• yesterday
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00:09Honey, tomorrow is your birthday.
00:11我有個生日禮物送給你 I have a birthday gift for you.
00:13什麼? What is it?
00:15我們的寶寶 Our baby.
00:20喂? Hello?
00:24怎麼了? What's the matter?
00:25公司有急事,早點休息 The company is in a hurry, go back to sleep.
00:28好 Okay.
00:30那你路上小心 Be careful on your way back.
00:33小心開車 Drive safe.
00:42安醫生,你快來醫院吧 Dr. An, come to the hospital now.
00:44有懷孕六個月的病患出了車禍 A six-month-old patient has had a car accident.
00:46人已經昏迷了 He's in a coma.
00:47好,我馬上到 Okay, I'll be right there.
00:49安醫生,你沒事吧? Dr. An, are you okay?
01:01沒事 I'm fine.
01:02安醫生,你懷孕的事跟你老公說了嗎? Dr. An, have you told your husband about your pregnancy?
01:06還沒 Not yet.
01:08明天是他生日,我打算給他個驚喜 Tomorrow is his birthday, I'm going to surprise him.
01:12哦 Oh.
01:13肯定是患者的丈夫,我去說 He must be the patient's husband, I'll go talk to him.
01:17我去吧,醫院規定作為主治醫生應該親自向患者家屬說明病情的 I'll go. According to the rules of the hospital, the doctor should personally explain the condition to the patient's family.
01:22你坐,我去,我去 You sit, I'll go.
01:27醫生,醫生他怎麼樣了? Doctor, how is he doing?
01:29你放心,母子偏... Don't worry, the mother and child...
01:35安心? Anxin?
01:37容少玉? Rong Shaoyue?
01:39安醫生,您和產婦的丈夫認識啊? Dr. An, do you know your husband?
01:47何止是認識,還是領了三年證呢? Not only do I know him, but I've also gotten a three-year certificate.
01:52這件事,我回去再跟你解釋 I'll explain this to you when I get back.
01:54您放心,母子平安,住院觀察一晚,樹葉保泰 Don't worry, the mother and child are safe. They stayed in the hospital for one night, and the leaves are in good condition.
01:59沒問題的話,明天就可以出院了 If there's no problem, they can be discharged tomorrow.
02:02好,辛苦你了 Okay, thank you.
02:04沒事,不管他是誰的妻子,作為醫生,我都會盡力救治 It's okay, no matter whose wife she is, as a doctor, I'll do my best to treat her.
02:11安醫生,我先去登記信息了,你們慢慢聊 Dr. An, I'm going to register the information now, please take your time.
02:29她醒了,還哭了 She's awake, and she's crying.
02:33孩子不是我的,醫生說手術同意書要家屬簽字才可以,所以我只能救 The baby is not mine. The doctor said the family had to sign the consent form, so I had to save it.
02:40這是流程 This is the procedure.
02:42我明白,人是我送來的嘛,我也不想耽誤最佳治療時間,老婆,你別誤會我 I understand, I sent her here, and I don't want to waste the best treatment time. Baby, don't get me wrong.
02:51也許是我想多了,容少玉這樣溫柔穩重的人怎麼可能出軌呢 Maybe I'm thinking too much. How can a gentle and steady person like Rong Shouyu cheat?
02:56你公司的事解決了嗎?她在我這兒,你放心 Did you solve your company's problem? She's with me, don't worry.
03:00她一個人,沒事吧? Is she okay alone?
03:04護士會照顧她的,而且她已經醒了,應該很快會通知她的家屬過來的 The nurse will take care of her, and she's already awake. She should notify her family soon.
03:10家屬,來不了怎麼辦? What if her family can't come?
03:13你怎麼知道來不了?你認識她? How do you know they can't come? Do you know her?
03:16我猜的,你今晚不用等我了,我還得回趟公司 I guess. You don't have to wait for me tonight. I have to go back to the company.
03:23明天是你的生日,別忘了一起去媽那兒 Tomorrow is your birthday. Don't forget to go to mom's.
03:26好 Ok
04:04你一定要注意安全,你現在有寶寶了 You have to be careful. You have a baby now.
04:06我知道了 I know
04:08寶貝,我剛才看到你老公和一個懷孕的女人去你婆婆家了 Baby, I just saw your husband and a pregnant woman going to your mother-in-law's
04:18寶寶,爸爸很快就知道你的存在了 Baby, I'll find out soon
04:29怎麼不進去啊? Why don't you go in?
04:30剛到 I just got here
04:32走吧 Let's go
04:35父母在療養院,身體都好吧? How are your parents?
04:38是她,一切都好 She's fine
04:41那就好 That's good
04:42昨晚的那個孕婦? The pregnant woman last night?
04:45她是…… She is...
04:46安心吶,來,過來坐 Don't worry, come here and sit down
04:55媽,這個是…… Mom, who is this?
