En este último capítulo del reality se vivieron dos finales.
00:00This journey and this adventure will be difficult for many of you.
00:09Welcome to Win or Serve!
00:13Let's go back in time. Are you ready for what's coming?
00:19Two teams will be formed.
00:22One team will be named the Sovereigns.
00:27The other?
00:28The Resistance.
00:29Who will take a new victory?
00:31Who will be able to define their servants?
00:46Let's eat everyone!
00:48It's delicious!
00:54Help me, help me, help me!
01:00Thank you!
01:01Let's go!
01:06In the next few hours, Oriana vs. Rai.
01:10Then Pancho vs. Epangal.
01:15You said nine years undefeated, that no man was born to defeat you.
01:18Here it is! Here it is, Papito!
01:20I feel, above all things, the responsibility of giving people what they are waiting for.
01:26Do you know what the difference is?
01:27You're going to have to train like never before.
01:30I'm only going to train to beat you.
01:32And that's why I'm going to beat you.
01:33I'm going to give everything you know, but this time I'm going to have to train.
01:36We're going to the final, Pancho!
01:38The best final in the history of reality shows.
01:41I'm going to give everything to make it the best final of reality shows.
01:46A duel of titans!
01:51We just want to invite you to fully enjoy this adventure.
01:55Watch out here.
01:56I'm telling you, don't underestimate me.
01:58And at the end of the road, let's find out who deserves to be known as the great winner of winning or serving.
02:04I want to see you! The undefeated nine-year-old champion! I want to see you!
02:29It's simply incredible.
02:32We are here.
02:33We are here.
02:34In this moment, in this place, with all of you at home and with all of us here, live and in person.
02:41That's right, Sergio.
02:42Finally, finally, this long-awaited night has arrived.
02:46The great final night.
02:48That's right, ladies and gentlemen.
02:50A chapter, the last chapter that we will write together.
02:53So get ready, because this fantastic story, this wonderful story, begins to write its last lines.
03:00Sergio, to all those present and to all of you at home,
03:04welcome to the great final night of winning or serving.
03:11Back to the past!
03:22It's extremely exciting.
03:24We are at the top, Sergio.
03:26We are enjoying this night.
03:28And look where we are standing.
03:30No, it's amazing where we are, but it's amazing the view we will have next.
03:35That's right, Sergio.
03:36Tonight, first of all, we are going to greet this audience that we can't, we can't stop hugging.
03:43They have come to support all of their participants, the duelists, the fans of Pangal.
03:49The fans of Pancho, of course.
03:51Also the fans of Oriana and Rai.
03:53On a night that is simply fantastic because we are going to live the grand final.
03:58Of course, these two competitions, but followed.
04:01There, very close, the first chapter of our new adventure is coming.
04:05Word of honor, loyalty, betrayal.
04:07Immediately after this fascinating day.
04:11That is, it is a night of high impact, shocking.
04:15And we hope that you will accompany us from beginning to end.
04:18How is this wonderful audience?
04:20Thank you for being here.
04:22We are in this incredible place where in the next few minutes these two great titans will face each other.
04:29On one side, Pancho Rodríguez, ladies and gentlemen, who has a bar here.
04:34And on the other side, Pangal Andrade.
04:36In the last great duel in which only one of them will raise his sword and crown himself as the great winner of this adventure.
04:44Win or serve.
04:45But the first versus will be starred by the favorites of our audience.
04:51A huge kiss to you who were voting every day, month to month.
04:55That is, today Oriana and Rai will have to face each other.
04:59The one who wins will receive a spectacular prize, Sergio.
05:03Ay, ay, ay.
05:04We are going to receive them immediately because we want to live tonight the preliminary duel.
05:08Ladies and gentlemen, with you come the favorites of the audience, the ones chosen by the respectable.
05:13With you, Oriana Marsoli and Raymundo Cerda.
05:23They are coming there.
05:24There we see them.
05:25Good evening.
05:29While we see the entrance of these great fighters, we only separate for a few seconds to return with this final night.
05:36Win or serve.
05:47It is the moment, it is the preliminary moment, the first competition of this great final night of win or serve.
05:54That's right.
05:55The arena of duel is made to feel.
05:57There is expectation, the cry of the public.
06:00But we are here to witness the versus between two greats.
06:04Oriana Marsoli, Raymundo Cerda.
06:08With all this night.
06:09And remember that after the grand final, we have the first chapter, the premiere of the word of honor.
06:15Guys, today they come to compete with everything, but there is a great prize for you, for the one who manages to win.
06:23A special prize, without a doubt, that of course will come to you in grace, because it is a fantastic trip.
06:28You go to Cancun with all the expenses paid.
06:30It's wonderful.
06:31But for that, first we have to see what happens in this duel.
06:34Oriana, good night.
06:36A big round of applause for Miss Marsoli, present in body and soul with us.
06:41Thank you, thank you.
06:42Let's see, Oriana, you are the chosen one by the public.
06:45Hundreds of thousands of people voted for you from different parts of the planet.
06:48Do you feel that responsibility?
06:50How do you want to look tonight in this competition?
06:52First of all, I wanted to thank the public, because if not, I would not be here with Ray.
06:57It is an honor that the public constantly votes for you and to have received so many planes.
07:01Thank you, thank you, you are historical.
07:03That is the first and foremost.
07:05Second, I wanted to say hello to the family group out there, who are close but far at the same time.
07:11And third, I am very excited to have arrived with Ray, who is a person I adore.
07:17So I will be happy, whoever wins, because he really is a super friend of mine.
07:22Let's see, winning or losing tonight for you, what is the key?
07:25Are you coming to win, Oriana?
07:27Man, I'm coming to win, of course, but ...
07:31You already won a final.
