• 17 hours ago
Bronzer: https://rstyle.me/+BydiQFScawX7P2CowH1oPw

Foundation: https://rstyle.me/+qvx7pupIinoZpzCNanOMTg

Concealer: https://rstyle.me/+7srnz0VrGIl8lCqRd-cr2w

Powder: https://rstyle.me/+BDAgATy1kbVj8Pyfiv3Gfg

Lip Liner: https://rstyle.me/+0rSbpWDRfsgZMg37FpkQ1g

Lipstick: https://rstyle.me/+5sWsINQeNqIOCkaI0uTYQw

Burgandy Bag: https://liketk.it/57MhQ

Denim Outfit: https://liketk.it/584pz

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Business Email: anastasiakingsnorth@mcsaatchisocial.com

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PO Box:
Anastasia Kingsnorth
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36 Golden Square

Disclaimer - I am not trying to brag, all opinions are my own. I will state in the video and in the description if the video is sponsored by a brand or company.

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00:00Hello everyone, good morning and welcome back to another vlog. Happy Saturday. Well, it's Saturday
00:05for me as I'm filming this and you might recognise the background or you might not if you didn't
00:10watch my videos like four or five years ago, but I'm back in my old bedroom which is now actually
00:14my mum's bedroom and I'm just about to get ready because I'm off to go and see Sabrina Carpenter
00:19at the O2 tonight with Setaville and I am so excited. There's such a nice group of us going,
00:25so it's me, Saf, Imogen, Kyra, Tia and Casey and I'm sure there's loads of other people going as
00:30well but they're just like the girls that I know who are going and I genuinely cannot wait. I just
00:35saw Sabrina perform at the Brits, however, I was quite drunk and I didn't really watch a lot of
00:40the performances because I was just kind of speaking to everybody, so I feel like now I can
00:44actually fully take her in and be like in awe of the woman, like I love her, so I can't wait for
00:50that. I've actually been at home since Thursday. My mum and I had to film something really exciting
00:54which is going to be in my next vlog yesterday, so I thought it'd just be easier to kind of like
00:58split the vlogs up. Doesn't actually sound that easy now I'm explaining it, I promise it makes
01:02sense in my head, but mum has just made me some lunch and Atticus just brought it up on a little
01:06plate. I've got a little bowl of grapes, a little bowl of strawberries and then a sandwich thin with
01:10some tomatoes, cucumbers and cheese in and I thought I was midway getting ready and I was
01:15like I haven't filmed my makeup routine for a really long time because I get so many questions
01:21on how I do my makeup and what products I use and obviously at the moment I've literally only
01:26got my makeup bag with me which is like my staple makeup products, so I thought it'd be fun to show
01:29you what makeup I'm wearing. So for my moisturiser I used my Tatcha The Dewy Skin Cream, I'm actually
01:36nearly out of this. I've used this product for months now so I love that. Didn't actually bring
01:40a primer with me so I actually used my mum's primer, it's the L'Oreal Prime Lab 24-hour matte
01:45setter and I don't really know if it's good or not but I've used this today so I'll let you know.
01:49And then for foundation my trusty MAC Studio Radiance foundation and this is in the shade NC20,
01:55to be honest a bit pale right now for this foundation, however I've used it, it's fine when
01:59I put my concealer on and my contour it will all blend in but again I'm actually nearly out of this.
02:03I've been using this every single day since like Christmas time? Yeah like Vlogmas time and I'm
02:08obsessed with it so this is my go-to foundation at the moment. And then I've done my brows and
02:13for brows I use my Benefit pomade, literally just a Benefit brow pomade and I've actually been using
02:18this for over like a year and it's kind of going a bit dried out and hard now so I think it's time
02:23that I switch to new brow pomades. To anyone who can recommend me a good brow pomade please let
02:28me know or maybe a brow pencil but I feel like I'm more of a brow pomade girly. Let's try this
02:33little sandwich that my mum has made me before I continue with my makeup.
