• 4 days ago
Panoorin ang Team Mahiwaga bago ang kanilang pagsabak sa survey hulaan ng 'Family Feud' ngayong Huwebes (March 13). Tumutok sa month-long 3rd anniversary ng 'Family Feud,' weekdays 5:40 p.m. sa GMA.


00:00Hello, I'm Poch, Andrew, Pat, I'm Paulo, and we are Team Ayuwaga!
00:07As a first-time Family Feudist, I'm so excited to be here right now today.
00:13But at the same time, we're not too nervous because we have Andrew with us.
00:21You'll see why later.
00:23He has a different way of thinking.
00:24He has a different way of thinking.
00:28We heard from Tone that if we win, we won't have to wear clothes.
00:32That's where he made a mistake.
00:36So, Team Liwana, wherever you are,
00:41budget your breakfast for the coming week.
00:45Team Ayuwaga, wherever you are.
00:47It's us, Team Ayuwaga.
00:49It's us?
00:52I'm not counting on you.
00:55It's me.
01:02Let's just enjoy, guys.
01:05Hello, we are Team Ayuwaga.
01:07Watch us on Family Feud!