07:32But ... yes, no, already ...
07:35Look at your fist.
07:36There is the fanatic.
07:41Win then, win tonight.
07:44Yes, win, win, uncle.
07:45But hey, if I don't win, then that's it, what are we going to do?
07:48You're going to make me cry in front of everyone.
07:50No, it's not a night to cry, it's a night to celebrate.
07:54Because we are extremely excited, especially taking the words of Raymundo,
07:58who on many occasions said that he wanted to win, he wanted to reach the final.
08:03And you are here, Ray, thanks to your audience, to what you generate, to how they love you.
08:08Where is Ray's bar?
08:10There it is.
08:11There is his mother, friends.
08:14Raymundo, you are already here.
08:17You arrived with the love of the public.
08:19How are you living this moment?
08:21Incredible too.
08:22First of all, all the things to thank the public,
08:24that thanks to them we are here, thanks to their votes,
08:26to what they saw of us, they have also been able to serve.
08:29And what I said to Oriana, in the end, she won, I won.
08:32We get along incredibly, we build a very beautiful friendship, very true.
08:37And also, if I beat Oriana, I would be beating the best competitor,
08:41woman of all realities, without a doubt.
08:43Thank you, thank you.
08:46It is also an honor, it would be an honor.
08:48So let's give it to both of them.
08:50Well, I love those good words, the good feelings,
08:54but why should you win this versus, Raymundo Cerda?
08:59Because, well, if the public wanted it that way,
09:02I'm going to give them what they ask for and I'm going to win this competition.
09:05I'm going to give it all.
09:06Ladies and gentlemen, we are going to prepare,
09:09because we have this great duel in the next few seconds.
09:13So we are ready for that.
09:15We are very prepared.
09:17We are going to invite you next to observe the characteristics.
09:20But before ...
09:21Before we have something else.
09:22Oh yes, before that.
09:25Tell them that the winner of this versus is going on a trip.
09:30That's right, with some well-deserved vacations to the Mexican Caribbean.
09:34To Cancun, a trip for two people with everything included.
09:38Thanks to the experts, Viajes Falabella.
09:41Very good, thanks Falabella.
09:43Get ready, ladies and gentlemen.
09:44Is the audience ready?
09:46At home?
09:47Are you sure you are ready?
09:48Our participants are getting ready.
09:50In the meantime, let's observe the characteristics of this competition.
09:56The objective of the game of the public's favorite is to rescue three bayonets
10:00that are arranged in three towers along the curved tunnel with obstacles.
10:04The participants will enter the curved tunnel
10:06and will have to remove all the pipes to clear their way and reach the first tower,
10:11remove their first bayonet and return to pack it in a chest.
10:16They will achieve this in search of the second bayonet,
10:18entering the curved tunnel again,
10:20clearing elements that block access to the second tower,
10:23where they will have to return to leave the second bayonet.
10:27Finally, when they rescue their third bayonet,
10:29they will return by the conduit and said bayonet will enable them to open the chest
10:33where they will release a bag with pieces of a puzzle.
10:36They will have to put it together on a board arranged in the same game.
10:39The first participant to achieve it will be crowned as the great favorite to win or serve.
10:51Very good, we lived a night simply stellar,
10:54a night through the screens of 3,
10:56the channel of the Honored Realities,
10:58all of us who are part of this great story
11:00and today we wrote the last great chapter.
11:03That's right, there is expectation in the arena of duel.
11:06We remember, indeed, that we are already with the transmission
11:10of our new experience, word of honor.
11:12But now Oriana and Rai must defend,
11:15they must show that they are made a great prize.
11:18Only one will be the winner.
11:20Let's go then, we ask them right away.
11:24Let's see, Raimundo, are you ready?
11:27Oriana, are you ready?
11:29So, let's get ready.
11:31We say it together.
11:32That's right!
11:333, 2, 1, let's go!
11:37The preliminary duel begins then,
11:40in this great final night of winning or serving.
11:43An exciting game between the two chosen,
11:46the favorite fans of the respectable,
11:48who, through their vote,
11:50decided that Oriana and Raimundo
11:52will face in this great battle,
11:54the last of both in this game,
11:57called winning or serving.
11:59This is one of the most exhausting stages,
12:02and it's just the first one.
12:04They must take out 100 sticks,
12:08each on his side,
12:10to be able to advance inside this tunnel.
12:13It seems easy, Sergio,
12:15but the feat is really exhausting.
12:18It's an exhausting and desperate exercise.
12:21There are only a few tubes
12:23that have to go up
12:25to be able to enter the next phase.
12:27Be careful, there are 100 in each phase,
12:29200 for each, 400 in total,
12:32in a test in which the objective
12:34is to pick up three swords
12:36and put them in the chest
12:37that is in the center of the structure.
12:39Apparently, they would go almost in a draw,
12:42but it's Oriana who already has very few sticks left.
12:45Rai is still very trapped.
12:47He's already released.
12:48Oriana starts to go up,
12:50and in this way,
12:51she gets her first sword.
12:53Meanwhile, Rai is a little further back.
12:55It's already Oriana who comes out
12:57of the mouse trap
12:59and places the first sword.
13:01Raimundo also comes out of the mouse trap,
13:03enters and goes for the first
13:05of his three swords.
13:07There, he quickly wants to get in line
13:09with his opponent.
13:10In this opportunity,
13:11Rai is fast, they are tied,
13:13but now Oriana does her thing with the cubes.
13:16We continue.
13:17This is the night,
13:18the great final night of win or serve.
13:20This is the preliminary competition.
13:23Small, compact, very fast.
13:25Oriana is taking out all the cubes.
13:28Oriana is advancing faster.
13:31However, Rai is also advancing with desire.
