• 3 hours ago
Skin-Locked Fancy Kairos Ep 12 | KairosTime
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This is my Skin-Locked account, where I am NOT allowed to play a brawler unless they have a SKIN! If they don't have a skin, I can't upgrade them and I can't play them! It's like they're not even unlocked yet! Additionally, progression is going to be restricted based on the rarity of skin that they have!

Rare skins - up to power 7
Super Rare skins - up to power 8
Epic skins - up to power 9
Mythic skins - up to power 10
Legendary & Hypercharge skins - up to power 11
Extra skins on the same brawler allow for +1 power level each!

This is episode 12! In this episode, I realized that Ranked is going to be VERY different now, especially because the entire system is going to be changed. This means that I'm going to have to upgrade 12 brawlers to max level JUST to play in Mythic or higher! This is a set-back, but I'm still determined to reach MASTERS in Ranked.

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00:00This is Fancy Kairos, my skin locked account where I can only play brawlers if they have a skin.
00:04My goal is to reach masters in ranked. Can't spend money, can only play with randoms,
00:09and progression is restricted depending on the rarity of skins that I have for my brawlers and
00:12how many skins I have for them as well. Progression's slower, it's harder, it actually
00:15matters a lot, you get the idea, I've done this so many times. Today is different though,
00:19because today is the first day that it's been day 106, and I haven't recorded in about a week.
00:26On day 100, we had Lunar Brawl Stars, had some drops, and I was able to get something here.
00:33Oh no, those were power points. I don't remember what I was. Let's see. Oh, that's right,
00:38it was Elf Angelo. So I have Elf Angelo a lot, that means that I can upgrade him. In fact,
00:43I'm going to just upgrade him once right now. That means I can get Angelo up to,
00:48I'm pretty sure that's just a rare, yeah, so that's power seven. Okay, but we also had a
00:51free Legendary Star Drop, and that free Legendary Star Drop had Barley's Extra Noxious Star Power,
00:57so I have that now, which is actually pretty great. Now, we also had an Omega Trophy Box.
01:02This was our second Omega Trophy Box that we got for pushing Buzz Lightyear to 1,000 trophies. And
01:07in this Omega Trophy Box, we had a bunch of bling. The funny thing is, we had 436 bling from this,
01:14we got six gems as well. This is less bling than I got from my free, oh, oh yeah, on Robo Spike.
01:21We got Robo Spike. I could already get Spike up to power 11, so this is just cream on the top.
01:26This is the cherry on top. Anyway, it's funny, I got more bling from my Big Trophy Box. Yeah,
01:36or was it my Mega Trophy Box on my free-to-play account? Either way, kind of funny that I got
01:40more bling or less bling on this one, and this was a higher rarity box, a little messed up,
01:45if you ask me. Also, I got Warrior Bow. This was from an Epic Stardrop. I didn't start recording
01:51until afterwards because I don't record Epic Stardrops. You rarely get anything from them,
01:56but I can max him out now. I get him to power 11, so that's cool. A similar thing happened when I
02:00was unlocking a Ranked Stardrop. I got Quit Playing Poco, and yeah, this is actually the
02:06ranked season that you can get this, so I got pretty lucky by getting this this season. You
02:09can get it in the Ranked Stardrops. Sweet. This is my first skin on Poco, and it is an Epic,
02:15which means that I can get him up to power 9. There was one other thing that happened. Yes,
02:20I opened up a Mythic Stardrop, and I sillily did not record it and unlocked Bonnie, so I got Bonnie
02:26unlocked. Sweet. Now, you're caught up on the last week of what's been going on in this account,
02:32kind of. I have been prioritizing playing Ranked. Every single day, what I do is I check my quests.
02:38I look at this first quest, and I say, OK, I am going to do that, and then I ignore all my other
02:45quests, and I play Ranked, and there's only 12 days left of the season. However, this season
02:48is actually shorter because they're making some changes to Ranked in this next upcoming update,
02:53and this is going to have a massive impact on this series. If I had the skill, I could get up to
02:58Masters this season, but after this update, in order for you to play in Mythic or higher,
03:05you have to have 12 Brawlers at power 11. 11 maxed out Brawlers. I have, let's see here,
03:14one Brawler maxed out. Now, I do have a few Brawlers at power 10, and a few of them can
03:20actually be upgraded. I want to make sure that I prioritize upgrading Brawlers that I'm actually
03:24going to play, though. Let's be honest, I'm probably not going to be playing Shelly competitively.