02:39These little sandwich things are so good and cheese is going everywhere, this nose is gonna
02:43fall all over my mum's carpet and she's gonna kill me. That's so good. Okay so for concealer
02:48I have got a couple that I'm loving. I've got my Maybelline eraser concealer which I like to use
02:52to spot conceal and then I've got my MAC Studio Radiance 24-hour luminous lift concealer. This
02:57one as you can see is just a bit lighter for me which right now I kind of need because I actually
03:02fake tanned. I don't know where all my fake tan has gone. I am gonna blend this down my neck by the way
03:06please just ignore that but my fake tan literally seems to have just disappeared from my body like
03:10I don't understand where it went. To be fair saying that though I did fake tan maybe like a week ago
03:14now so I actually need to wash all of this fake tan off and redo it but I don't really want to
03:18redo it until like a few days before the weekend or maybe I'll do it next week. I don't know I'm
03:23doing office renovations next week. I love how I'm calling it a renovation it's literally not
03:26a renovation but there's no point me fake tanning to literally be in sweats all day every day. When
03:31I say I'm redoing the office it's going to be slightly in this vlog actually. I'm basically,
03:36I've just wanted a new space for ages so we're putting up on Tuesday, it's getting delivered
03:41on Monday, like a big IKEA PAX wall and then we're gonna put it into the wall in the sense of
03:46like we'll get some wood so it looks really sleek above and like around the sides and stuff so it
03:50just looks like the whole wall is basically shelves which is why I've been buying so many ornaments
03:55and so many different things because I want the whole wall to look really neutral and really clean.
04:00I went to a few shops yesterday and I basically filmed a little series for TikTok going to all
04:06the different like homeware shops like The Range, Home Bargains, Home Scents. I still need to do B&M
04:11actually, B&M's one that I haven't done so I might do that when I get back to Manchester next week
04:15but yeah I've been doing a little TikTok series and I've really been enjoying it. I've loved going
04:19around all the little shops and buying loads of homeware bits that I don't really need but I do
04:23need. For powder I'm using my Huda Beauty loose powder and then this brush is a morphe brush
04:31actually. I need to get a powder puff because when Cal does my makeup he uses a powder puff
04:35to put my powder on and I just don't go oily but when I use a brush I feel like I can't dab it into
04:42my face enough so I do go oily. This piece of hair is really annoying me, I really need to sleek this
04:46little bit back. Yeah I'm just gonna have to use a brush for today but I think when I get to London
04:51I'm going to Nobu before because Cetaphil have got like a little, oh I love all that powder, a little
04:57suite beforehand and they're doing makeup top ups I'm pretty sure by Maybelline and Barry M
05:01and then hair top ups with Batiste. I think I've got that right anyway so even if I am a bit oily
05:06it won't matter because I can get that fixed a bit later on but I've actually, I've kind of got
05:10myself a bit of a pickle, it's not really, I've just made things a bit more complicated for myself because I
05:14drove home on Thursday without kind of realising that I need to be in London on Saturday. I'm staying
05:19in a hotel tonight with Byron and Tia but obviously my car is here and I'm not driving to London, I'm
05:24getting the train so tomorrow I'm having to basically get the train back home to then drive
05:30back up to Manchester so I've basically just made life really hard for myself. Also I didn't realise
05:34it's rail replacement buses from my local train station here which is literally around the corner
05:40all weekend so and it takes three hours when normally would just take like 50 minutes so I was
05:44like oh my god I'm having to go from Northampton and I'm just gonna leave my car at the station
05:48overnight and then Byron's getting the train back to Northampton with me tomorrow and then we can
05:52both drive back up to Manchester but it's just gonna take so much longer than it needed to take
05:57and I don't know why I've done it to myself. I'm gonna be back in two seconds, I'm gonna take a 10
06:00minute break whilst this sets and eat my lunch and then I'll be back to finish my makeup.
