• 2 days ago


00:00Thank you so much.
00:03This is, wow, this is so nice.
00:07Do I, I wait, right?
00:08I'm waiting?
00:09Okay. Okay.
00:12Okay, I'm over here.
00:15Hi, Jovita Trujillo, Hola USA.
00:18It is so nice to talk to you again.
00:21From one daughter of immigrants to another, felicidades,
00:25and thank you for being a role model for us.
00:27Thank you so much.
00:29So in Spanish, oh wait, sorry, let me record this.
00:32Just the audio.
00:35You know, in Spanish we have the saying, lo que sera, sera.
00:39Now you're standing here with your first Oscar.
00:43If you can go back to any moment of your life and let
00:46that version of Zoe know, this is only going
00:49to make you stronger and prepare you for this moment,
00:52when would it be?
00:55I think it's every time that I went after a part
01:00and I didn't get it, and I cared so much, and I was
01:04so heartbroken for sometimes a day, sometimes a week.
01:08But I got up again, because at the end of the day,
01:11if I don't act, if I don't do my art, then what am I?
01:17Who am I?
01:18And realizing that it's not about the win.
01:22When you learn to let that go, and it
01:24is about the work day in and day out, the day that you do win,
01:29you just have a deeper appreciation for it.
01:32And you feel that you have appreciated
01:34every experience and every moment that has led you here.
01:38I hope that answers your question.
01:40Next question, 298.
01:43Where's 298?
01:46Going once, going twice.
01:48Oh, OK.
01:50OK, we're moving on to 333.
01:57Oh, yes.
01:58Back right.
02:01Hi, Fabian Winter for Bananes.
02:03Hola, soy, espero que podamos hablar en español,
02:06es el idioma que habla Emilia Perez.
02:08Y justamente la canción que ganó el mal dice,
02:11habla, que la gente hable, OK?
02:14Que lo buena paga, lo buena paga.
02:16¿A quién le cantarías esa canción?
02:17¿Y qué dices de la polémica que se dijo tanto en Sudamérica
02:21por una película como Emilia Perez?
02:23Sabes que el arte, el arte no sigue un manual.
02:27El arte lo que sigue es el amor, y el corazón, y la luz.
02:31Y uno querer explorar conversaciones que quizás uno
02:34no entienda.
02:36Y al hacerlas, se traen más voces a la mesa,
02:40y se pueden conversar.
02:42Y yo pienso que eso fue lo que Jaco Dior hizo.
02:44Esta película no es basada en una vida real.
02:48Si tendría que hacerla otra vez, la haría mil veces otra vez.
02:51Esta película es muy importante.
02:53Es una película muy linda, y se hizo con mucho amor.
02:57Y solamente puedo hablar de eso, porque esa fue mi experiencia.
03:02La polémica, claro que dolió, porque tú haces algo con el
03:05corazón completamente abierto, y cuando no se recibe bien,
03:09te quedas muy confundida el por qué.
03:12Pero después que ya lo exploras, procesas,
03:16tienes que hacer una decisión.
03:18Y yo decido seguir mi corazón siempre,
03:21porque sé que soy una persona limpia,
03:23y sé que todas las conversaciones que yo quiero
03:25decir en mi arte, tienen que ver con la humanidad.
03:28Entonces, no tengo ningún arrepentimiento.
03:33Next question, 232.
03:38Front row, 232 on the right.
03:43Stand, can you stand up?
03:45Hi, thank you so much.
03:47Sorry, I didn't see you there.
03:48In an awards season where your talents are duly
03:50being celebrated, what would you say
03:52has been the largest obstacle you've had to overcome
03:55to get here tonight?
03:58I think it was myself.
04:03Yes, there's so many external factors
04:06that can impede on you moving forward.
04:09If you stop moving forward, you know?
04:15I had a hard time sometimes getting out of my own way
04:19and self-sabotaging and thinking that, oh,
04:25trying to believe what others wanted me to believe
04:29or trying to believe what others saw in me
04:31and not listening to my voice.
04:33We have an instinct, and that instinct
04:35that keeps us from falling or helps
04:37us put our hands in front of our face
04:40to protect us when we fall.
04:42That's the same instinct that when you're reading a script
04:44or you're meeting someone and you just
04:46know that you're right for that part
04:48and you know that you being a part of that
04:52is going to be something really special
04:54and you just have to listen to that.
04:56So I can spend so much thinking about all the things
05:02that I don't have that I should acquire,
05:05but I can also think about, fuck it.
05:10Let me just, like my husband says,
05:12throw myself into the unknown and see what comes of it.
05:15And I'm having a lot more fun when I do that.
05:18Final question, 366 in the front to your right.
05:22Hello, Zoe.
05:23I'm Cristina Ibanez.
05:24I'm from Webedia representing Censacine,
05:27which is a Mexican outlet.
05:30I got to say that a lot of things
05:34has been said about the movie, about trans people,
05:38about empowering women, but less has
05:42been said about Mexico, which is the heart of it.
05:45So what would you say about the heart of this movie,
05:51but also about the topic who is really
05:55hurtful for us Mexicans?
05:58First of all, I'm very, very sorry
06:00that you and so many Mexicans felt offended.
06:04That was never our intention.
06:06We spoke and we came from a place of love,
06:08and I will stand by that.
06:10I don't share your opinion.
06:12For me, the heart of this movie was not Mexico.
06:16We weren't making a film about a country.
06:18We were making a film about four women.
06:20And these women could have been Russian,
06:22could have been Dominican, could have been black from Detroit,
06:26could have been from Israel, could have been from Gaza.
06:29And these women are still very universal women
06:32that are struggling every day, trying
06:35to survive systemic oppression, and trying to find
06:39their most authentic voices.
06:41So I will stand by that.
06:43But I'm also always open to sit down
06:45with all of my Mexican brothers and sisters,
06:48and with love and respect, having a great conversation
06:51on how Emilia could have been done better.
06:54I have no problem with that.