03:28As much as Shelly can be played competitively, and people do, she's just not my Brawler. Maybe
03:34I will eventually end up upgrading her up to power 11 just because I can. However, I need to
03:40focus on Brawlers that I actually will. Now, I'm at a crossroads because this episode, initially,
03:46I'm literally recording this the day that I recorded the video explaining all the changes
03:51to Ranked that are happening. I'm still processing this myself, but this video originally was going
03:56to be all about pushing as hard as I could in Ranked with Edgar, and I was going to upgrade
04:04Griff, and that's what I was going to do. In fact, I'm still going to do it because I want Griff
04:10maxed out. I have been playing him more than Edgar in Ranked, and he has been a huge help,
04:15but there are times where I die because he's not maxed out, and I wouldn't have died had he not
04:21been maxed out, so that's really great. In fact, you can see I've been playing him right there. I
04:24got some power points from him. Hooray! Anyway, now I'm kind of at a crossroads because I don't
04:29really know what to do because this season, yes, I can push. However, I also said in the last
04:35episode that I wasn't going to focus too much on progression this season, and instead, I was going
04:39to focus on Ranked, which would mean that I would get fewer bonus rewards at the end of the Brawl
04:45Pass and get less progression, but the problem is that if I do that this season, I really focus on
04:51pushing Ranked as hard as I can. Let's be honest, I think the highest that I could get would be
04:55Legendary, and that is if I really gave it my all and also played better than I have been,
05:02but even that, I don't know that I'm there yet. Doing that with just Edgar and Griff sounds really
05:08hard and daunting, but I had a plan in place. I was going to upgrade a couple other Brawlers
05:13and some ways that I could do it, but now I'm like, I've got 12 days left. There's also updates
05:17that are going to be happening, so a lot of my time is going to be spent making update videos,
05:22but most importantly, that means that there would be less progression here, which I am going to need
05:29for future seasons because I won't even be able to get into Mythic if I don't have
05:3612 maxed out Brawlers, so I honestly don't know what to do. I'm going to have to think about it
05:43more. I think what my priority needs to be is to focus on upgrading my Brawlers. It's just what
05:48makes the most sense, but I'm disappointed because I wanted to make this happen sooner
05:52than later. I almost feel like this series has been more about my own personal, I don't know,
05:59like emotions or something. Let's do some stuff though. Let's grab those PowerPoints. We're going
06:04to open up some rewards here. We're going to get as much progression as we possibly can.
06:07I still want to play Ranked. This season, I don't have contests or anything like that,
06:12and because I don't have contests, there's more time that I can actually spend playing Ranked
06:16while also maximizing my quest rewards. So let's, I think I might as well at least do that and see
06:22how things go and continue pushing a little bit and upgrade Brawlers that I need to do.
06:26So, okay, so that was not enough PowerPoints that I, or not as many PowerPoints as I wanted. Let's
06:31check Mastery. We did get some coins from Edgar's Mastery. I have been playing Edgar and Griff
06:37pretty much nonstop. A lot of my Brawlers are actually power one and most of them are power
06:40two or lower. I only have a handful of Brawlers. I mean, I've got, you know, 12 Brawlers at power
06:45nine so that I can actually play Ranked. But other than that, they're pretty much
06:49really underleveled. Penny has her base levels power nine, and then I have these two skins,
06:56which means that I can get her up to power 11 as well. I've been thinking a lot about this. Penny's
07:00already at power nine, or sorry, power 10, which means that I'm really close to being able to get
07:05her to power 11. And the reason why I want to go with Penny is because between Edgar and Griff,
07:11when there is a map that is very open and long range, and we're playing something like Bounty,
07:17they struggle, okay? Edgar can be good in Bounty, but you kind of have to rely on your teammates to
07:23not be idiots. And you can't do that when you're playing with randoms. Not saying that all randoms
07:28are idiots, but it seems to be like mine have been. And Griff definitely gets outranged on
07:33those maps where you might have like a Piper or any honestly any sniper at our ranges. Griff is
07:39going to make him struggle a little bit. You can still kind of play him, but he's also less about
07:43burst damage and more about control. And that's not quite as useful in Bounty. And I really,
07:48really need a brawler that can handle long range situations. And that also isn't awful in heist.
