Journey To The Rising Sun Episode 24 EngSub
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07:42I wanted Wang Nong Liang to solve the problem as soon as possible.
07:45This will not affect our investment decision.
07:49But because of your persistence,
07:51I had no choice but to put pressure on Wang Nong Liang.
07:54This also revealed his weakness.
07:58That's right.
07:59This kind of person can't be stolen.
08:03So from another perspective,
08:05it's because your dedication
08:08helped me.
08:13I thank you
08:15for taking my stubbornness as professional spirit.
08:20Have you always been so tolerant?
08:23I have always been strict.
08:25But there is an exception.
08:27That is
08:49I'm quite scared.
08:53I thought I was going to lose you.
09:00I have already been captured by you.
09:13I love you.
09:14I love you.
09:15I love you.
09:16I love you.
09:17I love you.
09:18I love you.
09:19I love you.
09:20I love you.
09:21I love you.
09:22I love you.
09:23I love you.
09:24I love you.
09:25I love you.
09:26I love you.
09:27I love you.
09:28I love you.
09:29I love you.
09:30I love you.
09:31I love you.
09:32I love you.
09:33I love you.
09:34I love you.
09:35I love you.
09:36I love you.
09:37I love you.
09:38I love you.
09:39I love you.
09:40I love you.
09:42Are you ready?
09:43I'm starving.
09:45I'm coming.
09:50Come on.
10:03Why are you looking at me like that?
10:27I want to propose to you.
10:34I like to cook.
10:36I like to cook.
10:40After I finish cooking,
10:43I can have a bowl of noodles.
10:45I can have noodles in the morning.
10:50When I come back from a business trip,
10:52I just want to go home.
10:55Because there are people I love at home.
10:59There is food in the refrigerator.
11:01There is light in the house.
11:04My home...
11:05Listen to me.
11:07I've made up my mind.
11:09I can sign a marriage property agreement with you.
11:12All your assets,
11:14real estate,
11:15I don't want them all.
11:16I can also give up my inheritance.
11:22I just want to go with you legally.
11:27How far is it?
11:28How far is it?
11:33How far is it?
11:56Young people
11:57have to be quick to judge before they do anything.
11:59Even proposals have to be forced.
12:03优优独播剧场——YoYo Television Series Exclusive
12:24Li Mu Jia
12:26I, Li Guang, make a proposal to you
12:33每一针都为爱作证 Every needle is made for love
12:38十指紧扣针多合针 Ten-fingered needle, how tight it is
12:42要成为最幸福的人 To be the happiest person
12:49让你停住清晨 等黄昏 看月落星辰 Let you stop the morning, wait for dusk, watch the stars fall
13:09翻山越岭 几句泥泞 做你身边的人 Climb mountains and forests, pick up mud and mud, be the one by your side
13:17每一针都为爱作证 Every needle is made for love
13:24十指紧扣针多合针 Ten-fingered needle, how tight it is
13:28要成为最幸福的人 To be the happiest person
13:35十指紧扣针多合针 Ten-fingered needle, how tight it is
13:39要成为最幸福的人 To be the happiest person
14:06你进去玩吧 I'll wait for you outside
14:09我在外边等你啊 I'll wait for you outside
14:10适合你们年轻人 It's suitable for young people
14:11金金你听我的 Listen to me
14:12我指哪儿打哪儿 I'll point where to hit
14:13好 Ok
14:14您好给我来一百块钱的币 Hello, give me 100 RMB
14:17好嘞 稍等啊 Ok, wait a minute
14:18去吧 Go
14:25你看什么呢 What are you looking at?
14:26瞅瞅 这按针出走的牌子都歪了 Look, the brand of the safety exit is crooked
14:30带你来放松的又不上年 It's for you to relax
14:32这这这 This this
14:34就它吧 That's it
14:39终于 I finally
14:44我来吃饭了 I'm here to eat
14:47我邀请你今天晚上一起吃饭 I invite you to dinner tonight
14:49你这是自杀式的开发 You are self-harming
14:51那总比你老干部开发强吧 That's better than your old cadre
14:53你 You
14:54爸 Dad
14:55咱俩比试一把吧 Let's have a game
14:57不看了 开不动了 No, I can't
14:58不是你 It's not you
15:00是他 It's him
15:04走 Let's go
15:35得意啊 Are you proud of yourself?