06:05Okay I've eaten a sandwich and now I'm just picking up fruit but I'm gonna carry on with my makeup.
06:09Sorry about talking with my mouth full but it's gotta be done. Bronzer, this is the Too Faced
06:13chocolate bronzer, yeah chocolate soleil bronzer, incredible, my favourite bronzer ever ever ever.
06:18I've been using this now again since about December was when I kind of like rejigged
06:23and changed up my makeup bag and I know I should probably use cream products and I went through a
06:29phase of really using them but I'm gonna be honest I don't actually love doing my makeup but like I
06:34quite like being able to do a full makeup routine in like 20 minutes. If I'm really in the mood to
06:39sit and do my makeup then it's fine and I'll use all the products that I need to but if I just want
06:43to get a quick face done that I'm really happy with I'm using powder products but I really like
06:47this bronzer. I feel like it's a really nice shade and it just blends really really nicely on top of
06:52the products that I already use and yeah sometimes I do use cream products but the majority of the
06:57time it literally just is powder products. I feel like I still get the same effect so this bronzer
07:02is my ultimate ultimate fave. I need to remember to blend this all around my ears and around my
07:07neckline because my ears are looking pale, I can't wait to actually get a tan this summer, honestly
07:13get me in the sun now. And then I just basically pop a little bit on my nose like I don't like try
07:18and contour my nose or anything I literally just pop it on and make it look a little bit more
07:22bronzed. Then I actually use this bronzer for my eyeshadow which is that ultimate laziness I don't
07:30know but I really like it I like having the same colour on my eyes as to what I do like to match
07:35my bronzer. I think it just looks really nice it still makes me look put together but it doesn't
07:39take too long and it means I can carry less in my makeup bag. Sometimes I do actually use the Too
07:43Faced Born This Way like neutrals palette if I want to do like a bit more of a nicer eye look and
07:49I want to add a colour in like my outer corner and stuff but day to day I literally just used this
07:54bronzer and just put it all on my lid and my eyes are done. Well my eyes aren't done but you know
07:57what I mean the eyeshadow is done. Then for blush I am going to go in with my Kylie Cosmetics one
08:02this is the pressed blush powder but the shade has rubbed off I think it says winter kissed
08:08something like that but it's like the bright pink one however it doesn't actually come out bright
08:12pink like it just comes out a really nice neutral pink and it's a very buildable blush as well which
08:18is nice. I do go quite ham on it in the beginning because then it fades throughout the day but I
08:23love blushes so much. I think a bronze look is gorgeous and I feel like when I've been getting
08:27my makeup done recently like me and Cal have been experimenting with like different blush shades so
08:31when I had like the orange dress on for the Brits we did like an orange blush and we've definitely
08:35been playing around with blush shades but this one for like day-to-day use will always be my favourite.
08:40This is pretty much my base done I am going to go in with a tiny bit of highlight and I was going
08:45to use this Illamasqua one and I basically just pop a little bit of this on my cupid's bow and
08:51then on the tip of my nose like that and then the top of my nose and it basically just gives the
08:55illusion that my nose is smaller than it is and then just pop a little bit in the inner corner
08:59as well just to brighten those up and then maybe a little bit under my brow bone just like that.
