00:00So he feels lied to, he feels misled, which, look, I think Breslau and Cora and everybody
00:06else should have done a better job of keeping Devers in the loop and saying, hey, you know what?
00:11We're in on this guy. He's going to be our third base. But like, they needed to communicate that
00:15better. But at the end of the day, tough. It's professional sports. You're getting your contract
00:19either way. Oh, by the way, you suck at third base. This guy's better than you. The team has
00:24sucked when you've been at third base. So I know it's not ideal, Rafi. I know we told you before
00:29we weren't going to bring in Bregman. We weren't going to bring in Arenado. We thought maybe there
00:33wasn't anything to it. Turns out John Henry decided he actually wanted to spend money.
00:37We didn't think he would. And now he's going to be our third baseman. Sorry if you feel lied to,
00:42but that's the situation. You've got to deal with it. And what he did is he considered demanding
00:46a trade in the offseason. But I mean, what's the point of lying to him? I don't really get it.
00:52So like, hey, keep him at ease. And we're going to, we're going to not sign. Even though all
00:55offseason long, I think we just answered it. Those two names. Why? They probably didn't believe at
00:59the end of the day, Henry was going to spend the money. So maybe it was that, but I feel like
01:02everybody else, we talked about Bregman and Arenado all off season. Those names came up all
01:07the time. And there were reporters like Ken Rosenthal being like Bregman might play second
01:11base. Like that name didn't go away. And so it was, unless Devers just had his head in the sand
01:17on it, he must've been like, there's something here guys. There's something here. I just think
01:21if Breslow and Cora were lying to him the whole time, it does make sense why he reacted the way
01:27that he did. That wasn't, that was more of a message to those guys. And maybe even in the
01:32back of his mind, he's like, yeah, I'll DH, I'm making $30 million. I will do that. But I feel
01:37like you guys, yeah. Kind of like, why did you guys have to do that? Why did you tell me that
01:42you weren't doing that? Because it came across, you know, pretty outrageous for a guy that did
01:46want at adds to the team. You want good players in here. You want her to compete again. They do
01:52that. But if the whole time they're like, don't worry about the Bregman thing. Don't worry about
01:55the Bregman thing. Then they sign Bregman. And then he's being asked about it. Yeah. He's probably
01:59pissed at Cora and Breslow, or at least the guys that whoever lied to him, he's gotta be mad at