15:38你知道吗 Do you know
15:39为什么能赢刚才那小男生为什么能赢刚才那小男生 why you could beat that little boy just now?
15:42我知道 I know
15:43教练指导得好 Coach is a good coach
15:46五星可以的 Five-star is good
15:49我要是再晚点打方向 If I hit the direction a little later
15:50我肯定能赢他更多 I'm sure I can beat him more
15:54也许能赢得更多 Maybe you can win more
15:55但也许会输掉 But maybe you'll lose
15:57为什么 Why?
15:58给你讲个小故事 I'll tell you a little story
16:00别向我啰嗦啊 Don't talk to me
16:01那肯定很啰嗦 That must be a lot of talk
16:041986年美洲杯的翻船比赛 In 1986, there was the American Cup
16:07美国队一路向前 The American team was moving forward
16:10在离终点还有三海里的地方 It was three nautical miles away from the finish line
16:12它其实是领先老对手 It was actually ahead of its old rival
16:14澳大利亚队还有四海里的距离 The Australian team was four nautical miles away
16:16可是这时候天有不测风云 But at that time, the weather was unpredictable
16:19突然刮起了大风 A strong wind suddenly blew
16:21你说这时候到底是调翻还是不调翻 Do you think it was a turn-around or not?
16:24通常情况下阵风是要调翻的 In most cases, a turn-around is needed
16:27旋风不需要 But a whirlwind is not needed
16:29这老船长呢就一直指导自己的美国队员不停地调翻 The old captain kept instructing his American team members to keep turning
16:35可结果怎么样 But what happened?
16:36一直在海上转圈啊转圈 They kept turning in the sea
16:39因为来的是旋风 Because there was a whirlwind
16:41但澳大利亚队呢没调翻 But the Australian team didn't turn around
16:44一路向前 一路向前 They kept moving forward
16:45不光超过了美国队还最终赢得了比赛 Not only did they surpass the American team, but they also won the race
16:49老船长判断失误了 The old captain made a mistake
16:51不光是对风判断失误了 还有就是决策上的失误 Not only did he make a mistake in judging the wind, but he also made a mistake in decision-making
16:56其实在翻船比赛中呢 In a turn-around race,
16:58你只要是领先对手 你不用太在意风向是怎么样的 as long as you are ahead of your opponent, you don't have to care too much about the wind direction
17:03你看后面对手怎么走 You just have to look at what your opponent is doing
17:05他调翻你调翻 他不调你也不调 If he turns, you turn. If he doesn't, you don't
17:07因为这样的话 无论是前进还是原地打转 Because in this case, whether you are moving forward or turning,
17:10你都始终是领先对手的 you are always ahead of your opponent
17:13这个就是著名的翻船博弈理论 This is the famous turn-around game theory
17:17就是领先者模仿追赶者 It's the leader imitating the chaser
17:21要不说你有悟性 一句话总结出了这个精髓啊 If you didn't have a sense of understanding, you would have summarized the essence of this in one sentence
17:26我从小到大阅读理解就没扣过分 I have never deducted points from reading and understanding since I was a child
17:31这么出色啊 So good
17:33那要不要考虑一下辞职到我们黎明集团来 Let's think about resigning and coming to Li Ming Group
17:36咱们两个并肩作战 Let's fight together
17:42什么意思啊 What do you mean?
17:44我太爱你了 I love you so much
17:46要是一起并肩作战 If we fight side by side
17:48那我肯定得给你挡子弹 Then I must give you a bullet
17:50那我不想死 I don't want to die
17:54你放心吧 Don't worry
17:56不论发生什么事 No matter what happens
17:57我一定不会让你被我挡子弹 I will never let you be a bullet
17:59你又不是挡箭牌 You are not a keyboard
18:01那我是什么 Then what am I?