04:57我正要給你們介紹,這位啊是欣安,隔壁鄰居的女兒 I was about to introduce her to you. This is Xin'an, the daughter of the neighbor
05:02跟邵玉從小學到高中都是同班同學,現在跟她的丈夫定居在國外,這才剛回來 She has been in the same class with Shaoyu since elementary school, and now she lives abroad with her husband
05:08這才剛回來 Xin'an,這就是邵玉的太太,婦產科的大夫,我剛才跟你提起過 Xin'an, this is Shaoyu's wife, a doctor in the obstetrics and gynecology department. I mentioned her to you just now
05:16你好,我叫欣安,是名律師,以後你可以和邵玉他們一樣,叫我的小名,安安 Hello, my name is Xin'an, and I'm a lawyer. You can call me Xiaoming in the future, just like Shaoyu
05:29你小名叫…… Your nickname is...
05:32安安 An'an
05:34說來也巧,我叫欣安,你叫安心 It's a coincidence. My name is Xin'an, and your name is Anxin
05:41這可能啊,就是一種緣分呢,一位是邵玉的太太,一位是邵玉最好的朋友 This is probably a kind of fate. One is Shaoyu's wife, and the other is Shaoyu's best friend
05:47阿姨,我的手術還是安醫生給我做的呢 Auntie, my surgery was done by Dr. An
05:51哦,是嗎? Oh, really?
05:54還沒來得及謝謝安醫生的救命之恩呢 I haven't thanked Dr. An for saving my life yet
05:58不用謝,這是我做為醫生的職責 No need to thank me, this is my duty as a doctor
06:03來 Here
06:05邵玉,你最愛的番茄炒蛋,多吃點 Shaoyu, this is your favorite tomato omelette, eat more
06:08這兩個孩子呀,從小就在一塊玩,不過你別誤會啊 These two kids have been playing together since they were little, but don't get me wrong
06:12那個時候啊,安安喜歡的是邵玉的一個同學,那時候老纏著讓邵玉給他傳紙條呢 At that time, An'an liked a classmate of Shaoyu, and he kept asking Shaoyu to pass him a note
06:19是啊,我就是一個工具人 Yeah, I'm just a tool
06:21阿姨,那都過去了,現在看啊,還是邵玉更優秀呢 Auntie, it's all in the past, now I think Shaoyu is better
06:28你這孩子,來,快,吃菜 Come on, eat
06:32來,多吃點 Come on, eat more
06:37安安 An'an
06:39名字,真的只是巧合嗎? Is the name really just a coincidence?
06:42安心吶,安安的父母啊,前些年就搬去住療養院了,她現在懷著孕,我想呢,讓她先住在我這兒,你覺得呢? Anxin, An'an's parents moved to a nursing home a few years ago, she's pregnant now, I want her to stay with me first, what do you think?
06:58我沒什麼意見,我沒什麼意見,行,那就這樣 I have nothing to say, fine, that's it
07:16我來吧,累了嗎? Let me do it, are you tired?
07:18還好,昨天沒來得及跟你解釋,她媽媽是我媽的救命恩人,這次從國外回來要跟我一起去醫院 I'm fine, I didn't have time to explain to you yesterday, her mother is my mother's life saver
07:26這次從國外回來要給我慶祝生日,沒想到路上出了車禍 This time I came back from abroad to celebrate my birthday, I didn't expect to have a car accident on the way
07:31哦,這樣啊,既然關係清白,為什麼要騷擾不認識? Oh, I see, since the relationship is clean, why did you lie to me?
07:36對了,你上次說給我準備禮物,是什麼? Oh right, what did you say you were going to give me as a gift?
07:41這個,這個孩子來得還真不是時候啊 This, this kid is really not the right time
07:46怎麼了?沒準備啊?沒關係,我們安大醫生能騰出時間來陪我吃頓飯已經是最好的禮物了 What's the matter? You're not ready? It's fine, it's the best gift for us to spend time together
07:54老公,我下週請了一周年假 Husband, I took a one-week annual leave next week
07:58那好啊,正好出去玩幾天,我們結婚還沒來得及度蜜月呢,這次補上 That's good, we can go out for a few days, we haven't had time to celebrate our honeymoon yet, we'll make it up this time
08:04對了,你明天什麼班啊? Oh right, what class are you taking tomorrow?
08:07休息啊,怎麼了? What's the matter?
08:09明天高中同學聚會,你還沒去過吧,我帶你去吧 Tomorrow is a high school class reunion, you haven't been there yet, right? I'll take you there
08:14好 Ok
08:15安醫生? Dr. An?
08:24辛小姐? Ms. Xin?
08:26我今天也去同學聚會,借用你老公的車 I'm going to a class reunion today, I'll borrow your husband's car
08:31差點忘了,他們當年還是同班同學 I almost forgot, they were classmates back then
08:35辛小姐懷著孕,坐前面不舒服,坐後面吧 Ms. Xin is pregnant, it's uncomfortable to sit in the front, sit in the back
08:38不行,我暈車,坐不了後面,所以這段時間還得麻煩安醫生讓出副駕駛的位置了,照顧一下我這個孕婦 No, I can't sit in the back because I'm dizzy, so I'll have to ask Dr. An to move out of the passenger seat and take care of my pregnant wife
08:50這段時間? During this time?