07:56I have been focusing mostly on playing Griff in heist. I can play Colt and people are really
08:03good with Colt and Colt would be a decent option for heist. However, I just find that for some
08:09reason, when I am playing Colt, it seems like I'm just focusing on killing people the entire time.
08:16And my teammates are just dead the whole time because Colt does not provide the cover,
08:21or at least I'm not providing enough cover for my teammates as Colt. Gosh, dang it. He's got a
08:26hyper charge. Oh, just a sec. Okay. Penny's got a hyper charge. Perfect. Okay. I'm, I'm set in my
08:32ways then. Yeah. We're going to go ahead and upgrade Penny as well. So now I have tripled
08:38the number of brawlers that I have at power 11, and that is huge. Griff already has the gears.
08:44We're going to go ahead and grab another gear for Penny. Pet power is the one I would really like,
08:48but it's more expensive. So I'm going to go, but I'm just going to grab it. I mean,
08:50I want best builds here as possible. And I know that vision gear isn't always best build for penny
08:55on maps where it is not vision, but on maps where there's actually a decent amount of bushes,
08:59vision gear is actually pretty decent. And I actually really like it on her. So it just,
09:04it's going to make her a little bit more versatile as, as unlike for bounty maps,
09:08when there are some bushes. So now I have three brawlers at power 11. This should bolster my
09:16range quite a bit. I hope as for next on my upgrade list, it is a kind of a toss up between
09:21like Frank or a brawler. That's like actually like pretty good at a heist. Like, you know,
09:27Jesse or Nita. I bet Benny is really good. It's just, she doesn't have quite as good defensive
09:33power as Jesse or Nita does mostly need. I really like, I like both of them. I don't know. And let's
09:38be honest here. I'm not even talking like the most competitive brawler options. I'm talking about the
09:43brawlers that I actually have that I could get skins on to be able to max them out. My options
09:49here are very limited, so I've got to go with what I can not even talking competitively here.
09:54Oh, but there's something else. Okay. I've been waiting to do this. Surge light here is a skin
10:01that I can get for free now. So I'm doing that. That means that I can get surge completely max
10:08out. Um, and let me tell you, this is a skin that I really, really have been thinking that
10:14I was going to just like hard focus on getting surge maxed out and playing him because I know
10:20that surge is so good. So what I've been doing is I have been practicing playing surge on my
10:26free to play account and I haven't maxed out on my free to play account. And it turns out
10:30I suck with surge because this whole time I've been playing with Griff and Edgar. And the thing
10:37is with Griff that I love so much about him is this business resilient star power just allows
10:42you to be so incredibly low on HP and still survive and kill people. And the same thing
10:48happens with Edgar. Edgar has this amazing ability where he can heal by dealing damage to people. So
10:56I have been playing brawlers where I am constantly at low HP and being way too aggressive for being
11:02at low HP. And then, you know, when my opponents actually play well, then I die. But every other
11:08time I just crush it. And that's just not how you play surge. When you're playing surge,
11:13you got to be careful because if you die, then you reset your power level. And now I don't know
11:18what to do because surge just has not been my play style. And, uh, swapping back and forth between
11:26two different play styles is hard, but I can do hard things. I can get better at the game. Sorry
11:31for just talking so much and not showing you guys gameplay. It's just been a lot. You guys should
11:35vent. Let me know in the comment section below. What has you frustrated about ranked right now?
11:39Well, would you look at that? Working on my dailies. Got a mythic star drop here. Let's
11:43see what it is. Okay. It's I am so sorry for recording this. Also, I realized I was kind of
11:52venting a little bit and completely glossed over the fact that, uh, you know, even if I don't play
11:59in, this is a freaking legendary skin. Ah, if you have, if I go over here and I click legendary
12:05skins, I have two of them. Wait, I have one. Yeah. I have two of them. It says two out of 32 collected
12:12one, two, boom, two legendary skins day. One Oh six. That's insane. Granted it's all because of
12:19events, but in the same event, it's kind of funny. People were saying that that event was really
12:24sucky for progression. It was, but for skins, I mean, look at it. Yeah, I got that. And this one.
