00:01Shouldn't be much longer till we're home. Yeah
00:04Sure, Charlotte's family's gonna want to see her as soon as possible. Mm-hmm. May not be that simple
00:10Why not?
00:11Well, I use one of your phones. I will for I'll have to call my mom. I want her to know I'm coming. Sure
00:17Hold on
00:22Thank you girls so much for agreeing to meet with me oh my gosh happy
00:25Happy hour you didn't have to ask me twice seriously
00:28Well between we'll call them difficulties at deception and James basically launching himself off of my roof. I really needed this
00:36Welcome to my life. What are we getting to drink?
00:40Thank you for squeezing me in thank you. Well, I think you're the one who did the squeezing this evening
00:45I'm heading to a fundraising event this evening. Well, I don't want to keep you. How can I help you?
00:50I've been named the liaison to the WSB
00:55Well, it's good to know that a relationship is desired. You didn't think one was
01:01Well, let's just say I didn't think that mayor Collins was my biggest fan
01:05Well, you could go a long way to easing any tension between our offices if you could get a little better at sharing
01:14Sharing is caring. Well, you possess some information that could be very helpful to us
01:19What would you like to know more about not what?
01:23But who
01:25Jen said well
01:27There has to be another way for me to help you
01:29That doesn't involve me asking Curtis to write some sort of puff piece about you. Oh, I got it
01:35You and I could do a press conference together
01:38I'll discuss my new pediatric sports initiative and then you could be right up there beside me
01:44representing General Hospital I
01:46Just don't really see how that helps
01:49Will you be in there with me would kind of force Curtis and Aurora to cover the story which would paint me in a very
01:57positive light
01:59What do you say?
02:05What the hell are you doing here I was in the process of making a business proposal to your wife
02:13Maybe you want to tell me what's going on
02:16That article dropped today and it made you realize that you have thrown your life away
02:21You blew up your entire life and your family over a sleaze and you can't admit that you were wrong. I was
02:29Absolutely wrong to cheat on Michael. I have never said otherwise finally, but who are you to judge me?
02:36No one knows what led up to that affair besides me true and Michael
02:41You sure about that?
02:44Refilled no, it's time for me to go back up to my room
02:49Draw the blinds and forget this whole miserable trip ever happened. But thank you for the company. You got it. I
02:58Believe that's mine
03:08Well, that was nice
03:09Getting just some time with your mom. Yeah, it was a pleasant surprise. It's definitely a surprise
03:17Are you expecting anyone else to pop in tonight?
03:28It's just us for the rest of the night I
03:32Really like the sound of that
03:35Me too
03:43We're gonna wait until we're in Port Charles before we let your mother know, okay, why can't I just tell her now I
03:50Just I just want to play it safe
03:53You know, we're almost home you're gonna be seeing Lulu in no time
03:58Do you think those men are gonna find Papa?
04:02Well Valentin made the right call when he let you come with us, yeah, you mean what he made me come with you
04:08Well, he just wanted to make sure that you were safe and he can move a lot faster without you
04:12I mean, I've never met anyone better the disappearing than your dad, you know, he's infuriating really those men don't stand a chance
04:21It's good to hear. I
04:23Know it it doesn't make it hurt any less
04:26Well, I can tell you this much when mr. Sidwell says that he deals in rare earths and minerals
04:31He's not just speaking of gold and diamonds. Well, what does he mean then?
04:35We've come to learn that the minerals he speaks of are strictly regulated vital components for weapons manufacturing
04:41Do you think that's why he's in Port Charles so he can smuggle that stuff through our port?
04:46Well, we don't have evidence to suggest it yet, but it would be in both our best interest to keep an eye on mr.
04:56What do you want to share with the class?
04:59Well, I do have one interesting tidbit
05:02Do tell
05:04Carly Spencer is making a valiant effort to not notice you but she is failing
05:15Carly what is so fascinating about Jack Brennan's meeting with the deputy mayor nothing
05:20Then why do you keep staring at them? I'm not I just scanned the room looking at my patrons making sure they're happy
05:27It's the truth. It's a habit. Why do I care who Jack Brennan spends his time with?