13:36There is a journey in between,
13:37but Sergio, the honor above all things.
13:40It's amazing,
13:41We also have Luis Mateucci here,
13:43very close to us,
13:44who gives Vítores to Oriana,
13:46the guide, as if he were the captain
13:48of this participant.
13:50Without a doubt, Oriana is doing a very good job,
13:52but you are getting tired at this moment
13:54by Rai.
13:55Technically, a spiritual draw between both participants.
13:58One of three swords,
13:59each in its power.
14:01This is shocking.
14:04So far, we can't know
14:06who is going to get
14:08that grand final prize.
14:11We are advancing,
14:12observing from the edge of the duel field
14:15in this first versus.
14:17The chosen ones of our audience.
14:19There we are.
14:20We are still living the grand final
14:22of win or serve.
14:23Final night live and live via satellite
14:26through the screens of 13.
14:27Oriana has the second sword.
14:29Rai is also going up
14:30and also has the second.
14:32This is hot
14:33because we can't define
14:34who would be the winner.
14:35With a few meters of distance,
14:37Oriana advances.
14:38Only a few meters of distance.
14:40Raimundo also installs his second sword.
14:42Oriana Marzolli begins to take out the sticks.
14:45All the speed.
14:47I don't know how they don't run out.
14:48It's the adrenaline.
14:49It's the desire to win.
14:50And it's also the desire to go
14:52on a well-deserved vacation.
14:54Raimundo doing his own thing.
14:55How the sticks fly!
14:57Oriana with the blues.
14:58Raimundo with the reds.
15:00Ay, ay, ay, he lives it.
15:01Yes, this is the channel of the realities.
15:03This is Channel 13
15:04through your screen,
15:05through all of our platforms.
15:07This is the preliminary night.
15:08In the next few minutes,
15:09Pangal is coming.
15:11Pangal is coming.
15:12Pancho is coming.
15:13Pancho is coming.
15:14And then,
15:15the first episode of
15:16Word of Honor,
15:17Loyalty or Betrayal.
15:18We continue through 13.
15:20And there are the two participants
15:21with a few meters,
15:22or a few centimeters,
15:23I would say,
15:24of advantage.
15:25Oriana, as you say,
15:26is small,
15:27is fast,
15:28is compact.
15:29But Rai doesn't want to give up.
15:31In this case, partner,
15:33in this case,
15:34I want to tell you that
15:35Oriana is
15:38taking out,
15:39on this occasion,
15:40she already has the third sword,
15:41while her boyfriend,
15:42Facundo, supports her.
15:43Facundo González,
15:44giving shouts,
15:46but Oriana is
15:48She has the third sword,
15:49ladies and gentlemen,
15:50this is going to close,
15:51this is going to be defined.
15:52The third sword,
15:53Oriana installs it.
15:54And now comes
15:55the next phase,
15:56comes the puzzle.
15:57In this game,
15:58not everything is so simple,
15:59not everything is so easy.
16:00The competition continues
16:01here in Ganar o Servir.
16:03But Oriana Marsoli
16:04has stood out,
16:06for having the spark.
16:07She is Spanish,
16:08but she has the spark
16:09of the Chilean.
16:10We are observing here
16:11at the edge
16:12of the duel field
16:13how Oriana
16:14has already started
16:15to play with each
16:16of the pieces
16:17of this puzzle.
16:19Raimundo Cerda
16:20is still taking out
16:21the sticks,
16:22the red sticks.
16:23There it is.
16:24Oriana is very close
16:25to concretizing
16:26the puzzle phase.
16:27Only some details
16:28are what separate her
16:29from the victory.
16:30Be careful with...
16:31Look how the sticks
16:33You have to do...
16:34You have to put...
16:35You have to prevent
16:36the risk,
16:37ladies and gentlemen.
16:38But there is Oriana.
16:39Be careful.
16:40Be careful.
16:41There is Oriana.
16:42Be careful with the puzzle.
16:43She is about to finish it.
16:44There goes Raimundo
16:45for the third
16:46and last sword.
16:47Ladies and gentlemen,
16:48we have Oriana
16:50with all the pieces
16:51that come together
16:52in one hug.
16:53We have the winner
16:54of the preliminary.
16:55There she fell,
16:56ladies and gentlemen.
16:57Raimundo could not
16:59And Oriana Marzoli
17:00takes this victory
17:01in the preliminary
17:02of the final night
17:03in Ganaro Servir.
17:04Entering the duel field,
17:05Raimundo's mother.
17:07an extremely exciting
17:09After months
17:10in this extreme adventure,
17:11two great competitors.
17:12It is Oriana Marzoli,
17:13the winner
17:14of this first duel.
17:15A night
17:16of fantastic
17:18We are here
17:19in the center
17:20of the arena
17:21where the duel
17:22will take place.
17:23We are here
17:24in the center
17:25of the arena
17:26where the duel
17:27will take place.
17:28We are here
17:29in the center
17:30of the arena
17:31of this first
17:32versus one night
17:34Oriana is happy,
17:37Her boyfriend,
17:38her best friend
17:40Luis Mateucci
17:41in the game field.
17:42We are going
17:43to collect impressions
17:44while we are with
17:45Ray too.
17:46A big hug
17:47to Ray
17:48for the effort,
17:49for the desire.
17:51what a story.
17:52There are the cameras.
17:56A big applause
17:57for Oriana Barzolli.
18:01who is recovering
18:02her oxygen
18:03after an exciting
18:05Your first impression,
18:07Damn, wait.
18:15we are going to give them
18:16some water
18:17because there is a lot
18:18of dust here.
18:19I'm going to tell you
18:20the truth.
18:21I thought,
18:22I don't know why,
18:23I think some friends
18:24from Facu called me
18:25and said,
18:27you are recovering.