12:33And if I would not have spent coins or the pizza slices, um, for surge, cause like if I already had
12:41surge, then I could have gotten virus Charlie as well. So that was the special event. If you want
12:45legendary skins, that was awesome. We have another mythic star drop, just finishing up dailies and
12:50love it. I never thought I would start a series where PowerPoints was my biggest concern, but here
12:56we are and we still don't have enough for another power 11, but that is okay. We're making some
13:02progress. I have done my quest for the day and we are able to collect another star drop, which is
13:08going to be PowerPoints. Thank you. Thank you. And 1000 coins. So going to be a little bit for
13:13PowerPoints. It looks like at tier 24, I'm pretty sure that's the last one. Oh my gosh.
13:19The PowerPoint struggle is real. Oh man. Look at this. I've got so many coins, not enough
13:26PowerPoints. Today is day one 16. It's been 10 days since my last recording. While I have been
13:31away, I got Bose snare bear star power from a legendary star drop. I got Brock's rocket fuel
13:38gadget from a mythic star drop. And I got foot Bonnie from a, an epic star drop. This means that
13:44I can now upgrade her one level, which is nice. And I have been sitting right here for like the
13:49past, I don't know, four days. Um, I've been really busy. We got the brawl stars update.
13:54That's happening. Everything is changing with ranked. I don't know what I'm supposed to do now.
13:58Anyway, I feel like the first thing I should do is check the shop because we got some free
14:03hypercharge star drops. So we're going to grab these 10 star drops here first and hope that we
14:07get something cool. Uh, these were for voting for who was, who Bo was going to kiss first kiss and
14:13brawl stars. It was a whole thing. It was, um, kind of funny and odd. Uh, we should have actually
14:19gotten 20 free star drops, but not enough people voted for it. Oh, this is hype. Romantic dynamite
14:24for free. Okay. I got to check my dynamite now. Let's go ahead and take a look at that. Plus 250
14:30they're 2,500 bling. That's massive. Um, okay. Let's see here. I had sugar bomb. That's it. So,
14:37Oh, I had, I had moldy. Mike, I can get dynamite maxed out. Do I have them on my list of brawlers?
14:42I can max out. I do have on my list of brawlers that I can max out. Wow. Okay. Well, that's cool.
14:47It's going to be a while before I do that, but that's fine. Let's go ahead and turn on random
14:53skin and turn off sugar bomb and regular and swap back and forth between romantic and moldy because
14:58two wildly different skins. And it's kind of funny. Uh, but we also got six free star drops,
15:04uh, or presents. I don't think we're going to get anything good. They're all,
15:07they've all been rares. Okay. So nevermind. Uh, you know, I will take the PowerPoints.
15:11I really need the PowerPoints and Bo's first kiss, Charlie, there you go. People let's grab
15:17these 1000 coins. And now I saw a post of somebody who tapped them both at the same time and got
15:25hypercharge twice. Don't do that. So we're going to tap one very carefully and I don't even care
15:30who we get this for except I really didn't want it for bowl. At least now I know that this
15:36hypercharge won't be bowls. Okay. Huh? Ooh, that's really good. And the reason why that's really good
15:45is because I already have the skin required for me to max out buzz. Um, or surge is it's so
15:53confusing because he's served light year buzz light year. Anyway, that's huge. That is actually
15:59really excellent because I do plan on maxing him out eventually. However, I have other priorities
16:04at the moment. Frank is a lot closer than surges to being maxed out. I don't have enough PowerPoints
16:09either way. Dang it. Oh, you know, I just realized we have a lot of these PowerPoints,
16:12PowerPoints, PowerPoints, PowerPoints, PowerPoints, PowerPoints. Oh, there we go.
16:17More PowerPoints. No more PowerPoints. Okay. Well let's, let's open up these rewards then.
