Sekretaris Jenderal DPP PDIP Hasto Kristiyanto menjalani sidang perdana dugaan perintangan penyidikan perkara korupsi Harun Masiku
00:00General of the Central Leadership Council of the Indonesian Democratic Party,
00:04PDI Perjuangan, Hasto Cristianto,
00:06held the first hearing of the investigation into the corruption of Harun Masiku
00:11and the bribery in the court of action for the corruption of Jakarta on Friday, March 14.
00:16Hasto arrived at the location at 9 o'clock, West Indonesia.
00:20He had the opportunity to deliver a number of things before entering the courtroom of the TIPIKOR court.
00:25According to Hasto, there is a strangeness in the legal process he is facing,
00:29one of which is the P21 process in the KPK that does not reach 120 days,
00:34and there is no loss of the country caused in this case.
00:39The problem I face is also that there is no loss of the country.
00:43So there is no loss of the country.
00:45Reprocessing things that have been violated,
00:48in fact creates legal uncertainty
00:52and conflict with legal facts that have been decided by the previous court.
00:58This is the force of political criminalization.
01:02Meanwhile, the legal authority of Hasto Cristianto Magdir Ismail said
01:06he was optimistic to get justice in the case,
01:10although two previous Hasto Cristianto court hearings failed in the South Jakarta court.
01:16According to him, the failure of the court hearings does not have a legal basis
01:20because there is no regulation that prohibits the combination of two legal issues
01:24in one court hearing.
01:29This is indeed a scenario that was made in such a way
01:34so that the requests of our courts are buried.
01:36Moreover, the process related to the submission of the second stage,
01:44then the abundance of legal documents is only one day.
01:50This means that there is indeed a speedy trial, in quotation marks.
01:56This means that there is indeed a delay so that it is failed.
02:02With this optimism, the legal authority of Hasto is not planning to introduce an exception
02:07for Hasto Cristianto in the first hearing this time.
02:11From Jakarta, I am Dinda Irvan Syah Nasution,
02:13Antara News Agency, reporting.