09:04Then I actually do draw on some freckles because I think it just makes my makeup look really nice
09:09I think it looks a little bit more put together I really like how it looks I have natural freckles
09:13on my forehead anyway but when I put foundation on they get covered up so I actually draw them
09:17back on with a lip liner and this is my Morphe Sweet Tea lip liner and I'll just draw them back
09:22on in the places where I have them but then I also do add one on my cheek here which I really like
09:28sometimes it doesn't really go very well and sometimes I have to do it a couple of times
09:31there we go and then I put one lower on this cheek like that super simple and then I go in and add a
09:37few on my nose as well I probably should just use Freck for this if I'm honest but I don't know where
09:43I've put my Freck and obviously I'm at home right now so I can't really go and look for it but just
09:47a few on my nose like that to blend in they look so nice I am going to go and do my eyes off camera
09:53but I'm just going to pop on a little bit of eyeliner and I'm going to use a mascara I basically
09:57just kind of use whatever mascara is like lying around in my makeup bag and this time it is the
10:02Rimmel Thrillseeker extra volume mascara and then I'll pop some lashes on and then we can do lips
10:07once I've finished eating my fruit okay lashes are on and now I'm going to do my lips I'm using
10:11my Morphe Sweet Tea lip liner to be honest I don't really lip line my lips every day I always line
10:18them when I get my makeup done but day to day I'm just doing this more because I'm going to a concert
10:22to be honest normally I would just put my lipstick straight on but I swear this lipstick that I'm
10:27using is going to be discontinued because Morphe have shut all their UK stores am I right I don't
10:32know but this is the Morphe matte liquid lip in Backseat Love and it's the one new lipstick that
10:38I found that I love and it's the perfect shade for me and I'm pretty sure they're going to discontinue
10:44it or I'm not going to be able to buy it anymore so I just need to bulk order this if I can still
10:48get it because I love this shade so much but that is my makeup pretty much done it literally takes
10:51me 20 minutes it doesn't take me long at all but it lasts me all day I probably will powder once
10:56more before I leave because I'm not leaving here for another hour and a half but I'll show my outfit
11:01before I leave but I'm just going to chill for half an hour now to look at the view I love coming
11:04home because this house overlooks a park and it's so peaceful and so different compared to living in
11:09Manchester when I'm looking out and I'm seeing like skyscrapers which I love because I love
11:13living in the city but it's also so nice just to sit here and hear the birds I've just arrived at
11:18the station I'm going to be honest this is the first time I think I've ever drove to the station
11:23and left my car because in Manchester normally I would just get an uber to the station and when I
11:27lived at home I would just walk because it was like literally around the corner from my house
11:31this is the first time I ever drove to the train station like myself so it feels kind of weird to
11:34be leaving my car I feel a bit nervous and I don't know why like I never normally feel nervous about
11:38leaving my car anywhere for some reason I feel a bit nervous but anyway got my tickets ready got
11:42my bag packed I am going to go and get a snack for the train and the train is in 25 minutes but
11:47I'm actually going to go and just sit on the platform because it's hot like it's hot hot
11:51okay we're now at the hotel quick outfit of the day because we actually need to leave this is
11:55full asos another little card and then my ugly shoes that everyone hates and my bag that is also
12:01from asos it's not very Sabrina Carpenter I'm going to be real I actually ordered this outfit
12:06thinking that I would be cold and instead it's decided to be the hottest day of the year so far
12:10so I'm going to absolutely sweat it but let's go
12:40that's really cute oh okay it's got all the dates on I like it
12:47I love that she's a stan
12:54that's a little sip and a bigger gulp that was really petite that was like cute and petite with
13:01it she's nonchalant with it but you're nearly there you're so nearly there you got one more
13:12one more tiny gorgeous she done it another one heated pressure food has just come out pizza
13:21mac and cheese Imogen just ordered me another drink oh what's that margarita I kind of want
13:28the mac and cheese wait is there any oh yeah there is place I'm gonna get a piece of slime
13:32oh big slime can you finish the pick up
13:41hold on a moment aren't we forgetting something
14:22good morning everyone I actually don't know what the time is what is the time by the way