16:20Okay. Let's keep going. This is going to be a while before I get Leon. This account is so weird
16:25because I'm limited to how many brawlers I actually own and can play. Um, and the fact that I'm mostly
16:32playing ranked like legit, I am not progressing in trophies very much. So I have very few brawlers
16:37unlocked normally on a brand new account up until you have 10,000 trophies, you get a lot of free
16:41brawlers from the trophy. Um, what do you call it? The trophy road system. Like I'm missing out on
16:48500, 925 and 920 credits right there just because I'm not pushing my brawlers in the ladder, which
16:54is totally fine. I don't need to push my brawlers in the ladder. I originally thought when I started
16:58this series that I was going to be pushing, um, much higher for the trophy boxes. Really realized
17:05that that's a big waste of my time. I should just be playing ranked, but it was fun when the series
17:09started because it was brand new. Anyway, with that, we should be able to max out Frank so that
17:13I have another max out brawler option. So, uh, yes. And I don't have coins now. If it's not
17:21PowerPoints, it's coins. And if it's not coins, it's PowerPoints. That's just how this game works
17:26because you know why? As soon as I get enough stuff to buy something, I do. I'm going to buy
17:30this guarantee hypercharge for Frank. Very nice. Star power. Both of these are good. They're both
17:37really good, but I think that my priority over both of them is going to be irresistible attraction,
17:4250% extra damage and pulls the enemy towards them. It's just like really too good to, to pass
17:47down, pass off. This can also be really nice. And now I'm back down to very few PowerPoints and
17:52coins. Um, but we got Frank maxed out and that means that I have four max out brawler options,
17:58which is so good because once ranked does get changed, then I will always have three other
18:04options that everybody has as an option. And as long as they are not one of my four, then that
18:08means that I have seven brawlers maxed out. So that means that I would have to get five brawlers
18:14maxed out in order for me to play mythic or higher, more than twice the brawlers that I have.
18:19And I really might just end up upgrading Shelly and Colt just so that I have brawlers ready to go.
18:25I really only need like four to five rows that I will actually play. That's really all I need. So
18:32those are cheap options. They'll probably be my last options though. It would be nice to get
18:36dynamite up, especially. Yeah, that would be nice. Anyway, it's time. Let's do it. Let us
18:42finally get into mythic because this will be, I mean, I won't be able to get past mythic for a
18:46while. That's okay. You guys are here for the long run, right? Okay. Get out Grande. Okay.
18:53We are going to be banning a brawler and since he's banning, uh, Rico, who I really hate playing
18:59against, I'm going to ban tick because I also hate playing against tick. My best option here is
19:03going to be penny or Edgar. We will go ahead and grab penny. It's really nice to have more options.
19:07It really is so much nicer pushing and ranked right now with these three, the three options.
19:13And now Frank is my fourth has made ranked so much easier than back when Edgar was my only max
19:19out brawler, but we don't have good close range damage dealers. Oh dear. Okay. Hank's going left.
19:25So I'm glad that that dynamite is likely going left. Um, let's, okay. We got, um, we got a
19:31Tara in here. Okay. There's Tara. Boom. Perfect. That's beautiful. We got to fall back because
19:37this Doug has us pinned. There's not very much I can do with this, but I don't want Doug to get
19:42too close. Come on. Boom. Oh, are you kidding me? We don't know where the, there's a Tara. Oh,
19:51throwing down the barrel is not going to help me. Um, but my turret or my cannon should be able to
19:55help deal with, Oh, dynamite crushing it. Honestly, dynamite is doing really well this map match. Okay.
20:00And we've got really good control, man. We're only ahead by one. Oh, I really thought for sure.
20:05Okay. There we go. Piper's crushing it. That was a little bit of a common combined effort of
20:10everybody playing decently. Okay. All three of them. That's actually ideal for me. Oh boy. Come
20:16on. Oh, dang it. I got to get out of here. Oh my gosh. He's already up to health. Dang it. Let's
20:22place this right here. That'll give us a little bit of cover. Oh, grandma was right there. Dang
20:26it. He got rid of my tower. Three attacks, man. I am not getting the ground that I wanted to.
20:30Wow. This match has not been as good. Okay. I mean, I did die once, maybe even twice.
20:37Dude, the Doug already got the Piper. That's not good.
20:42Dude. Yes. Dyn is crushing it. Oh, come on. This is so hard because yeah, I'm not dying,
20:48but I'm also not getting the damage or the kills that I, that we need.
20:53Star player is going to be Grom, I think. Did a lot of damage, caused a lot of problems for us.
20:57Yeah. See, I died way less than everybody else, but I only got one kill.
21:02Okay. We are playing Snake Prairie Bounty. Edgar was banned. Shelly was picked already.
21:08And so our best option here is 100% going to be to go with Griff. Break open some walls,
21:14got good damage up close, but let's see what they pick first. Okay. They picked Otis and Bull.
21:19Yeah. Griff is the right pick here. Okay. I'm going to stick kind of close to this buster,
21:23at least for right now. We are going to do a little bit of damage. Okay. There we go.
21:29Let's come right over here. Okay. That was just, oh, okay. I did end up dying to the Bull, dang it,
21:36but I got my super back up. Okay. Let's grab those. Very good. We've broken that wall. We are
21:43ahead. So that means it is time to close off the places where they could actually come over to our
21:49side. We're going to clear of this section, make sure that we know that they are not over here.
