• 4 days ago
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00:00What's good, Jennie fam? Welcome back to another lit video, ya dig, dig, dig?
00:04If it's your first time ever watching our channel, make sure you press that subscribe button right now.
00:09It is actually 6 30. We've actually been up since 6 a.m.
00:14You guys hear that? It adds to the aesthetic.
00:17It is pouring raining right now. Koaw has school.
00:19He has to be out this house in about 30 minutes, so we gotta get a move on it.
00:24I'm about to make him some breakfast. This is gonna be our full morning routine.
00:28Now that Koaw is in school, usually what we do in the mornings is Destiny will come out here,
00:33kind of get like all the snacks ready for school, make him breakfast and stuff.
00:38Me, I'll wake him up. I'm kind of good at waking him up.
00:41Everybody doesn't like getting up early, so he kind of whines a little bit,
00:45but you know I get him out that mood and then I choose his outfit.
00:49So we like tag team in the morning. We make it easier on each other
00:53and that's just what it's all about. So I'm about to wake him up right now
00:56and she's gonna cook breakfast.
00:58I like to keep it really simple in the mornings for breakfast.
01:01I used to always make like pancakes or french toast, like potatoes,
01:06eggs, turkey bacon, like the whole nine yards.
01:09But I gotta stop on that because when he wakes up this early, he's not really that hungry.
01:13So I've moved over to like the quick easy breakfast that I know he's gonna eat.
01:17So like his mini bagels he loves, turkey bacon he loves, and a little bit of fruit.
01:22I've been trying to get him to like eggs for literally three years now
01:26and he just, he just won't eat eggs.
01:29Okay, so we got his bagel and turkey bacon cooking
01:31and now I'm gonna chop up an apple for him.
01:40I like our turkey bacon nice and crispy over here.
01:45Okay, this is my apple slicing hack.
01:48I take this little, this is actually a tablespoon measuring spoon
01:53and I scoop out the middle core.
02:03Okay, this is Coco's breakfast plate.
02:05Oh, yummy.
02:08Waffles? I mean not waffles, you got bagels.
02:10Sorry, daddy asleep bitch.
02:11He's probably gonna go for turkey bacon.
02:13Turkey bacon, I can choose.
02:18Okay, you choose it baby, you choose it.
02:20What you talking about?
02:23What you talking about guy?
02:27There you go.
02:29Yummy baby, you gotta get your belly full for school.
02:35Now while they're out there eating and doing what they do,
02:38I gotta come in here and choose this outfit.
02:40Since today is like a super gloomy,
02:43yeah, it's definitely gloomy and rainy outside
02:46so we gotta go cozy for my boy.
02:48We got my boy's outfit already.
02:50I hooked him up with this baby blue crew neck sweatsuit set right there.
02:56The white t-shirt under
02:58and then he's gonna wear these dunks to match, you know what I'm saying?
03:02Great vibes, great fit, nice Tuesday.
03:05We're gonna have a good Tuesday in that fit.
03:07Jump, jump, jump, jump, jump.
03:09It's the one thing you gotta do is get him in the mood for school.
03:12Jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, yeah.
03:18Okay, Coco's dressed now.
03:19We still have to put his sweater on and he's brushing his teeth.
03:24He uses this toothpaste.
03:26Okay you guys, it is turning out to be a pretty rough morning.
03:30We dropped Koa off.
03:31We didn't even record on the way because when we came outside,
03:34we realized that this basketball hoop that we have,
03:38it actually fell over.
03:39Julie's moved it already but it hit his truck.
03:42Big ass dent right here.
03:47You're going to the gym?
03:48Yeah, I'm going to the gym in a little bit.
03:50She acts like this is something new.
03:51Go to the gym every morning.
03:53This is our little routine when we get back home from picking up Koa.
03:56I'm not gonna lie.
03:57First, we come home and we literally like lay down and do nothing.
04:01Like scroll on TikTok for like a good 45 minutes.
04:05Every time.
04:06At least 45 minutes.
04:07Sometimes over that.
04:08Yeah and then it's time for coffee.
