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Bienvenidos a WatchMojo Español, y hoy vamos a ver momentos de televisión que tuvieron una gran expectativa, pero que finalmente cayeron estrepitosamente en la línea de meta.


00:00All my life I've known one goal, the Iron Throne.
00:04Hey, hello and welcome to WatchMojo Español.
00:07I am G, and today we will show you our top 10 of the moments on television that had a huge preparation but that in the end failed miserably.
00:17Of course, we warn you, spoiler alert.
00:20That's it.
00:22That's it.
00:23Number 10. Surviving the fall.
00:27A culminating point of this modern reinvention of Sherlock Holmes shows the cornered protagonist falling towards his apparent end.
00:47Not even Sherlock could recover from this, but he does.
00:51Although it was a suspenseful ending that left us with our mouths open, things began to fall apart when the next season tried to explain his miraculous survival.
01:00We are presented with multiple theories, none of which is satisfactory or even conclusive practice.
01:06Do you honestly believe that if you have enough stupid theories it's going to change what really happened?
01:12I believe in Sherlock Holmes.
01:14Yeah, well that won't bring him back.
01:16To a certain extent it is appropriate that the best detective in the world has a secret that is his and only his.
01:23It is not the first time that this character returns from among the dead without explanation.
01:27However, within this continuity it feels like an evasive that turns Sherlock into an invincible superhero, eliminating any risk.
01:45Number 9. Rachel and Joey begin to date.
01:49Fans often reflect on Joey and Rachel's relationship as one of the least believable stories in this comedy.
01:58That's all, I just wish I could share it with a guy.
02:05Not Joey.
02:06Not Joey, no, I was just losting after Chandler.
02:10Yeah, right.
02:11Although it was always divisive, the audience at that time was still interested in seeing where all this was going.
02:18When Joey appeared in Rachel's hotel room at the end of season 9, we spent months wondering how this would affect the final season of the show.
02:30The results were... disappointing.
02:33Rachel and Joey spend two episodes contemplating how Ross will react to their relationship.
02:39They do it officially in the third episode, just to realize that they are more compatible as friends.
02:49Alright, I'm going to bed.
02:51Yeah, me too.
02:55Yeah, I'm not going anywhere for a while.
02:58Although we appreciate that the writers of the show have finally cut this romance, the fact that it hasn't gone anywhere makes it seem like a waste of time.
03:09Number 8. Pietro's true identity.
03:14It could be said that Wandavision, the most talked about show during the pandemic, was a community experience that brought together audiences to guess what would happen next.
03:32Our fascination reached its peak with the arrival of Wanda's late brother, Pietro.
03:37Except that he wasn't played by Aaron Taylor-Johnson.
03:41Evan Peters took the role, apparently connecting the MCU with the Fox X-Men series.
03:47This not only suggested that the X-Men were now part of the MCU, but also of the multiverse.
03:54Whoa, what's the big deal, yo? Big guy is a conflict, twins need a father figure for the night.
03:59Don't sweat it, sis. I got the old XY chromosome.
04:02Uncle Peter the rescue, huh?
04:04There you go. Problem solved.
04:07The ending provided the answer we were waiting for, and it was a huge NO WAY.
04:12It turns out that Peters wasn't playing Quicksilver, but a random guy named Ralph Boner.
04:18Not all fan theories have to be true, but when a character exists simply to subvert expectations, it harms the value of seeing him again.
04:32Number 7. Who is Gossip Girl?
04:34Gossip Girl.
04:35For six seasons, Kristen Bell told us the dirty traps of the Upper East Side like the voice of the mysterious blogger Gossip Girl.
04:49Bell even does a cameo at the end of the show, literally winking at the camera.
04:55Even more embarrassing than this metamoment is the revelation that Dan Humphrey is Gossip Girl.
05:01In addition to arising out of nowhere and raising several inconsistencies, this knowledge paints Dan under a completely different light.
05:18Then, I got more. Before long, he was a monster. Everyone was sending tips.
05:23The plot twist is that Dan had spent the last few years spreading personal information about those who say they care.
05:30While Dan explains his motivations to create Gossip Girl, his actions sound like something Joe Goldberg would do, his character in You.
05:38Ben Batchelor apparently found his niche by interpreting sociopaths, but unlike Joe, Dan is celebrated for his double life.
05:46What do you look so amused for?
05:48It's just that I felt the same way until I realized that I'm fine with it.
05:54He stopped posting.
05:55Number 6. Explanation about alternative reality.
06:00Lust was not the first show to generate theories in fans, but it could be said that it launched our modern obsession with the excessive analysis of serialized dramas.
06:10Are you a priest or something?
06:14Or something?
06:15One of the first and most widespread theories suggested that all the characters were in purgatory.
06:21J.J. Abrams said in 2005.
06:23The purgatory theory is great, I love it, but it's not that.
06:27I would be frustrated if that were the answer I had to give.
06:31Are you okay?