21:53I want to make sure that I have a little bit better ammo. And then once I go right there,
21:58I can drop that down there and they can't get over to our side without us seeing it. And that's
22:03a really good solid strategy here. Playing Griff is just really beautiful. I'm just going to stay
22:09right here. Wait for them to try and cross. If they don't, then they lose. Okay. There we go.
22:15Okay. Very nice. Okay. They are still crossing though. We'll grab that Shelly kill. Oh,
22:21he actually got it. That's perfect. And they cannot cross, but they have to cross,
22:24which is the beauty of this. Where's that Shelly? Perfect. Boom. I love playing Griff so much. Now
22:31we've got to make sure they don't catch us off guard with the reverse sweep like happened in
22:36the last match. Okay. Bull's going to come right here. That's what he did last time. We've got a
22:39lot of supercharged off of that. Okay. I, you know what? This is safe actually, because I've
22:44got to fall back and heal and we can blow that up. Now we just have to prevent them from coming
22:48in from this other side. Perfect. Beautiful. We'll drop that right there. They can't cross there and
22:56I will drop the piggy bank bank right here as well. Perfect. Another supercharged.
23:04Another super great should be a very easy victory right here. I mean, they can't come to our side at
23:11all, but they have to come to our side. Okay. Let's grab that. It's just beautiful. That's
23:16the thing is they have to make a coordinated push together, but if they bunch up, then I
23:19got a super, they can hit them all three together. You know, like I can, I can just dish out the
23:23damage. Okay. Bull's got his super. We're going to egg him on a little bit. Perfect. And we got
23:28our super pulled up as well. In case that Otis does something. Don't know where the Otis is.
23:32It doesn't matter. Oh man. So just so cheap and juicy. Okay. We are playing hot zone. Open
23:40business. Easy band for this one is Lou. Boom. Oh, and my teammates banned Barry. That's great.
23:46Okay. My teammate wants to go with mortis on hot zone. Oh man. Oh, don't do it. Not into,
23:55not after a surge play. I'm going with this as long as I can prevent surge from charging up.
24:00Please don't dude. Please don't. Well, here we go. His name is strongest seven year old.
24:08The range advantage. Isn't 100% to us. Okay. We got to prevent that buzz from charging up. Go
24:15ahead and pop that wall open. Okay. And then what I don't want is exactly what's going on right here
24:20with this Larry and Laurie. I'm dying. I placed on my piggy bank. I don't know that it was worth
24:26that, that trade off though of me dying and charging up super surge is super a little bit.
24:31Okay. Let's get in here now. Larry and Laurie can only use that one wall. Okay. Let's get rid of
24:37that because that will really cause problems for our mortis. As you can see, perfect. Beautiful
24:44surge has not been staying alive, which makes him really easy to deal with. Cause he's not
24:50maxed out. Did he just walk into my damage like that? Let's get rid of that turret as much as
24:55possible. And this is looking like I'm about to die, but it's looking pretty good. I just hope
25:01that my teammates can help maintain a little bit of control and not die since I am already down.
25:06I mean, the mortis was doing stuff. He was killing people. He was keeping them off the
25:14place. Hopefully we could get another victory though. Okay. Thumbs up of encouragement. And
25:17I'm just going to do that again. I do not want that Larry and Laurie to have too much wiggle
25:21room here. Also, I really enjoy being able to outrange surge, but if surge does get maxed out,
25:26then he has the, the range advantage. So that's why it's kind of dangerous for me to do that.
25:31I think it is more valuable for me to break these walls again than it is for me to break open their
25:38one wall. Okay. Surge is maxed out now. So that is not good. So we need to stay alive and we need
25:44to make a coordinated push together or mortis needs to push them back or something needs to
25:51happen, but we need to make sure that we kill that surge. Surge is dead because of the mortis.
25:57He's the strongest seven-year-old people. He is. And that's good. That's great. I just got
26:03to heal up here. Wait for my teammates to be all respawned and beautiful. Let's grab that
26:09Dylan damage to everybody on the enemy team. Come on and let's get in there. Beautiful.
26:18Oh, I just love moments like this ranked can be so fun. Okay. We got one more to go. Okay.
26:25Pinball dreams. I really don't like playing against Rico on a lot of brawl ball maps.
