• 11 hours ago
University of Chichester Conservatoire’s Triple Threat students return to the Worthing Pavilion this spring with The SpongeBob Musical.


00:00Good morning, my name is Phil Hewitt, Group Answer Dissert and Sussex Newspapers. Always
00:05lovely to speak to the students at the University of Chichester. Speaking today to three from
00:10the Triple Threat Course, the Chichester Triple Threat Course, and you're about to do the
00:15Spongebob musical at Worthings Pavilion Theatre in April. Sounds a really exciting project.
00:21Great to speak to Flo, Enya and Cole. Now, Cole, you are Spongebob. Now, he sounds a
00:27perfect character. He's ever optimistic, isn't he? And just thoroughly nice. Tell me more
00:34about him.
00:35Yeah, he's such a ray of light who wants to just save his town, not for any personal gain.
00:42He just loves his town so much that he would do absolutely anything for it. And as we'll
00:48find out in the story, he climbs this massive volcano just to save his town mates, which
00:53is very lovely to see. And yeah, it's been an absolute joy and pleasure to do this character
00:59and do this show.
01:00Yeah, it must be very flattering that you've been cast as a super optimistic person.
01:04Yes, it was. It was really nice to be given this opportunity. The audition process was
01:12absolutely just amazing. And it was very long, but it was very, I don't know, it was very
01:19just precise. And I understand why, because they want all the perfect casting and stuff
01:24like this. And yeah, I'm just really fortunate to have this opportunity.
01:29It sounds great, Flo, because you're getting the chance to be in a professional theatre,
01:33aren't you? You're going to be in the Pavilion Theatre in Worthing.
01:36What does it mean to you? It's actually a real slice of what your career is going to
01:41be like, isn't it?
01:42Absolutely. It's a huge theatre. I think it's a 700-seater or something like that. So it
01:47brings in a lot of audience members. And we got to see the production last year, because
01:54the third years last year got to do their production in Worthing as well. It's a joy
01:59to see colleagues and mates up on such a big stage. And yeah, it's a really lovely venue
02:06to be doing this joyful show in, really.
02:09Absolutely. And it's going to be a great way of moving towards the end of your three years
02:13in Chichester, which, Flo, you have really enjoyed, haven't you?
02:16Yeah, yeah. I've loved my time at Chichester. And as we're coming to an end of our third
02:21year now, I feel really prepared to go out into the world and into the industry. And
02:25I hope this show will be a really nice ending before we all move on, really.
02:30Absolutely. Now, Anya, you've got a really interesting story. You were in Chichester
02:34stroke Bob Noriega's all the way from Los Angeles. How did that happen?
02:38Yes. Well, when I was in the process of applying for universities, I have dual citizenship,
02:46so I could live and work in the UK and study. And it cost about the same for me to study
02:52in the UK as it would for me to study in California. And so I just thought, well, why not? And so
02:57I came over here, I applied to universities out of the courses that I got into. Triple
03:03Threat was absolutely my favourite by far. I thought it would suit me. I thought I'd
03:08have a good time. And so that's why I've ended up here.
03:10And Anya, it's been good then. You've enjoyed Chichester.
03:13Yes, greatly. It's been a really good.
03:15What's been good?
03:18So many things. Our training has been absolutely superb. Something that I really appreciate
03:23about this course in particular, in comparison to so many drama schools, is that you really
03:27do feel like a person. Every tutor knows your name or everyone in administration knows your
03:33name. If you are having an off day, you can absolutely go to them and speak to them. And
03:37that's so important on such an intense course. And it's really, really lovely. And also,
03:42our year group as students is uniquely quite small and we're all very close. And it's just
03:49made these three years really special and really wonderful.
03:53Well, good luck to all of you all on the course as you go out in the big wide world and not
03:58too long. And in the meantime, have a great time in Worthing with the SpongeBob musical.
04:04Lovely to speak to you. Thank you.
04:05Thank you so much.
