Nina De Azúcar Capítulo 72 en HD Completo Nina De Azúcar Capítulo 73 en HD Completo Nina De Azúcar Capítulo 74 en HD Completo Nina De Azúcar Capítulo 72 en HD Completo Nina De Azúcar Capítulo 72 en HD Completo Nina De Azúcar Capítulo 72 en HD Completo Nina De Azúcar Capítulo 72 en HD Completo
Short filmTranscript
00:00I'm going to the house.
00:02Horrible, they made a mess, everything is scattered.
00:04But they didn't take anything.
00:08And what does that mean?
00:10I don't know.
00:12The police are going to find out.
00:14Yes, but this is not a coincidence.
00:16No, of course not, old lady.
00:18Of course not.
00:20Anyway, we'll know.
00:22But I won't let you go to that house.
00:24Not even to you.
00:26What does that mean? Are we going to have to move?
00:28Not tonight, nothing.
00:30Now we'll see how we solve it.
00:32And tomorrow we'll look for another house.
00:34Yes, love, that's it. What are you going to do?
00:36I don't worry.
00:38Because I'm still married to the heiress.
00:40Owner of a hotel chain.
00:46And I never worry when I'm with the women of my life.
00:48That's it.
00:50Nothing happens.
00:58A few days later.
01:22I'd tear your head off right now.
01:24Don't worry, handsome.
01:26You'll end up like your old man.
01:28Like my old man?
01:30I'm going to kill him.
01:32You did everything you could.
01:34Why don't you understand?
01:36He's the guy who killed my son.
01:38He tried to escape.
01:42I can't.
01:44I can't.
01:48You can cry with me if you want.
01:50Your father is already resting in peace.
01:52I'm going to cry with you.
02:02My love.
02:08Are you okay?
02:16I was thinking about you.
02:18In the peace you give me.
02:22In the calm you give me.
02:24In Tati.
02:28You know you two are my refuge.
02:36I remembered my father.
02:40And everything he did with my mother.
02:44It's crazy.
02:46I'm so proud.
02:48To think that now we're starting our own family.
02:52It makes me so happy, my love.
02:54It's all I want.
02:56This family.
03:00I don't need anything else.
03:02You're beautiful.
03:06And I'm the same.
03:08I love you.
03:10Not Tati.
03:12The family I have.
03:16For me, that's everything.
03:20That's everything?
03:26And something else.
03:30You wanted to have more children.
03:38We have to wait for Tati to be on her way.
03:40Yes, of course.
03:42But I was thinking...
03:46About something.
03:48About someone.
04:02I didn't want to tell you, my love.
04:04I didn't want to get excited.
04:06I didn't want to pressure you.
04:08Don't pressure me.
04:10It's what I wanted too.
04:14I miss him.
04:16I need him.
04:18Me too.
04:20I want him with me.
04:22Me too.
04:24He sent me a picture.
04:26With Lucia and the cake.
04:30No, no.
04:32I love this baby.
04:34It's so cute.
04:36I love it so much.
04:40What do you say?
04:44Are you ready to have another baby?
04:52Yes, my love.
04:54You make me so happy.
04:58And you make me happy.
05:06What did you do to me?
05:08What did you do to me?
05:10I love you.
05:12I don't understand.
05:14What happened with the ex-boyfriend?
05:16I don't know him anymore.
05:18I want him.
05:36I won't do it.
05:38I won't do it.
05:56I don't understand what's going on.
05:58It must be the heat.
06:00I don't understand why the cream doesn't stay firm.
06:04It can't be possible.
06:06How can this happen?
06:16I didn't mean to do this.
06:18Please forgive me.
06:20I swear I didn't want it to happen.
06:22Don't worry.
06:24It was a direct blow.
06:26They didn't suffer.
06:28I'll fix it.
06:30I'll fix it right now.
06:32No, Nina.
06:34Don't do it.
06:36Listen to me.
06:38You and I know
06:40what's going on here.
06:42Come on.
06:44If I were you,
06:46I wouldn't mind
06:48if Eva
06:50was naked
06:52in a gigantography
06:54outside the bakery.
07:02Do you think I'm like this
07:04because of Ramiro's job?
