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Fortnite Random Super Style Chapter 6 Season 2 gameplay with Typical Gamer!

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00:00I unlocked all of the marbled green super styles and I thought of the perfect idea
00:03I'm gonna randomize them all and only use one color of weapon depending on which skin I get if I get Joss
00:08It's gonna be green weapons only Geisha cross will be blue weapons
00:11Big deal is gonna be purple Valentina is gold weapons
00:14And finally if we get Fletcher Kane, it's gonna be mythic weapons only to complete this challenge
00:19I'm gonna have to get away into two of these skins
00:20So make sure watch the whole video cuz things get crazy, but not crazier than this
00:24YouTube is telling me that 77% of you watching right now are not subscribed. That's crazy. I upload every single day
00:30So don't miss out make sure you hit that subscribe button with the bell for more daily awesome videos
00:34Let's jump into it. First up. We have Joss and with her it's gonna be green weapons only
00:39Let's see what we can go ahead and cook up if you will
00:42I'm gonna start this one off by landing at the one and only crime city and I think that Joss is pretty cool
00:48I like her like chemistry sort of vibe to her
00:50Also like all the customization and the fact that she has a cone on top of her head is pretty funny
00:55Okay, so we're starting with green weapons only of course we can land anywhere. They're pretty common
00:59I'm gonna go ahead and start off by getting this pump and dump here, which oh
01:03jump over and
01:08Ouch we got some splashes. I'm gonna go ahead and just rock it over there. Oh my gosh. They didn't expect this. Oh
01:16My goodness
01:17Absolutely destroyed them. I was a skills that pay the bills type of deal right there. Let me drop all the stuff
01:23I can't use we are absolutely chilling at the moment reload all this. There's a few more people in the area
01:29I got to make sure to hit nobody with my rocket drill because that would mean that I'm breaking the rules, you know
01:33All right, perfect. Let's go ahead and just launch ourselves into battle. Is everybody at Oh somebody over here going in
01:42Oh my goodness, the pump and dump is such an odd weapon to use sometimes I swear change your feel
01:49I'm pretty sure it changes your field of view when you're using it which feels really weird to at least in build fights
01:53Let me break this barrel and there should be some more here. Perfect. Okay, I think I can go ahead and take the vault
01:58I don't know if that's actually gonna be very useful for me
02:00Um, I can take the Sentinel pump and I guess we're gonna get the striker burst just like that
02:05We have a very interesting loadout to say the least. Oh, there was a med kit here the whole time
02:10Oh my gosh is a mammoth pistol. Okay, I'm gonna take that. It's pop open this chest and
02:15You know what? The pump and dump is calling my name. It's new
02:17Let's use it and I guess I could go open the vault, but I don't really need to so let's grab this car
02:24We're just gonna be a beautiful green revolver. That's the name of the car. We're gonna go ahead and gun it
02:29Oh, there's somebody right here. I'm out of the car. I'll probably car dude
02:34Big axiom. Oh
02:36Oh my gosh, no, I'm stuck. Oh
02:49My gosh, that's one down it's reload
02:57It's not good this guy doesn't know how to break a wall. It's reload everything. I bought the rest of this med kit. Oh
03:05My goodness, I'm actually him. I'm just that guy really truly. All right, let's go inside here
03:11Hopefully nobody's just chillin here. I'll just gonna be bad news bears for me. Talk to this guy
03:15Was he gonna give me you didn't give me anything. Maybe they don't give you things anymore. Well, it's spent some my gold
03:19I have like no ammo. I don't know why we're just gonna have to deal with it
03:23I'm hearing lots of shots in the distance
03:25Let me just buy some big pots for the road at least two and then let's go over to that
03:32They should be fighting. It sounds like oh right over here. Okay, I'm flying in bub. Oh
03:38They're just like swinging and missing on each other. Oh, okay. Well, just finish that fight. Oh
03:45What a crazy shot
03:48I'm gonna reload this
03:50Maybe carry these splashes. There's only two and he's one. All right, good stuff. Lots of good stuff
