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INVINCIBLE Season 3 Ending Explained | Episode 8 Breakdown, Easter Eggs, Theories, Comic Book Differences & Review. We review, recap and explain the new Season 3 Episode 8 of Invincible. We talk about Conquest, The Post Credits Scene, Eve, the hidden details, callbacks to the comics, what happened in them and also give our thoughts on the show.

#Invincible #Season3 #EasterEggs #Comics #InvincibleSeason3 #ComicBooks #ThingsYouMissed #EndingExplained #CharacterExplained #OmniMan #AtomEve #Conquest #Episode8

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00:00Welcome to the Heavy Spoilers Show, I'm your host Paul and this video we're breaking down
00:05Season 3 is now at an end but Episode 8 has a lot going on. We're calling it Glenn's
00:15Revenge. This includes a gigantic battle and also a massive tease for the future.
00:20That post credit scene are all completely new but we have some theories on that too.
00:26is with Conquest vs Mark. Starting right in the title we pick up where we left off last week.
00:31That title at the start means we're diving right into it and we see the punch playing out.
00:36It's completely earth shattering and the shockwaves a big way to kick off the fight.
00:41Mentioning Ennis' sail pitch Conquest says the truth is that he wants him to resist.
00:46This is almost beat for beat for beat like how it is in the comics with them perfectly
00:50recapturing the fight. If you wanna dive into the books then I suggest you pick up
00:54issue 62. Then work your way up to issue 65 and you'll basically have
00:59the outline of this fight in the comics. Now most of the episodes 1 to 1 however
01:03they change up a lot of moments of the dialogue. Conquest's also voiced by Jeffrey Dean Morgan
01:08which is such a great fourth wall breaking moment. That's because both him and Steven
01:13Young worked with Kirkman on The Walking Dead. There Young played Glenn and in his last scene
01:17Glenn was killed by Negan. Negan was of course played by Jeffrey Dean Morgan
01:22with this scene being a carry over from his first season. Technically not his first scene
01:26because it was broken up by a season but technically it's a continuation of the
01:30scene that the character first appeared in. So having them face off against each other again
01:35it's a full circle moment and I love seeing this fight.
01:42Sadly Invincible on TV is over until we get season 4. However that doesn't mean your time
01:48with Mark has to stop and you guys definitely need to play Invincible Guarding the Globe.
01:53The Ubisoft squad based RPG lets you play in the Invincible universe with a brand new storyline.
01:58Never before seen in the comics as show it's brilliant for fans just like you.
02:02Someone's unleashed a deadly clone army and you have to work alongside Cecil to get to the bottom
02:07of it. So you get some great clashes and unique fights that you've never seen in the comics as
02:11show. It's gory, over the top and filled with graphic multi battle action that I know you're
02:17gonna love. Assemble your line up of heroes and deploy them into blood soaked fights.
02:21When it comes to the game each squad member has a role. You've got your attacker,
02:25defender or support and it's up to you to choose the best combination for every encounter.
02:30Run idle battles in the background and send your team on GDA up secondary battles that run
02:34separate from the main storyline and are played simultaneously. The game's also perfect on the
02:39go and you can pick it up and play it whenever you want on your mobile. The visuals are incredible
02:44and it looks so good. There's a ton of characters pulled right from the series and you can do
02:49so many amazing team ups. On top of that viewers of this channel get an extra bonus.
02:54If you click my link in the description or use my QR code you'll get Kid Omni-Man
02:58and also Omni-Man. Just click my link in the description or use the QR code and you'll get
03:03access to these characters. Huge shit adds to Ubisoft's support on this video,
03:07now let's get into the rest of the breakdown.
03:09Now the initial fight between Mark and Conquest has some subtle minor differences.
03:13The clash is broken up into segments with the initial one being
03:16more of them just tackling each other.
03:18Conquest's speech about the Veltramine Empire is pretty much the same but they actually cut
03:22short some of what he was saying. In the comics Conquest doesn't get to finish the line of loving
03:27to have his fist trenched in blood. Mark attacks him just before he gets to blood which changes
03:32things up slightly. I actually like that he got to finish this line though as it puts him in a
03:35position of being a bit more dominant. In the comic Mark cuts it short and it's kind of playing
03:41into how he's more of a match there. Letting him finish it though, it just subtly shows who it is
03:46who's got the power here. Now in case you don't know, Conquest was one of the survivors of the
03:50devastating Royal Rumble that wiped out 50% of the Veltramites. They wanted to build a world where
03:55only the strongest survived and thus made everyone fight everyone. He came out as one of the winners
04:00and thus we can gather he's extremely powerful. Not to get too far into spoilers but there was
04:06an event on top of that that weakened the race and severely diminished their strength.