14:25it's half past 10 when you're staying in these rooms it's really hard to grasp what time of day
14:32it is because there's no windows so like I could have woke up in five hours time and generally
14:36thought it was 8am but it wouldn't be we did that once didn't we we did do that once and we stayed
14:40here we slept until like 3pm we were like what the f**k it's because it's like it's pitch black
14:45when all the lights are off so yeah you literally have no concept of what the time is but Sabrina
14:49last night was so good I was gonna vlog when we got back in and then I just forgot to be honest
14:54we ordered food me and Tia got back maybe like half an hour before Byron did the traffic coming
14:59out of the O2 was f**king crazy like it took us like why did you censor your swear word in real
15:05time oh I don't know I was just saving calories it was crazy it took us like maybe an hour to
15:12find our driver and then it took us over an hour to get back once we were actually in the car but
15:17she was so good love her so much and she's gorgeous in real life and she looks tiny though
15:21like I know she is like a really small human being anyway so she's like five foot or something
15:24but she looked tiny but anyway thank you so much Setafil for a lovely night it was so much fun
15:29and now we have to drive home but we have to go get the tube to Euston first then the train to
15:35Northampton and then drive home which I'm really not looking forward to so come with us on a road
15:39trip so we just stopped off at the services and they had this like stand that had loads of food
15:45bits on and I've never seen it before there's like pasta bagels and everything so I got this
15:49I got a spaghetti bolognese and I've put oh can you help me thank you it's hot yeah it's hot I've
15:54put truffle oil on it which I'm now thinking was a really weird decision from me but it looks quite
15:58nice and it actually wasn't that expensive for the size of the pot oh it smells lovely it does smell
16:02really nice doesn't it that truffle oil smells strong though oh you've sprinkled it on top
16:09oh I don't know if you've done that I don't really want to be on camera today he's not
16:13feeling it today but unfortunately he's on a road trip with me it's just really nice
16:17oh recommend cocoa de mama
16:21Josh is back
16:25right Josh has come back to Manchester just to finish the ninja creamy tutorial
16:29thanks to all your comments Josh saw them and he had to come back up to finish
16:33we've put some maltesers in the master is at work
16:37although you may have to cancel because it's going to be messy
16:41it is going to be messy
16:43are we mixing again?
16:46from my experience
16:48it's coming out of the machine
16:52film that
16:54it's not oozing
16:56tell people that that was our fault
16:58not the ninja cream's fault
17:00ninjas don't wash it
17:02well they might
17:04we can wash that though
17:06this is our first try
17:08it's not your first try
17:10you did it before
17:12yeah but I didn't mix it in
17:17why is it stuck on there
17:23lift the lid up and then pull that off
17:25you're going to have to touch it Josh
17:27Josh you can't touch it
17:31it stinks
17:35it looks a bit like a McFlurry
17:37it does look like a McFlurry
17:39gosh Josh I thought once you did plenty
17:46is our best one
17:48dinner's ready
17:50thank you so much Josh
17:52I'm excited to try it
17:54at least
17:58look at the stick
18:023, 2, 1
18:06it tastes a bit airy
18:08so it's like ice
18:10there's not much to it
18:12nice though
18:14I mean the only thing that's nice is the cake
18:16do you think we are going to get bad bellies
18:20it tastes like ice but not much cream
18:22maybe we've spun it too many times
18:24I don't know if we will get bad belly
18:26I'm not going to eat this
18:28do you know what I'm going to be very honest
18:30I'm awfully disappointed
18:32I don't know if it's because we've left it in the freezer too long
18:34I've spun it and then I've put it back in as ice cream
18:36and then we've spun it again
18:38it wasn't this consistency
18:40I feel like the consistency was great
18:42but the taste wasn't very good
18:44do you think that's the product we used though
18:46I feel like it needs more sugar
18:48it's just protein shake
18:50it's a protein shake multi user
18:52it's not got much sweetness to it
18:54I've seen people in America
18:56they put sugar free pudding powder in there
18:58with that protein powder
19:00which makes it sweet
19:02I think it's pending
19:04I think we can try it a few more times
19:06it's not a protein shake
19:08I think it needs to be sweeter
19:10but it's also not a creamy consistency
19:12it's more like a sorbet consistency
19:14did you definitely press ice cream Josh
19:16do you know what I mean
19:18it's like a sorbet