18:02你是 You are
18:06是你自己 You are yourself
18:08我也觉得我是我自己 I also think I am myself
18:10对 Yes
18:18我自己 I am myself
18:22这什么时候盖了这么多房子 When did you build so many houses?
18:25就趁改造嘛 Just for renovation
18:28这什么地段啊 What kind of place is this?
18:31这房子也盖得太密了吧 The house is too dense
18:33香榭丽城 Xiang Xie Li Cheng
18:35这门口就是个菜市场 There is a vegetable market at the door
18:36那就不能起个接地气的名字吗 Can't it have a name of a landowner?
18:41凌佳 Lin Jia
18:43喜欢什么楼盘送你到房子呢 What kind of house do you like?
18:47又写进遗嘱里了 It's written in the will
18:49写到婚前协议里了 It's written in the prenuptial agreement
18:53白金汉宫 Gold and silver
18:55我认真的 I am serious
18:56我什么都不要 I don't want anything
18:58我跟你说过 I have told you
18:59我也是认真的 I am also serious
19:00好 Good
19:03我们黎明呢 We, Li Ming
19:04还要继续投资下游公司 We will continue to invest in the downstream company
19:06你再加把劲 You should work harder
19:07等我们布局完毕 When we finish the layout
19:09你将会是一位非常出色 You will be a very good
19:11可以独当一面的并购律师 An independent acquisition lawyer
19:16我会跟黎明一起壮大起来 I will grow up with Li Ming
19:18到时候我就能自己买房子了 I will be able to buy a house by myself
19:25这房子也太密了吧 This house is too dense
19:27太密了 It's too dense
19:28你看 Look at it
19:35我讲金到账了 I won a favor
19:37恭喜小铺婆恭喜 Congrats, Ms. Pu
19:47别别 No. Don't
19:48歇会儿歇会儿 let's take a break
19:49老板都走了 Who will work here now
19:52这么多电脑总得装完吧 There are so many computers, you have to finish them
19:56装不完 No
19:57We have to control the boss's rhythm.
20:01You can't let him have unrealistic fantasies about productivity.
20:05He won't have any fantasies.
20:07I told him I'd leave after work.
20:12Are you a relative of Mr. Chai's hometown?
20:16My buddy introduced me.
20:18Our company has expanded.
20:20Mr. Chai has started hiring non-relatives.
20:24Look at this.
20:26Do you work from home, play games, or do you work part-time?
20:30I work from home and play games from time to time.
20:33How much is your budget?
20:34About 5,000 yuan.
20:36Have a seat.
20:38Have some tea.
20:415,000 yuan.
20:42Look at this.
20:43The standard price is 4,888 yuan.
20:46With an Intel 2120 processor and a large screen display.
20:50It's okay to work from home and play games.
20:54It's okay to play games?
20:58You must play games to have fun, right?
21:00I suggest you add another 1,000 yuan.
21:02Upgrade the CPU.
21:04At that time, I'll record a lot of new games.
21:08If you want to have fun, you have to add 10,000 yuan.
21:11The CPU of 3570K must be equipped with a professional radiator.
21:18Wait a minute.
21:20Add 10,000 yuan?
21:23Isn't he hiring people?
21:25He's hiring people.
21:26No, no, no.
21:27Wait a minute.
21:28He just came and he doesn't know the industry.
21:30Don't argue with him.
21:31We have been in this industry for a long time.
21:33You have to believe me.
21:345,000 yuan can definitely play games.
21:363,000 yuan is okay.
21:37It's okay to play Nintendo.
21:39Big brother.
21:40Let me tell you the truth.
21:42Compatible computers are just a price and a product.
21:45With 5,000 yuan, you can't play large games at all.
21:48You'll be in a hurry to use it, right?
21:50It's not even one step away.
21:51Open more, double open, cut it at will.
21:53Let me show you.
