With house prices going up, would you be open to allowing your adult children and their family continue to live in your home?
00:00I've been in the position as an adult child who has moved back briefly with my parents at one stage in the past
00:07a long long time ago, you know
00:1140 years ago, but
00:14And in similar circumstances because I couldn't afford to live on my own
00:20And it must have been very difficult for them just as it was for me
00:23I think it's very cultural based because obviously like Asian families
00:27I know it's for the norm for the oldest oldest boy to stay in the home of their mother
00:32But it gets to a point so like I don't mind if my child needs it like I'm saving up for a wedding
00:37I'm saving up for a house, but if it gets the point where they're not doing any work
00:41They're leeching off me etc. Then you'll be like you need to go into the other one. Yeah, 100% Yeah
00:48Yeah, I wouldn't want to
00:52If you've it cramped, but yeah
00:54All you have is family soon
00:56I feel you should give him a chance at least or help them and support them until they're ready to leave