04:10So I need to make myself a coffee right now
04:12or I'm telling Julius that we should go try a new coffee shop.
04:16What do you think?
04:17And if you guys don't know, I'm into coffee now.
04:19So I'm down for the coffee shop trying.
04:23He goes through his phases though.
04:24Like because when we lived in California,
04:26you liked coffee for like a month and then you stopped again.
04:28But now though, like thinking about where we used to go,
04:31we used to go to this place called Peddler's Fort.
04:33Oh god, I would be getting coffee there every day.
04:36Yeah, they have the maple latte in Calabasas.
04:39The maple latte was fine.
04:40You know who actually goes there?
04:42Leah from Love Island because she lives in Calabasas too and she was there.
04:46That's the spot.
04:47I'm telling you guys, anybody in Calabasas that like knows Calabasas,
04:52they go there for coffee.
04:53We might have to be moving back to Calabasas.
04:55Before we go get this coffee,
04:57I need to fix this hair because it is not looking too cute.
05:00This is going to be more of like an extended morning routine
05:03because we actually didn't really get to film too much in the morning
05:07when we were getting Koaw ready for school.
05:09One thing about Koaw,
05:10he can wake up either in a really good mood or a really bad mood.
05:14So today he actually did wake up in a good mood
05:16but then something set him off a little bit and he was a little bit cranky.
05:20So we didn't want to really like record him.
05:22I feel like we don't really even show too much of Koaw.
05:26You guys really only see like super short little clips of him.
05:30As you guys know, Koaw cannot fully communicate with us at least verbally.
05:35So it makes everything a little bit more challenging and difficult.
05:39It's like a lot of a guessing game and figuring out what he wants
05:43or what's making him upset which can be challenging.
05:46But since we're with him every day,
05:48we have like a good idea of knowing what's making him upset usually.
05:52And he has his ways of showing us.
05:54I know a lot of people have also told us,
05:55oh you guys should get an AAC device for him.
05:58And his school actually did recently get him an AAC device
06:03that he uses at school and he brings home.
06:07But it's still very new so he hasn't like you know fully taken to it yet.
06:11He's still kind of learning and seeing if he even wants to use it.
06:15We don't want to push too hard.
06:16We want him to want to use it on his own.
06:18So it's just another form of communication to help him
06:21while he's still navigating the verbal part of communication.
06:26You guys always ask for updates on school and speech
06:30and he has actually started to say a lot more words recently.
06:36He's even been doing some animal sounds.
06:39Any little progress that we see makes us so excited.
06:43Like him saying quack quack and moo.
06:47We were playing with his duck and cow.
06:50He loves animals.
06:51And literally when he said that like I wanted to cry.
06:54Literally any word or sound I hear I'm always like oh my gosh so excited.
06:58It's literally the best feeling in the world as a parent
07:02when you finally after waiting so long can finally start hearing some words.
07:08And he's been consistently using a lot more words that are really important.
07:13Like eat more, open.
07:15Even at school his teacher's been telling us
07:17that he's been using a lot more words which is just so great.
07:20But he's definitely still considered non-verbal
07:23because he cannot just communicate to us verbally like what he wants at any given moment.
07:29He might be able to tell us like one keyword or kind of show us what he wants
07:34but he's not able to just like fully say it.
07:36But we are just being patient and giving him all the time and grace that he needs.
07:41And I'm just super hopeful that one day he's gonna just start talking and not stop.
07:48That's what everybody says.
07:49Like one day they start talking and then you're gonna be like whoa.
07:52Okay you're saying too much now.
07:55I literally cannot wait for that day.
07:58And I will also say that school has helped him tremendously.
08:02I would say the most it has helped him is socially and behavior wise.
08:07Like his behavior is literally night and day now.
08:10Like way less tantrums and meltdowns.
08:13Sometimes he would get cranky because when he's just in the house too long
08:18he tends to kind of get upset.
08:19But now we have our little routine where every morning he wakes up,
08:22he eats breakfast, he even has breakfast at school.
08:25And then you know he has his day at school
08:28and when we pick him up his teacher lets us know how his day went.