08:53我不打算在國外生寶寶了,我覺得給寶寶上國內的戶口比較好 I'm not going to have a baby abroad, I think it's better to have a baby in China
08:59辛小姐是打算在榮家坐月子嗎? Ms. Xin, are you going to live in the Rong family?
09:02對呀,但是老宅離市區太遠,做產檢不方便,我聽說你跟少玉現在住在市中心,離醫院又近,所以我以後安泰和坐月子就借住你們家了 Yeah, but the old house is too far from the city, it's not convenient to have a prenatal check-up. I heard that you and Shaoyu are living in the city center now, which is close to the hospital, so I will live with your family in the future
09:16少玉,你的意思呢? Shaoyu, what do you mean?
09:19老婆,安安是個孕婦,而且她父母都不在跟前,只是安泰和坐月子,借住我們家 Wife, An An is a pregnant woman, and her parents are not in front of her, just live with us in the future
09:27所以你們都商量好了,只是來通知我的,是嗎? So you all made a deal, just to inform me, right?
09:31我不是... I'm not...
09:32好啦,出發吧 Alright, let's go
09:34安醫生,我們到了,安醫生,我和少玉從小一塊長大,像親人一樣 Dr. An, we're here. Dr. An, Shaoyu and I grew up together, like family
10:04你不會吃醋吧? You're not jealous, are you?
10:06不會,不過你還是叫我容太太吧,現在不是在醫院 No, but you should call me Mrs. Rong, I'm not in the hospital now
10:11可你本來就是醫生啊,突然改口,感覺怪怪的 But you're a doctor, it feels weird to change your name all of a sudden
10:16不奇怪,在法律層面上,我本來就是容太太 It's not weird, legally, I'm Mrs. Rong
10:21倒也是,只不過感覺這樣把你叫老了 That's true, but I feel like I'm calling you old
10:26好了,一個稱呼而已,下車吧 Alright, it's just a nickname, get off
10:34安醫生,我和少玉從小一塊長大,像親人一樣 Dr. An, we're here. Dr. An, we're here
10:44呆子,扶我呀,嗯? Idiot, help me
10:49你們先進去吧,我去接個電話 You guys go in first, I'll answer the phone
10:58安醫生比我這個律師還要忙啊,平時也沒什麼時間照顧你吧 Dr. An is busier than I am, I don't have much time to take care of you
11:04嘿 Hey
11:10喂,安醫生,主任說有個外派出國學習的機會,你要去嗎? Hey, Dr. An, the director said there's a chance to study abroad, do you want to go?
11:14這可是個千載難逢的好機會啊,我連申請材料都給你打印好了 This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, I've even printed out the application
11:18不了吧,我也不想讓孩子在外國出生,還是上國內的戶口好一點 Forget it, I don't want my child to study abroad, I'd rather go to a domestic school
11:24好吧,為了孩子和家庭,其中工作的總是女人,太不公平了 Alright, for the sake of the child and family, it's always women who work, it's too unfair
11:30無敵 We are
11:32這不是太猛了嗎? Isn't this too tough?
11:36哎,容少玉真的跟西安姐夫在啊? Hey, did Rong Shaoyu really meet with Anxin?
11:38財經頻道的專訪上,他親口說的,他叫他老婆安安,還能是哪個安?這可是西安的專屬愛稱呢! In the interview on the financial channel, he said An An is his wife, who else could it be? This is a special nickname for Anxin
11:45真是不枉費容少玉吹了那麼多年,終於娶到女神了 It's not a waste of Rong Shaoyu's years of bragging, he finally married a goddess
11:54美女,你是哪個班的? Beautiful, which class are you in?
11:56我不是你們的同學,我是… I'm not your classmate, I'm…
12:00容少玉的太太,安心。我是容少玉的太太,安心。 I'm Rong Shaoyu's wife, Anxin. I'm Rong Shaoyu's wife, Anxin.
12:11乾杯! Cheers!
12:20我給你拿著吧 I'll hold it for you
12:22不用 No need
12:25嬌氣什麼?你專心應付他們 What's the big deal? Just focus on them
12:29我告訴你們,少玉可是我罩著的,都少點給我灌啊 I'm telling you, I'm taking care of Shaoyu, give me less
12:34心姐,真是心疼啊 Anxin, I feel sorry for you
12:36去去去,心疼你個大婆婆 Go ahead, go ahead, I feel sorry for you
12:38別亂說話,我太太來了 Don't talk nonsense, my wife is here
12:42走,走走走 Let's go, let's go
12:43訪一杯 Let's have a drink
12:44必須訪 We must
12:45活該,容哥和Anxin的友誼堅不可摧,她倆就算去開房,那也肯定是在打牌 You deserve it, Rong and Anxin's friendship is indisputable, even if they go to open a house, they must be playing cards
12:59今兒我們淘汗水,乾杯 Let's have a drink
13:06別抽菸,先壞著運動,忘了忘了,容哥,抱歉,抱歉啊,再罰一杯,再罰一杯,再罰一杯 Let's not smoke, let's take care of our health first, forget it, forget it, Rong, I'm sorry, I'm sorry
13:13再罰一杯,再罰一杯,再罰一杯 Let's have another drink, let's have another drink
13:20差不多了,我們先走了 That's about it, we're leaving
13:23拜拜 Bye
13:25來了 Here
13:27舒嬅 Shuwa
13:28小心,我老公的衣服給我就好,反正我也一起回去,我拿著就行,那麻煩你了 Be careful, just give me my husband's clothes, I'll go back with you anyway, I'll just take it, then I'll trouble you
13:41什麼情況,他們三個住一起嗎 What's going on, are they living together
13:45安安,叫得下? Anan, did you call me?
