• 2 days ago
Why is there a serious lack of electric vehicles chargers in the UK, and would this stop you from getting an electric car?
00:00I wouldn't, just for the fact that my friend, she lives in London and has to come up to Sunderland for uni
00:09and she says that they have to stop in Hull every time so they could charge their thing and then go up again
00:15I'm like, no, when I can just do it in one go with diesel
00:18A lot of them have gone down in price a lot and people are still not interested so that just says it all
00:23People prefer to stick to what they're used to but possibly having more chargers and making life a bit easier for people
00:29because you can only go at a certain speed on the motorway before your car runs out
00:34I wouldn't switch to EV until there are more plentiful charging points out and about
00:41and the price of the vehicles go down to make them more realistically affordable
00:47because I would hate to think that I was out driving about and I couldn't find someone to charge and I was stuck
00:53But if it was accessible, if it was affordable and realistic then I would gladly do so