08:32Lately he has been having good days.
08:34At first it was not always like that.
08:36Like it would be one good day, one bad day and it would kind of,
08:39you know every day would be different.
08:40But lately he's been having solid good days.
08:42And then when we come home we like to take him outside because like I said
08:46Koaw thrives the best when he is just able to be outside
08:49and explore and get fresh air.
08:50He hates being like too cooped up.
08:52So just having that routine with school has been so helpful.
08:56And now that he's around more kids at school on a consistent basis,
08:59like when we take him to the park,
09:00he's always looking to go make friends.
09:02Like he loves trying to you know interact with other kids.
09:06And his teacher actually did tell us that he has a little best friend at school.
09:10So it's really cute to know.
09:12Okay before we go get coffee,
09:13another thing I always like to do while Koaw is gone is pick up his room a little bit.
09:18So when he's here it is very hard to clean his room.
09:21He just starts making a mess as I'm cleaning it.
09:24And I like to make sure it's clean so that way when he comes home from school
09:26he's able to take his nap in his bed.
09:29We have slowly been transitioning him to taking his naps in his own bed.
09:34As you guys know he used to co-sleep with us
09:36and he still actually does sleep with us at night.
09:38But for his nap time we have been having him sleep in his own bed.
09:42Which is a big accomplishment in itself because before we literally had to have this routine
09:47where we would take him on a full-on drive just to get him to fall asleep for his nap
09:52and then quietly try to sneak him into the house, carry him into the house, into our bed.
09:57But now I will give Julius credit and our Helix mattress
10:01because Julius has been able to get Koaw to take his naps in his bed
10:05without even having to go on the car drive.
10:07Thank you to Helix Kids for partnering with us on today's video.
10:11Koaw has had his Helix Kids mattress for about three to four months now
10:15so we wanted to partner with Helix Sleep Again
10:17to give you guys a little update on how great it has been for us.
10:20I know when I was looking for a new mattress for Koaw
10:22I really wanted one that was recommended to me by other parents.
10:26So as a fellow toddler mommy I highly recommend the Helix Kids mattress for your toddlers as well.
10:31And if you guys are parents to little ones you know how important nap time is
10:35to their overall mood and behavior for the whole day.
10:37If they miss their nap like oh my gosh there's gonna be a price to pay
10:41for everybody in the house the rest of the day.
10:43So ever since we got our Helix Kids mattress it has been such a game changer for us.
10:48Koaw has actually been taking really good nice solid naps
10:51like he sleeps for like two to three hours during his nap time
10:54and then he wakes up super refreshed and ready to go
10:56and soon we're gonna try to transition him to spending the whole night here.
11:00I love having the peace of mind knowing that Koaw is safe in his bed while he's sleeping
11:05and I don't have to constantly be worrying or checking on him.
11:08And he actually just really loves his bed now like not only does he come take his naps here
11:12but he just will come and jump on his bed and sit on it in the middle of the day
11:16and just hang out here play with his puzzles with his toys.
11:20And this is like our good little time where me and him come.
11:23A lot of times actually we'll come here and like do some little learning activities.
11:27I was telling you guys earlier that he recently started saying some animal sounds.
11:31He was actually on his bed when he said that.
11:33So this is like his little safe place and he just loves being in here
11:37and we love that he loves it.
11:39So as I was saying not only has having the Helix Kids mattress
11:43helped Koaw's nap schedule and his whole daily routine tremendously
11:47it's also been really good for us because we get to use that nap time
11:51to just like have our own time and not have to worry about him.
11:54And Helix Kids is actually having a sale right now.
11:56Visit helixsleep.com slash Juju and Des to get 25% off your Helix mattress.
12:02I highly recommend the Helix Kids mattress.
12:04So make sure you go check it out.
12:05I will put all of the information on the screen and in the description box down below
12:09so you guys can take advantage of that good discount right now.
12:12Me and Julius are about to go get some coffee.
12:15I'm in need.
12:15It's already like what time 8 30 or 9?
12:188 40.