05:34Excuse me
05:37My congressional office is a spearheading a pediatric sports initiative for kids and treatment. It's gonna be very therapeutic very morale-boosting and
05:46I'm surprised Trina hasn't mentioned that to you Trina
05:50Yeah, her friend Kai Taylor is generously lending his local celebrity status to get the program off the ground
05:57And you're my wife's office because
06:00Well, she's the co-chief of staff and the initiative is gonna be administered by General Hospital
06:06It's gonna look great for GH to have Portia up there right next to me during the press conference
06:11In fact, she already agreed to do it, right?
06:13Drew I'd appreciate if you wouldn't put words in my mouth
06:24Have got to get a Grand Central Station, you know, I'll get it
06:33Hi Rick, hi, yeah, it's okay if I come in
06:38Actually, it's not the best time. It's just gonna take a minute. I promise
06:43Come in
06:46And here I thought this night couldn't get any better
06:52Hope I didn't interrupt anything
06:54Have you ever said that and meant it?
06:58So what brings you by Rick?
07:03Many things but since lucky it's here already. I may as well start by saying thank you
07:12You found my credit card
07:15Hold on I can show you my ID from the firm. No, that's not necessary. I believe you are who you say you are
07:22JS and associates Marco is just fine
07:26Thank you. I've been retracing my steps trying to find this thing
07:31Can I show my appreciation by buying you a drink? Oh, there's no need. I just paid my tab. I'll open another one
07:39Please I'd hate to walk away feeling like I left a good deed unrewarded
07:44Something on the floor and picked it up that hardly makes me a hero
07:48Tell that to the guy who's been frantically looking for his corporate card
07:52Listen, I either buy you a drink or I send over an order of calamari your choice
07:58I'm allergic to shellfish a drink it is then
08:07Anyone with eyes could see you mooning over drew
08:11Excuse after excuse coming up with ways to be with him or just around him even Michael noticed
08:19My issues with my goal started way before you moved in
08:23And guess what? We all made mistakes
08:26me drew
08:28and Michael I
08:30Think the only mistake Michael made was trusting you to be faithful
08:34I'll just trusting you period when you told him that it was just a
08:40harmless crush
08:42That your heart was still with him and the kids
08:45He believed you and when he found out that you had acted on those feelings. He was devastated
08:52So yes, I will judge you and I will not feel bad about it
08:57Remind me of your due date again
09:01You got pregnant what
09:03beginning of
09:05November ish
09:07Right around the time Jason was mourning Sam
09:11Are you serious? I'm just doing the math Sasha. Oh
09:15Wow, oh my god
09:17Jason and Sam were not even together when Sam died and they hadn't been for years, but everyone knows their love story was epic
09:25Sam was an obstacle for anyone who wanted Jason
09:29But with her out of the picture you saw your opening and you took it
09:37Why why didn't you want Charlotte to call Lulu?
09:40Well, I know I said that I didn't think the WSB would go after Charlotte
09:43But what you changed your mind on those agents in Argentina weren't sent by Brennan
09:48So that means someone or multiple someone's at the bureau have a vested interest in shutting Valentino permanently
09:56They probably figured out by now that he handed Charlotte off to us
10:00I mean, it would be a lot easier to grab Charlotte use her to lure Valentino that it would be to find him
10:05They could attack Lulu's phone for all we know maybe waiting for us to contact her
10:10But Lulu needs to know that her daughter's coming home. She will
10:14But in order to do that and to get Charlotte home safely
10:17We're gonna need to contact someone first
10:22Is Miami home I live up in Bar Harbor I
10:26Was just in the city for a client meeting. What about you?
10:29I'm here for a medical symposium. Oh, are you a doctor? I am that's impressive
10:36So, how's the symposium going? Have you learned a lot? Um
10:42Well that I'm destined to make the same mistakes forever apparently, uh-oh
10:47And I am I'm sorry. I had a few drinks earlier. I am majorly oversharing. I don't mind
10:55What kind of mistakes are we talking?