19:20I can really see the potential of it
19:22and I like how it mixes in the KitKat
19:24it would never have a Ufit 20g protein shake
19:26in an ice cream
19:28but you're also not going to eat that
19:30you also wouldn't mix KitKat with it
19:32what if it wasn't so airy
19:34it's like a sorbet consistency
19:36the next thing to make is a sorbet
19:38it's not thick enough
19:40it's not creamy
19:42make a sorbet next time
19:44I think in all honesty
19:46apart from the KitKat
19:48without putting that chocolate in
19:50it would have just tasted like ice
19:52without the chocolate it wouldn't have been great
19:54so that was our first attempt at the Ninja Creamy
19:56Josh came all the way back up to Manchester for that
19:58was it worth the train journey Josh
20:00nice to see you
20:02I lied actually it's horrible
20:04yeah it's not great
20:06I'll try it again with a different going on
20:08if it's summer
20:10and you're trying to put on muscle
20:12if you did a strawberry banana sorbet
20:14that would be great
20:16acai bowl would be nice
20:18you're still eating it though
20:20if you're on a calorie deficit
20:22you're trying to lean up
20:24you're trying to cut
20:26put on muscle
20:28and it's summer and you want ice cream
20:30you would, you would do it
20:32I would if it was a healthy snack
20:34but I feel like I'd have to put more chocolate pieces into it
20:36try the KitKat unless it isn't healthy
20:38yeah I don't know
20:40I'd rate it like a 5 out of 10
20:42I don't think it's made
20:44I need to try different recipes
20:46I think that blade needs to be cleaned
20:48oh yeah I'll put it in dishwasher now
20:50that was rated about 5 out of 10
20:52but it's our fault
20:54it's nothing to do with the actual machine
20:56that was our fault for using just a protein shake
20:58and make that from the block of ice
21:00yeah it is crazy
21:02what do you think of it though?
21:04it's just a blade that's done that
21:06which is wild
21:08it's definitely high power for it to get through
21:10guys I'm afraid we're going to be ill
21:12I've said it now
21:14no I'm not anymore
21:16the way it's melted, no I'm scared
21:18we've really done it
21:24okay we've dropped Josh at the airport
21:26hence the random clip of Byron in the car
21:28and we are building the Ikea shelves today
21:30they're coming between 3 and 7
21:32so before that I need to get everything out of here
21:34and into the living room
21:36and currently it is an absolute state
21:38so obviously the desk used to go this way
21:40but we had to bring it out and turn it around
21:42so we could measure the wall
21:44and there was kind of just no point putting it back to be honest
21:46because obviously this desk is literally going today
21:48I just wanted to show you what the office looks like before
21:50because it is such a state
21:52literally look at what is on this table right
21:54my camcorder, my Disney ears and a bit of hair
21:56love that, some tan, my pictures
21:58from Vegas that need to go in my scrapbook
22:00some PR, a ring light
22:02some ratty hair extensions that don't even
22:04match my hair anymore, the box
22:06my iPad, headphones, Apple pencil
22:08this is literally just like a random
22:10dumping ground for all of my things
22:12when I tidy the rest of the house I just come and put it in here
22:14and then shut the door and don't think about it
22:16but now this room is going to, well actually
22:18hopefully be my favourite room once it's all done
22:20I'm basically getting a full wall shelf
22:22it's like an Ikea packed unit
22:24so that's going to go up today and then Callum has to build
22:26some sort of like frame to put it into the wall
22:28and like flush it into the wall
22:30so we'll probably do that tomorrow but all of this
22:32is going so I think I might just start taking
22:34all this stuff off the shelves and then putting it on the
22:36dining room table in like piles of what I want
22:38to keep, what's going to go into storage
22:40because I'm going to put some stuff in like storage boxes and everything
22:42just to try and keep it a little bit more organised
22:44in here, these drawers are also going
22:46I think Byron's going to have these drawers
22:48but right now they are literally full
22:50to the brim with makeup
22:52and products and everything
22:54and there's just no organisation
22:56to these drawers whatsoever, this is
22:58my lip drawer with a few random
23:00pallets in so I can't wait to go through all of these
23:02and actually make everything look nice
23:04I need to get some like dividers from Ikea
23:06and then literally just got like random
23:08stuff in all these drawers, it's just awful
23:10like the rest of my flat looks so nice and then
23:12in here it's just all secretly
23:14packed away and it just looks awful
23:16so this is today's job, to sort all of
23:18this out
23:49have you seen that?