07:08Do you think I'm like this
07:10because of the gigantography
07:12that everyone sees of my husband
07:14naked with his muscles
07:16all huge, well worked,
07:18with all his tattoos exposed
07:20that I only saw in private
07:22but now everyone can see it.
07:24There are days and days.
07:26In this case, it's one of those days
07:28where Tati gets up very early
07:30and she rules my life
07:34She drives her around
07:36because she has no space
07:38and she has to go out
07:40and she doesn't.
07:42My organs are all messed up.
07:44My lumbar hurts and my legs
07:46like you have no idea.
07:48It's incredible.
07:50I have fluid retention.
07:52I'm beautiful.
07:58Bright. Entrepreneur.
08:00I can handle it.
08:14We're in danger.
08:16The eruption of the volcano is imminent.
08:18I repeat, a fire of great proportions
08:20is coming.
08:22Change and out.
08:26Ah, that's good.
08:28That's good.
08:30That's good.
08:32There's a little bit of ink left,
08:34but it's good.
08:38We're in danger.
08:40The eruption of the volcano is imminent.
08:42I repeat, a fire of great dimensions
08:44is coming.
08:46Change and out.
08:48No, no, no.
08:50What are you going to pay?
08:52I'd make you pork rinds.
08:54Give him time, Pelotero.
08:56Okay, okay.
08:58Come on, don't leave her alone.
09:00Call me if anything.
09:10I'll try to keep the volcano out.
09:12Change and out.
09:18Rami, how are you?
09:20Starting the day?
09:22Yes, starting.
09:26Not so good, right?
09:28Because I have my advertising
09:30almost in balls
09:32in front of my wife's pastry shop.
09:34Oh, yes, I understand you.
09:36It's not real.
09:38Come on, brother, I'm serious.
09:40With what need? Right here?
09:42With the only need to sell, Rami.
09:44There and in thousands of other places.
09:46Yes, I know, I'm a big shot,
09:48you have to sell, but
09:50Nina won't like it at all, you know?
09:52And we come from some bravas, you know.
09:54I 100% agree with you, Rami.
09:56That's why I was the first to tell you
09:58that you had to talk to your wife.
10:00Yes, well, but I thought it was more modest.
10:02Modest? With everything you're paying?
10:04Please, imagine.
10:06That advertising is there, it's all over Peru,
10:08in Italy, in the world.
10:10Assume it, you're a star.
10:12Make the idea.
10:14In the cartel, at home, I'm a scared husband.
10:16Look, Nina loves you.
10:18And maybe she's the person who understands you the most
10:20in the world, so maybe it's time
10:22you understand her this time too.
10:24Okay? We'll talk.
10:26In return?
10:30For the campaign?
10:32Yes, complicated.
10:34I think
10:36Rami has no idea
10:38about the dimension of his fame,
10:40and Nina neither.
10:42I think it's better for it to be like this.
10:44For it to stay like this,
10:46because that keeps them real.
10:48Where were you hiding,
10:54Yes, I mean,
10:56I know you say very interesting things,
10:58and I say very interesting things,
11:00but sometimes you say more interesting things
11:02than I do, and that's a lot.
11:06I wasn't hiding.
11:10Maybe I was just waiting for you.
12:40Your heart.
12:42Your family.
12:44Your desire.
12:46Your drive.
12:48Your courage.
12:52Your passion, my Tati.
12:56And those things don't show up
12:58on a billboard.
13:00Those things are yours.
13:04I'll tell you a secret.
13:06Your daddy built your crib.
13:08He did it on his own.
13:10Yes, a couple of screws fell off,
13:12but he asked no one to help him.
13:14He loved it.
13:18He's the best.
13:20He's the best dad in the world.
13:26And we love you
13:28and admire you a lot.
13:32Nina, you're so cute.
13:34But would you take a picture of us with the jaguar?
13:36Of course.
13:40Let's see.
13:42Girls, smile.
13:44Let's see.
14:00we did it.
14:02They didn't recognize you,
14:04or look at me.
14:06I don't want to compromise you,
14:08spiny bee.
14:26Shouldn't you be training?
14:28Yes, I should.
14:30But I don't want to get rid of you.
