• avant-hier
Autrefois acteur à succès, Joe Scot, la quarantaine, passe son temps à boire et à multiplier les conquêtes féminines, sous le regard réprobateur de son assistante Ophelia. Lorsqu'il apprend la mort d'un ami d'enfance, Booth, il décide de retourner en Angleterre pour assister aux funérailles. Il se rappelle alors sa jeunesse dans une ville portuaire anglaise. L'été de ses 16 ans, Joe entretenait une relation avec sa voisine Evelyn, une femme au foyer délaissée par son mari. Dans le même temps, il sympathisait avec Ruth, une jeune fille un brin excentrique, avec laquelle il se découvrait de nombreux points communs. Un drame allait tout remettre en question...
00:30Hey, how are you my man?
00:38Why don't you make a move, Joe?
00:41A wounded boy with just enough meanness in him to keep the girls interested.
00:45How could you choose between Brian Ferry and David Bowie?
00:49Come in!
00:50I'm really late.
00:51Just for a minute.
00:53Do you find this approach usually works?
00:56Your neck's covered in love bites.
00:57You really surprised me, Joe Scott.
00:59Take a look in the mirror because you are a mess.
01:02You deserve that, Joe!
01:06Why didn't you tell me this on the phone?
01:07What am I doing here, money?
01:09I don't think there's any part in any script for you anywhere.
01:13I don't want to go out!
01:14You will do as I say now.
01:15Get out!
01:16People are tired of your pathetic behavior.
01:18They don't want to be around it anymore.
01:20Neither do I.
01:22Come away!
01:23It is over.
01:25You are over.
01:27It's mine!
01:29It's mine!
01:53Hello, Joe.
01:54Hello, Ruth.
01:58You were right to leave.
02:00It allowed you to do what you wanted.
02:04Or maybe what I thought I wanted.
02:27To be continued...