23:51oh you've just chucked it on the floor
23:53yeah I know, that thing that Tate McCrae's been doing at the moment
23:55the wall thing, where you go like this
23:57and then you try and bend your leg back
23:59you need to get closer to the wall
24:01not on the wall
24:03why don't you do that on my desk on the wall
24:05there's another one that people are doing
24:07where you go up on the wall like this
24:09and then you go into a split
24:11but I can't get my leg any further back
24:13how far back is it?
24:15so far back
24:18why don't you do that on the wall
24:20you push it back and you don't put your bum against the wall
24:22and you need to show like your waist
24:24so you can do it
24:26show my skinny waist? I can't do it
24:28I can't move
24:30are you two not sweating?
24:32yeah I haven't been out, I've got something a bit lighter
24:34yeah I've got something a bit lighter
24:36I've got something a bit lighter
24:38I've pulled my dress off, I've put my make up
24:40you could do that
24:42we could all wear a dress, brilliant
24:44yeah you can wear that one
24:47it's very thick I reckon that one
24:49this will give me a nice waist
24:51yeah you can wear the red one
24:53this is like the intro to the kardashians
24:55where they all walk towards you
24:57we walk normal speed
24:59oh yeah
25:01kardashians style
25:05oh you walk very fast
25:07right let's not be silly now
25:09it feels nice and airy here, it feels big
25:11it does, it's not gonna feel big for much longer
25:13so we need to
25:15is there a pointy loop at the front?
25:17I don't think so
25:19there is
25:23yeah because they show some of the footage like that
25:25so leave it at that
25:27and then I need to take down
25:31take down
25:33from rubbish that mirror, those two clipboards
25:35I'll keep our manifesto boards
25:37I'll keep our manifesto boards
25:39I'll keep our manifesto boards
25:41I'll keep our manifesto boards
25:43so these fold up aswell
25:45thats a sign
25:47so we've decided
25:49I was originally going to give these drawers to Byron
25:51however we don't actually think they're gonna fit where he wanted them to fit
25:53and it's not worth trying to get these over
25:55to Byron's flat if they're not going to fit
25:57because they're so heavy
25:59yeah Calum's idea
26:01this is now going to be the new console table
26:03yeah we can take the drawers out
26:05there's no rush for me to empty these drawers
26:07because then I can slowly over the next few days
26:09move it into the ikea unit
26:11But you can't take the drawers out. How heavy is it?