26:31He outranges Griff and I really like playing Griff and that's an issue. Even though Griff can
26:36destroy Rico's walls, Griff still gets outranged by Rico. And so he can still be annoying, but I
26:42get first pick. So that's really exciting. No Rico picking a Griff. So let's get in there.
26:48Let's do it. Okay. We will break open this wall.
26:56Oh, we already got that wall broken up. That's beautiful. Now we got this wall broken up. Oh,
27:00he could have made it in. I don't think he was paying attention to my gadget, which is totally
27:04fine. We'll have plenty of opportunities, even though all three of us are dead here. Okay. We
27:07are going to get this ball out of our like danger zone. We've got to get out right here so that
27:14that does not become a problem. Okay. Perfect. Barley dude. Great job. Oh, I'm going to get
27:19hit by that. Oh, I just wasted my super, but that is just fine. We barely kill. I thought we had it.
27:27I really thought we had it kicking in. Please. No, he's dead. That's the problem though. Is that
27:31both Barley and Frank are going to struggle on the enemy side because I broke down all the walls
27:36in their cover. How come whenever I am playing Maisy, I have such a hard time hitting enemies,
27:40but whenever I'm playing against Maisy, I struggle so hard to dodge her shots. Okay. I've got super,
27:45which means, oh, oh no. I was ready to super kick that in. We were going to get a goal.
27:52They're providing coverage. We're going to get in there and kick it in. Boom. That was beautiful.
28:00Okay. Thank you to Frank for blocking that shot because there's a chance they might have
28:03intercepted it. There were three diamonds against two mythic players. This is great.
28:06Okay. Barley's not going over there to try and counter that penny turret. So I've got to go
28:10break that wall. The penny turret is just going to be way too problematic. Okay. We'll break it.
28:15Oh, we cannot let her go in there. She's going to super kick it. Dang it. Okay.
28:19Ems has hyper charge up. We got to be careful. We have 30 seconds here.
28:26Oh dude. That Maisy is playing so well. Oh, that super kick just kills me.
28:32It's always on the last match. It's a mythic always.
28:42Okay. Not opening up these walls is letting barley play really well. So he's got that in.
28:47Very good. Okay. I need to be a little bit more aware of
28:51my teammates because barley has been struggling this whole time because I've broken up the walls.
29:01Okay. Penny threw away her hyper charge turret.
29:07Perfect. We get out of here. We don't have to score another goal. All we have to do is keep
29:14it cornered and prevent them from scoring a goal. But Maisy is proving to be the big problem here.
29:19So I'm going to try and focus more so on Maisy because Maisy has proven to be a really skilled
29:25player. And that was beautiful. Let's grab that. Maisy is down. Okay. Let's grab this. Yes, man.
29:36I feel like my brain is going a million miles an hour compared to how it should be. Let's give that
29:42thumbs up to Maisy. They deserve it for sure. Please tell me. Yes. Okay. Okay. You know,
29:50this was mostly done with Griff. It really has been. That is really, really nice.
29:56Legendary star drop. And we have long shade. Sick. Okay. I don't even think shade has a skin
30:04or if he does, he has like a yellow sweatshirt. Let me see here. Shade skin. Yeah, it's a yellow
30:08sweatshirt. Oh, wow. Okay. That feels good. I have two more days left of the ranked season.
30:14The update is happening, which means I'm in the middle of making update sneak peeks right now.
30:17So taking the time to even film this has been more time intensive that I wanted to be. I'm
30:21not going to be pushing into mythic this season. I don't I'm honestly actually I'm sick and feeling
30:27a little feverish right now and pushing through that while I was feverish was harder than I would
30:30like to admit. But it's okay. We got it. This is our max rank right now. And it's going to be for
30:37a while. Now we have to focus on progression, which means I do quests. I reroll this quest,
30:42please. Give me something a brawler that I actually have upgraded. Oh, man. Give me another
30:46chance here. I can do that. Perfect. Okay, cool. So I got to do quests. And yeah, but that's going
30:51to be the end of this episode. Thank you guys so much for watching. Make sure you subscribe for
30:55future episodes. Eventually, I'm going to be playing and mythic. It's just going to take a
31:00while for me to get the brawlers up there. So subscribe so you don't miss it. Oh, also next
31:05episode out right here. If it is out. If it's not, this will be a playlist for this series.
31:09So you can do that. See you guys.
