Clermont district cotton grower Brendon Swaffer, Bungarra, provides a season update on his dryland cotton. Video by Ben Harden.
00:00What gets me excited about the yield this year is the retention rate's pretty high like we're up in
00:04the 80-85% first position that's held fruit held a bowl like the first flower so and that's where
00:11your best cotton comes from those first positions and we've got we've got eight and a half or nine
00:16out of ten and um so and then we've got some second position stuff and third position but um
00:23but that's where our yield's going to come from is all that first position fruit that's really
00:26proved up really nicely we're getting right to the top this year because um there's that last
00:31bit of rain like normally all this top bit we've lost all that top crop but we're going to get to
00:35keep one two three four five six seven or eight or extra bowls than we normally would so how far
00:40along is the crop uh we're probably about another eight weeks away from defoliation so seven or
00:47eight weeks um yeah so it was planted in um was planted in about the 20th of December or 18th of
00:53December so so January February March with 12 weeks 12 13 weeks in so and how do you describe
00:59the season uh unreal yeah we've got rain every time we wanted some rain so um it's we had a
01:07dream run so far we just hope it stops when we come to foliating time so we can actually get it off