18:28And I saw,
18:29and I thought
18:30he was beating me.
18:31And when I left,
18:32sorry love,
18:33but it was not over yet
18:34and I said,
18:36this is my moment
18:37and that's why
18:38I relaxed with this.
18:39But I thought
18:40it was worse,
18:41the truth.
18:42The truth
18:43is that you already
18:47please join us
18:49we celebrate.
18:50Do you have a microphone
18:52What is your feeling?
18:53You did not achieve
18:54what you wanted
18:55to achieve.
18:58I freaked out,
18:59I was well locked,
19:00I got stuck in here,
19:01I did not look,
19:02I started to get the sticks,
19:03I tried to change
19:04the positions to see
19:05how I could get out
19:07but I got tangled,
19:08I got tangled,
19:09this guy beat me
19:10and congratulations,
19:12Great winner,
19:13great competitor
19:15of course.
19:16And here we have
19:17the prize,
19:18ladies and gentlemen,
19:19we are here
19:20for Oriana,
19:21who is going on vacation
19:22with Facu.
19:24This is a trip
19:25for two people,
19:26everything included
19:27for you to go
19:28to Cancun,
19:29to the Mexican Caribbean,
19:30thanks to the
19:31travel experts,
19:34a round of applause
19:35for the wonderful
19:38Thank you,
19:39thank you,
19:41thank you,
19:42thank you.
19:43Ladies and gentlemen,
19:44we return to give
19:45a big,
19:46big applause
19:47to Oriana,
19:50the great winner
19:51of this preliminary night
19:52of the duel,
19:53the great duel
19:54between Pangala Andrade
19:55and Pancho Rodríguez.
19:56A simply
19:57exciting situation.
19:58There are a few minutes
19:59left for the
20:00grand final prize
20:01of 20 million pesos
20:02to go.
20:0320 million pesos
20:04thanks to our game
20:05Win or Serve.
20:06Play with
20:08There are a few minutes
20:10and you can take
20:11the 20 million.
20:12Just like that,
20:14just to be a fan
20:15of our show.
20:16Play with
20:17the QR code
20:18now and we
20:19tell you,
20:20hold on,
20:21do whatever you
20:22have to do
20:23because later
20:24we invite you to
20:25eat on the screen
20:26with us.
20:27The great duel
20:28is coming.
20:29Pangala Andrade
20:30and Pancho Rodríguez
20:31are with us.
20:32Don't separate.
20:33This is the
20:34definitive moment
20:35of Win or Serve
20:36back to the past.
20:48who dared to say
20:49that television was dead
20:50to start
20:51this block,
20:52thank all
20:53the millions of people
20:54who are watching.
20:55This is the great
20:56final night
20:57of Win or Serve
20:58back to the past.
20:59An extraordinary
21:01that will come
21:03in the continuity
21:05our new reality
21:07Word of honor,
21:11Thank you,
21:13We are ready.
21:14We are dressed
21:15as it should be
21:16because this is
21:17a wonderful night.
21:18It has been crazy.
21:19Thank you for tuning in.
21:20And speaking
21:21of you,
21:22of our audience,
21:23remember that there are
21:24a few minutes left
21:25to win those
21:2620 million
21:27for you
21:31in our game.
21:32Of course,
21:33Win or Serve.
21:35you already know.
21:36Play with us now.
21:37You still have a few minutes
21:38and we're leaving
21:39with all those
21:4020 million.
21:41I'm nervous
21:42because they're coming,
21:43ladies and gentlemen.
21:44Without further ado,
21:45we want to tell you
21:46that they are already
21:47with us.
21:49We want to feel
21:50the energy
21:51of all those
21:52who are here
21:53in Lurin,
21:54Lima, Peru,
21:55but also those
21:56who are here
21:57from all over Chile.
21:58We present them.
21:59That's right.
22:01ladies and gentlemen,
22:02two winners
22:03of realities,
22:04two gladiators,
22:05two Chileans,
22:07they're coming
22:08to win,
22:09but only one
22:10is going to win.
22:11We welcome
22:14and Pancho
22:18Here they are.
22:19Here they come,
22:20our gladiators.
22:26What an incredible moment
22:27we're living.
22:29A hug.
22:31Nice to see you.
22:34What a joy.
22:35The time has come,
22:37This way,
22:38maestro, yes.
22:39Hey, that's crazy,
22:40I didn't hear anything.
22:41No, it's crazy,
22:42but we're living it
22:43together with you
22:44through the screens of 13.
22:45We're writing
22:46this last chapter.
22:47Let's ask him
22:48and let's see,
22:50because we're going
22:51to listen to the
22:52great gladiators.
22:53Give me a second
22:54so you can also
22:55listen to them.
22:56One second,
22:59welcome to
23:00the arena of mourning.
23:01The time has come,
23:02more than six months,
23:03you've been preparing,
23:04you have the desire,
23:05you have the grip,
23:06and we've always said
23:07you were the winner
23:08until you got
23:09the pitbull
23:10on the way.
23:12why are you going
23:13to win
23:16I'm going
23:17with everything,
23:18I trained a lot,
23:19I prepared a lot,
23:20I lost weight,
23:21because Pancho
23:22criticized me
23:23for losing weight,
23:24but I lost weight,
23:25I get faster
23:26and I believe
23:27in the story,
23:29with everything,
23:30we're going
23:31to die.
23:32You said
23:33with everything,
23:34for your audience,
23:35for you,
23:36for your fans,
23:38defends Pagal.
23:39For Chile,
23:40for so many reasons
23:41that each of you
23:42has to win
23:43this competition.
23:44Good evening,
23:45how are you
23:46at this moment?
23:47How do you feel
23:48in the first instance?
