• 3 days ago
00:00Yeah, I heard what you did yesterday.
00:05I'm going to try to not read into too much about roster possibilities here as we get
00:15close to, what, mid-March.
00:19If you're super comfortable with Braxton Jones at left tackle, you've got even more options
00:26and flexibility in terms of the draft.
00:31I think there's a possibility that's, I don't want to call it gamesmanship with what they
00:38We'll have to wait and see, but I also don't believe that they've been as out on Braxton
00:45Jones, at least the front office, as some people have wanted to believe was the case.
00:52But I've got no idea as to how the new coaching staff has evaluated Braxton Jones.
00:58So I'm kind of taking a wait and see.
01:01I don't want to try to interpret everything that was said in regards to him yesterday
01:08because I think you're doing more guessing than you probably want to be doing.
01:15I mean, do you disagree, Dave?
01:19No, I think that's the right approach to take.
01:23I just didn't, I just think there was a subtle shift in the way that they spoke about-
01:29Maybe a little bit.
01:31But enough to say, aha, Braxton is the guy, I don't think that's-
01:37I think you're a lot more comfortable talking about him being the guy when you have three
01:42interior lineman jobs filled in a way that they weren't filled the last time you spoke
01:47about it.
01:48Oh, a hundred percent.
01:50If Joe Tooney's left next to Braxton Jones, how much better is he than if you've got Tevin
01:59Jenkins there about 65% of the time?
