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Menteri Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional/Kepala Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional, Rachmat Pambudy, menegaskan saat ini merupakan momentum terakhir bagi Indonesia untuk keluar dari perangkap negara berpendapatan menengah atau middle income trap. Menurut Pambudy, kesempatan krusial yang harus dimanfaatkan yakni bonus demografi yang dapat mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi yang tinggi dan berkualitas.


00:00National Development Plans
00:05The Minister of National Development Plans,
00:07who is also the head of Nasrahmat, Pambudi,
00:09affirmed that this is the last momentum for Indonesia
00:12to get out of the country's middle-income trap.
00:18According to Pambudi, the crucial opportunity that must be used
00:22is the demographic bonus that can boost high-quality economic growth.
00:27However, a high economic growth target is not enough.
00:31The government must ensure that economic growth must be carried out
00:34with an increase in the quality of life of the people
00:37and evenly across the region.
00:39The reason is that up to now,
00:41180 million Indonesians are experiencing a lack of nutrition
00:44and three Indonesian young people are experiencing stunting.
00:48Not only that, Indonesia is also still facing a very high prevalence of tuberculosis
00:54and a high rate of miscarriage.
00:57With various challenges, the government invites all parties
01:00to work together to push Indonesia to become a developed country.
01:04If Indonesia fails to achieve high-quality economic growth,
01:08then Indonesia will stagnate and not experience significant progress.
01:13We are trapped in the middle-income trap.
01:16We must not be trapped in the middle-income trap.
01:19If we are trapped in the middle-income trap,
01:22we will not be able to get out of it.
01:24And this is our last chance.
01:27Now or never.
01:29Why is it our chance now?
01:31Because our demographic bonus is there.
01:34And our demographic bonus must be completed
01:37to achieve high-quality economic growth.
01:41So if you have said that we can do it,
01:44let's do it together.