23:51I feel
23:52like I'm living
23:53a dream.
23:55being here,
23:56I entered a reality,
23:57very disconcerted,
23:58it was very hard
23:59to fit in
24:00with the guys,
24:01and today I'm here,
24:03in the final.
24:04You're in the final,
24:05but it's not
24:06a rare habit,
24:07you've been winning
24:08competitions like this
24:09for many years,
24:10you're a strategist,
24:11you're a fierce competitor,
24:12and of course,
24:13in that logic,
24:14what are your strengths
24:15and weaknesses?
24:16What are your strengths,
24:17what are the weaknesses
24:18of Pagal?
24:19I think that
24:20a weakness
24:21that I could say
24:22about Pagal
24:23would be that
24:24he's the favorite
24:26all the pressure
24:27is on him,
24:28I'm calm,
24:29I'm relaxed,
24:30my family is here,
24:31my friends are here,
24:33listen to me,
24:34I feel like a winner,
24:35I feel like a winner,
24:36I've met
24:37a lot of people,
24:38in all this process,
24:39they've written to me,
24:40school friends,
24:41I've met
24:42friends from school,
24:43I swear that
24:44I'm happy.
24:45It's the meeting
24:46with Chile,
24:47it's the meeting
24:48with a competitive,
24:52like this.
24:53That's right,
24:55the same thing
24:56I ask you,
24:57I'm going to ask
24:58for a little silence
24:59so that Pagal
25:01I'm going to
25:02come a little closer
25:03to you,
25:04you already know
25:05your opponent,
25:06you know
25:07what his
25:10his weaknesses,
25:11What are your strengths and what are Pancho's weaknesses?
25:14We never faced Pancho. We didn't even have a static competition.
25:19The only thing I know is that he's a legend here in Peru, he's a machine, he's super complete, I respect him a lot.
25:26And nothing, competing against him makes me happy and I wish him the best and I go with all my heart.
25:31What are your weaknesses, Pangal?
25:33What are your weaknesses?
25:35My weaknesses?
25:36No, Pancho's.
25:37Pancho's? I think he's very complete, Pancho, and he doesn't have many weaknesses, that's why he's a great rival.
25:45He's a very complete rival and, as I told you...
25:48A rival to fear?
25:49A rival to fear, a lot, and we go with everything, Carlita.
25:52There is respect, there is appreciation. They are two competitors who, of course, want to give everything.
25:57But, let's see, you have talked about the condition of a favorite of Pangal.
26:01Why does that favor you in this opportunity, Pancho?
26:04And also, why is it so important for you to win this competition tonight?
26:08I say about the pressure that it is difficult because I have been a favorite a couple of times and feeling that pressure is difficult, it is not easy.
26:17Because, finally, one competes, those of us who like to compete, we compete for fun, but when you feel pressure and many things, the slope becomes a little more difficult.
26:25And I always compete for my daughters, for my family, for my friends, for my fans, for the people who are at home, for everyone.
26:33This is a show that we do for them.
26:35It is a wonderful show that was written through 135 chapters and today we wrote the last details, the last moments, the most important.
26:45What you are waiting for, what you accompanied for more than six months.
26:5025 participants, hundreds of evenings in which they took away so many moments, they gave us so many beautiful moments.
26:59Because, of course, we connect with the history of each of them.
27:02But also, I am going to give you another fact and to our public.
27:05163,000 minutes of transmission on all the platforms of El Trece with this wonderful program.
27:14And today comes to its end, the most important night.
27:19Two gladiators, two winners of reality, but today only one of them will be crowned as the great winner of win or serve.
27:30Only one is going to raise the sword, ladies and gentlemen.
27:33And you are experiencing it through the screens of El Trece.
27:36If there is any misguided, let him know.
27:39Let him connect with us because this is going to be a memorable day.
27:43We will talk for so long tonight.
27:46Let's talk, don't miss it.
27:49Obviously, I also want to tell you that everyone is watching your broadcast because we are with an incredible tuning.
27:55We want to thank you.
27:57We are going to go with the explanation of the game.
27:59But speaking of this test, you really can't miss it.
28:04With BTR, you can not only discover all the entertainment with the best streaming platforms included in your pack.
28:10Today, BTR also invites us to discover the grand final test that our finalists will have to draw.
28:16Pay close attention and prepare for the entertainment of this grand final, which will have the following test as a challenge.
28:23BTR, never stop discovering.
28:26The time has come, it's over.
28:28Out the seconds, ladies and gentlemen.
28:30We enter the competition.
28:32Next, so that everyone understands what this game is about, here is the explanation of it.
28:40The goal of the grand final of Win or Serve is to break a large concrete cube that has the key to open, at the top of the castle, the access door to the great sword.
28:50To rescue it, the finalists will have to make a long circuit inside this imposing coliseum of obstacles.
28:56The finalists will have to climb a 25-meter-long mesh, which leads to a platform where the coins are located, which they will have to rescue one by one.
29:05Then they will have to descend the tower until they find some heavy doors that they will have to lift to be able to advance and thus get off the structure.
29:13The finalists will have to carry their coins to the trolley to unlock it and that it can move in a circular way to fully open the access door to the water pit.
29:23Once the door is open, they will go to the pit and find a large block of concrete, which they will have to break with a large mallet to release a key that will serve to open a metal door at the top of the castle,
29:35where they will be able to access to lift the great sword and be honored as the great winner of Win or Serve.
29:43Win or Serve
29:49Yes! Yes! Yes! This is the moment! The precise moment has arrived! We have been waiting for so long!
29:56And here it is! Our gladiators are ready to live this competition that has taken your heart for so many months.
30:04Pangal vs Pancho
30:06That's right! This is crazy! And also what comes next of this great final.