04:10This left this once godlike being being open to attack. Coming face to face with the Ragnar they
04:16ripped off his arm and blinded one of his eyes. We've actually seen them in the series before
04:20and they're who Nolan left a clue about in his books. However one thing you have to know about
04:24the Veltramites is that the more they age the stronger they get. Their aging also slows down
04:30as they get older so Conquest must be like super super old to look like this. But Mark sees it as
04:35being a warm up and his line about this is pulled directly from the comics.
04:39The following fight of them going through the building is relatively the same but there's a
04:43couple of altered moments here and there. On the whole though Conquest is absolutely terrifying
04:48and I love how he smiles throughout the battle. Him saying you're getting there, that was always
04:53a line that stood out to me in the comics. He's pretty much like Battle Beast where he spent his
04:58life desperate for a worthy opponent. Guy doesn't fear death at all and instead just wants someone
05:03that can match him and hey Mark seems to get towards it. Smacking his ears he of course also
05:08did this against the Mohawk Mark last week. Raz that messed him up though we see how it doesn't
05:13affect Conquest in any meaningful way. Guy actually compliments Mark for it which is a
05:18moment taken right out from the books. Screaming he wants more, that line tells you how much of a
05:23nutcase he is. The fact is as well that he completely has Mark at his mercy. Raz with
05:28Nolan, you know, he was probably gonna hold back on his own son, there's absolutely no reason for
05:35Conquest to. Anissa teased him and now we're seeing him come in full force not messing about.
05:40This idea of being a complete psycho is also enforced when they journey into space.
05:44The other scene happens in the comics, the bloodheart bit all brand new and it just
05:49makes him seem like a nutter. They then fall back to earth and fight along the way just like
05:53the comics. Conquest punching Mark in the face is an exact panel match as well. I love how Mark
05:58asks if he thinks things are gonna go his way and his response is to just show how powerful he is.
06:04I think fans of the comics will love these moments as they just manage to recapture it so
06:10well from the books. That face smash especially, it's one of those ones you really felt as you
06:14read it and yeah as a fan I was so happy to see it on screen.
06:17Now from here we get some further differences. In the book when Oliver sees the fight on tv
06:22he just immediately leaves the house. Debbie doesn't really get the chance to even talk to
06:27him as he's already out the door before she can even speak. Here though they give that moment
06:32more room to breathe. The whole permission thing is a really nice touch and it helps to show
06:36Debbie's change of view. Earlier in the season she didn't want anything more than keeping Oliver
06:41locked up and out of harms way. However I think now she's seeing how even in the worst of
06:46circumstances that those who can act need to. It's kinda like parents who don't want their
06:51kids to go off to war and be soldiers. They probably understand why they have to but there's
06:55also that side that doesn't want them to go. Debbie's been through that all now and she's
06:59encouraging Ollie to do what's right. She knows he's one of the only people who can
07:04and even though she breaks down and cries she sends him off to fight.
07:08Which just adds so much more to the character. Another difference happens when Mark finally
07:12comes to in the book. It doesn't show him spitting up blood or the Jurassic Park style
07:16vibrations that signal Conquest is coming. Conquest also comes out of the rubble below
07:21and not from above like he does in the show. We also have snow falling down at the start of the
07:25scene. I did wonder if it was playing on nuclear fallout or ash from the devastation around them.
07:30Because it sure doesn't look like winter. We then see how powerful our Conquest is as
07:35one hit against Mark almost levels the city. These god like battles are absolutely insane
07:42and it's something I think fans have been crying out for years. Oliver chasing them down and
07:46Conquest not letting Mark surrender is the same but we get some added dialogue.
07:50Conquest going through the building is another exact panel match.
07:53Also love how Mark attempts to talk things out but Conquest doesn't want to stop the fight.
07:58Just highlights how merciless that he is and how he's not really there to work anything out.
08:03Whereas Anissa could at least be talked to, Conquest isn't there to negotiate.