03:54I'm gonna grab this car got a modified Lamborghini Urus here
03:59Look at that nice paint job. And now we're gonna go ahead and find the person who got the medallion
04:03Which it appears they're over at Lone Wolf lair. Maybe they're hiding in these builds in this box. Oh, oh
04:09My goodness, but I think there's no damage the builds
04:14Got him that oh my gosh the mythic mammoth
04:17I'm gonna go ahead and take this dill bit and the unstoppable medallion. Oh my there's somebody sniping over there moving. Don't see me
04:32Him I'm actually enjoying the pump and dump it's fun to use we're gonna go back over here see what's up
04:37And oh my goodness. Not only did he have the mythic mammoth pistol. He had the mythic pump shotgun
04:41I'm gonna just cover this up. Oh
04:43Okay, calm down, buddy. I'll come in at you
04:463,000 pounds of pressure
04:53Just don't miss that's the game of for tonight buddy don't miss I'm having a ball right now
04:57I'm sorry, I like to pump it up more and more. Oh my gosh
05:04Well, peace no
05:07God they had a legendary pump a dump and a legendary collateral damage. They are brothers more people
05:15I'm pumping and I'm dumping. All right
05:1911 the limbs not too shabby. We're gonna keep on keeping on that's what we're gonna do here
05:23All right, a little squishy in the road. It's good. Oosh. Call that a road bump
05:27It would appear that nobody's coming out of magic mosses
05:30I'm gonna go ahead and survey the land near brutal boxcars
05:32No, we'll head a little more southwest to shoot your train pulled over
05:36But we know that the guy we eliminated earlier was from there
05:38That's how he got the medallion and the mythic mammoth and shotgun. I'm stuck on this little wood fence. Come on
05:44I'm gonna pull into this gas station get a brand new car
05:47It might be time if I see another green shotgun to switch it up because although I'm enjoying the pump dump
05:52I don't know how far it's gonna take me. Let's go back towards crime city. Oh, wait a second
06:02We have a worthy competitor
06:19Goodness we have a competitive bout here
06:29Racked them
06:32Got him get the green central pump ready to go. Honestly, I'm gonna keep the pump enough. I'm enjoying it
06:38I think a lot of people are hating on it right now. So I'm gonna show you its true potential
06:42Also that shows you the power of these gold splashes. They are so strong
06:46We have some dill bits if we want to spend them, but you can only buy mythic weapons with them
06:50Oh a gold llama. Wait, I missed this before. How did I miss this? All right, wait, I can just break it
06:57Yeah, give me some splashes give me a thousand gold honestly, you love to see it
07:02Let's continue our journey over to crime city. I'm thinking we'll find at least somebody over there. Ah
07:08Good memories so long ago. Okay driving through crime city. I don't see a single person, but that's alright. Let's head towards
07:16Foxy floodgate. Let's see if we spot anyone here see builds. Oh
07:20My goodness, I'm flying. This has definitely been looted would appear that there's somebody in this car
07:27The chase is on I think I could do a lot of damage to like the
07:32Actual vehicle itself and they seem to be just zooming it right now
07:36I'm gonna pull up try to pull up in front of them. They're gonna try to beat me off the road
07:40which they succeeded at I
07:43Cannot pop the tires. All right lesson learned. There's gonna try to bully me with that car. You guys see somebody underneath me. Oh
07:50One down
07:52Both of them down. Oh
07:55That hurts
08:07Here goes nothing
08:17Moving if these heels I
08:20Don't know what they're shooting at I got the mini sure everything's reloaded. Oh my
08:30That's not good
08:39I'd like zero materials. Come on. Give me the greed boom. I got more materials here
08:49Okay, almost bad
08:58Look it's uh, it's a little rough for me right now. I'll tell you the truth
09:01This guy just got sniped once above me. He's out of here. I need reload everything
09:05You know what Sentinel pump it is. Nah, you know what? I said, I'm gonna use the pump and dump
09:08I'm gonna keep on using it. I have a plan. I'm moving
09:21Got him. Give me that. Alrighty a sticky launcher was a menace versus me. Yeah, hopefully I could find a car or something
09:27There's four people left. I've got 16 eliminations rocket drilling into battle. This thing is so much fun
09:33I've got the medallion as well, which is just also a blast. I