13:48我來開吧 Let me drive
13:50你會開車啊? Can you drive?
13:51會啊,不過平時都是你接送,沒什麼機會開 Yeah, but you usually pick me up, so I don't have a chance to drive
13:56這鑰匙在我褲子口袋裡 The key is in my pants pocket
13:59那你站穩了,你這樣我不方便拿 Then you stand still, it's not convenient for me to take it
14:02我可以,我來吧 I can, let me do it
14:09鑰匙在我老公褲子口袋裡,你不太方便吧 The key is in my husband's pants pocket, it's not very convenient for you, is it
14:12我和少羽二十多年的朋友,安醫生非要想得那麼齷齪嗎? I've been friends with Shaoyu for more than 20 years, does Dr. An have to think so dirty?
14:17男女有別,你跟少羽都是已婚,總要有些邊界感吧 Men and women are different, you and Shaoyu are already married, you have to have some boundaries
14:22你給我做手術的時候,手術室還有男醫生呢? When you did the surgery for me, there was a male doctor in the operating room
14:25那是麻醉師啊 That was a anesthetist
14:27安醫生,你真雙標啊 Dr. An, you're so good
14:30當時值班的麻醉師只有一個男醫生,如果不立刻手術,你肚子裡的孩子就保不住了 There was only one male doctor on duty at the time, if you didn't do the surgery right away, you wouldn't be able to save the baby
14:36反正你是醫生,你想怎麼說都行 You're a doctor anyway, you can say whatever you want
14:38你到底想說什麼? What do you want to say?
14:40安安,她只是個孕婦,你別跟她計較 Anan, she's just a pregnant woman, don't mind her
14:45容少羽,你們真的只是普通朋友嗎? Shaoyu Rong, are you really just friends?
14:53是 Yes
14:57好,我相信你,等回去,我有件事要告訴你 Okay, I believe you, I have something to tell you when I get back
15:08新小姐不是暈車嗎?怎麼不坐副駕駛了? Isn't Miss Xin carsick? Why don't you take the passenger seat?
15:13哦,突然就不暈了 Oh, I'm not dizzy suddenly
15:18小心點 Be careful
15:20外套,怎麼當人太太的,這麼粗心? A coat? How can you be a lady? You're so careless
15:25你放沙發上吧,我明天收拾 You put it on the sofa, I'll clean it tomorrow
15:27你明天不是還要上班嗎?有時間收拾嗎? Don't you have to go to work tomorrow? Do you have time to clean it?
15:31第一,收拾外套只要幾分鐘 First, it only takes a few minutes to clean the coat
15:34第二,媽已經睡了 Second, mom is already asleep
15:37你確定你要跟我吵?阿姨最疼我了,她才不會怪我? Are you sure you want to fight with me? My mom loves me the most, she won't blame me
15:42好了,外套你隨便放哪兒都可以,時間不早了,你還懷著孕,早點休息 Alright, you can put the coat anywhere, it's getting late, you're still pregnant, go to bed early
15:47我不睏 I'm not sleepy
15:48我睏了,安心明早還要上班,起很早 I'm sleepy, I have to go to work tomorrow, get up early
15:51容少玉,你娶了我老婆就翻臉不認人是吧?容少玉,你娶了我老婆就翻臉不認人是吧? Rong Shaoyu, you turned your face when you married my wife, didn't you?
15:54我可是你最好的朋友,你為什麼不向著我說話? I'm your best friend, why don't you talk to me?
15:57我是和朋友過一輩子,還是和老婆過一輩子? Should I spend my life with a friend, or with my wife?
16:02容少玉,你娶了我老婆就翻臉不認人是吧?容少玉,你娶了我老婆就翻臉不認人是吧? Rong Shaoyu, you turned your face when you married my wife, didn't you?
16:05我可是你最好的朋友,你為什麼不向著我說話? I'm your best friend, why don't you talk to me?
16:09我是和朋友過一輩子,還是和老婆過一輩子? Should I spend my life with a friend, or with my wife?
16:15走吧 Let's go
16:17你... You...
16:23沒事吧? Are you okay?
16:25沒事 I'm fine
16:29你先卸妝,我去洗澡 You take off your makeup, I'll take a shower
16:47少玉,你去哪了? Shaoyu, where did you go?