12:198 40.
12:20Okay so Koaw gets off at 11 15.
12:23So we only have a couple more hours we have to get coffee.
12:26And are you still going to the gym?
12:28I'm definitely going to the gym.
12:30Why'd you think about it?
12:32Because I'm sitting here debating if we should go get coffee or not.
12:35Because you know I gotta hit the gym.
12:37You're trying to cut me out?
12:39I can't.
12:39You know I gotta be disciplined.
12:40Okay Julius just left for the gym.
12:42We ran out of time so we weren't able to go get coffee.
12:45But that's okay because I'm actually on a diet right now anyway.
12:48So it's easier for me to track my calories when I make my own coffee
12:52versus like if I go to a coffee shop I don't even know what I'm drinking or how much.
12:56It could be freaking 500 calories for all I know.
12:58So at least now I'm staying on track.
13:00It takes discipline okay.
13:01I'm not gonna lie I was like a little bit annoyed
13:04that we didn't end up going to try the new coffee shop.
13:06But when I think about it it actually is better.
13:08So I'm about to make some breakfast.
13:10I'm gonna have a little egg scramble.
13:12I'm putting some onion, bell pepper, and tomato in it.
13:14And then I'm gonna use this English muffin.
13:17This is a light multigrain English muffin.
13:19And some cottage cheese on the side.
13:21I've been loving cottage cheese lately.
13:23And it's such good protein so I've literally been having this like every single meal.
13:26I'm so obsessed.
13:28Okay here's what I'm having for breakfast.
13:30A little egg scramble, some cottage cheese and frozen blueberries, and an English muffin.
13:35And I'm gonna try this hot sauce.
13:36I've never tried it before but I've been wanting to.
13:39And if I don't like that then we'll just go with the Tapatío.
13:42And if you guys don't know me and Julius are like big time on Snapchat.
13:46We are on Snapchat every day, all day, vlogging our entire day.
13:50So if you want to catch up with us and want to know what we are up to we are on Snapchat.
13:55I'm even about to film right now me eating my breakfast on Snapchat.
13:59This might be cringy okay because this is a behind the scenes.
14:03That was a lot.
14:06Pretty good.
14:06Something about the Tapatío.
14:08I'm a Tapatío girlie.
14:10Oh it's kind of spicy.
14:14This is how you make a good bite right here.
14:25Look who's home!
14:27My cocoa man!
14:28You want to go outside and play?
14:31Yeah, can you tell mommy how was school?
14:36Okay so when Koa gets home from school we usually always make him some lunch.
14:40Do you want to go eat lunch?
14:41Eat, eat, eat, eat.
14:44And then we play outside or sometimes he plays outside with his dad while I make him lunch inside.
14:49So for Koa's little after-school snack he's just having a peanut butter and jelly with
14:54some string cheese and then I'm going to make him these chicken pot stickers that he loves.
15:00We actually don't have a lot of groceries in the house and we're going out of town
15:03so I don't really want to go get too much here.
15:06You want to eat?
15:07Come eat.
15:08Let's sit down.
15:10Want to sit?
15:12Let's sit and eat.
15:22Okay we also have Koa's chicken pot stickers.
15:25Look Coco!
15:25Okay they went outside to play.
15:27They do this every day and stay out there for like a good hour and a half at least but it's so windy today.
15:32All right you guys, Koa is in his room taking a nap thanks to dada.
15:38Yeah, we were gonna go outside and play but for some reason like we got to the bed.
15:42Listen to the wind.
15:44You can hear it in the fireplace.
15:46I think he was just tired though too because like we went out there and right away he wanted
15:52me to pick him up so that's not usually like him.
15:55He's usually like wanting to, you know what I'm saying, play, jump around and stuff.
15:59But babe do you hear it?
16:00It's going crazy.
16:02All right y'all so this weather out here is no joke.
16:05This is why Koa probably wanted to come in because the wind was just blowing so hard.
16:10Today we're having 51 miles per hour wind gusts right now so it's crazy.
16:16That's literally like a car going full speed.
