• 16 hours ago
This time, we're bringing you info on upcoming Events!
Of course, there will be Zenkai Awakening and new character info too!
Be sure to watch it live and get all the latest news!

Broadcast Date & Time: From 3/13/2025 14:00 (UTC) (Sched.)
*YouTube offers English, French, German, Spanish, Chinese, and Korean subtitles.
*Game voices in the trailer are from the Japanese version.

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00:00Hello everyone! I'm Tani, Dragon Ball Legends producer. Thanks for watching! Today, we are
00:14starting things off with some Zenkai Awakening info. Check this out!
00:24Goku Mini, who was released last year in October, is already getting a Zenkai Awakening. It's
00:29highly irregular for Zenkai Awakening to happen so soon, but we decided to fast track this
00:34one because there aren't many Tag Daima characters. This is a regular sparking character that's
00:39relatively easy to acquire and limit break, and there are no Zenkai Awakened Tag Daima
00:45characters. The Zenkai ability will target characters who are both element green and
00:50Tag Daima. Some of the new abilities include a boost to critical rate as well as to Rising
00:55Rush Damage Inflicted when you activate a Rising Rush. It's common to run out of time
01:00when using Proud Rolls, but it may be easier to win based on Damage Inflicted with this
01:05super-powered Rising Rush. Goku will also get increased Strike Damage Inflicted based
01:11on the number of Dragon Balls you have when you enter the battlefield. Just like the pre-Zenkai
01:16abilities, it's a powerful effect based on Dragon Balls. We hope you give Goku Mini a
01:21try! You may have guessed, but this March, we'll be holding a campaign focused on Dragon
01:28Ball Daima. Let's get right into talking about the upcoming events we have planned,
01:34as well as some new character info. Starting with this!
01:42There will be a new login bonus! This time, we're holding a special login bonus where
01:47you can earn 10 summon tickets each day. Log in for 10 days to get the maximum of 100
01:53summon tickets. You'll be able to play the summon a hundred times just by logging in
01:58for 10 days, so please be sure to get all those summon tickets! Plus, the Willa-style
02:03login challenge that was held alongside the broadcast of Dragon Ball Daima in Japan is
02:08returning as a special version. You can try the challenge one time each period by logging in,
02:13so don't forget! Next!
02:20We're releasing special missions from which you can earn Legend Limiter Multi Z-Power 100 and a
02:26total of 1000 Chrono Crystals. These missions can be completed by collecting Decisive Duel
02:32in the Demon Realm Campaign Medals that can be earned from various content in the game.
02:38Decisive Duel in the Demon Realm Campaign Medals can also be exchanged for items at
02:43the exchange shop. There are tons of great rewards available from these missions,
02:48so be sure to try and clear them all! Now, let's look at this!
02:56There will be a new raid event. You can earn a total of 1000 Chrono Crystals,
03:01Legend Limiter Multi Z-Power 100, and other great rewards, so work together and defeat the boss!
03:08Next up!
03:13It's time for an Equipment Upgrade Monenza! We hope you use this chance to collect and
03:18upgrade equipment for the characters and parties you'd like to use!
03:23That was a lot of info about the new campaign, but let's move on!
03:28It's finally time for that new character info! Please take a look!
05:13The Great Witch Mamba, Majin Kuu, is here in Sparking Rarity!
05:19Plus, the brand new transformation that debuted in Daima and was featured in the fierce battle
05:25against Giant Goma, Super Saiyan 3 Vegeta, is joining the fight in Legend Limited Rarity!
05:33Alongside the release of these new characters, the opening for Dragon Ball Daima,
05:40will be featured in-game for a limited time! It's played in various parts of the game,
05:45so turn your sound on and enjoy! Let's dive right into their abilities!
05:51First up, please watch this video featuring Majin Kuu!
06:09Majin Kuu will be Element Yellow and have a D-Ability 3 that buffs Tuck Daima,
06:28Element Yellow and Element Blue allies. Majin Kuu can toy with opponents using tricky abilities,
06:35but can also reinforce your party by supporting allies.
06:38We've tried to recreate this character's unique fighting style,
06:42as well as the more caring side it shows to its younger brother Majin Do.
06:46Let's start with those trickier abilities. One characteristic of Majin Kuu's abilities is
06:52they will make this character stronger if the enemy has abnormal conditions.