16:49你娶了個厲害的,這輩子怕是要被押得死死的了 You married a great man, I'm afraid you'll be locked up for the rest of your life
16:52我睡不著,我們去院子裡看星星吧,就像小時候那樣 I can't sleep, let's go to the yard and watch the stars, just like when we were kids
16:56你怎麼不回我呀?你不會是在跟你老婆運動吧? Why don't you reply to me? Are you working out with your wife?
16:59你可不能注色親友啊,再不回消息,我們朋友都沒得做 You can't have a crush on your friend, or we won't be able to be friends
17:04我是安心,少玉在洗澡,等他出來了我讓他給你回 I'm Anxin, Shaoyu is taking a shower, I'll let him reply to you when he comes out
17:10喂,我剛才在洗澡,你想多了,安心沒有跟你說 Hello, I was taking a shower, you were thinking too much, Anxin didn't tell you
17:39安心沒有跟你示威,她不是那種人,好了,別哭了,你還懷孕,上了胎氣,行吧,好了,我換身衣服 Alright, don't cry, you're pregnant, you're having a miscarriage, alright, alright, I'll get changed
17:58吵醒你了 I woke you up
17:59誰的電話? Whose call?
18:01是公司那邊,你醒很久了 It's from the company, you've been awake for a long time
18:05剛醒 I just woke up
18:06那個,你先睡吧,我還要去公司一趟 Well, you should sleep first, I have to go to the company
18:11老公 Honey
18:13怎麼了? What's wrong?
18:17我懷 I'm pregnant
18:23新消遣嗎? A new miscarriage?
18:26嗯 Yes
18:28你不接? You don't accept?
18:30她能有什麼事啊? What can she do?
18:31你剛才要說什麼? What did you want to say?
18:34早點回來 Come back soon
18:36好 Alright
18:42好了,還有孩子呢,不哭了,動了胎氣就不好了 Alright, you still have a baby, don't cry, it'll be bad if you have a miscarriage
18:48你以後不能讓他再兇我了 You can't let him bully me anymore
18:57寶寶 Baby
19:00你還想再見到媽媽嗎? Do you still want to see your mom?
19:06嗯 Yes
19:23阿姨說下班了,下班了,拜拜,明天見,明天見,哎,上班辛苦了,偉大的安醫生,你這是? Dr. An, it's time to get off work, bye, see you tomorrow, see you tomorrow
19:33你這是? You are?
19:34是 Yes
19:35抱歉,本來想早點趕回來送你上班的,但臨時被絆住了 Sorry, I wanted to come back earlier and send you to work, but I was caught
19:39被什麼絆住了?女兒嗎? What did you get caught? A woman?
19:44開玩笑的 I'm kidding
19:45放心,事情處理得差不多了,以後不會再半夜留你一個人了 Don't worry, it's almost done, I won't leave you alone in the middle of the night anymore
20:04我就說吧,容少玉一看就是聰明人,現在老婆孩子熱炕頭得多好,沒必要舔著臉去當後吧 I knew it, Rong Shaoyu is a smart guy, and his wife is so popular now, there's no need to be a stepmother
20:14嗯,知道 Yes
20:15和誰聊天呢?這麼開心 Who are you talking to? You look so happy
20:17我閨蜜,段愛情 My best friend, Duan Aiqing
20:19段愛情?胖媽娶的? Duan Aiqing? Is she married to a fat mom?
20:21不是,她自己改的,十八歲的時候談戀愛被扎了,從此決定斷情絕愛 No, she changed her mind when she was 18, and she decided to break up
20:29這麼奇怪,誰還沒有個初戀呢,過去就過去了 That's so weird, who hasn't had a first love yet? It'll be over soon
20:34你也有嗎? Do you have one?
20:38啊,人販子快追上來了,我不會死在這兒吧 Ah, the criminal is coming after me, will I die here?
20:41不怕,我會帶你回家的 Don't worry, I'll take you home
20:44啊,如果能活著回去的話,換我來照顧你,一輩子 If I can go back alive, I'll take care of you for the rest of my life
20:54早忘了,你呢? I forgot, what about you?
20:58但我那個不算吧,那時才六七歲,具體的記不太清楚了 But that doesn't count, I was only six or seven at that time, so I don't remember much
21:04如果能活著回去的話,換我來照顧你,一輩子 If I can go back alive, I'll take care of you for the rest of my life
21:11怎麼不算,五六歲就有性別意識了 It doesn't count, I had a sense of gender when I was six
21:14你有經驗啊? Do you have experience?
21:16小心點,話別碰到眼睛 Be careful, don't let the flowers touch your eyes
21:19老公,等會兒回家,我有個喜事告訴你 Honey, I have a good news for you when we get home
21:23什麼,生日佳慶嗎? What, a birthday celebration?
21:26回去你就知道了 You'll know when we get home
21:31驚喜! Surprise!
21:35什麼東西? What's that?
21:40辛小姐,你穿的是我的拖鞋,我的睡衣 Miss Xin, you're wearing my slippers, my pajamas
21:44我知道啊,我大著肚子不方便買,借你的穿一下,不會這麼小氣吧? I know, it's not convenient for me to buy it, so I borrowed yours. I'm not that stingy, am I?
21:50你想幹什麼? What do you want?