09:38Love all forms of mobility truly. Okay, I'm gonna get over to this car. Oh
09:42Come on, let me drive it. Perfect
09:45I won down just tagged him out of this guy
10:02Bro you good
10:09They pretty much gave up
10:26I didn't know get hit like that 1v1 if I get this elimination. It's a 20 bomb
10:32Back them
10:34We're moving
10:46Peace oh my goodness
10:50Yes, sir
10:52Absolute W going buck wild on them green weapons only. Okay, let's go ahead and see we get next remember
10:59That's just win one of two next up. We have Valentino with her. It's gonna be gold weapons. Only let's get it now for this one
11:06I got to get a bit lucky. So I'm crossing my fingers and in addition to crossing my fingers
11:11I'm also gonna be landing at shiny shafts. Look at my gold car with the money in the back
11:15I guess this is an ATV actually. Oh
11:17Gosh, we got somebody here. Calm down. Okay. Oh boy
11:22It turned it right, oh my gosh keep moving turn it I
11:26Keep turning the valves. Oh boy. I find your run. I just got to blockade it one from this as much as possible
11:33There we go. They have so much to come through. Okay, I got a rare chest here gold weapon. Hello twister
11:37That's a big W. All right, this is a good start. I'm hoping for some more golds. Okay, you know what?
11:42I'll take a rocket drill. We're gonna break this and we're gonna go out everybody. Yeah, we're chilling. What's happening here?
11:49That's one down
11:50And I'm both days without accident zero safety first, bro
11:54What the heck on that and there should be one more person over here gotta figure out where they're at. Oh, they're there
12:05Lost shotgun was scary. I literally don't miss when they use that thing, but I'm alright
12:09It's gonna pop this use the rest of it
12:10Then we're gonna carry on in the hollow twister as my only weapon is actually really great. All the twister is insane
12:16Oh baseball that going from the rest of this old big pot is it underneath the stairs? What am I listening to?
12:22It's floating. Alright, let's take our beautiful car and get going. Look at that fire out the back break these gold veins
12:28Awesome decent way to get XP. I'm going into crime city. I need to get the vault
12:32I'm gonna go ahead and just launch up
12:34Try spot somebody. Oh, there's somebody right there. Oh
12:40For 33, I don't have a ton of ammo
12:51Got him it looked like they knew what they were doing just I caught him when they were a little bit stressed
12:56I could tell baseball bat out. It's purple though. So I can't use it to hit people there sell some c4
13:01I need to open up this vault very important. I don't think the guards give me a ton of ammo
13:05so I got to be careful with how much I
13:07Fight them. Try not to miss shot
13:10I'm missing all the shots
13:13Break it open. I got a ton of mats
13:18I'm just gonna go ahead and over build here and just keep on breaking into the vault less guards
13:21I have to take down the better. We're almost there. Come on. We just got one more section of this vault
13:26Let's you break this open. We will be inside. We can go ahead and get our dill bits, which we are
13:31Really in need of right now. Let's grab those dill bits
13:34Open up this chest and then we got rare chest back here, which oh, oh my gosh
13:39What I got a collateral damage AR and I got two boons
13:42I don't have any boons, but it was so hard to pick those up. All right, this is my loadout
13:46I'm gonna use this as my uh
13:48Shotgun for now, I guess and pick up these splashes. All right, let's move it and grab this car
13:53We're headed on over there. Oh gosh, wait a second. There's a lot of people here or somebody here
13:58Smitten with the loop the loop. I
14:01Don't even know where I was going launch pad here. Okay, I'm gonna use this actually fly to this section
14:07It doesn't look like anyone's entered here
14:09Could be wrong, of course
14:11Protect ourselves a little bit. Okay, I can buy a gold twin fire auto shotgun. I can get a gold pump and dump
14:18Oh my gosh, actually this a sticky grenade launcher is gonna be really it's gonna be really useful
14:23Let's go to buy that and then I guess I'm gonna drop this collateral damage AR for the pump and dump
14:28I really wish I could buy a different shotgun. We can get the legendary mammoth pistol also the mythic pump and dump
14:32But I'm not on mythic weapons only I'm on legendary weapons only from there