08:07With the Viltrumites you only get one chance and then the next thing they send could be your end.
08:12Even his name Conquest tells you exactly what kind of character he is.
08:16He's not seen as a person, he's purely just a purpose.
08:19So seeing him unleash and say he won't even give Mark the option to surrender,
08:23it really raises the stakes.
08:25That bit with the stop, it's all pulled from the work but it plays out a lot more impactful
08:29when it's done in the show. They actually add more to him in the episode as in the comic he
08:33never tells him to keep going. Here though he's sort of egging him on and even telling him he
08:38still has a chance. Now like the fight against Omni-Man we also get to see more of the civilian
08:43deaths. That's something that was missing from the comics and stuff like the train scene
08:47it was all completely absent. Which I always appreciated as it just added more weight.
08:52Here Mark looks about and we spend a moment to just see the devastation. Like there's a guy with
08:57his leg torn off. It just acts as motivation and really lets us as an audience put ourselves in
09:02their shoes. Or shoe now which is a bad joke. However we know these kinds of deaths motivated
09:08Power Plex and I wonder if some of the deaths here could do that with some other characters.
09:13There's still a lot to be introduced and they could be doing something similar.
09:16We also get Mark saying he's gonna give him a big ass beat down which is a direct line from
09:21the comics. How that Conquest doesn't punch him in the face he just grabs Oliver. Guy really said
09:26fuck dem kids. Beyond that though the following scenes are pretty much the same. Including the
09:31headbutt. I love how Conquest says he won't believe Marks of Ultramiden till he holds his
09:35heart in his hand and he also does that big punch stop. I actually preferred how it's done in the
09:39comics though as there Conquest calls him a child as he stops it.
09:43Now from here we jump over to Cecil with the Ace and Claire. In our earlier breakdowns we
09:48talked about how we didn't really know what was happening with the character as I felt like he'd
09:52been cut from some key scenes. Like I thought they might have just got rid of the character
09:57completely. I theorised that this was due to him being voiced by Ezra Miller and then probably
10:01them wanting to distance themselves due to all the controversy around them.
10:05So issuing a correction for that as many of you pointed out,
10:08Eric Bozer now voices the character and he's played him since season 2.
10:12Little correction there. I'm sorry.
10:22What I love though is that it shows even though Cecil and Mark are allies again,
10:27the former is still up to his old tricks. He's now experimenting on the multiversal variants
10:32and making them an advanced army of Rianna men. Here he's got the Flaxen variant which
10:36is the version that Cecil and Co killed at the Pentagon last week. They also have some of the
10:40others and clearly have their hands on a few. Obviously Cecil doesn't care about Mark's feelings
10:45and is just interested in protecting the planet. So if he can weaponise the dead and have a team
10:50of Robocop Beltramites they're gonna be able to stand up to the invasion.
10:54And Mark and Oliver potentially. It brings things full circle from the season opening though in
10:59which Mark was annoyed that Cecil was working with the Ace and Claire in Darkwing. Now he's
11:03still working with them and using dead versions of Mark to get what he wants. Which is so messed
11:08up and that takes us into issue 63. The opening broadcast dialogue wise is pretty much the same
11:14but there's one big change. In the comics they think Conquest is Omni-Man who's come back to
11:19Earth to finish what he started. Obviously though I think it would be stupid if they were showing
11:23the footage and then saying they think it's someone completely different. Another rather
11:27big change is the comic says he was only out for two days and not out for a week. This would make
11:33the timeline between the Invincible War and Conquest a bit longer in the show. What it adds
11:38is that the world's been on the road to recovery and probably made much more progress. In the book
11:43Conquest just showed up immediately after the war as here they've had time to get back on their feet.
11:48So kick em when they're back down! Does she look like she needs to walk?
11:52I feel it adds more weight to Eve being at death's door longer though. Mark's probably
11:56been through an agonising week of seeing her in a coma and it will make the danger she's about to
12:00face much more impactful. She seems amped up for it though and it really adds some stakes to the
12:05fight. Especially as we see her get her legs strapped up which I think gets more attention
12:10than it did in the comics. Now when we resume the fight it's pretty much the same as it is in the
12:15source material. Conquest's line about Mark being a toy is directly from the book along with how
12:20him taking over Earth is easy and fun. They do some really subtle things to show the devastation
12:25though like having the guy's body splat down beside them. If you rewind the episode a bit
12:30you'll notice him falling through the air which I think adds so much as well.