21:51安醫生工作忙,我把家裡重新佈置了一下 Dr. An is busy with work, so I redecorated the house
21:55你為什麼不跟我們商量? Why didn't you discuss it with us?
21:57我們是最好的朋友,你以前都聽我的,這有什麼好商量的? We're best friends, you used to listen to me, what's there to discuss?
22:01這裡是我家,你這樣做是不是有點太過分了? This is my house, isn't that a little too much?
22:04你家?這房子是你買的嗎?靠你那點工資也買不起吧? Your house? Did you buy this house? You can't afford it with your salary
22:10既然是少羽出的錢,他就有全權處置權,他有不就相當於我有吧? Since it's Shaoyu's money, he has the right to do whatever he wants, if he has it, it's like I have it
22:16夠了,以前我單身,你想做什麼隨便你,這是我跟安心的婚房,他才是女主人 Enough, I used to be single, you can do whatever you want, this is Anxin and I's wedding room, she's the host
22:22這房子是婚後買的嗎? Did you buy this house after you got married?
22:24是和婚前婚後有什麼關係? What does it have to do with marriage?
22:26那區別可大了,婚前買的是你的個人財產,安一生只有居住權。說句難聽的,將來你們離婚了,這房子跟他一毛錢關係。 That's a big difference, the money you bought before marriage is your personal property, Anxin only has the right to live
22:33說句難聽的,將來你們離婚了,這房子跟他一毛錢關係。 This house has nothing to do with you getting divorced
22:38閉嘴! Shut up!
22:40容少羽,人家是娶了媳婦忘了娘,你娶了媳婦連好朋友都不要了是吧?你為他吼了我幾次了? Shaoyu Rong, he married his wife and forgot his mother, you married your wife and don't even want a good friend, right? How many times have you cheered for him?
22:46你改造我們婚房,至少跟我們說一聲 You've changed our wedding, at least tell us
22:50我肚子疼,你沒事吧? My stomach hurts, are you okay?
22:58慢點 Slowly
23:02沒事吧? Are you okay?
23:04你再氣我試試! Get mad at me again!
23:06安心是婦產科醫生,讓她給你看看 Anxin is a doctor in Fu Shan Brothel, let her see you
23:09我不要她看,上次賣麻醉師的事還沒弄明白呢,我不相信她,I don't want her to see me, I haven't figured out the last time, I don't believe her
23:13It's my off-duty time now. I don't want to go to the hospital casually.
23:16Anxin, she's a pregnant woman. She's in a bad mood. You just...
23:19I need to charge for the hospitalization.
23:21You two are so clear about it.
23:23Because my salary is so low. After all, I have to buy a house of my own in the second half of the year.
23:27At least without my permission, no one can be in my house.
23:31Dr. An, it's a common property for a couple to buy a house during the wedding.
23:35But if you're single, it's your own.
23:38Miss Xin is provoking us to divorce.
23:40I'm giving you a lesson.
23:42Remember it clearly. Prove it's nothing.
23:46By the way, this is your own house.
23:48Do you want to restore it or keep it as it is?
23:50It's up to you.
23:51Hey, Anxin.
23:53She's pregnant. She's in a bad mood. You just...
23:56By the way, I bought all the damaged things.
23:59Miss Xin has to compensate me at all costs.
24:01I know the copyright law.
24:03You bought the rose. Take care of it yourself.
24:05No, Anxin.
24:18Rong Shaoyu.
24:19Why are you so ridiculous?
24:21Your own marriage is so failed.
24:23What do you mean?
24:24Pregnant. Husband cheated on you.
24:26Divorce and leave the family.
24:28You came back this time to celebrate my birthday.
24:30Or you can't stay abroad anymore?
24:32Your own marriage is so failed.
24:34I'm doing this for your own good.
24:35You see, he's not close to your mother.
24:37He can't get along with your family and friends.
24:40Why doesn't he find the reason himself?
24:42He and my mother get along very well.
24:44Can I have a good relationship with my mother?
24:46What do you want to do?
24:47You said you wanted to see the stars.
24:49I lied to Anxin that the company had something to do.
24:50I accompanied you to the top of the mountain in the middle of the night.
24:52You said it was close to the hospital.
24:54You wanted to live in my wedding room with Anxin.
24:56We agreed.
24:57What else do you want?
25:00Okay, I understand what you mean.
25:02I'll go.
25:04Hey, stop it, okay?
25:06You're pregnant.
25:07How could I let you stay in the hotel alone?
25:09Rong Shaoyu, we're no longer friends.
25:11You can be Anxin's stewardess.
25:18I have to go to the hospital.
25:20Let me see you off.
25:22No need.
25:23You stay here and take care of her.
25:24I'll take a taxi.
25:33Did you sign up for the job offer you mentioned last time?
25:37Not yet.
25:38Do you want to go?
25:39It will take three years.
25:40Your child will be born abroad.
25:42Will your husband agree?
25:46Let me think about it.
25:49You can spend the honeymoon with your husband tomorrow.
25:51Have fun.
25:57I can't even go home.
25:58What honeymoon?