21:56I'll take a look at it myself.
21:59I'll walk around.
22:00Walk around.
22:02Come again.
22:12I'll send someone to take you to see the house right now.
22:16Are you going to take someone to see the house?
22:18Someone wants to rent a single room.
22:20Wang Jing.
22:22Who will go?
22:24I can.
22:25I'll go.
22:261,000 yuan, 1,500 yuan.
22:281,500 yuan, and you want to rent Wang Jing's single room?
22:31Are you kidding me?
22:34I'll go.
22:38I'll go.
22:41Sister, this neighborhood is broken.
22:43Are you sure we can rent a single room here?
22:46It's just that others are upstairs, and we're downstairs.
22:50This is Beijing's specialty.
22:52You have to get used to it later.
22:54That's it.
23:01The last tenant just went upstairs.
23:04It's a bit messy.
23:05I haven't had time to do the cleaning yet.
23:07It's okay.
23:09It's okay.
23:10I can help you clean this up.
23:12We have to think through and look at the essence.
23:14This room is square.
23:16Although it's a semi-basement,
23:18there are windows and sunshine.
23:22with the budget of 1,500 yuan,
23:24we can only rent this, right?
23:28If it's a little cheaper,
23:30we can rent a single room.
23:32But I think
23:33young people who have lived in basements
23:35will have one more project
23:36if they succeed in bragging in the future.
23:38Think about it.
23:39Although this is a basement,
23:41no matter what you do in the future,
23:43you will go up.
23:46We had a good talk,
23:47and he paid me right away.
23:49No way.
23:50I can't listen to it.
23:51It's a high-quality arrangement.
23:52I can't do it all at once.
23:53Mr. Chai is back.
23:54My graphics card.
23:55Lin Yao's accessories.
23:58I heard you killed Ke Feng today.
24:02How can I do that?
24:04I'm not blind.
24:06His budget is only 5,000 yuan.
24:07You give him accessories worth 20,000 yuan.
24:10I didn't force him to buy or sell.
24:11I just told him the truth.
24:13No, look at his clothes.
24:15Does he look like a rich man?
24:16Do you need to tell the truth?
24:19No, you have to be polite
24:20to sell a computer.
24:22Do you think I look like a rich man?
24:25You look like.
24:28We are small.
24:29We can't accommodate your generosity.
24:32Why don't you find another job?
24:39That's a deal.
24:44Mr. Chai.
24:46Please pay me this week's salary.
24:56Thank you, Xiao Yue.
24:57You're welcome.
24:59You spent a lot of money.
25:01It's my duty.
25:03How's it going?
25:04Have you found a school in your hometown?
25:06Yes, it's all arranged.
25:08Mao Mao liked it very much
25:09after he saw the introduction of the school.
25:12Although I couldn't keep my marriage,
25:14I kept my health and happiness
25:17and the property I deserve.
25:20I feel like I'm reborn.
25:22That's good.
25:23Xiao Yue, it's really good
25:24that you think so.
25:25To be honest, I admire you.
25:27I admire you, too.
25:30I introduced a rich second generation to him before,
25:32but he rejected it directly.
25:34If it were another girl,
25:35he would like to know one more.
25:37But, Mu Jia,
25:38as an experienced person,
25:39I have to tell you
25:40that when you are in love with an old man,
25:42you really have to protect yourself.
25:44Don't be hurt.
25:45Don't put so much emotion into it.
25:48What you have is what you really have.
25:50Take the opportunity.
25:51Take some time.
25:52Okay, okay, okay.
25:54Don't say these useless things.
25:55What do you mean?
25:57You are investing in love.
25:58How much do you invest?
25:59In love?
26:00If you love him, love him well.
26:01Do your best.
26:02If you don't love him, just give up.
26:04It's that simple.
26:05Don't listen to him.
26:06Sister Xiao Yue,
26:07I know you are for my good.
26:10My mother told me when I was a kid
26:12that if you work hard, you will get better.
26:14If you want to get rich, you will get sick.
