• last week
Menteri Pendidikan Tinggi, Sains, dan Teknologi, Brian Yuliarto, mengungkapkan isi pembahasan dalam pertemuan Presiden Prabowo Subianto dengan ratusan rektor perguruan tinggi. Menurut Brian, Kepala Negara meminta para Rektor untuk meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan dan menghasilkan inovasi teknologi yang dapat mendukung kemandirian nasional.


00:00Next, the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Technology, Brian Yuliarto,
00:09revealed the contents of the discussion in the meeting of President Prabowo Subianto
00:13with hundreds of high-ranking rectors.
00:16According to Brian, the head of state asked the rectors to improve the quality of education
00:21and produce technological innovations that can support national independence.
00:25In addition, Prabowo also asked the rectors to prepare the best human resources.
00:31Dictator Saintex also said, Prabowo also emphasized the importance of mastering
00:36science and technology for the progress of the nation and the integrity in the development of the future of Indonesia.
00:45The rectors were asked to improve the quality of education and education.
00:52The President asked us to provide the best human resources,
00:56the best human resources produced from higher education,
00:59research on technological breakthroughs,
01:02to produce technological products for the very large Indonesian market,
01:07for the revival of the economy and industry in Indonesia.
