If Trump's speaking, he's lying... shocking
00:00That was still an extremely dishonest speech. I counted at least 13 flat false claims,
00:05and that is a preliminary count that doesn't include a whole bunch of additional misleading
00:08or uncorroborated claims. He, for example, repeated his false claim that foreign countries
00:13like China pay his tariffs, though Americans make those tariff payments. He wildly exaggerated
00:18figures on inflation and immigration under President Biden. He claimed to have terminated
00:22something called the Green New Scam, even though the Green New Deal congressional resolution was
00:26never actually passed, and Trump has not repealed the big environmental law that President Biden
00:31did pass. There's a lot more. As you said, you can read our full list on CNN.com. But now I want
00:36to go into detail on an important and eye-catching claim that was highly misleading. The president
00:40talked at length about millions of people being listed as alive in a Social Security database,
00:46even though they're obviously dead. Listen. 3.9 million people from ages 130 to 139.
00:573.5 million people from ages 140 to 140. And money is being paid to many of them
01:08because it just keeps getting paid and paid and nobody does. And it really hurts
01:14Social Security and hurts our country. And one person is listed at 360 years of age,
01:22more than a hundred years older than our country. I've spoken to conservative experts about this
01:29claim and they've noted, Jake, that the president is leaving out something absolutely critical to
01:32understanding this issue. Here's what he failed to explain. These numbers are not the numbers of
01:37dead people who are actually getting paid Social Security checks. Trump was referring to a legitimate
01:42problem with some deaths not being marked in the Social Security database, but that doesn't mean
01:46people listed as being 150, 200, 300 are actually getting money. And that's because Social Security
01:52already has a system in place to automatically cut off people who are listed as being 115 or older.
01:58Now, two years ago, an inspector general looked into this. She found there were about 19 million
02:02people, a hundred or older who were not marked as deceased. But critically, she also found that only
02:0744,000 of these people were actually receiving payments. And one conservative expert told me
02:11even those 44K are likely legit payments since at the time there were about 86,000 living Americans
02:18age 100 or older. Now let's listen to something the president said about the war in Ukraine.
02:22Europe has sadly spent more money buying Russian oil and gas than they have spent on defending
02:29Ukraine by far. Think of that. They've spent more buying Russian oil and gas than they have
02:36defending. And we've spent perhaps 350 billion dollars like taking candy from a baby. That's
02:44what happened. And they've spent a hundred billion dollars. Those are fictional numbers and this is
02:51a fictional narrative. President Trump keeps telling the story about how the U.S. has sent
02:54Ukraine way more than Europe has collectively. In fact, Europe has committed and provided more aid
03:00to Ukraine during this war than the U.S. has. So Trump said the U.S. has spent maybe 350 billion
03:06and Europe a hundred billion. Well, a German think tank that closely tracks this issue found the U.S.
03:11has committed about 126 billion, actually allocated about 121 billion, so way less than 350 billion.
03:17He said Europe has spent a hundred billion, while the think tank found Europe had committed
03:21263 billion, so way more, actually allocated about 140 billion. Now you can get different numbers
03:28with different counting methodologies, but nobody legitimate, even the U.S. government itself,
03:32has gotten anywhere close to that 350 billion figure that President Trump keeps using, Jake.