26:15At that time, I thought
26:16she couldn't eat grapes,
26:17so she said grape acid.
26:19Later, I grew up
26:20and found that she was right.
26:22Think about it.
26:24If you didn't have
26:25what you have experienced before,
26:27how could you become who you are now?
26:29How could you think like that?
26:32I found that you lawyers
26:33are really good at talking.
26:35It makes sense no matter how you say it.
26:39By the way, Jianqiu,
26:40take Doudou to play with Maomao during the vacation.
26:43And Mujia, too.
26:46By then, I will be VIP reception all the time.
26:49That's it.
26:50Don't worry.
26:51I will definitely help you a lot.
26:56Thank you, Jianqiu, Mujia.
26:59You really helped me a lot.
27:03I will miss you.
27:05Okay, okay.
27:06I won't disturb your work.
27:07You are busy.
27:08I'll go first.
27:09Have a safe trip.
27:10Okay, bye.
27:20Lawyer Wu,
27:22did I do something wrong in this case?
27:27Since you asked,
27:29I'll tell you the truth.
27:33At first,
27:34you chased Gu Quan and didn't let him go.
27:36It was a little too much.
27:38You also made Li Guang lose his head.
27:41But later,
27:42the situation escalated.
27:44Wang Dongliang killed himself.
27:48You also helped Li Guang
27:50see Wang Dongliang clearly.
27:52As for whether you did it right or wrong,
27:55it's up to you to judge.
27:59If you think so,
28:02I think I'm right.
28:06Are you reconciled?
28:08Go back now.
28:10Okay, lawyer Wu.
28:18Mr. Li,
28:20the termination of investment in Honda
28:23means that
28:2430 million yuan has been wasted.
28:26Does the board of directors
28:28it's a bit of a big deal?
28:32Although we have allocated so much money,
28:35we must not burn money everywhere.
28:38If we don't burn money,
28:39how can we make others think
28:40that we have money?
28:43Mr. Li,
28:44that's not what you said.
28:47Mr. Wang,
28:48don't be angry.
28:49I'm kidding.
28:51I admit
28:52that the investment in Honda
28:54is a mistake.
28:56I'll pay for this mistake.
28:58After implementing strategic expansion,
29:01we need to pay attention to cash flow.
29:03So in the future,
29:04the repayment of each project
29:05and cash transfer
29:06must be done in a timely manner.
29:08Now Honda
29:10is lagging behind.
29:12We must bribe Zamasu.
29:18Mr. Mo,
29:20don't just focus on the 30 million yuan.
29:23Put it on the 300 billion yuan.
29:24Put it on the thousands of buildings
29:26that Li Ming is about to build.
29:29we will take the land on a large scale
29:30and promote it on a large scale.
29:31We must become
29:32a leading real estate company
29:33on the front line.
29:39Mr. Li,
29:40no wonder your financing ability is so strong.
29:42You also have a strong ability to tell stories.
29:44It's all true.
29:45I'm not telling a story.
29:47You can't say it's a story.
29:49I think
29:50the market is in good shape now.
29:53Li Ming
29:54has a bright future.
29:56Even so,
29:57we still need to be aware of the crisis.
29:59Because the market is changing all the time.
30:01The future competition will be very fierce.
30:03We do this
30:05just to survive.
30:17Come on.
30:18Get ready to eat.
30:23It smells good.
30:25Come on, honey.
30:26This is for you.
30:31Where did you get the money?
30:32Our boss gave us a bonus.
30:34The boss gave you a bonus
30:35just a few days after you started working?
30:38Good for you.
30:39You're a good cook.
30:43Let me tell you.
30:45a college student came to the store.
30:47The budget is only 1,500 yuan.
30:48The people in the store
30:49would rather be idle than receive the money.
30:51Isn't it funny?
30:52Then I'll take it.
30:541,500 yuan is rented out in the basement.
30:56It's worth 300 yuan.
30:57No matter how small the fly is, it's not meat.
30:59Two or three hundred yuan is not money.