30:11The first chapter of the premiere of Word, Honor, Loyalty and Tradition, which will start from the air at 10,000 feet high.
30:20A madness and an unmissable of this night.
30:23We are crazy and we are happy to do it and we want to immediately invite with this phenomenal noise of all the public present and your applause at home.
30:31Pangal Andrade, Pancho Rodríguez, I invite you to take your positions.
30:42Very good! Very good! We have, we must remember, 25 million pesos.
30:47For the winner! For the winner, of course!
30:49Only for the winner!
30:50Only for the winner!
30:51So many things are at stake here, but the most important thing is the desire to win.
30:55Honor, of course, is at stake.
30:57Well, are we ready or not?
30:58Let's go!
30:59And here, the sand is hot, the sand of duel, the great versus that you were waiting for.
31:05Pangal, are you ready? Pancho, are you ready?
31:10So, get ready!
31:13Three, two, one, let's go!
31:19Then begins this true odyssey.
31:23The goal, to assault the sword, the sword of winning or serving.
31:29To be able to lift it after an intense journey.
31:33They will have to be able to climb this structure, through these meshes, and then be able to open labyrinths,
31:40to be able to move forward in an adventure that we are going to tell you step by step.
31:45Each one of them has a coin in their power.
31:48We are here at the edge of the arena of duel, in this versus that has us all with the nerves of tip,
31:54and tell you, those of you who are at home watching it,
31:58that this will be a race of long breath, where Pangal already has his first coin.
32:03Pangal Andrade is already going down to the structure.
32:06Pangal Andrade is ahead of us.
32:08Meanwhile, Pancho is starting to climb the fence.
32:11Pancho climbs the fence, Pangal stretches with everything.
32:14Pangal takes some lead.
32:16They are meters apart from Rodríguez.
32:18Pangal then reaches the Troy.
32:21They have to open the Troy and deposit the coins.
32:24They will have to do this exercise six times.
32:27Six consecutive times.
32:29They will go to the top of the structure to collect the winning or serving coins,
32:33and then bring them to the Troy.
32:35You have to pay attention to this.
32:38Do you see a special vest?
32:40They are an extra weight vest.
32:42How many kilos?
32:44Ten extra kilos each of the competitors carry,
32:47making, of course, this test more difficult, more complex and also more painful.
32:52This is crazy.
32:53But there are two competitors who can carry that weight and more.
32:58Because you also have to have a lot of resistance.
33:01How do those lungs hold up?
33:02What did they eat?
33:03How many months did they train?
33:05We really watch them during all this time,
33:08how each of them delivers the best.
33:10Where Pangal goes with the second coin.
33:13Great expectation in this versus.
33:15The big final night.
33:17Incredible in the capacity, the resistance.
33:19Watch out for the jumps.
33:20Watch out for the weight.
33:21He already lifted the structures once again.
33:24He throws the second coin.
33:26Pangal taking distance from Pancho Rodríguez.
33:29It's Pangal who is going to deposit the second coin of six.
33:35Here we are, ladies and gentlemen.
33:37We continue to live with you.
33:39Win or lose.
33:40The big final night.
33:42The big final night of this competition through all the platforms of the 13.
33:47The channel of the realities.
33:48Pancho is going to deposit the second coin.
33:50Pancho has to hurry up or he will be left behind.
33:53But there is still a long story to tell.
33:56What I was telling you, Sergio.
33:57Indeed, we are in a duel that requires a lot of strength
34:03during the entire journey.
34:05Each of them carries a vest that weighs 10 kilos.
34:09In addition to all the cardio, which means going up that network,
34:13unhooking the coin.
34:15He is leading tonight.
34:16Pangal Andrade, who brought his whole family here to Lima, Peru.
34:21He already has the third coin.
34:22It is Pangal Andrade who begins to go down with the structure, Sergio.
34:26Clearly, Pancho, in this round, has recovered a few meters.
34:29It has to be easier with the coins.
34:31Or else this distance will grow step by step.
34:34Pangal opens the two porticos.
34:36He throws the other coin to the floor.
34:38Then he goes with his third coin.
34:41Taking distance from his opponent.
34:43It's Pangal.
34:44It's Pancho.
34:47Here they are, ladies and gentlemen.
34:49Face to face.
34:50And Pangal returns to restart.
34:52And Pancho is approaching.
34:54This is crazy.
34:56We are vibrating tonight.
34:59From the arena of pain, it is Pangal who already reaches the central platform.
35:04There is another network to go up to rescue.
35:07Another coin.
35:09There are six.
35:10Come on, ladies and gentlemen.
35:12There comes Pancho, lowering the structure.
35:14He is going to deposit another coin.
35:17Meanwhile, Pangal.
35:18There it is.
35:20Trying to get out quickly.
35:22The audience has gone crazy, Carla.
35:24Pancho already has the third coin.
35:27There it is.
35:28The audience continues to encourage the participants.
35:30There is nervousness, of course.
35:32But Pangal is keeping the distance until the minute.
35:35Pancho there doing an extensive, strong work.
35:38It is not easy to maintain control.
35:40In addition, with ten kilos in this sort of vest that covers the chest.
35:45There it goes.
35:46Pangal continues to advance.
35:47He raises one, two doors of the portico.
35:50He throws.
35:51He is brave, Pangal.
35:52He is not scared.
35:53And he already has his fourth coin.
35:57We see a little contracted, maybe, Pangal.
36:01Because there is fatigue.
36:02Despite the fact that they are months and months of training.
36:05But that vest of ten kilos.
36:08You have to have strength to continue advancing quickly.
36:12It goes up in the network.
36:13How marathon what they are doing.
36:15How epic.
36:16How historical.
36:17Two winners of reality.
36:19We are watching them on the screens of El Trece.