06:33What is happening to me?
06:35For six seasons, the producers remained faithful to that feeling every time the subject of purgatory arose.
06:42The long-awaited end of the series confirmed once and for all that the island is not the purgatory, but the universe of an alternative reality.
07:01Although technically the creators were not lying, it seemed that the internet had overtaken them at the end almost six years earlier.
07:08Number 5. Uncle Charlie's return.
07:12Sometimes the ways in which the characters of the series come out completely ruin the work done.
07:19That was the case of Charlie Sheen, who left in such bad terms of Two and a Half Men that his character was murdered in the premiere of season 9.
07:28I want to thank you all for coming.
07:30I know this is a very sad day for all of us.
07:33Speak for yourself.
07:34This seemed to end any possibility that Uncle Charlie would return.
07:39Beyond appearing as a hallucinated ghost who looks like and sounds like Katie Bates.
07:44Yes, the program was less and less meaningful.
07:47So you were just screwing with me?
07:49As the long-term comedy came to its end, loyal viewers clung to the hope that Sheen could make a cameo.
07:57Advertisers insinuated it, and the end revolves around Charlie being able to stay alive.
08:03But an unsatisfactory anticlimax unfolds when a Charlie double seen only from behind rings the bell and is greeted by a piano from above.
08:17Number 4. Negan's decision. The Walking Dead.
08:20When Negan finally appeared in season 6, we thought he could give the zombie series a new life.
08:26Kissing our pants yet?
08:34Boy, do I have a feeling we're getting close.
08:37Instead, he killed him along with a favorite character of the fans.
08:41In a suspense ending, Negan hits an unknown victim to death, leaving all viewers feeling frustrated.
08:49It is true that suspense endings are frustrating in themselves, but this turned out to be almost manipulative.
08:55We were willing to give The Walking Dead a last chance at the premiere of season 7, but the great revelation only enraged the fans even more.
09:06You can breathe, you can blink, you can cry.
09:15Hell, you're all gonna be doing that!
09:17Negan executes two characters, Abraham and, more controversial, Glenn, who inexplicably survived an attack by a walker just to be killed anyway.
09:28Although Glenn died in circumstances similar to the comics, including Abraham's death was a terrible way to alter expectations.
09:41Number 3. The identity of number 1 is revealed.
09:44The Prisoner. Patrick McCuhan created this cult series and played the main prisoner, who is given the name of number 6.
09:53What's it all about?
09:56Sit down and I'll tell you.
09:57The show, which ended after only 17 episodes, hooked the audience with its general mystery, which left much to be desired.
10:05Part of that is because McCuhan did not have all the details resolved before the end, that is, the identity of number 1.
10:13Sir, we crave your indulgence for a short while.
10:17The transfer of ultimate power requires some tedious ceremony, and perhaps you would care to observe the preliminaries from the chair of honor.
10:27By removing the mask, number 1 reveals itself as a reflection of number 6.
10:32McCuhan saw number 1 as the alter ego of number 6.
10:36Meanwhile, the audience imagined number 1 as a villain like James Bond.
10:41According to McCuhan, the viewers were so upset that he almost unleashed a riot, forcing him to hide for two weeks.
10:49McCuhan was lucky that the series was broadcast before the era of social networks.
10:54Number 2. Ted ends his story. How I Met Your Mother.
10:58When a program revolves around a mystery, having a solid ending usually helps consolidate the story.
11:04In the case of How I Met Your Mother, the early planning derailed the series.
11:12For season 2, the creators had committed to ending the series with the death of the mother and Ted reviving his feelings for Robin.
11:19They even filmed images with Ted's children.
11:22This made sense then because we had begun to love Ted and Robin as a couple, without knowing practically anything about the mother.
11:29Let's look at the facts here.
11:31You made us sit down and listen to this story about how you met mom, yet mom is hardly in the story.
11:36However, in the final season, we fell in love with the mother.
11:40Ted and Robin were a last-minute occurrence.
11:43Although only one script was filmed, the producers edited an alternative ending that seemed more appropriate.
11:49Unfortunately, they remained firm and the results were legendarily disappointing.
11:55Oh, for fuck's sake.
12:25However, it is surprising the number of plot arcs of characters that ruined.
12:30The Night King finally makes his appearance, but Arya quickly defeats him.
12:35Daenerys arrives at King's Landing, where she suddenly goes crazy.
12:39In such a sudden way as Jon Snow decides to kill the woman he loves.
12:55Of course, we have what happens with the Clegane brothers, but it was a superficial fanservice in a season in which, on the contrary, it did not matter what the viewers thought.
13:05Oh, and as for who sits on the Iron Throne, well, nobody does it because it burned.
13:11But since the Seven Kingdoms need a leader, let's go with Bran.
13:15Playing the wheel of fortune seems more planned than this.
13:19Carry on with the rest.
13:21As you wish, Your Grace.
13:23What published moment made you throw the TV out the window?
13:32Tell us in the comments.
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