26:07I can't even go home.
26:19What are you doing here?
26:21I'm here to pick you up from work.
26:23What about him?
26:25He's still at our home.
26:27Honey, we can't leave him alone.
26:30His mom saved my mom's life.
26:33He wants to live here.
26:34I'll go to the hotel with you.
26:36Forget it.
26:37You go back.
26:40Let's go to Yuntai Mountain for the honeymoon this weekend.
26:42There is a resort hotel on that mountain.
26:45What about Xin'an?
26:48I'll find a caretaker to take care of her at home.
26:54Rong Shaoyu.
26:55Do you still want to continue living with me?
26:58Anxin, I...
26:59I can see it clearly now.
27:01He is your first love, Bai Yueguang.
27:04Rong Shaoyu.
27:05I set you free.
27:07Let's get a divorce.
27:12My relationship with her has ended a long time ago.
27:18I don't agree with the divorce.
27:24I'm going to book a room.
27:25We'll leave tomorrow morning.
27:32I know that resort hotel.
27:33The scenery is really good.
27:35But it's too expensive.
27:37Why don't you go?
27:38But now we...
27:39You are the rightful Mrs. Rong.
27:41What are you afraid of?
27:42Will Han Zichao go with you?
27:45He said it's inconvenient for Xin'an to be pregnant.
27:47And he has to climb the mountain tomorrow.
27:49He can't go.
27:50Then don't hesitate.
27:52Enjoy it.
27:53If he really comes back this time,
27:54you can tell him about the pregnancy.
28:04What are you doing here?
28:06I'm going to the nursing home to see my parents.
28:09It's just on the way.
28:11I'll call a taxi for you.
28:14You can't sit down?
28:16We are going to the honeymoon.
28:17I know.
28:19I just take a taxi.
28:20Dr. An.
28:21You won't disagree, will you?
28:24Nursing home.
28:25Can family members stay there?
28:28Of course not.
28:29So I live in the same hotel as you.
28:36It's up to you.
28:42Let's go.
28:43The seafood sashimi in that hotel is my favorite.
28:45It will be gone if we are late.
28:49Get off.
28:51What are you doing?
28:52Dr. An didn't say anything.
28:54What are you afraid of?
29:03I'm not afraid of anything.
29:09Honey, are you ready?
29:11I've decided.
29:24Two suite rooms.
29:26Okay, wait a minute.
29:27Why only two rooms?
29:29Anxin and I will share one room.
29:30You can share one room.
30:04Honey, it's time to eat.
30:06Hurry up.
30:07I'll go down after eating.
30:09What do you want to do again?
30:12I'm going to participate in the cooking competition.
30:14Win the prize.
30:16Lin Yaoyao.
30:17You can't go down.
30:24Stinky old man.
30:25You want to slave me every day.
30:27You don't let me go down.
30:29I'll go down with you.
30:31You don't let me go down.
30:33I'll go down with you.
30:38The spirit of life rises from the bottom.
30:41Without bones, there is no food.
30:51I can't keep this girl.
31:02The spirit of life rises from the bottom.
31:09If you still want to invite me to go down the mountain,
31:12you don't have to waste your energy.
31:14Master Wen Dao.
31:15You are the first person in the world.
31:17As long as you are willing to help Lin Jiangxian's restaurant
31:20and make a fortune,
31:21I will go to Chang'an to help you.
31:25It's not that I don't want to help you.
31:27It's just that I want to help you.
31:30But if you can help my granddaughter,
31:34I can let her go down the mountain.
31:38You don't want to go out of the mountain.
31:39Don't fool people.
31:41This is my granddaughter's dish.
31:44You taste it.
31:52Where is your granddaughter?
32:01Stinky girl.
32:02Where are you?
32:09This is a big city.
32:13I have something to deal with.
32:14You go back first.
32:20Be careful.
32:22Be careful.
32:30Be careful.
32:36Get out of the way.
32:38Stinky rascal.
32:43How do you hit people?
32:44Stinky animal.
32:46Don't hit me.
32:47Let's talk.
32:49Aunt Gu.
32:50Are you okay?
32:51What a bad luck.
32:54Thank you for saving me.
32:55It was my unintentional mistake just now.
32:57Don't worry.
32:58You saved me.
32:59I'm always grateful.
33:04You can ask for anything you want.
33:10Are you a salesman?
33:13What are you talking about?
33:14Our Miss. Gu is the top restaurant in the country.
33:16And entrepreneurs in major industries.
33:18How can you be a salesman?
33:19Top restaurant?
33:22What are you doing?
33:23I want to help Miss. Gu.
33:25Then I really need it.
33:30I don't want to do that.
33:32I'm a man of my word.
33:33The melon is not sweet.
33:34I've made the melon before.
33:36It's so sweet.
33:40I want to be a cook in your restaurant.
33:42Is that okay?
33:43Be a cook?
33:46Be a cook?
33:47I'm good at cooking.
33:48Let me tell you.
33:52You saved me.
33:53If you want to be a chef,
33:54I can arrange it for you at any time.
33:57But what?
33:58Don't you have a little salary?