36:23Pangal goes in search of the penultimate coin.
36:27Sergio Lagos.
36:29Everything until the minute.
36:30So, Pangal would be managing to keep a considerable distance.
36:34One more or less lap.
36:36Because Pancho Rodríguez is taking out his fourth coin.
36:40Pangal goes for the fifth.
36:42We are, ladies and gentlemen, living this.
36:44The grand final of win or serve.
36:46Back to the past.
36:47Through the screens of El Trece.
36:49In a little while.
36:50In a few more minutes.
36:51When this has already been resolved.
36:53When we know who raises the sword.
36:55Word of honor.
36:56What a betrayal.
36:57The new reality of El Trece, damn it.
37:00Come on, come on, guys.
37:03This is a great show.
37:05The one we are watching tonight from the arena of duel.
37:08With this kind of coliseum.
37:11Where everyone screams.
37:13There is fervor.
37:14Pangal Andrade does not give more.
37:16But he continues.
37:18He is also very tired.
37:20Pancho Rodríguez, unfortunately, has been far behind.
37:24He throws the coin.
37:25But it is Pangal who is going to look for the last.
37:29The sixth.
37:30The last coin for Pangal.
37:32Pancho is very tired.
37:34He is taking the exercise with a certain calm.
37:37It can also be a strategy.
37:39It should be remembered that Pancho has done this exercise for years.
37:44He has won week after week.
37:46He has been crowned champion in competitions of this style in Peru.
37:51For years.
37:52It can also be part of a strategy.
37:54But for now, Pangal is already taking the last coin.
37:59Ladies and gentlemen, Pancho looks really sore.
38:02Pancho has a couple of coins left.
38:05Meanwhile, it is Pangal Andrade who is already starting to disengage.
38:11Panchar is very close to getting the last, the sixth coin.
38:17But this test does not end until it ends.
38:20What will happen, ladies and gentlemen?
38:22Will Pancho be able to do a heroic act?
38:26Pangal already has the sixth coin.
38:28Pangal already has the last coin.
38:29The structure is starting to go down.
38:31Come on, Pangal!
38:32Come on, Pancho!
38:33Come on, Pancho!
38:34Both participants close to 40 years old.
38:37Both participants with a lot of expertise.
38:39A lot of time developing high-impact sports experiences.
38:44Twelve first-level competitors face each other tonight.
38:48Here at Ganar o Servir.
38:50Back to the past.
38:51There are victors.
38:52The Pangal bar rises.
38:54It sits until the champion minute.
38:56But beware, this is not over yet.
38:59Pangal deposits the sixth and last coin.
39:01And here comes the work of La Troya.
39:03Carla, this is burning.
39:05Pangal de Pancho is disengaging.
39:08This could set a course in the competition.
39:11What madness!
39:12What screams there are here!
39:14The bar of our participants is impressive.
39:17Pangal continues, continues.
39:19It does not stop.
39:20It does not stop because it has to turn around La Troya
39:23to raise a structure that gives it permission
39:27finally to enter the final phase of the competition.
39:30In the end, two blocks.
39:32In one of them, only in one of them,
39:35of those two, there is the key
39:37that would allow them to take the sword by assault.
39:40Watch out for that detail.
39:42Because it can be definitive.
39:44In the two blocks, only one key.
39:46They have to break the blocks to recover the key.
39:49If one is wrong, by chance,
39:51in breaking a cube and the key is not there,
39:54he has to start with the other.
39:55What madness!
39:56What madness is what we are observing.
39:58This Pangal is very tired and still has a long way to go.
40:02Come on Pancho, come on Pangal.
40:04This is a wonderful show,
40:06what we are observing tonight.
40:08Sergio, there is really drama here.
40:11Because indeed, they are two Chileans
40:13who already have the softness in their bodies.
40:16A reality won.
40:17But tonight, nothing is defined yet.
40:20Who will choose the right juice?
40:23Pangal stops.
40:25Pangal is tired.
40:26Come on Pangal.
40:27Meanwhile, Pancho advances.
40:29Sergio Lagos.
40:30It takes time, Pangal, of course.
40:32You have to recover energy.
40:33You have to breathe.
40:34It is not easy what the Chilean gladiator is doing.
40:37The man of ...
40:40Well, of so many stories, yes.
40:42Of course, from year zero.
40:44From San Alfonso, the cajon of Maipo.
40:46The whole cajon of Maipo is here in our grandstand,
40:49supporting Pangal.
40:51And Pancho is coming.
40:52Beware, Pancho is coming with his last coin.
40:54All this can change in a second or another.
40:57Chance will also say its own thing in this competition.
41:00But Pangal remains firm in the lead.
41:02I'll tell you something, and to our audience at home.
41:04Meli is on the edge of the dueling field.
41:07She is encouraging a hatred.
41:10She is giving her strength.
41:11Meanwhile, Pancho is already starting to deposit.
41:14Another of the coins must be returned.
41:17Again, go up the network.
41:19Meanwhile, Pangal is still ...
41:21He has one left, he has one left.
41:22He still has one left.
41:23Pangal continues to advance.
41:24The cry of the people is deafening here on the edge of the playing field.
41:29Pangal occupies the arms, the body, the head, the helmet.
41:32She puts all the pressure.
41:34She already opened the portico.
41:35Ladies and gentlemen, she takes off the vest of 10 kilos.
41:38And she has to face a phase in which chance will say a lot in this competition.
41:43She throws the water.
41:44But who knows what will happen, Sergio?
41:46One of the two cubes has the key.
41:49Which one to choose?
41:50Oh, Pangal has already chosen.
41:52He already threw himself with one.
41:53He's starting to break.
41:55How deep will the key be, Sergio?
41:57There they are.