10:57Let me put it this way
11:00is also on this trip and
11:03Didn't end well, I actually hadn't given drew an answer on whether or not I would do the press conference
11:10My bad. I was just wishful thinking
11:14This program. It's your baby when it finally gets announced. You should be the one to take all that credit
11:20It's a partnership with the hospital with you Portia. So what happens to one of us is gonna happen to the other I
11:28Am a huge proponent of that cause right just
11:33Not the man spearheading it. I get it
11:36But the good news is the intention here is obviously just to benefit the kids
11:42Okay, then I'll do it
11:46Baby sure about this
11:48On top of being a worthy cause this could generate a whole ton of positive publicity for general hospital
11:55Which could mean an influx of donors, which helps all the patients here general hospital, not just the ones in pediatrics
12:03Finally is co-chief of staff bringing money in for the hospital. I mean Portia
12:07You know how quickly things can change at the time
12:10This could help keep you there and maybe just maybe it'll help people forget about congressman cutthroat
12:17And I don't really care what people call me but since we're on the subject of publicity
12:22I would like to offer you Curtis and Aurora the opportunity to cover the kickoff exclusively. What do you say?
12:32At least with drew I was acting on my sincere feelings you acted on greed
12:37What oh
12:39Come on
12:41Jason's wealthy on his own add in that quarter main connection
12:45Credit where credit is due Sasha this baby might have been the best con you've ever pulled
12:50And what do you call
12:52Telling Michael that you'd love honor and cherish him till death do you part?
12:59Think what you want about my choices Willow. I
13:02Didn't break any marriage vows or any hearts
13:06Give it time
13:08You will
13:18Excuse me, I have to take this please
13:26Commissioner Devane to what do I owe the pleasure?
13:29We have Charlotte Kassadin
13:31Excellent. I don't suppose you have Valentin as well
13:36Where are you on a jet?
13:38We'll be landing at Sussex airfield within the hour and you are looping me in because I need you to bring Lulu there to
13:44Meet us without alerting anyone
13:47Is that something that you can do for us?
13:55Shouldn't be a problem. Thank you. See you soon
14:00Brennan's gonna meet us on the tarmac
14:03Are you sure about bringing Brennan into this I
14:06Mean, how do you know the guys weren't lying when they said they weren't acting on Brennan's orders?
14:10I can't be certain of everything exactly
14:12So we could be delivering Charlotte right into the hands of a man who's gonna use her as a means to eliminate Valentine
14:24All right, Brennan may well be on the hunt for Valentin, but there is a crucial difference between him and those other agents
14:31Which is what Jack knows that if anything were to happen to Charlotte on his watch
14:37Carly would never forgive him for it
14:40Brandon doesn't care what Carly thinks. Yes, he does. I mean
14:44Initially, I wasn't sure about this, but it has become increasingly clear that when it comes to Carly
14:51Jack doesn't seem to have any ulterior motives. I didn't think he's just smitten with her
14:57So that that that's all it takes to become a good guy
15:00No, I didn't say that Jack was a good guy
15:03All I'm saying is that in this instant and for our purposes
15:08Jack wants to see Charlotte reunited with her mother as much as we do
15:14Everything else aside you nearly died to save Elizabeth for that you have my gratitude
15:23What's this
15:24Real reason that I came here
15:27It's a hard copy of the Medical Review Board's final decision suitable for framing
15:31You are officially exonerated of all responsibility in the deaths of Sylvie Mullen
15:37Dex Heller and Sam McCall
15:39Didn't we already know this? It's still really nice to see it in writing
15:43I was also able to secure back pay for the days of work that you were forced to miss. Oh
15:47My god, thank you. I really I really appreciate that and not just all the hard work
15:53You've done but I mean for for making the effort to come over and drop this off
16:00Well, I'm sure there is a million things that you should be doing
16:04Yeah, my only regret is that Terry had to be the one to call me to represent you in the first place. Oh
16:10I didn't know that she happened until right now
16:14Yeah, it's it's good that you have such a good friend
16:19So you should have called me in the first place I know I know I just didn't know how
16:25Serious the review is gonna be until I was right in the middle of it
16:30Something else
16:32But I'm not entitled to your services at the drop of a hat. Nope
16:37If you ever
16:39Need a lawyer
16:41or wonder
16:43Even for a second that maybe you might need one
16:47It better be your first call
16:49Got it
16:51Got it. I
16:53Mean I may not be able to bust down doors and duke it out with lunatics
17:00But you know if you call I'll always pick up
17:07Working with your ex can't be easy
17:09Yeah, well now imagine that it's not as someone you dated ex. It's your ex-husband
17:15Oh, yeah, that's that pretty much sums it up
17:20All the more you're married three years we even had son there I thought we did
17:28I'm I am sorry. You did not sign up for any of this you offered to buy me a drink not not
17:35Listen to my long sob story. Excuse me
17:41Just so happens I love long stories the sobbier the better. It's not a word who says dictionary I think
17:50Tell me about your son
17:54Aurora is not the only game in town. I'm quite sure you'll have no problem finding some other media outlet to cover your event
18:00But your wife is already on board wouldn't look bad if her own husband wasn't in full support
18:05I mean it's a win-win Curtis really for all of us. I need some time to think
18:10Fair enough Portia. Maybe you could work on it a little bit for me
18:16Well reach out to the office when you have an answer
18:24Babe help me out here. What the hell was that?
