PGA.
45:23Just do it quick, you might as well.
45:26Yeah, lovely.
45:32So what is it, like nine to win?
45:35Yeah, but also, make this birdie.
45:37Come on.
45:38Hold on, didn't you take five shots, Simon?
45:40Yeah, they were reverse mulligans, though.
45:42That's what we've been doing for this video.
45:45Just joking.
45:46Boys, lock in.
45:48This is for a birdie?
45:49Look, you put this in, I'll give you literally 500 pounds.
45:52500 pounds?
45:54Air shake.
45:55All right, kick this in.
45:57I'm taking it.
45:57Please do.
45:58No, go for it, go for it.
45:59500 quid.
45:59Simon, I'll bet you 500 pounds it goes in.
46:03Randy is giving me 500 pounds if this goes in the hole.
46:13It turned a bit on that bone.
46:15Right, you guys got a seven putt this to win.
46:19To win.
46:20Where are you aiming?
46:21I don't know.
46:21Doesn't matter where he's aiming, he's got seven putts.
46:25Walk it in.
46:27Now look.
46:28To win the game?
46:29Oh, he looked.
46:33Fair play.
46:33Firm handshake.
46:35Good game, guys.
46:36Good game.
46:36Good game.
46:37Good game.
46:37Try and find your best brother, but better luck next time.
46:40We would like to formally apologize for our performance.
46:42Yeah, sorry, guys.
46:43Excuse me, it was 4-2.
46:44I haven't been playing golf at all, but I'll get back to playing again soon
46:47so we can make some improvements for the next videos.
46:49Little bitch like you are, wow.
46:51Just commit to it, just firm to it.
46:52None of us have been playing except Lux, he's had 32 lessons.
46:55Yeah, minus 30.
46:56So two.
46:57You nerd.
46:58Big nerd.