Josh et Cornelia Schrebnick, quadragénaires new-yorkais, mènent une existence plutôt heureuse, même si Josh ne parvient toujours pas à terminer un documentaire sur lequel il travaille depuis des années. Leur vie bascule quand ils croisent le chemin de Jamie et Darby, un couple qui n'a pas atteint la trentaine. Enthousiastes et inventifs, les jeunes gens séduisent immédiatement Josh et Cornelia, qui passent de plus en plus de temps avec eux, délaissant leurs amis de toujours. Un jour, dans un café, Josh et Jamie croisent Leslie, le père de Cornelia, un personnage important du milieu culturel new-yorkais...
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00:00We're the boring couple with a baby. What have you guys been doing? Tell us something fun.
00:04Oh, we met this interesting couple, Jamie and Darby. He's a young documentarian, and she makes ice cream.
00:10I don't know what to make of them, honestly. I like her.
00:13They make everything. It's infectious. For about 12 hours, I thought I could build my own desk.
00:19There's something about being around them that energizes you, you know?
00:22How old are they?
00:24Twenty-five, twenty...
00:25Twenty-six, twenty-seven?
00:26They're children!
00:27Yeah, nine years ago, they couldn't vote.
00:29But they're married.
00:30You should see this guy's record collection. It's Jay-Z, it's Thin Lizzy, it's Mozart.
00:35His taste is democratic. It's the Goonies and it's Citizen Kane.
00:38They don't distinguish between high and low. It's wonderful.
00:41When did the Goonies become a good movie?
00:42I've learned along the way you can discover more by allowing yourself to be surprised by what you encounter.
00:46What kind of class is this again?