18:31Well, why don't you tell me about the latest Tracy drew dust-up Sasha said things are pretty tense over there
18:35And if Drew is going after the quarter main crypt, I'm guessing they're way past tense
18:40He's really coming for the family crypt and Tracy is freaking out. I don't blame her
18:45I went through something similar with Virginia's grave and it was awful and that's just one family member, right?
18:50And I mean we're talking about Lila Edward Allen to name a few. Of course. She's gonna fight tooth and nail for them
18:57Yeah, I mean I'd say I'm disappointed in drew but I never really liked him to begin with so join the club
19:03You will see that our membership is rapidly growing
19:07I'm terribly sorry, but I'm afraid I'm gonna have to cut this meeting short. Oh, I was getting ready to head on
19:11Anyway fundraisers wait for no one. No, they don't have a good evening. Deputy mayor you too
19:25Deputy mayor Ashford
19:29I'll be there as soon as I can
19:32Okay, did Tracy really get arrested
19:35Hmm never underestimate how far people are willing to go for the loved ones. Well, that's true
19:40Good evening, ladies
19:43I'm sorry, miss Spencer, but you're gonna have to come with me. I don't think I do
19:47I'm sorry, it's urgent. Wait, is this about the search for Valentine? What's going on?
19:52I'm afraid I can't give you any details, but you're just gonna have to trust me
19:56Okay, Lulu if Jack says it's important you can trust him you can go
20:10Okay, tell me what's going on with you and agent Brennan
20:17You're in your descent I'll let Charlotte know Jason
20:21Thank you for coming with me
20:24I'll be my back
20:26You didn't need to get involved with any of this
20:29Yes, I did. Well, I'm the one who let Valentine escape with Charlotte
20:34I went along with it because I asked you to because I chose to this is on me to end
20:42We let Valentine take Charlotte and now we are bringing her back
20:50So I gave Wiley back to his father your nephew
20:53Yeah, and then Brad and I got divorced and Brad got sentenced to six months in prison
21:01One more I'm just
21:04Your ex must have really loved you
21:07Well, you say that don't get me wrong. He did a terrible thing, but I do believe it was to spare your pain
21:15Brad risked his freedom
21:18He risked everything really
21:21You know
21:23You're the first person to hear that story and have that reaction
21:28Do you disagree? No
21:31But that's the part that kills me I know
21:34Brad did what he did because he loves me. We always wanted a family of our own
21:41He thought it would break my heart if I couldn't have a child. So
21:46He gave me one
21:47And then he ended up breaking your heart anyway
21:49yeah, and he hurt a lot of other people too and and no amount of
21:54Love or good intentions in the world can change that
22:00But it can't erase the time you had with Wiley and Brad either
22:04That boy Wiley, he may not be your son
22:08He's still a part of you Lucas
22:10He's the child of your heart
22:13And he always will be
22:16You're right. I
22:19Had a year and a half of being dad
22:22Those memories are mine forever
22:26No one can take them away
22:28You know, you're gonna want to put that in your records as soon as possible
22:32As a matter of fact, I would do it now just in case you forget though
22:38Yeah, I'll do that right now and then I'll be back to walk you out
22:47Word of advice
22:50Send a messenger next time
22:53Do I detect hostility no, no just
22:59impatience I
23:01Met what I said before lucky
23:03You are a hero
23:05Look what I got you nice comfy spot on Elizabeth's couch from where to recover. Yeah
23:10Well, it's a little harder to do that when random people keep
23:14dropping by with unnecessary
23:17Things feel tired, you know, I drop you off home your mother Kentucky him
23:26Thanks for the offer, but I'm
23:28I'm fine. I'm solid solid. Yeah
23:32That's the first word that comes to mind when everybody thinks about you solid and reliable
23:39Elizabeth could do so much better than you
23:45Like you I
23:48Know this must feel like it came out of nowhere
23:50Yeah, it does
23:53Especially given your fallout with Drew
23:56But I agree with him
23:59The initiative that he's spearheading it's not only good for the kids which is enough right there, but it's also good for the entire hospital
24:06As a doctor as a mother I have to support that
24:09No matter what I think or feel about Drew
24:14It was just him asking there's no way I'd let Aurora get involved in this press conference
24:20But you're involved
24:24Tell me do you want me to cover this?
