PT Mulia Boga Raya Tbk (KEJU) berencana, untuk mendirikan pabrik baru di Sumendang, Jawa Barat dengan estimasi nilai investasi di Rp691,65 miliar. Pabrik Anyar tersebut dirancang, dengan kapasitas mencapai 45.249 ton per tahunnya.
00:00We move on to information from Mitan Pembimisarimana Produsen Keju, PT Mulya Boka Raya TBK is planning to establish a new factory in Sumedang, West Java, with an estimated investment value of Rp 691.65 billion.
00:18The Anjar factory is designed with a capacity of 45,249 tons per year.
00:30PT Mulya Boka Raya TBK is planning to establish a new factory in Sumedang, West Java, with an estimated investment value of Rp 691.65 billion.
00:43The son of PT Galura Food Putra Putri Jaya TBK announces that the company is moving in the industry of cheese and mayonnaise with the Pro Cheese brand.
00:52In the last three years, the volume of cheese production per year reached 22,647 tons in 2023, or 23,334 tons in 2023, and 26,756 tons in 2024.
01:07At the same time, the cheese recorded a volume of mayonnaise production of 949 tons, 752 tons, and 1,388 tons throughout 2022 to 2024.
01:18Until now, the cheese manufacturer announces that the company only has one production facility in Cikarang, West Java, with a total production capacity of 33,064 tons per year in 2024.
01:30The capacity is enough for a cheese product of 30,562 tons per year, and a mayonnaise product of 2,502 tons per year.
01:38Cheese management in the information bubble quoted on March 13, 2025 states that the utilization of production capacity reached 85% of the production facilities at this time.
01:48Thus, the limited production is one of the biggest challenges for the company to be able to use its business in the next few years.
01:56For that reason, the cheese is planned to build a new factory based on the support of Sarnak in Sumadang, West Java, which will start in 2025 and will be completed in 2028.
02:07The cheese factory is designed with a capacity of up to 4,249 tons per year.
02:12There is an investment value for the planning of the construction of a new factory and a cheese manufacturing machine, estimated at Rp. 691.65 billion or 93.48% of the revenue equity per December 31, 2024, worth Rp. 739.86 billion.
02:42For more information, please visit