12:34Ever since the start of Season 2, Mark's been grappling with the weight of the death of the
12:38innocents around him. Going through this again it's just gonna make him realise the cost that
12:43comes with being a hero. Back in Season 1 the powers seemed like fun and games but these days
12:48it's completely breaking him. Conquest also messes with his head as well by saying that
12:53his father's dead. This again is a really important note as Mark doesn't know what
12:57happened with his dad. In his eyes he just got taken by the Veltromites.
13:01However dropping this in the middle of the fight, it destroys Mark on a psychological level.
13:06So not only has he had his body destroyed, he's being now told that his father's dead.
13:11Which is devastating so it makes sense he'd step in Holmes way for Ollie as he'll do
13:15anything to protect his family. Ollie coughing up teeth as well, pretty messed up.
13:20Anyway we then get the sack of turds line which is pulled directly from the book.
13:24They add some extra emotion to the scene though and really hammer home that Oliver's just a kid.
13:29Conquest ripping Oliver in half is the same as it is in the book but in the show we have a
13:33tear dropping onto Conquest's face. Our researcher TJ was saying it could
13:37potentially symbolise the secret pain that we discover Conquest is in.
13:40He's just a sad, sad lonely man and this may have been done as a metaphor for that.
13:45TJ's helped us a ton on the videos when it comes to getting stuff from the comics and
13:49if you wanna see a guy just chatting comics on twitter then give him a follow at The Fat Door.
13:54We then have Cecil warping in to save Oliver which shows he cares about Debbie,
13:58Mark and Ollie. From here we then cut to the scene with Eve and Cecil.
14:01Though the result's the same, their interaction's a bit different.
14:05In the comics Cecil is not against sending Eve, it just comes down to a technical issue of them
14:10not being fast enough to keep up with the fight. Because of this they don't know where to portal
14:14her in. In the show it just gives him a bit more humanity and helps to show he actually cares.
14:23In the source material I always felt like Cecil was doing things to protect
14:26Earth but that he didn't really care too much about the people.
14:30So I like this added edge as you'd have to care in order to want to do this.
14:34In the book we also get the moments with the reactions of everyone. This includes Kyle and
14:38Amber with the former not really knowing why she's so wrapped up in it.
14:42Anyway we jump back to the fight which expands on the one in the comics.
14:46Though it hits upon the same points they add much more into the brutality.
14:50In the comics we don't see the civilians dying in their droves and instead the body counts
14:55not really giving focus. Like everyone there on that beach, they're just chilling sunbathing and
14:59then we see them like what's that and then boom, completely wiped out.
15:03In the comic Conquest throws Mark through a giant ship which causes an explosion.
15:08This episode may have referenced this earlier though with him crashing through that truck
15:11and then causing an explosion. But yeah maybe that's just a coincidence.
15:15The show goes way beyond this though and once more we see Mark being used as a shield to plough
15:20through the people. It's just way more violent. I feel like it's definitely a parallel to the
15:24train scene and it reminds us how destructive the Veltromites are.
15:28Like a kid's arm gets ripped off holding onto their parent. It's brutal.
15:40Smiling one minute and then next he can't even hit the thumbs up. Well with that hand anyway.
15:44In the book though I did like that the ship destruction was a military vessel as it shows
15:49how useless our armies would be against them. Either way it just highlights how
15:53Conquest is worse than Omni-Man as he's even more destructive.
15:57I have to be honest, like I rewound it cause it's
15:59rare you see violence like this in a comic book property.
16:02Now we also have some additions with how they handle Eve. In the comic Eve believes that she's
16:06going to save Mark from Omni-Man. I feel like this could slightly change the dynamic of her
16:11intentions going into this fight though. In the comic she was never really in the
16:14personal scenes with Oliver like she's been in the show. I don't know if she would have
16:18held back by having them do it or yeah they might just be playing it differently.
16:22Like you can clearly tell it's not Omni-Man and Mark's already told Eve he met back up with his
16:26father to fight against the Veltromites so I think it would have made things a bit muddier.
16:31In the comic she also never builds a suit of armour. Conquest immediately breaks her
16:35force field and just punches her face off. No John Travolta.
16:39So I think this is just giving her more to do and showing she can actually put up a fight before
16:43what happens later on. Increasing the density of the air to slow him down, it's just a really
16:48creative way to show her powers. However this is extremely taxing and Conquest seems unstoppable.