16:18Yeah bro that's literally like I don't understand how a whole basketball hoop can fall on my car.
16:26You're still pissed about that.
16:27I'm still mad like all our furniture out here is just flying everywhere.
16:31Hopefully our fence stays solid.
16:34Last like what is it like two years ago?
16:36I think two years ago we had like a crazy crazy windstorm.
16:40Kind of like the beginning was kind of like how this was because at night it always gets worse
16:45out here.
16:46Like between 1 to 6 a.m it's crazy.
16:50Well you know what the wind has messed up our fence and your car so I'm gonna see if
16:55it's actually worth it to do like an insurance claim.
16:57I don't really know how that works but it might be since we do have to get
17:01and in Texas wind is covered in your insurance because that's how windy it is.
17:05It's crazy.
17:06We're gonna have to look into that.
17:07Our pool looks like a hole.
17:09It looks crazy.
17:10Like a wavy ocean or something.
17:12But on that note I hope you guys enjoyed our little morning routine.
17:15It's a little bit chaotic in our household.
17:18But you know.
17:19And every morning is kind of like sometimes the same but sometimes it could be different
17:23just depending on you know just different things.
17:25Koaw's mood.
17:26I talked to him about it.
17:28If Koaw's mood is like he's waking up smiling happy like he's probably gonna have the best
17:33day at school but sometimes he goes to sleep way too late and tries to you know what I'm
17:37Yeah because sometimes he takes late naps but we're trying to get him.
17:41It's 12 o'clock.
17:42Yep look he's taking an early nap today so he's gonna go to sleep early.
17:45Also Julius honestly we need to give him his props because for one even waking him up in
17:52the morning like I don't even try to wake him up anymore because for some reason when
17:56I wake him up he like whines a lot more.
17:58I think with me he like just wants to be babied more and like wants me to carry him
18:02so he'll just like wake up cranky whining just like wanting to be carried but then when
18:08Julius wakes him up he like plays with him and tickles him so then he just wakes up happy.
18:13He literally wakes up smiling and stuff like that with me so it's cool you know what I'm
18:17saying and then and then also we used to hate doing this basically.
18:21We used to every day have to put him in the car around this time drive sometimes it would
18:28take 30 to 40 minutes for him to fall asleep and we would have to drive for him to fall
18:32asleep and we finally got out of that habit so now that he's transitioning into not doing
18:39the little drive to fall asleep I've been taking him into his room putting him on his
18:44bed and going to sleep like make not making him go to sleep but you know what I'm saying.
18:48He's not even fighting it he's just been going to sleep on the couch.
18:51Yeah just letting him know like it's nap time like kind of like enforcing the nap time letting
18:57him know what it is and understanding that before he would cry and fight it now he just
19:02goes down no crying at all yeah no crying at all like sometimes he'll do a little fussy
19:06fuss but now he's more he understands it now so it's actually cool everything that you
19:11do in like a parenting life it's like an accomplishment especially when it's something
19:17like that or like even words or walking or just different things it makes you feel good
19:22about yourself.
19:23Every little step.
19:24Next is potty training.
19:25I know we get so many questions on his potty training you guys we've been working so hard
19:30on it for a while so far we have him to the point where he actually brings his little
19:35toilet seat onto the toilet he sits on there he even likes it like he won't go potty he'll
19:43even flush it he does all the steps and he like wants to do all the steps but he's just
19:47not to like fully pottying yeah and yeah like we've tried a lot of things I've even tried
19:52to have him not wear anything so that he knows but he's like uh-uh he'll try to force
19:56me to put the diaper on him when he has to go yep and then with me like if whenever I
20:01try to show him to go to the bathroom and stuff like that he knows what it is but he
20:05just won't use the bathroom like and he's interested in it yeah like I'll show him like
20:09to flush the toilet he knows exactly how to flush the toilet he'll bring his thing over
20:13there want to sit on there and everything but he just won't use the bathroom yet so
20:16that's the next step that we need to do we're close though yeah but yeah we hope you guys
20:22enjoyed a little day in our life we love you so much and we'll see you guys next time peace