31:00You're eating.
31:01What kind of fly are you talking about?
31:03But it's true.
31:06Two or three hundred yuan
31:07is enough for the two of us
31:08to eat for a week.
31:09Isn't it?
31:11When will you pay the salary?
31:12I'll pay the mortgage on the 15th.
31:13Can you make it in time?
31:16I have to pay it on time.
31:18That's good.
31:19Two people sharing the burden is better than one person.
31:22No wonder you're getting married.
31:33Is it Tianrou?
31:36You can't even hear my voice.
31:40Where are you?
31:42I'm here.
31:46Come to my office after work tomorrow.
31:47I have something to tell you.
31:49It's a good thing. You'll know when you get here.
31:53Sinan is so diligent.
31:54I'm off work.
31:55He's not off work yet.
31:56Maybe he's on vacation.
32:00I'm telling you, do a good job.
32:01The boss is so nice to you.
32:02You can't let him down.
32:05Don't worry.
32:11What's going on?
32:13I'm telling you,
32:14if you call again, I'll call the police.
32:16No, no, no.
32:17Don't call the police.
32:18I'm Zhang.
32:21Da Zhuang.
32:22Zhang Da Zhuang.
32:23We rented a house together.
32:24Don't you remember?
32:27Dr. Zhang.
32:29I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
32:30Did you change your number?
32:32I saw the unknown number.
32:33I thought it was a fraud.
32:34You're good.
32:37I saw the rental information on your Weibo.
32:40I want to see your bedroom.
32:43Okay, okay, okay.
32:44Except it can't be cheap,
32:45I can promise you anything.
32:47Okay, see you later.
32:49See you later?
32:50See you later?
32:52Why are you in such a hurry?
32:53What if you have an emergency?
32:55This is a roommate I rented
32:56when I just graduated from the Mu family.
32:57Dr. Zhang.
32:59He just got off work.
33:00It's not easy.
33:02It's not easy at all.
33:03It's easy for me.
33:05Who said that?
33:06You moved from the big house
33:07to my balcony.
33:09From loss to gain.
33:10Sacrifice for love.
33:11You are the least easy.
33:12What are you talking about?
33:13What do you mean sacrifice?
33:14I'm full.
33:15I'm so happy.
33:17I'll pick someone up in a minute.
33:18You're in charge of reception.
33:19I'm going to work in Jingle Bay later.
33:21Let me tell you.
33:22Dr. Zhang is a very good person.
33:23Especially clean.
33:24You're welcome.
33:25Okay, no problem.
33:30Eat something.
33:31No need.
33:32I'm full.
33:33I'm leaving.
33:34No, you eat more.
33:35How much did you eat?
33:36Eat more.
33:49Dr. Zhang.
33:50Rong Rong.
33:52I haven't seen you in two years.
33:53Why are you so haggard?
33:55Am I?
33:57I may be too busy at work
33:58and don't have time to take care of myself.
33:59I'm sorry to the public.
34:01It's okay.
34:02It's okay to be sorry to the patient.
34:04Rong Rong.
34:05You don't look well.
34:07You can't always stay up late.
34:09Am I?
34:11As a doctor, you should know
34:12what the secret of longevity is.
34:14Don't be nosy.
34:15Hurry up.
34:16I'm going to work later.
34:18You're going to work at this time?
34:20I found a part-time job in Jingle Bay.
34:22You're really hardworking.
34:24I can't help it.
34:25I have to pay the rent every month.
34:28This building
34:29is on the eighth floor.
34:30The sun is so good.
34:31It's much better than the one we rented before.
34:34I live with my husband.
34:35I'll give you a room.
34:37Are you married?
34:40I can't help it.
34:41It's fate.
34:43Do you have a girlfriend?
34:45I don't even have time to sleep.
34:47I don't have time to find a girlfriend.
34:49That's right.
34:50It's okay.
34:51You need to train your internal strength first.
34:52When you become an expert,
34:53you can buy a big house
34:54and don't worry about not finding a girlfriend.