06:57It has a 30% chance of inflicting Paralyze on Strike Arts hit and a 70% chance of inflicting
07:03Bleed on Blast Arts hit. Then, if the enemy has an abnormal condition when you use an Arts card,
07:09you'll nullify special cover changes, get a large boost to damage inflicted,
07:14and seal the enemy's Special and Special Move Arts.
07:17It'll be important to pay attention to whether or not your opponent has an abnormal condition.
07:23Another interesting effect is that using a Special Arts will restore the Vanishing Gauge by 100%,
07:29and if the enemy's health is greater than or equal to a certain percentage,
07:34you'll inflict them with Substitution Counts. You'll be able to evade an attack just as your
07:39opponent thinks they've made you use up your Vanishing Gauge, and also prevent them from
07:44switching by inflicting Substitution Counts. It's quite powerful.
07:49Majin Kuu also has an extremely powerful Ultimate Arts with an element of Luck to it.
07:55On activation, this Ultimate Arts will boost your critical rate.
07:59Then, if there is another Attack Daima battle member, there is a chance of inflicting Faint on
08:04hit. If you score a critical hit and inflict Faint, then your opponent will suddenly be in a
08:09very bad spot. Lastly, let's touch on those support abilities. Allies will get a damage
08:16boost at the start of battle, so just putting Majin Kuu in your party can be helpful.
08:21Plus, if those allies are Attack Daima, you'll be a total boost of 50% to their damage inflicted.
08:29When this character returns to standby, you'll also draw one Arts card.
08:33A very effective way to use this ability is to simply switch out to a powerful attacker.
08:39That's all for Majin Kuu. This character is both a reliable supporter and a tricky fighter,
08:44so we hope you'll give it a try. Now for Legend Limited Super Saiyan 3 Vegeta.
09:14Super Saiyan 3 Vegeta is Element Green,
09:42and has a Z Ability 3 that buffs Tuck Daima, Tuck Vegeta clone, and Tuck Saiyan allies.
09:48Vegeta is an attacker that excels at both offense and defense, and has very high resistance to
09:54enemy debuffs. Let's talk about Vegeta's unique gauge, which support this character's base power.
10:00This unique gauge will charge up while Vegeta is on standby. Once it's charged to 50% or higher,
10:07then upon entering the battlefield, it will activate offensive effects, like boosting
10:11damage inflicted, and defensive effects, like reducing enemy Ki and destroying two of their
10:17cards. When Vegeta uses a Strike or Blast Arts, enemy special cover changes will be nullified,
10:24and if you have one or fewer cards after using Arts, you'll draw at most two cards.
10:29You can switch out during a combo and continue it with Vegeta, or cover change with Vegeta during
10:35an enemy combo to try and put a stop to it. Decide how to use this character based on how
10:41the battle is going. We mentioned that Vegeta has high resistance to debuffs, but attribute down
10:48grades will be cancelled upon entering the battlefield, and you'll even apply nullify
10:53attribute down grades up to two times to allies. That means that bringing out Vegeta will allow
10:58the next character you bring out to resist enemy attribute down grades up to two times.
11:04This is highly effective against characters like Otoro Sangohan Beast and Sparking Super Trunks
11:10who like to inflict Arts cost up. So Vegeta is also a great choice for supporting allies.
11:16That's not all, because Vegeta has other powerful abilities, like a main ability that reduces the
11:21enemy's vanishing gauge to zero if there are two defeated enemy battle members and more.
11:27Finally, let's talk about this character's special Arts, which has a new effect.
11:32This new effect cancels conditions that seal all Arts and those that seal Rising Rush. So even if
11:38your opponent seals your Arts and Rising Rush, Vegeta can use a special Arts to cancel those
11:43conditions. That's all we have to share about Super Saiyan 3 Vegeta. Vegeta is simply powerful
11:50on offense and defense and also easy to use. Please give this character a try.
11:56That's the end of the new character info, but we still have a bit more info to share with you, such as this!
12:08In celebration of Super Saiyan 3 Vegeta's release, we are holding a hashtag campaign on NEXT.
12:14If you can get 1,000 4th Worldwide with this hashtag by tomorrow, March 14th at 6 a.m.,
12:21then we will give players a gift of 1,000 Chrono Crystals!
12:25This is a special campaign just for this occasion, so we hope there will be a ton of boasts!
12:31That's all for today. We hope you'll join us again next time for Legend information. Thanks for watching! Bye!