16:54That moment where Eve falls as tears form in her eyes, you really get the feeling that this is the
16:59end. Conquest talks about how he was given permission to let loose and obviously it
17:03highlights it's because Nolan's still alive. Mark doesn't know that yet though but his dad
17:07stands as an affront to the Veltromite Empire. Now in the comics Mark doesn't yell out for Cecil,
17:12he just tells her that if he's watching he'll send someone. Obviously though that's a way less
17:17painless way to show his despair. It also adds into him wanting to return to a partnership with
17:21the character. Throughout the season they've been on shaky grounds with Mark even attacking
17:26the Pentagon. So for him to scream out for him like this it shows who he really puts faith in
17:32when the chips are down. Now what is the same is the I Can See The Future line which is on the
17:36last page of issue 63. That then takes us to issue 64 which begins the same as the show.
17:42We have Conquest laughing and asking how Mark thinks he can still threaten him. Mark punching
17:46Conquest's arm so hard it breaks his hand. That's an exact match to the splash page in the book.
17:52Which I loved and yeah I remember reading this and thinking it was probably the most powerful
17:55thing that Mark had ever done. Like I know he's lifted heavy stuff but yeah the impact of that,
18:00you just feel it. He begins to fight dirty and he even bites Conquest showing how unhinged he is.
18:05It then goes super saiyan literally. In what's Eve's death her brain manipulates her molecules
18:11and brings her back to life. Manifesting the literal power of the atom the scene sees her
18:15taking on it's structure. As Mark wells away she then overpowers and blasts Conquest with a beam
18:21that blows off his skin. Now in the show they actually go beyond what Conquest is like in the
18:25comics with the way they touch upon his story. The major difference here and in the episode
18:29is Conquest's speech about being lonely. Typically the Viltrumites are fearless and thus they wouldn't
18:34be afraid of Conquest. He says that the other Viltrumites are so afraid of him that it's left
18:39him completely alone. No one wants to be his friend as he's mental and instead they just use
18:44him as a weapon. But in him just being used for this the Viltrumites begin to fear him more and
18:49more. It kinda plays into how ruling with fear is a pathway to pain and I love that they gave him
18:54this extra dimension. In the comics he's an emotionless psychopath who just wants to deal
18:59out pain and death. So knowing he's a sort of victim to the Viltrumite Empire's way of thinking
19:04it really adds some depth. With Nolan we've seen how their indoctrination kinda wears thin when
19:09someone builds an emotional connection. So I love the flip on this and in that if someone's
19:13unable to get that they then feel isolated. So they end up just messed up as well and it speaks
19:18to the flaw in their thinking. Some days he wants to cry out but no one will care.
19:22This just gave him so much depth and is probably my favourite addition in the series.
19:27He then rises up behind Mark after seeming like he's defeated which kinda riffs off when the
19:31Terminator Skeleton rose from the fire in the first film. Where things stay the same though
19:35as Conquest getting headbutted repeatedly. That's exactly the same as the page and it's
19:40a great way to close out the fight. Like Mark has completely destroyed his hands and thus this is
19:45all he can do. The headbutt in the comics, they just have Mark towering over him and then the
19:50same panel repeated in the background over and over. So it just gives the idea he smashes her
19:54like it was the subscribe button and kept hitting it over and over until it was said subscribe.
20:00Now in the end Mark just stares down at his lifeless face and it sits in a puddle on the
20:04floor. Mark regaining consciousness one more though and then crawling over to Eve that's
20:12handled exactly the same. However you might notice that they're lying on opposite sides
20:16in the comic. I'm sure and I might be wrong about this but I'm sure in season 1 they did
20:19something similar and had something on the opposite side and this highlighted that the
20:24comics and show exist in their own universe. Though they're following relatively similar
20:28paths they have these little changes that highlight their indifferent realities.
20:32It's the multiverse but that also explains the differences and why they're not exactly
20:37beat for beat. I can't remember whether it was this show or another similar one but hey,
20:41the explanation fits so we're leaving it in.
20:44Now the book then features the cavalry arriving with the collection of image heroes coming to
20:48the scene. This includes Savage Dragon and the like who I don't think they have the rights to
20:52for the show. Not 100% on that as I've said similar things with other characters before
20:56but we do see Techjacket. Still hasn't been introduced properly but yeah you're gonna
21:01wanna pay attention to them. I'm saying them instead of him because there are theories
21:05the characters are women now but we'll probably find out more in season 4.