34:59It's been two years.
35:00You still have to rent a house.
35:01You didn't buy a house?
35:02I did.
35:03Didn't I listen to you?
35:04I bought a garden.
35:05But it's really painful to go up and down.
35:08It's a little far.
35:09In case someone has an emergency,
35:10when you get to the hospital,
35:11your ears will be cold.
35:14What have you been through in the past two years?
35:16Let's be positive, okay?
35:18It doesn't matter what you say.
35:19I'm willing to accept it.
35:21You go to work tomorrow.
35:22Don't rush back today.
35:23Live with me.
35:25Are you prepared?
35:26As long as you pay the rent,
35:27I have everything.
35:28Let's go.
35:29It's in the front yard.
35:34The Mu family lived across from me before.
35:36Just this one.
35:38Later, the landlord sold the house.
35:39Guess where he moved to later.
35:42Move where?
35:43Jinglong Bay.
35:44Awesome, right?
35:49I brought Dr. Zhang here today.
35:52Five yuan.
35:53It's okay.
35:54Just come in.
35:55My husband doesn't seem to be at home.
35:56You just take a look.
35:57I'll call him.
36:05Li Wanbing.
36:06Where are you?
36:07I have a buddy here.
36:08Let me help him install his computer.
36:11Dr. Zhang will move in today.
36:13Come back tonight.
36:14He's a doctor.
36:15He has a life in his hands.
36:21I'm a life saver.
36:23Almost the same.
36:25Let me introduce you.
36:26This is the master bedroom.
36:27My husband and I live here.
36:28That's my husband.
36:29Zhou Zheng.
36:31That's your room.
36:32Put it here.
36:33I've seen it all.
36:36Tian Rong.
36:37How many part-time jobs are you doing now?
36:40What part-time?
36:43Isn't this all set up?
36:47Didn't I tell you that the living room was rented out?
36:49It's rented to the photography studio.
36:52You're using your resources well.
36:53I'll get you a quilt for the bed first.
36:55Make do with it tonight.
36:57It's better than you coming and going.
36:59It's guaranteed.
37:00It's guaranteed.
37:01My house has a good view.
37:04That's Jinglong Bay over there.
37:05Which direction does Mu Jiayun live in?
37:08How's he doing recently?
37:09He's fine.
37:11He's just busy with work.
37:12Always on a business trip.
37:14When I'm done moving,
37:15why don't you invite him to dinner?
37:17Let's see if he's free then.
37:18I'm going to work.
37:19Here's the key.
37:21There's steak in the fridge.
37:22You have to tell me in advance before you go to bed.
37:24I'm under a lot of pressure now.
37:25My heart is not as strong as it used to be.
37:28Can we forget about this?
37:30Oh, by the way,
37:31the most important thing is
37:32that you have to pay me the rent before dawn tomorrow.
37:35I have a loan to pay tomorrow.
37:36It will affect my credit for the rest of the day.
37:37I'm leaving.
37:42This is good.
37:45Come on, click it.
37:47Don't click it.
37:48Click it.
37:49That's it.
37:50You trust me so much.
37:52Sell it for 50,000 yuan for 20,000 yuan.
37:56You have to let your father know
37:58if you can get it back.
37:59If you have the guts, go online and buy it.
38:02Besides, he doesn't care about me now.
38:04He knows I'm not tired.
38:06You still have to find a job.
38:09What else do you have to sell at home?
38:15Oh, and...
38:17You think I can't find a job.
38:20You know there are always three people over there.
38:22And then there are four of us.
38:24And then there's a little talk here.
38:25The office is fighting.
38:26It's like a world of five hundred walls.
38:28If you don't mention this,
38:29I won't be angry.
38:31Mr. Chai is looking for me.
38:33Did someone go and say
38:35I just want 5,000 yuan for the configuration.
38:37You help me pay 20,000 yuan.
38:39I don't want you to gamble.
38:41People think you're in a black shop.
38:44Okay, okay, okay.
38:45I'll be careful next time.