41:58Pangal does not put on the protective glasses, which are advised,
42:02but we cannot enter to discuss that point at this moment.
42:05There it is.
42:06Pica and shovel, pica and shovel, pica and shovel.
42:09Let's see, ladies and gentlemen.
42:10Let's see, raise your hand.
42:11He broke the cube.
42:13Yes, it was like that.
42:14He already finds the key.
42:15This could start to define itself.
42:17He already has the key.
42:18He found the key in the first instance.
42:20Pancho comes with the coin, with the last one.
42:23Pangal already starts the way to the grand final.
42:27He has it in his power.
42:29He makes a gesture to his bar.
42:31And there goes Pangal, ladies and gentlemen, with the key,
42:34which will end up coloring him as a winner.
42:36He has to raise the sword, Carla.
42:38He has fought so much, for so many months,
42:41for so many hours, in so many competitions.
42:44He faced everything.
42:45He faced adversity.
42:47Watch out.
42:48If the key falls, he has to come back.
42:49If he doesn't pick it up, if it's not the key,
42:51oh God, this is terrible.
42:54Why are they doing this to us?
42:55I can't take it anymore.
42:57I can't take it anymore.
42:59There goes Pangal Andrade, to the top.
43:02Great expectation tonight, ladies and gentlemen.
43:05This is crazy.
43:07The grand final, to win or to serve.
43:10Pangal continues to advance.
43:12Pancho is stopped.
43:14He doesn't follow.
43:15He is there, observing.
43:17He is delivering the proof.
43:19A situation, I imagine, for him, painful, complex.
43:22But on the other hand, savoring the victory,
43:24savoring the advantage,
43:26savoring the success after so much dedication,
43:29so much love, so much sacrifice.
43:32Pangal promised.
43:33Let's remember, if he wins this competition,
43:35formalize his love relationship.
43:38How will it be?
43:39I don't want to say that, Sergio.
43:40I don't know, but there he is.
43:42Pangal Andrade.
43:43Directly from the box of the Maipo.
43:45Directly from our country.
43:48Directly from Chile.
43:51The sword, Pangal Andrade.
43:54Becoming the great winner of
43:57to win or to serve.
43:59Back to the past.
44:03Impressive what Pangal has done.
44:06Months of preparation.
44:07He lost weight.
44:08He trained.
44:09He was filled with love,
44:10with love of all his fans.
44:12And here we have him.
44:14The great winner.
44:15Ladies and gentlemen,
44:16it is the moment of triumph for Pangal.
44:18It is the bitter taste of defeat for Pancho.
44:21But there we have two great fighters
44:23who gave their all in this final night.
44:25Pangal Andrade,
44:26who repeats the feat
44:28made many years ago in year zero,
44:31when he also crowned himself as the great winner
44:34of one of our extreme realities.
44:36Pangal returned after many years at 13.
44:38He came back and said,
44:40I will do everything to win.
44:42And here he is fulfilling his promise.
44:44Ladies and gentlemen,
44:45with open arms,
44:47with a smile,
44:48the victory,
44:49the honor,
44:50to win or to serve.
44:52Back to the past.
44:53We already have this tremendous winner,
44:56Pangal Andrade.
44:57Congratulations to you.
44:59Here we are going to receive him
45:00to pick up a final word.
45:02His family is getting ready.
45:04Everyone is getting ready.
45:07Aleja Morron,
45:08in what everyone loves.
45:14Ladies and gentlemen,
45:15let's take a second
45:17to pick up the impression of the winner,
45:26We are still live.
45:27There it is.
45:29The kiss.
45:32This is crazy.
45:35Here we are.
45:36First impressions, Pangal.
45:38How are we?
45:42Let's go to your audience.
45:45Put it aside, Melis.
45:46Put it aside.
45:48It's your moment.
45:49It's your moment.
45:50It's everyone's moment.
45:52It's the moment of all the fans.
45:54Pangal Andrade, winner.
45:56Silence, please.
46:00To all the fans of Pancho who are there.
46:02Thank you for coming, kid.
46:04Thank you very much.
46:05I'd like to thank the Saiyans who are there.
46:09Of course, look at my dad,
46:12my brother,
46:14my brother Lorenzo,
46:15and last but not least,
46:17my mom,
46:18who is at home.
46:20I can't see her because of the nerves.
46:22And of course, I'd like to say hi to Panchito.
46:24You went too far, guys.
46:26Such an exciting night.
46:28So exciting.
46:31the confidence Chile gives you
46:33is a pressure.
46:34They stopped me on the street.
46:36They stopped me on the plane.
46:38They stopped us too.
46:40The customs almost didn't let me come.
46:44I dedicate this victory to the customs,
46:45they didn't let me come.
46:47And to all of them, look.
46:49Look at the shirt.
46:50And above all,
46:51to my teacher.
46:53She's here.
46:55She took it.
46:57And we
46:59want to thank
47:01Pangal Andrade,
47:02ladies and gentlemen.
47:03A great winner.
47:04Thank you, Chile!
47:06The winner of the $25 million.
47:08A huge car that travels the streets of our country
47:11and wherever you see us.
47:13I love her, she accompanied me.
47:15She supported me.
47:16I love you all, man.
47:18You went too far.
47:19Thank you to all of you who are here
47:20and you at home.
47:22We have the great winner of
47:24serving $25 million.
47:26You took it.
47:27You deserve it.
47:29Thank you very much, ladies and gentlemen.
47:31Here is the great winner
47:32of winning
47:33or serving back to the past.
47:35Pangal Andrade!
47:38For now, thank you very much.
47:40We begin to start,
47:42to say goodbye
47:43and to start.
47:44We say goodbye to this program
47:46to give us another new fantasy,
47:48to start a new fantasy.