14:34but as your lawyer,
14:36I have to cancel a marriage
14:38of two people who got married in Las Vegas.
14:40I don't know if you remember.
14:42Yes, I remember.
14:44But you can do it later,
14:46because I want to take advantage of it a little more.
14:48Be careful.
14:52Who is it?
14:54I don't know. Hide.
15:02Hi, Valen.
15:06Excuse me.
15:10It's nice to see you.
15:12I mean, here with clothes,
15:14because I see you all the time on the street.
15:16Yes, yes, I'm embarrassed.
15:18I can't even get out of the street.
15:20Well, you're brave.
15:24Although Nina is braver, I think, right?
15:28That voice reminds me of...
15:30What are you doing here?
15:32I came for legal issues, but...
15:34Legal, but...
15:36Oh, no.
15:38I'm dying.
15:40I love it.
15:42I love it.
15:44I love it, I love it, I love it.
15:46Yes, yes.
15:48I love it.
15:50You had it saved.
15:52I saved it.
15:54Let's see, Sirena.
15:56Show me again the reference they sent you.
16:02They want you to have loose hair.
16:04With what I like, your half-tail.
16:06Oh, no, no, no, friend.
16:08They want something very striking,
16:10very glamorous, very pompous.
16:12But you are glamorous by nature.
16:14Oh, thank you, friend.
16:16But I can't take the anxiety anymore.
16:18Tell me more about the Alfarero.
16:20Nothing happened.
16:22What I told you.
16:24I met him and everything stayed there.
16:26It didn't work.
16:28Oh, how nice you two talk.
16:30Are you sure?
16:42Yes, I don't know what to think.
16:44I feel bad because I sent myself and...
16:48What sorry? Forget it.
16:52Yes, confirmed. It works.
16:54Yes, yes.
16:56How does it work?
16:58A lot, because there is a very strong connection.
17:00Crazy, right?
17:02What a shame, right?
17:06Because it works.
17:08It would be much better if it didn't work, but it works.
17:10Maybe it was because of the impact.
17:12Maybe if we do it again, it won't work.
17:16Better not.
17:24Oh, sorry, friend. I don't know what I did to you.
17:26Let's see.
17:30I know.
17:32Love is capricious.
17:34Sometimes it's at first sight.
17:36Sometimes it's denied and it's for later.
17:38Sometimes it appears out of nowhere.
17:40And sometimes it's in front of you.
17:42But it gets distracted.
17:44Oh, don't be sad.
17:46I know we had faith with that first meeting.
17:48But maybe he missed the kiss.
17:50The kiss never fails.
17:52Where there is a good guy,
17:54that's where it's worth trying.
18:02The girls? I can't believe it.
18:04I mean, I can't believe it.
18:06What a player.
18:08Beautiful, right?
18:12We had a great time together.
18:14I would repeat it.
18:16We surfed.
18:18Oh, you surfed too?
18:22What did you do in Las Vegas?
18:24Oh, we did everything.
18:26We didn't stop.
18:28You didn't do the typical thing where you get married.
18:30No, no.
18:32I don't want to puncture your balloon.
18:34I love it, I love it.
18:36I can't believe it.
18:38I see you concentrating hard.
18:40The final is coming.
18:42I see you focused on the game.
18:44Let's see the final and what you miss.
18:46Yes, brother, don't tell me.
18:48I want to step on it and face it.
18:50That touch and pass.
18:52Those walls I had.
18:54But hey, I have to see it from the outside.
18:56What can I do?
18:58Well, then I'm going to my house.
19:00I'll take a shower.
19:02And train with the capricious.
19:04Come on, get in.
19:08It was fun.
19:10But well, you have to work, right?
19:12It was a lot of fun.
19:14Well, Pupi, I say goodbye.
19:16And I'm going to look for those panties.
19:18That are going to be spectacular.
19:20Come on, get in.
19:22Those quadriceps.
19:24See you.
19:26Bye, brother.
19:28I can't believe they had sex with the bee.
19:30I'm really surprised.
19:32I love it, I love it, I love it.
19:34Besides, I know him.
19:36And it makes me happy because I see him very well.
19:38Yes, I also see him well.
19:40I see him focused.
19:44I think he can come out of the field in the final.