38:47You keep an eye on it for me.
38:48Keep an eye on it?
38:51Your temperament is only suitable for consumption.
38:53Not suitable for work.
38:57After going back,
38:58Hurry up and apologize to the old man.
39:00The newlyweds have no night worries.
39:03You two have no worries.
39:05It's him who can't get along with my wife.
39:07Who can't get along with my wife?
39:08You can't get along with me.
39:11Look at you.
39:13All right, let's drink.
39:14You treat me.
39:16You treat me.
39:17Waiter, add some food.
39:20You treat me.
39:21You treat me.
39:24Wow, raw.
39:31You see.
39:32I have a cold.
39:33Drink this quickly.
39:36The temperature has dropped recently.
39:37Take this back, too.
39:38Take medicine on time.
39:42By the way.
39:44This wonton.
39:45You also bring it back to Rong Rong.
39:49Can't you ask Sister Tian Rong out to have a good chat?
39:52I just fell in love with her.
39:54We both like An Li.
39:55I'm going back to my hometown this time.
39:57Aunt will ask me every day.
39:59Do you have a boyfriend?
40:02What do you say?
40:03I said there may be.
40:04When the time is ripe,
40:05You will naturally tell her.
40:10It's already there.
40:14Private life?
40:16Why didn't you say it earlier?
40:17I hid it for you.
40:18I can't say it earlier.
40:20It just happened.
40:22Will you take her home for the New Year?
40:24Do you tell Aunt in person?
40:27I'll let my mother see her in person.
40:29What else did my mother say?
40:31She said you were arrogant.
40:35I had three good students when I was a kid.
40:37I put that medal on the wall.
40:38She also said I was arrogant.
40:40Come on, eat.
40:48Slow down, it's hot.
40:50It's delicious.
40:53Try it.
40:58My mother's dumplings are delicious.
41:00This is Chen Dian Dian's mother's love.
41:02By the way, sister.
41:03You have to leave it to me next Saturday.
41:05I will invite you to dinner with Gao Chen.
41:06I know you are busy.
41:07So I will make an appointment for you now.
41:08Okay, I will definitely go.
41:11Your fiance, Mr. Li.
41:13Do you have time?
41:16I'll ask him.
41:17He seems to be busy with something recently.
41:34Sister, get up.
41:37I quit.
41:38I'm going to sleep.
41:42What did you say?
41:43What did you say?
41:44I said I'd sleep for another ten minutes.
41:47Just ten minutes?
41:50Who is it?
41:56Rong Rong.
41:59Rong Rong, are you here?
42:02Liu Haibing.
42:05Get up, my mother is here.
42:06What's wrong with your mother?
42:07My mother doesn't know we're married.
42:10Get up.
42:12Take it down.
42:13What's wrong with your mother?
42:14Take this down.
42:15She didn't say hello to you.
42:16No, no.
42:18Under the bed, under the bed.
42:24Shoes, shoes.
42:25Go, go, go.
42:26Shoes, shoes, shoes.
42:30Rong Rong, are you here?
42:34Who is it?
42:39Rong Rong.
42:40What are you doing?
42:41Why are you so slow?
43:10Your gentle eyes healed my soul
43:17Embracing all the innocence, opening your heart
43:24This wonderful fate is worth my life
43:32Waiting for you to stop the morning, waiting for the dusk, watching the moon fall into the starry sky
43:41Overcoming the distance, raising you up, being the person by your side
43:48How deep are the memories, every frame is made for love
43:56How heavy is the pillow, becoming the happiest person
44:05Waiting for you to stop the morning, waiting for the dusk, watching the moon fall into the starry sky
44:12Overcoming the distance, raising you up, being the person by your side
44:19How deep are the memories, every frame is made for love
44:26How heavy is the pillow, becoming the happiest person
44:33How deep are the memories, every frame is made for love
44:40How heavy is the pillow, becoming the happiest person
44:51How heavy is the pillow, becoming the happiest person
45:02How heavy is the pillow, becoming the happiest person