നാട്ടുകാർ പൊങ്കാല ഇട്ടത്തിനു ശേഷമുള്ള
ഞങ്ങളുടെ ആദ്യ പൊങ്കാല ആണിത്
Kriss Venugopal and Divya At attukaal Pongala
ഞങ്ങളുടെ ആദ്യ പൊങ്കാല ആണിത്
Kriss Venugopal and Divya At attukaal Pongala
00:00No, no, no, no, no.
00:05No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
01:14What did you ask?
01:16What did you ask?
01:18Go to this one.
01:20Then you can hear.
01:36What is this?
01:38It's a drone.
01:40A drone?
01:44What is this?
01:46What did you ask?
01:48What did you ask?
01:50It's a picture.
01:52It's a picture.
01:54What did you ask?
01:56What is this?
01:58Like every year,
02:00this year,
02:02we have a very special
02:06This year,
02:08after the wedding,
02:10after the marriage,
02:12we will be together as a family.
02:24It's a very nice bongala.
02:26It's a very special bongala.
02:28I have taken 3 bongalas.
02:42Where are the kids?
02:56Is it your first time wearing a bongala?
02:58No, it's my first time.
03:12It's a bongala.
03:24Do you want to wear this bongala?
03:26Wear the bongala
03:28and smile.
03:32This is instant bongala.
03:34This is instant bongala.
03:42It's hot.
03:44It's not hot.
04:42Love you