21:09Either way that takes us to issue 65. The issue opens at the Pentagon with
21:13Mark on the road to recovery. In the flip on the last episode we have Mark in the bed while
21:18Eve's at his bedside. Eve explaining her powers is the same as it is in the source material
21:23and this can be seen in her dedicated comic. That is Invincible Presents Adam Eve issue 2
21:28which was adapted into the Adam Eve episode.
21:30Now in the comics when Eve rebuilt herself she actually made her boobs bigger but it's 2025 now
21:35so best not go there. Beyond that though
21:38the scene with Cecil and Sinclair is exactly the same. It puts him on a path where he'll be an
21:43adversary to Mark. Even though Mark has clearly clustered his water under the bridge I think
21:47Cecil's seeing the bigger picture. Cecil says he doesn't care what it takes and that they have to
21:52have their Invincible reanimation ready. He knows that the planet needs better defences and will
21:57literally play guard in order to do that. I feel like he's giving up his soul working like this
22:02and he knows that it's gonna come with a cost. But still he presses on as he's the only person
22:06willing to make these tough decisions. Also it looks like DA has a girlfriend which is new for
22:11the show too. Has the same nose though, same eye colour, same hair colour and I did wonder
22:16if this was actually a clone. Don't wanna go down into that theory time though.
22:20Now beyond this Cecil later goes against Mark's wishes. Mark in the comics doesn't say to burn
22:25Conquest's body whereas in the show he makes it clear. However this will once more set the
22:35pair going against each other and it shows that Cecil doesn't respect his wishes.
22:39When can you start Oliver?
22:40Before that though we get a scene with Debbie, Mark and Eve in the hospital. There's a couple
22:44of differences from the comics as when Debbie comes in Eve and Mark are kissing. Debbie talking
22:49about being sorry and that she could have taken him away from this is all similar but she doesn't
22:54go as far as saying she's disgusted. She's a lot more upset in the comics though and has tears
23:00running down her face. Here though I think she's just blaming herself and how she pushed him into
23:04wanting powers. Mark says she's done everything right but it's clear Debbie doesn't think so.
23:09Either way due to the amount of crap going down they haven't really had time to mourn Rex.
23:14The scene of Mark finding out about his funeral from Eve is also beat for beat. However in the
23:19comics Mark asks Eve if he can come which is the only major difference. It's important for him to
23:23be there as Rex of course not only died fighting aversion of him but the pair have also built a
23:28friendship. Though they were allies in the books they didn't really have those personal moments
23:33that they do in the show. Here I really feel like they've built a bond though and it just
23:37hurts, hurts much much more. At the funeral Robot's speech isn't word for word but it is
23:42pretty similar. He announces he's changed his name to Rex which will get complicated.
23:46He clearly wanted to be him though and even cloned him to copy his looks.
23:50So yeah getting a bit creepy which we'll get into more in season 4.
23:54Monster Girl says she loves him though and for now it's a bittersweet moment.
23:58Now on the flipside of this Eve's speech is the same as the comics. She says he was her first
24:02and breaks down now that a big part of her life is gone. One slight difference is that Mark is
24:07in crutches and casts in the comics whereas in the show he has cybernetic casts. The comic was
24:12written 20 years ago or whatever so maybe they just updated the tech. Also he can fly as well.
24:17The conversation after is almost exactly the same though with the following scene of them
24:21returning home. To be fair to them, ever since they started dating each other they've not really
24:26had a chance to breathe. Even their date was interrupted by the time travellers and they've
24:30just had this constant barrage of stuff to do. So it's nice to get some time together.
24:34Mark's just happy she's still there after all they've been through and it's a nice
24:38bit of growth for their relationship. Their suits bleeding together that's also an exact
24:42panel match but the comic does show a flower grow from it that isn't in the show.
24:47Now in the comics they explain Eve's powers are a bit all over the place since she rejuvenated
24:52and it shows she can create life. However they might be skipping over this for now
24:56as it's just gonna make things more complex.
24:58Now as with all the season finales we close out with some teasers for next time.
25:02If you watched our episode 7 breakdown then you'll know we mentioned a bit with the firefighters.