14:37I did get the vulture boon which is gonna let me know when players go down if memory serves
14:41They might have a gold central pump over at this black market. So I'm gonna head there. Let's use this to fly a little bit
14:47Over to this car yoink now we are zooming and booming
14:50I mean my car looks so cool and gold that I'm gonna give the gift to somebody else. There you go
14:56Enjoy driving in style. Hey, somebody just went down over by the bridge. You can see the little red skull there. Oh
15:05It's one down yeah pickle
15:13You're not getting away dude
15:16I could have told you that bold of you to think you would have the mythic sniper and
15:21They had a gold striker burst, which is not giving me confidence that they saw a little gold central pump there
15:27You did pick up a nice two limbs though. So I'll take that, you know at the very least I
15:32Still want to check see with my own eyes. I mean the guy just didn't have enough gold
15:36He was broke being broken for night sucks. It's a purple central pump
15:40Okay, and then I really want to open this door, but can't open it yet. I can get a gold sniper
15:43All right back to my car. Let's move it. We're gonna head towards foxy floodgate. Oh
15:50They're just laying shots on to me
15:52They're not the reload and switch up my car here. Give me that and we are going into foxy floodgate. I see one person. Oh
16:01Didn't hit him at all. No, he's there. Oh, there is time on the tree. Very annoying. Oh
16:12We take those trades and we take this car to something about chests that every time I see them I have to open them so
16:19All right, didn't get anything. I tried I did try. What is that? Why is this glowing? Huh?
16:25Alright, let's just take one of these quests for gold bars. Why not?
16:28I need you a hundred damage while hip firing with the shotgun. I wonder if the pumping up will count towards that
16:33We're about to find out. Oh, I'm seeing lots of builds here
16:42Up up and away I go swap it
16:47Yelp got that quest done easy to seeing some builds complete somebody to the right somebody to the left
16:53Okay, got lasered. I'm between everybody
16:57That's gonna hurt
17:10Need them I need those mats
17:21That guy's a medallion to my right that's hurting
17:45Gotta leave
17:54He's got back off after that I am so hurt I got to keep on running I have no heels still shooting at me
18:01Going in here. Please. Give me heels. Oh gosh. There's somebody there
18:06There's ammo you hear people fighting above me
18:12So this med miss grenade, there's somebody like directly above me. Oh
18:18Take them down. I'm using the mammoth there was a little scary though
18:21I need to get a better shotgun if I fuck if I can find a gold sentinel pump, I'll be golden. No pun intended
18:27Oh my goodness. Wait, let's open this up first. There's a big pot
18:31There's a marshmallow pickaxe. I think they're right here
18:39My worked them, I think I'm gonna pop this big and then take the minis. All right, I made a nice recovery
18:44I'm still not past the finish line yet this pistol vending machine, but it shows a heart on it
18:47That is just odd. Let's take this car. Oh, you know what like this car
18:52We gotta go find the person who has the medallion. We're gonna be the biggest threat. Hey, I see him in that bush
19:11My gosh, oh
19:14My goodness, I got him. It's somebody else's shooting me a move
19:17Okay, they had a bunch of good loot, but I can't really use much of it
19:20I'm gonna take the chug jug and take the rocket drill. I got the medallion
19:23Yeah, I think there's probably a car above me. So let's go over here. There's not a car there. Whoops
19:30Tricky situation person on top of that hill
19:32That's not good
19:38Moving I have no HP. I got to get into that wire if I can. Oh I did
19:55Back them
20:02Mon got him
20:06That's bad, holy smokes rough. Oh my goodness
20:15We're going
20:21Ouch 1v1 situation taking the baseball bat moving to this tunnel. Come on
20:27Well, I got a healing grenade huge and there should be more heels over here. There are
20:32Oh my goodness
20:33All right, we're so solid
20:35This was crazy. This was really difficult and it still ain't over yet. It's got the minis. Yeah, where where's the last guy?
20:45Build up a little bit see if we can get him to shoot me down. Oh my goodness. I see him down there
20:51Can I get that off
20:53Let's go. Oh my goodness. These super styles are pretty cool. GG