• 4 days ago
An exhibition at Bridgnorth Library pays tribute to a lady who gave her working life to the county, unearthing hidden treasures literally beneath our feet.
00:00So we're here at Bridgnorth Library and we're here with Librarian Emma Spencer, that's right isn't it?
00:07My name's Emma Spencer, I'm Library Operations and Development Manager here at Bridgnorth Library
00:13and we've been really excited to have a display in time for Women's History Month, which March is Women's History Month
00:26and we like to celebrate women who have made a difference and the particular lady we've got today is Lily F. Chitty
00:35so the display that we've been given is in collaboration with Shrewsbury Museum
00:40and the lovely thing about this display is it was put together by the Young Collective
00:45which is a group of young people based at Shrewsbury Museum and Ludlow Museum
00:52and they have curated information about Lily F. Chitty
00:58so Lily was born in 1893, she passed away in 1979
01:04but she was one of the counties forming most people in terms of the history of Shropshire from the Stone Age and the Bronze Age
01:19and in 1926 she was our county contact for the Ordnance Survey and the British Museum
01:29so she was very knowledgeable, if you see here she did actually chart the Stone and Flint implement finds across Shropshire
01:38so she was very much on the board of the Shropshire Ancient Monuments
01:45so she was championing those monuments and making sure that they were preserved for posterity
01:53so we have a lot to thank her for, her collections are based at Shrewsbury Museum
02:00and her documented work, all her research is kept at Shropshire Archives
02:07what we love about working with the Young Collective is that the Young Collective themselves designed some retail items
02:15so you can, if you love what you see, you can research more about Lily and her life
02:20but also there is a painting that you can buy, a copy of one of her paintings of Mitchell's Fold
02:27there's a lovely tea towel, but the Young Collective themselves had an awful lot of input in designing and creating these items
02:35so it's just lovely to be involved with
02:38it's great isn't it, it's a name I'd not heard of before but she obviously fell in love with the county
02:43and when she came here to study she stayed here for the rest of her life
02:47it's a name I won't forget though, it's a great name just on its own isn't it
02:52so really we own a lot to her, a lot of the information that we've got from archaeology side of things
02:58and who knows if some of those monuments perhaps wouldn't have been as well respected if she hadn't have done her research
03:04Emma, you're so busy here, I was looking at your notice board, we'll flash up a couple of images of that
03:09you've got so much stuff going on, music events, art exhibitions, people can come in and get involved in crafts
03:16it's really a bustling library isn't it
03:18we have, thank you, yes we've got lots going on
03:20funnily enough in about 10 minutes time I'm just about to lead a slow stitching session
03:27so it's about being mindful and just taking your time out from the busy world
03:33and just making something that you might want to keep for yourself or give to a loved one
03:37but that's what we're all about, it's encouraging people to come into libraries
03:41it's a safe, neutral space and particularly this time of year you can come and keep warm
03:47you can have a hot drink, you can meet friends, you can find out things you never knew about
03:52it's all about combating loneliness, it's just somewhere at the heart of the community where people know they can come
03:59they can find out a myriad of information
04:02we've actually got the elections team here this morning
04:05so the prospective councillors are all declaring their interest to be a councillor
04:13so they're doing that, they're registering that
04:16we've got social work meetings here today
04:19and alongside the crafty stuff we've also got chair exercises this afternoon
04:25so we have part of our warm welcome initiative
04:28we're doing that right the way through the winter months until the end of March
04:33so yes, we've got so much going on
04:35great stuff, so get yourself down here guys, check out what's happening
04:38and this exhibition's on until the end of the month?
04:40the end of the month
04:41great stuff, thanks ever so much Emma
04:43thank you
