• 18 hours ago
During Wednesday’s House Ways and Means Committee, Rep. Beth Van Duyne (R-TX) discussed the Democrat request that Elon Musk testifies about DOGE.


00:00Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman.
00:06Democrats keep criticizing Republicans for not bringing Elon Musk as a witness to speak
00:10about Doge's work.
00:12If my Democrat colleagues want to bring Mr. Musk in for witness so badly, why don't they
00:18invite him to appear as a witness?
00:21Democrats are allowed to invite anyone as a witness who can answer their questions about
00:26Has anybody actually invited him?
00:29We have not seen any of that.
00:31During the Oversight Subcommittee's hearing on February 11th, Democrats invited Nina Olson
00:37as a witness.
00:38You had an opportunity.
00:39You chose Nina Olson as a witness.
00:42And you asked her several questions about Doge having access to taxpayer information.
00:48Republicans invited Christine Kochilek, a managing director for a financial management
00:52insurance team at GAO's office.
00:55She was there specifically for the purpose of answering questions related to access to
00:59Treasury's payment systems.
01:01And when I asked her directly, has any proof been shown about these threats, you know what
01:06she said?
01:09And yet we continue to hear all of these unsubstantiated charges being thrown out, even though my
01:15colleagues know they're not correct.
01:18They're complete lies.
01:20Democrats are always able to invite whoever they want for a witness hearing.
01:24They just haven't done it.
01:26And Democrats have expressed outrage over the access to taxpayer information that Doge
01:30employees have.
01:32First off, a few weeks ago, the Treasury Department and the White House signed a memorandum of
01:36understanding that prohibits Doge from accessing personal taxpayer data.
01:42They know this, and yet we've spent over an hour and 45 minutes listening to charges that
01:48they know again are lies.
01:50Second, the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration has released data on just
01:56how many individuals have already had access to sensitive information within the IRS.
02:01As of July 2023, over 91,000 business entitlement access request system users, 91,000, including
02:115,000 contractors, had access to at least one sensitive IRS system.
02:17Where's the outrage?
02:18Why are we just now hearing about this?
02:20All these unelected bureaucrats that have access to sensitive information, including
02:255,000 contractors, you're saying shouldn't.
02:28And yet, because Elon Musk has unmasked all of this waste, fraud, and abuse, now you're
02:33bringing it up.
02:34Even worse, Tijta found that over a dozen contractors with unfavorable background investigations
02:42retained their access to at least one sensitive IRS system because the IRS did not take action
02:49to suspend or disable the contractors from the IRS system as required.
02:54Where was the outrage then?
02:56So if Democrats were serious about protecting taxpayer information, they would have raised
03:00concerns about this report and articles that ProPublica and the New York Times published
03:04using illegally obtained taxpayer information to publish stories attacking President Trump
03:11and other Americans who had their data stolen.
03:14Instead of raising concerns then, Democrats chose to weaponize the disclosure of taxpayer
03:19information, including President Trump's, to attack him and other Americans for political
03:26So stop with the gaslighting and protecting the waste, fraud, and abuse that is being
03:30uncovered and stand up for your constituents and protect their financial futures.
03:35With that, I yield.