24:28Yeah, I do. You know for the reasons that I just said and also Trina
24:34guys involved
24:36You know your support would mean so much to her
24:39There are so many reasons to say yes, but there's only one reason to say no
24:44It's a big reason it absolutely is
24:47But don't let Drew's awfulness
24:50Keep you from contributing to a good cause we both know it's worthwhile
24:55Honey, don't let Drew have that kind of power over you
24:59Well, thank you for getting here so quickly I'm on my way to a fundraiser so don't have much time
25:03Okay, well I'll make this quick
25:06Well, I'll make this quick
25:08My office is spearheading a pediatric sports initiative in conjunction with GH and we're organizing a press conference to announce it
25:15Sounds like a great cause it really is it really is and Portia Robinson has agreed to participate
25:20I'm hoping Aurora has exclusive coverage of the event and I would love for you to be there representing the mayor's office
25:26I'll give me a break Drew. You're trying to give yourself a nice bouquet to cover the stench from that invader article
25:31Wait a minute, so you organize all these different types of events to support the community and you're willing to walk away from this great cause just to spite me?
25:41Like I'll request that come into my office. I will take it under consideration
25:44Well, I look forward to hearing from you Deputy Mayor
25:48Okay, we're here. Call me why or I'm leaving
25:53There's a jet landing in 10 minutes. Your daughter is on it
26:05Charlotte's coming home?
26:07Where was she?
26:08I don't have any details. Anna Devane called me. She told me to bring you here. I did
26:11Why didn't Anna just call me?
26:13I assume she wanted me to secure your safety as well as Charlotte's
26:17Matters of Charlotte's okay
26:19I can't believe it
26:34I get to see my daughter
26:37You seem to be doing better these days
26:39I don't know if I go that far but I'm not in Boston drowning myself in work anymore so that's something
26:45Austin, interesting
26:48It wasn't
26:49That's my fault
26:51After everything with Wiley and Brad I went to Boston
26:54I didn't date like at all
26:57Barely kept in contact with my friends and family
27:00What changed?
27:02My mom died
27:04Very sorry to hear that
27:06It was like a real wake up call
27:10You know like our time here is so limited we have to do as much with it as we can
27:18We have to love people while they're still here
27:24So you went home
27:25Yeah I still work a lot and no action on the dating front but I'm not hiding from life
27:35So there's that
27:39That's a lot
27:41It takes courage to face the things that scare you
27:45So how is it?
27:48Oh well being back with my family and friends is great
27:53And shockingly it hasn't been so horrible seeing Brad again
27:59Did seeing him stir up some old emotions?
28:03Sort of
28:05I started to remember why I fell in love with him in the first place and how happy he made me once upon a time
28:13And he helped me through a really terrible time
28:19Made me feel less lonely
28:22Someone who can do that will always have a place in your heart
28:27Maybe not the place I used to but a place
28:30And then when I found out that he'd be at the symposium
28:32You thought it was a sign
28:34He was so kind and supportive
28:39It was like he was the person I fell for in the beginning
28:43And with the beach and the moon and the tropical breeze
28:52I started to feel something that I haven't felt in a very long time
29:00And we were just at the brink of putting it back together
29:05But then Brad decides to tell me how he got on this trip
29:10And it turns out he is still the same lying manipulative person he always was
29:16And per usual is driven by his love for yours truly
29:23So maybe that's the problem
29:30That can't be the only answer to loneliness, right?
