• 3 days ago
Infosys Share Price: भारत की सबसे बड़ी आईटी कंपनियों में से एक इंफोसिस(Infosys) इन दिनों कठिनाइयों का सामना कर रही है. बुधवार को इंफोसिस के शेयरों में 5.5% की गिरावट दर्ज की गई, जिसके चलते कंपनी बेयर मार्केट (Bear Market) में पहुंच गई. यह गिरावट निवेशकों के लिए चिंता की बात तो है ही, साथ ही इसने इंफोसिस के सह-संस्थापक नारायण मूर्ति(Narayana Murthy) और उनके परिवार की संपत्ति में भारी क्षति पहुंचाई है. अनुमान है कि मूर्ति परिवार की संपत्ति में लगभग 6,875 करोड़ रुपये की कमी आई है. इकॉनमिक्स टाइम्स ने इस डेटा के साथ एक रिपोर्ट छापी है.

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00:00In the share market, on Wednesday, i.e. 12th March, 2025, the shares of IT companies plummeted
00:12The biggest shock was felt by the second largest IT company in the country, Infosys, and its share slipped by more than 5%
00:19The company's co-founder, N. R. Narayan Murthy, and his family were shocked by the fall of Infosys
00:27They lost Rs 6,875 crores
00:30The share market shocked the entire business on Wednesday
00:34Sometimes, the company was trading in the Sunsex Mifty Green Zone
00:38which was seen trading on Lal Nishan with the fall of Infosys
00:43Meanwhile, the share of Infosys slipped by more than 5% and fell to Rs 1,553.80
00:51The share price of Infosys fell by 22% from the all-time high of Rs 2,006.80 in December, 2024
01:03The shares of IT Diggers Infosys Ltd. have seen a continuous decline for the past two days
01:09and the company's co-founder, N. R. Narayan Murthy, had a strong fall in his net worth
01:15According to the corporate database, S. Quitty, 5 members of N. R. Murthy's family own 4.02% of the company
01:25The total value of the company was Rs 33,000 crores in December, 2024
01:31which fell to Rs 26,000 crores on Wednesday after a fall in the share price
01:37According to this calculation, there was a fall of Rs 6,800 crores
01:43According to the reports, the fall in Infosys shares is due to a change in the share rating by the brokerage
01:50In fact, due to the continuous breakdown of the share markets by some brokerage houses,
01:55due to the increasing doubts of the US economy and the tariff policy of US President Donald Trump,
02:02the shares of Infosys were downgraded amid concerns arising due to the global level of trade war
02:10After this news, this IT stock is breaking down
02:13Due to the fall in Infosys shares, N. R. Murthy's son Rohan Murthy suffered a loss of Rs 27.71 crores
02:20After that, Akshata Murthy and Sudha Murthy also suffered a loss
02:24On the other hand, N. R. Murthy's estimated assets fell from Rs 684 crores to Rs 3299 crores
02:34At the end of December quarter, Infosys co-founder N. R. Murthy had a share of 0.40% in the company
02:40while his wife Sudha Murthy had a share of 0.92%
02:44Son Rohan Murthy and daughter Akshata Murthy had a share of 1.62% and 1.04%
02:52Similarly, N. R. Murthy's grandson Ekagra Rohan Murthy also had a share of 0.04% in Infosys
03:00What is your opinion on this news?
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