• 43 minutes ago
00:00And that's Chicago San Jose game. You've got the last two number one picks in the NHL draft going head-to-head
00:07You got to believe that one of them is gonna score tonight and you've also got to believe as well
00:14That caught and there's not really like a rivalry between the two of them. They know each other. They're from the same part of Vancouver
00:21But Carter Berdard came in with more height than Salabrini, right and Salabrini
00:27You know, I'm not gonna say he's been better because Badard hasn't been bad
00:30Badard is in a different situation than that Salabrini is in but nevertheless like Badard is going to be fired up
00:38Tonight knowing that people are going to be comparing the two of them
00:41It's sort of like Crosby and Ovechkin actually when I came into the league. They've always been sort of connected right Manning and Leaf
00:49So these guys they didn't come into the league together
00:52But they were both drafted first overall back-to-back years people are going to compare the two of them as they progress
00:59through their careers I
01:01Kind of think Salabrini is gonna score more than Badard does actually Salabrini is plus 130
01:07We'll hit this or more on the other side. Let's roll. This is portrait