19:46Because that's what you mean, right?
19:50Yes, that's what I mean.
19:54No, the truth is that he's a great player.
19:56He's a great player and a great guy at first.
19:58And well, a great lawyer.
20:02Let's see, let's see, let's see.
20:06What helped you?
20:08With Nina.
20:10We are thinking of adopting Simoncito.
20:12Oh no.
20:14I'm dying, I'm dying of love.
20:16How nice, how nice, how nice.
20:20Thank you, thank you.
20:22How beautiful.
20:24We thought you might be able to help us.
20:26Yes, of course.
20:28Count on me.
20:32Oh, how nice.
20:34We are very happy.
20:36I call to congratulate you
20:38for accepting my suggestion
20:40to put the Moran poster in front of the pastry shop
20:42Nina Azúcar.
20:44I thought it would be a key place
20:46and I was not wrong.
21:02Yes, please.
21:16How beautiful.
21:20Hello family.
21:24Hello cousin.
21:26Aren't you going to tell me anything?
21:30Yes, hello.
21:32Do you want something?
21:34Of the photo, beautiful.
21:36No, excuse me.
21:38I'm thinking of my pastry shop.
21:40I don't usually get into my husband's work.
21:44Maybe the photo is a little big.
21:46Don't you think?
21:48Like any outstanding work of art.
21:50And if you want,
21:52for treating you,
21:54I can photograph them.
21:56What do you say?
21:58I don't think.
22:00Your own cakes.
22:02What do you say?
22:16The photo only has one mistake.
22:18The panties.
22:22Well, it's not me, my little girl.
22:24That's what they say on the networks.
22:26Oh my God.
22:28Oh my God.
22:30The black man is everywhere.
22:32Yes, it's so cute
22:34that they decided to paste his photo
22:42The photo is already in my power.
22:44Now I'm missing him.
22:48Because the comments are very funny.
22:50Thank you, grandma.
22:52I'm thinking of renting Ramiro
22:54so they don't fight over him.
23:04Hi, girl.
23:08How are you?
23:10How are you? Welcome.
23:12Do you want a lemon delight?
23:14No, I came for another delight.
23:16Oh yeah?
23:18I'm just passing by.
23:20I came to take a picture.
23:22Of course, of course.
23:24Where do we put it?
23:26With the Jaguar Morano sign.
23:32You look beautiful.
23:34You are beautiful.
23:36And your pastry shop is getting better and better.
23:38Thank you very much.
23:40Let's have a coffee to chat.
24:20You don't need to see this, girl.
24:24The breads are necessary.
24:26They are very good.
24:28How is my niece?
24:30She just woke up.
24:34Oh, Guille.
24:50My bell rings
24:52in my heart.
24:54What did you say?
24:56Can you open a shorter recipe?
24:58I'm in a hurry.
25:00Don't worry.
25:02We asked my new Galaxy S25 Ultra.
25:04Can you give me the recipe of a canoli
25:06of guaymanto and save notes?
25:08Of course. I saved the recipe.
25:12Look, it's almost time to go back to class.
25:16And you know, it's important
25:18that you go to school.
25:20But more importantly,
25:22that you arrive strong and healthy.
25:24With Leche Gloria,
25:26your children will have the nutrients and vitamins
25:28so that they don't lack anything.
25:32Oh, darling.
25:34I sent you a video of a recipe.
25:36Yes, I downloaded it right away.
25:38That's having the fastest mobile network in Peru.
25:40Change the fastest mobile network in Peru
25:42to 0800 00200
25:50Coca Cola
26:10Sweeten yourself
26:12Yes, yes.
26:18Daniel, you can't be mad at me for something like this.
26:22Yes, yes, yes.
26:23I know, I know, the poster is huge
26:25and everyone is seeing your husband in underpants.
26:27Ah, but if they saw him live, it would be much better.
26:34I got scared.
26:35So I look beautiful in underpants?
26:44A little more than average?
26:47Of the average?
26:49Ah, it has an average, look, sugar.
26:51Yes, more or less.
26:52Let's see, how much does the jury say?
26:55Nine little girls.
26:57Nine little girls?
26:58Yes, the jury gave you nine little girls.
27:00And what does it take to have ten little girls?