29:34Companionship comes in all shapes and sizes
29:40Maybe it's as simple as finding a gorgeous man
29:46Telling him he's gorgeous
29:49Taking it from there
29:53More accurately
30:02Oh, you're both here. Perfect
30:04Hey, Jordan, what's up?
30:06I just spoke to Drew about his new pediatrics initiative
30:09He's certainly making his rounds, isn't he?
30:11Let me guess, he asked if you could be at the press conference as well
30:14Yeah, I heard that you were on board so I wanted to talk to you about it before I made a decision
30:19Drew also said that Aurora might be getting involved
30:23Is there any truth to that?
30:26It was this aha moment when I realized that our lives were just incompatible
30:30Uh-huh. Okay, and you said this to him?
30:33I did, yeah
30:35How did he take that?
30:37Quietly. You know, he just kind of walked away and I haven't seen him since
30:42Until right now?
30:44Yes, yeah, yeah
30:46It sounds like your rejection might have hurt his feelings
30:49Oh, come on
30:51Jack Brennan has a woman in every city
30:53Jack Brennan has a woman in every city
30:55I just happen to be the one in Port Charles
30:57Well, me and Vivian
30:58Who's Vivian?
30:59It doesn't matter. Look, the point is, I can't go down this road
31:03Because even if I wanted to, Jack Brennan will never commit
31:06To what?
31:08What do you mean?
31:09Well, like, to what? What kind of commitment are you looking for?
31:16There's your baby
31:19Oh my god
31:21Would you like to know the sex?
31:27Good evening, Congressman
31:29Good evening to you
31:31I didn't want to leave without seeing you again
31:35Hey, are you okay? You seem a little down
31:39Oh, yeah. No, I'm just, I'm coming from a difficult patient, that's all
31:45Are you sure? Because I wouldn't blame you
31:48Blame me for what?
31:49Well, letting the whole Congressman cutthroat nonsense get to you
31:54Drew, let that go. I already told you, I don't read that garbage in The Invader
31:57And I don't listen to anyone who wants to tell me about it
32:03Willow, I feel like you've been listening to someone
32:08Because it seems like more than just a difficult patient has got to you
32:20Come here
32:32Guard and secure
32:36Well, I'm going to get out of your hair
32:38Oh, okay
32:44Hey, thanks for everything
32:49Not what I said before
32:51You weren't just trying to annoy Lucky?
32:54I had a bonus. I'm very easy
32:59I do want you to be happy, Elizabeth
33:02If there's ever anything that I can do to help with that
33:05I know who to call
33:08Have a good night
33:10Good night
33:13Finally, we're in love
33:24What are you looking for exactly? Like to settle down? Are we talking marriage?
33:28No, I love my life. I mean, I'm happy to never get married again
33:31Okay, then do you think maybe you're possibly overthinking this?
33:35Me? I mean, I would never do something like that
33:37Oh, yeah, right
33:39I'm going to die tomorrow. Would you regret not sleeping with Jack Brennan?
33:43Aurora will cover the press conference
33:46Well, that's it, then
33:48If you two are both on board, I'll be there
33:51Thank you
33:54Thank you so much
33:56Thank you
33:58I mean, you helped me see that this was the right thing to do
34:06I don't care what other people call you
34:09I can handle it, and so can you
34:11Scout and Wylie are a different story
34:13And I hear what you're saying, but I want you to know that I am working on something
34:18that's going to remind my constituents, remind everybody, the good work that I'm doing on their behalf
34:23And then those old headlines will be gone and forgotten in no time, like a day
34:29Maybe two. It's going to work out, I promise
34:33When you say it, I believe it
34:39Believe it
34:59So, what now?
35:01Now, I think you should give me your room key
35:16Girl, sweetheart, you were finally home