25:07There they entered the pentagon and they found Russ Livingston living along with the sequids.
25:11That's why they have firefighters alongside him here.
25:14Either way that scene plays out and we see Battle Beast being discovered in space.
25:18This is another scene that comes from the comics namely Invincible 73.
25:22Frozen at the moment eventually gets thawed out and he's gonna be looking for a new challenge.
25:27Beyond that we also see Levy being given his synthetic arm. We build off from what
25:31happened with the technicians who have a brand new task for the character.
25:35This involves stripping worlds of their resources so they can give the technicians power.
25:39Now they want a new home but beyond that they want some new delights.
25:44Last week I said they reminded me a bit of Hellraiser and it turned out they're
25:47actually voiced by Doug Bradley. Bradley played Pinhead so yeah,
25:50sounded familiar for a reason I guess. The phrase delights was also something
25:54they dropped throughout the film so it was nice getting a nod to that here.
25:58Then we also have the reveal that Conquest is still alive which of course breaks Mark's trust.
26:03Cecil's basically keeping a ticking time bomb and I can't wait for you guys to see
26:08that. We then get the ending scene with Oliver and Mark that goes down pretty much the same
26:12but Mark seems a bit more intense in the comics whereas in the show it felt he was more focused.
26:20To be fair the guy's been through a lot and this hero business isn't all it's cracked up to be.
26:24Watching the series especially the Invincible war really made me realise how much Mark's gone
26:30through. I dunno in the comics it never really sank in that there'd been so many Marks that
26:34had gone bad. However this one, even with everything's remained good at his core,
26:39for now at least. We then end with him committing to killing whoever opposes them and in fighting
26:43these monsters he's become one himself. Earlier in the season he tried to teach Ollie that killing
26:48was wrong but over time this is completely worn away. He's seen first hand he has to step things
26:53up as his enemies won't give him any quarter. We've also seen through his variants what kind
26:58of path this puts Mark on. Those willing to kill eventually become corrupted and just as bad as
27:04the people they're fighting. If not worse. However we totally get it and understand why he
27:09has to be that way. It's a powerful way to close out the season and the guy's not really gonna get
27:14a break with what's coming. But wait there's more! It's not the end and we actually get a credit
27:19scene that's brand new for the show. Damien Darkblood has returned after Cecil exorcised
27:24him during season 1. Here we catch him meeting with a demon but I've got no real idea where this
27:29is going. Me and TJ were searched high and low and we couldn't find any scenes similar to it.
27:34Like we looked through every image comic with him in that was linked with the Invincible universe
27:39and found nothing. Darkblood only appears in Invincible 8, 10 and 16 and we get a 1 pound
27:44reaction shot of him in Invincible 100. Before that though he investigates the Guardian's murder.
27:52Never heard from again, I feel like Kirkman was probably spinning too many plates at once
27:57and just kinda got lost with all the plot threads. So the show could basically be the
28:00plans he wanted to do or the ones he thought of having in hindsight. Kirkman was originally gonna
28:05reveal Omni-Man as the villain in Invincible 25 but that would have made it a 2 year wait.
28:10So publisher Jim Valentino convinced him to move it up to issue 7 which is pretty much the same
28:16place as the show. However it left Darkblood redundant and thus they clearly scrapped the
28:21original structure. So that's what we could be seeing here. The Darkblood story that was never
28:26told. Now Darkblood is featured in the Astounding Wolfman 19, 23 and 24. However again he just plays
28:33a minor role. We again only see him being a detective and there's no demonic powers.
28:39However one interesting detail that TJ found was a panel from Astounding Wolfman 23. This is where
28:44he says he's resistant to heat when asked if he could perform a spell. His image page also says
28:49he has a vast knowledge of magic but this page indicates to me he doesn't really use it that
28:54often. Now there's another scene in Guarding of the Globe 6 which feels like it has a similar
28:58connection. This is the leader of the Order Set talking to some mysterious unseen figure.