27:03Hmm, I don't know.
27:05You'll have to make merits, some effort to have ten little girls.
27:09Ah, I don't have ten little girls?
27:12And who did you give ten little girls to?
27:13Did you tell someone that I don't have ten little girls?
27:15Uh, no.
27:19No, no, no, don't tickle, don't tell, no.
27:21He laughs a lot.
27:23Enough, enough, enough, enough, enough.
27:25I like that you laugh.
27:27Laugh at this, love, come on.
27:33My love, I want the best for you.
27:35But you have to understand, it has been a very complicated day for me
27:38with your gigantography there, in underpants.
27:42That gigantography has really been great.
27:46And all the people going to take pictures, the fans, the press.
27:50Oh, it's been very complicated.
27:53But I want the best.
27:55I know this is important to you.
27:57That's why I've breathed, I've calmed down, I've sweetened up.
28:02Because I know it's important to you.
28:05And if it's for you, it's for me too.
28:09So don't worry, everything will be fine.
28:13I love you.
28:16I love you, I love you, I love you.
28:20I love you, I know it's not easy.
28:22It's not easy to be with the jaguar, all these things.
28:27But you're doing well, you're doing much better than me.
28:30I love you. And that's why...
28:33So that there are no doubts.
28:38She's back.
28:41I'm from Nina, don't insist.
28:46You have a gift, a talent.
28:50Yes, to do and say things that are so special and important to me.
28:54How do you do it?
28:56I don't know. Because I love you.
28:59Because I want to understand you.
29:01That's the idea, right? That we understand each other.
29:03Well, I understand you.
29:05You're everything to me, my love.
29:07You and Tati are my life.
29:10I love you.
29:17Well, it's okay.
29:18Anyway, if you haven't left...
29:21It's just that you've chosen to stay.
29:23You're not a caged jaguar.
29:25Obviously I choose to stay.
29:26No way, I'm leaving.
29:27I'm staying here.
29:29I have an idea.
29:33Oh, stop it, you can't with your genius.
29:35You're going to show off too, please, on your cell phone.
29:37No, I'm not showing off.
29:39It's for us to play.
29:40With the pencil.
29:41That we paint on it.
29:43Ah, let's see.
29:44Yes, because you can't do it on the poster.
29:46It's bad for the image.
29:47Let's do it.
29:49Two mustaches and glasses.
29:52Let's see you.
29:53That's how we do it.
29:54Naturalizing a little bit.
29:59And that sad face?
30:01And that sad face if I'm not with you.
30:05Oh, no.
30:06Oh, no, my love.
30:08No, no, no.
30:09There you won the ten girls.
30:11I won them?
30:12You won them.
30:14I won them.
30:18I won them.
30:19I won them.
30:32Hey, Andrew.
30:33How are you?
30:34Why did you come all of a sudden?
30:35Don't worry, don't worry.
30:36Are you okay?
30:38What's wrong?
30:39The team is in trouble.
30:41Valientes needs you.
30:56Oh, mom.
30:57You don't change.
30:59No, you know me.
31:00I like to go light for life.
31:02Yes, me too.
31:04But with these cakes.
31:07I haven't answered my calls lately.
31:10And I've only received a few messages.
31:12Like a telegram.
31:13Hello, mom.
31:14Yes, mom.
31:15No, mom.
31:16I've been very busy.
31:18Your dad says you're working remotely.
31:20Have you come in a mood, Alessandra,
31:22of the tea investigation?
31:24Well, I'm a journalist and a mother.
31:28And yes, I want to know.
31:29No, I haven't come to chase you.
31:30No, not that way.
31:31But I want to know about you.
31:32I want you to share your things with me.
31:34Tell me.
31:35I've been fine.
31:36I've had very difficult cases.
31:39Oh, mom.
31:40But when I ask you about you,
31:41you don't answer me and you run away.
31:43And, my love, there's nothing new to tell.
31:46Are you sure?
31:49And that bracelet?
31:50Ah, this?
31:53Well, you know that I like to give myself things.
31:59that self-gift is very expensive, isn't it?
32:05I recommend it to you.
32:07Every beginning of the month, a gift.
32:10And so, you raise your self-esteem.