26:17It's probably where makeups leak through
26:22Yeah, so makeup probably would a leak through
26:24Oh God
26:37Really out of breath, but they're all in these are the five main frames
26:41And then all the other bits are in the living room actually wasn't too bad getting them up
26:46But if I was on my own there is no way in hell
26:48I would have been able to do that like the boys did all the big ones
26:50I could do the small ones they weren't too bad, but these are so fucking heavy
27:17Okay, so update the wardrobe the wardrobes good start
27:22Well, they are wardrobes the drawers are
27:28The wardrobe the shelves the drawers it's the base is up basically and Callum is just flushing them together
27:33Our drill actually died and I can't find the charger for anywhere
27:37So I put it in like our like tower group chat and Lucy replied and said we could borrow her drum
27:41And we've got a pink tool kit, but thank you Lucy
27:43We really appreciate it because you wouldn't be able to finish this task without you
27:47And then we just need to put all the drawers on and then the shelves can go in
27:50Decorating it and I think I might cook a chicken parm for dinner
27:57I don't know why I call it chicken Ariana. It was obviously not I think I meant Mariana, but then also that's not a dish
28:02I don't really know what I'm making but something. I'll cook up something nice for dinner
28:06Thank my lovely blokes for helping me put this up
28:31Okay, Callum has flushed it all together and now the drawers are going in and I just get to sit and look pretty because there's
28:37No more screwdrivers or drills. So I'm just watching the boys do it and I also don't want to do it wrong because
28:41It's dead. Oh no. Oh
28:43No, because at both times
28:46That I have done the drawers, well these bits I've managed to get the screw through the wood don't know my own power me
28:55All the drawers look nice though. I love coming to make up in that
29:02And he's still doing the DIY
29:05Maybe a bit lower than that
29:07Yeah, a tiny bit lower. Yeah
29:11Maybe that is too close. Yeah. Okay. Yeah there. Oh, this is gonna look so nice
29:15The drawers are all nearly in the one that I did mess up
29:18It's ruined. Just have to ignore that
29:21It is a lot later. It is half past 12, and I've just dropped Callum and Byron home
29:27We had to stop and take a break because basically the bases went up so quickly and the actual drawers me and Byron did and I'm
29:33Not joking like 40 minutes
29:35But the hard part was putting the drawers in and then putting the shelves in at the little pegs for the shelves
29:41Don't just slot in it takes like a good couple of minutes for each one
29:44And we were just knackered we've been doing it for like six hours at that point
29:46So he said same time tomorrow
29:48I'm just gonna come back and finish it then because my chair is also coming tomorrow
29:50The rest of my house right now is a tip and honestly it stresses me out so much when I have a really messy house
29:55Like I have a pretty much a pristine flat all the time
29:58Like I'm the worst person like if someone needs a drink out
30:01I will go and like put it down the sink because I assume they're finished with it and I put it in the bin like that
30:04Is it you like it's because my mum did it to me like growing up and she still does it to me
30:08So I have developed that trait and I literally like poured Callum's drink away when Anna was drinking that and I was like, oh my god
30:12I'm just trying to tidy up but like it's just an accident, but I do it all the time
30:15So I'm not gonna lie
30:16I know Rome wasn't built in a day and it's gonna get ugly before it gets pretty but going to bed and leave my flat in
30:20This state has given me the fear to wake up, but I'm really excited
30:24It looks amazing and to be honest
30:26We don't actually know if we're gonna flush it to the wall anymore because basically we probably could have ordered it a bit
30:31Higher I think I kind of measured the ceiling a bit wrong
30:33So technically that was my fault bar instead of flushing it to the wall because there is quite a big gap there
30:38But it wasn't big enough for another drawer. I think I might just put the tree in that corner that I buy
30:43maybe I know we'll play around with it because right now like there's only like four things on the shelves and
30:49We were originally like putting things on the shelf and then basing where the shelf was gonna go on top of that
30:53Whereas now I think we're just gonna put the shelves in a bit like mismatched and then put all the things
30:58Back on the shelves and then I can't wait to sort all these drawers out
31:01I'm gonna go to B&M tomorrow and buy like all of the plastic like dividers to go in the drawers so I can have one
31:07For face one for eyes one for lips and then storage drawers for all up my cameras work bits XYZ. It's looking amazing
31:14It's looking exactly how I wanted it to I mean the rest of the room
31:17Obviously is not done that wardrobe is still a tip
31:19But like I said Rome was a bit one a day, but thank you so much for watching
31:22I really hope you have enjoyed if you did please smash a huge thumbs up and I will see you on Sunday
31:28for a brand new video