29:03Similarly he's kneeled in front of a shrine. As for Set, his first appearance was in Guarding of
29:08the Globe issue 1. Set's origin is unknown but he comes from another dimension and battles with his
29:13brother Thoth for control of different worlds. They do this to prove themselves worthy to their
29:17father who's never revealed in the comics. However Set has specific rules to his mission
29:23such as not being able to use powers or take off his mask. Now maybe they're borrowing some of this
29:28storyline for Darkblood. It's also possible they could be tying this in with Qohor as he's
29:32completely new for the show. Set is the name of an Egyptian God so they may be tying the two
29:37together. I'm still unsure exactly what's going on with Qohor though. However the demon that
29:43Darkblood meets with does look similar to Set's real face. So maybe we have a combination of
29:48bringing both characters together and finishing both stories. His story was told in the side
29:56comics after he was defeated but they've brought it across to the series. Now it seems like they
30:01want to use their abilities to conjure up a surface dweller. They call him someone with
30:05a blackened heart and it's possible this is Omni-Man. Darkblood is in up to date with
30:10and he probably thinks Omni-Man is the one on the surface. Could also be Cecil as well as Darkblood
30:15has had run ins with him before and he's someone on the surface who has a blackened heart.
30:19Might even be Conquest but I know the comics well and I don't think it's gonna be him but
30:23it is worth bringing him up as he's on the surface and he has a blackened heart.
30:28Keep saying blackened heart but I wonder if they'll bond any of those characters to the
30:31Dark Lord and we'll get an even more evil version of that character. So maybe this is a second chance
30:36to get the story that we never did and yeah I'm excited to see where it goes.
30:40As for this season though mate I'm gonna say it. Gonna say it.
30:44Best Season Ever
30:45Shillin' shillin' shillin'
30:47Your boys check from Amazon has arrived
30:50Tell Bezos he's the best
30:52Tell Bezos I'll be bond
30:54Bond is back
30:55Anyway I think this season. I was kind of the most worried about this one because
31:00this is where things really hit the fan in the comics. It's just big event after big event but
31:06I was a bit worried that they were gonna house up the dragonite. What I mean by that is just drag
31:10stuff out so they have more stuff for other seasons. Here though they just hit the ground
31:14running and gave me everything I wanted as a fan. Like there was a point where I thought we might
31:19not even get the stuff for the mortal in the future because it could just be seen as not
31:24really adding to the story. However it added to the character and I was so glad they included it.
31:29Power Plex as well, I got my wish with that. They brought in so much and to me
31:34really knocked it out of the park.
31:35Now the big criticism around the series it seems to be the animation. I think like
31:40yeah I get it, it's nowhere near as detailed as the comics. Still though being realistic like
31:46the series obviously has a budget and a deadline for them to get stuff out for Amazon Prime Video.
31:51My guess is they're like you need this by this time and you need to have it cost this much
31:55so realistically it's not possible to do it better unless they either give them more time
32:00or give them more money. Then we probably end up with a season every 2-3 years and Amazon
32:05might have to earn back more because they're giving them more money and it might not be
32:09achievable. Amazon might just not want to take that long of a wait either as I find
32:14the bigger the gap between the seasons the less people care.
32:30Anyway that wraps up not only the breakdown but also our coverage of season 3. I might be back
32:42for a season 4 predictions video but we're actually filming some Bond stuff at the moment
32:47so it just depends if I've got the time there. We have managed to get an Aston Martin DB5 though so
32:51I'm excited about that but yeah if there's no video out just be like well Paul's off living
32:56his best life he's in an Aston Martin DB5 I want him to just have fun with it. Anyway though I'd
33:01of course love to hear your thoughts on the season and if there's anything we missed then please
33:05drop it below. Did you know as well yeah that members of the channel you also get early access
33:09for videos but you have you have to pay for it yeah you have to pay for it those Aston Martins
33:14aren't free. It costs just 99 cents a month though and we've tried to set it at a price
33:19where hopefully it's not a lot to you but if a lot of you do it it'll mean a lot to us. If you
33:22wanna get some heavy spoilers merch as well we've also got our t-shirt line located just below the
33:26video and you can pick up stuff like the Duncan Idaho June one we've just dropped, Theory Time
33:31as always, Disney Show one, House of the Dragons stuff, Marvel Tees and a lot more and the Alien
33:37Chestburster one, me and the boys. We drop new designs on there all the time too so definitely
33:42keep an eye out for them. Now if you want something else to watch you've got a breakdown on screen
33:46right now. Lots of stuff to talk about with Daredevil so if you've been watching that
33:49series then head over there after this. With that out of the way, I've been your host Paul,
33:53you have been the best, I'll see you next time. I'll see you season four mate, you take care, peace.