32:12It doesn't fail, it's very good.
32:19Who is it?
32:28I'll tell you if you tell me.
32:29Ah, yes.
32:30I'll tell you if you tell me.
32:32I accept.
32:35You first.
32:40It's my dad.
32:42He's inviting me to Valientes' final.
32:47And I'm going.
32:48Since it's the final, I want to support him.
32:50Of course.
32:52Look, it's Nina.
32:54Like the other day, I helped her with an outfit.
32:56Now he's inviting me to see Valientes too.
33:00Ah, so we're going together.
33:02I love the idea.
33:03I love it.
33:05I'm going to answer my dad.
33:06Of course.
33:14Do you want coffee?
33:17I'm going.
33:30What are we going to do?
33:32After so many nights
33:35Everything was in Valientes.
33:37In the building.
33:38Staff, technical team.
33:40Everything for the final.
33:41But it happened, and I hope it doesn't transcend too much.
33:44That the whole technical team went to celebrate
33:47the birthday of one of them.
33:48And today they woke up...
33:56But the players too?
33:58Of course not.
34:00They were concentrating.
34:01Ah, thank goodness.
34:04Oh, Deo, what bad luck.
34:06But who's dedicating today?
34:07That's why I called you urgently.
34:11I need you to be the technical director of the team today, Moran.
34:18Then we'll see the conditions.
34:19And I'll talk to you.
34:20No, what conditions?
34:21It's Valientes.
34:22The team needs you.
34:23There I am.
34:24Forget it.
34:26Count on me.
34:27Eternal thanks.
34:28Thanks to you.
34:59You couldn't understand me
35:03I only think about you
35:06It's not necessary to lie
35:12How easy it is
35:14One, two, three
35:18Palavela presents...
35:26One, two, three
35:31This sun is killing my hair
35:34To the rescue
35:38With Sedal, my hair to the rhythm of the summer
35:43My hair to the rhythm of the summer with Sedal
35:52Wow, everything
35:54In Toto I always find everything at incredible prices
35:58In addition, they have advisors who made my shopping go much faster
36:01The school asks for it, Toto has it
36:13Okay, I breathe with the lower abdomen and count to eight
36:19One, two and three
36:22One, two, three
36:28Four, five
36:30Oh, shut up!
36:31Oh, slowly!
36:33I don't know how to breathe with the lower abdomen, daughter
36:36Oh, grandma, I don't even know where my lower and upper abdomen are
36:40Well, we'll find out
36:43Let's see
36:44With my Galaxy S25 Ultra
36:49How to breathe with the lower abdomen
36:53You can practice lying face up
36:57Sitting in a chair with a straight back or standing
37:02Place one hand on your chest and the other on your abdomen
37:07Right under the ribs
37:13And that's it
37:15Now concentrate
37:18Oh, yes
37:22Oh, my name is Ramiro
37:25Thank you, grandma
37:26Calm down, calm down
37:33Hello, my love
37:34Hello, my loves
37:36And that smile, why are you so happy?
37:38I have news for you
37:40Let's see, which one?
37:45Love, what's up?
37:46I'm going to be the new valiant ET
37:51What? How? When? How?
37:53Right now, it's crazy
37:55Besides, I have to run to the stadium because today is the final
37:58Yes, yes, yes, I'm going to change to the house and go straight to the stadium
38:01But you can go just like that, people will see you in underwear
38:05So, see you at the stadium?
38:07Yes, please, I'll wait for you
38:09I'll take...
38:10Oh, Simoncito, take him, please, please
38:12Well, I'll leave you because I have to go flying
38:14I love you, I love you, my love
38:16You're going to be the best ET, I love you
38:18Thank you, my love
38:32It's been a long time since I felt so... so happy
38:36Because the past is in the past, right?
38:38Although everything seems to fit
38:40Ramiro is going to be the valiant ET
38:43I can't believe it
38:45They just asked me to be the photographer of the event
38:49This match is not over yet
38:51Oh, look at the voice
38:52Your ex already managed to fall in his claws
38:54Sugar Mine is coming to an end
38:57She's with me
39:00Like my official girlfriend
39:03Tomorrow, immediately after, at El Fondo del Sitio, on America