34:01100,000 yuan a month.
34:02100,000 yuan?
34:04When will you go to work?
34:13Let's go. We have to go to work.
34:15We don't have time.
34:16Every minute and second is money.
34:17Come on.
34:20Miss. Gu.
34:21Are we really going to take her back?
34:23Take her back.
34:24After all, she just saved a life.
34:28You all have to work hard today.
34:30Do you hear me?
34:32It's too luxurious.
34:34Is this the top restaurant?
34:42Hello, Miss. Gu.
34:43Hello, Miss. Gu.
34:51Chef Liu.
34:52Miss. Gu.
34:53The chef asked for a leave.
34:55He asked for a leave at such an important time.
34:58Forget it.
34:59You will arrange today's tasting party.
35:04By the way,
35:05Arrange her to come to the kitchen.
35:11The chef is not here today.
35:13I'm in charge here.
35:16You do this first.
35:18But I'm here to be a cook.
35:20Be a cook?
35:23You deserve it.
35:24Let me tell you.
35:25The chefs in our Linjiang Xian Restaurant
35:27are all senior chefs
35:29who have been working for decades.
35:32You have no experience and no ability.
35:35I think it's a waste of time for you to be a water station.
35:37How can you be sure that I can't do it?
35:39A smelly girl who hasn't dried yet.
35:42Do you think it's easy to be a water station?
35:44Do you know the structure of meat?
35:47Or do you know how to use force?
35:53A small water station job
35:55was blown away by you.
35:57Is this the level of a five-star chef?
36:23It's done.
36:24I can't do this job every day.
36:27This girl is good.
36:29She deserves to be a five-star chef.
36:31How is it?
36:32Now you know my level, right?
36:34A small water station job
36:36was blown away by you.
36:38Is this the level of a five-star chef?
36:42I think you'd better practice for a few more days.
36:48Uncle He.
36:49Uncle He.
36:51Uncle He.
36:52Bad news.
36:53Mr.Lan has arrived in advance.
36:57You have been a chef in Jiangnan for many years.
36:59I finally have a chance to try it this time.
37:02But you know my temper.
37:04If it doesn't taste good,
37:06I won't be merciful.
37:08If we don't have this confidence,
37:10we won't invite you to be a judge.
37:20These are the signature dishes of Lin Jiangxian.
37:23Have a taste.
37:39You are a chef.
37:41Why can't you control the amount of salt?
37:45There is no salt in these dishes.
37:48You didn't pay attention to the most basic mistake.
37:50No salt.
37:51You didn't pay attention to it.
37:52You didn't pay attention to it.
37:54Why is there no salt?
37:56Someone must have done it.
38:00I think Lin Jiangxian will be the judge this time.
38:04With your current level,
38:06you'd better change your job as soon as possible.
38:07What's going on?
38:08Lin Jiangxian.
38:09Is it you?
38:12I'm not a chef.
38:14It's none of my business.
38:23Why do you make it difficult for a little girl?
38:29Without strength,
38:30there is no Lin Jiangxian.
38:31You can be the judge.
38:34Why are you there?
38:38My good nephew.
38:39I didn't expect you to be alive.
38:42I thought you were dead.
38:45So you arranged that car.
38:48Don't talk nonsense.
38:51Otherwise, I'll sue you for slander.
38:55Liu Sanwan.
38:56How did you come out with them?
38:58Liu Sanwan.
38:59As a chef,
39:01you dare to run away at such a critical time.
39:04Do you have a conscience?
39:05Liu Sanwan.
39:06We have been chefs for so many years.
39:09We also recommend you to be our chief chef.
39:12Do you feel sorry for us?
39:18Conscience is the key to success.
39:20I don't care.
39:21Liu Sanwan.
39:22I tell you.
39:23Even if the sky falls,
39:25I, Li Niu, won't be as despicable as you.
39:29you can only be a chef in my hands.
39:32You can never climb up.
39:34Liu Sanwan.
39:38As the saying goes,
39:40people die for money,
39:42but they also die for food.
39:44If you want to blame someone,
39:45you should blame Lin Jiangxian for not giving him the right place.
39:48He wants to leave.
39:50Is there a problem?
39:52Lin Jiangxian is the only thought of grandpa before he died.
39:54Let Lin Jiangxian quit the top restaurant industry
39:56because of this matter.
39:58What good will it do to you?
40:00Of course, let him know.
40:02He passed Lin Jiangxian to you.
40:05That was his purest decision.
40:10Mr. Lian.
40:11I have the ability that Gu Chang'an doesn't.
40:14Today, I brought a few top chefs
40:17to make dishes that will satisfy you.
40:21You are too kind.
40:25As long as you can make delicious food that satisfies me,
40:29I can let you participate in the cooking competition in the name of Lin Jiangxian.
40:33In this way, you won't damage Lin Jiangxian's reputation.
40:38What do you think?
40:39Mr. Lian.
40:40This dish is because someone made a mistake.
40:43It's not Lin Jiangxian's real level.
40:46In this case,
40:47don't say I don't give you a chance.
40:49You can have a competition.
40:50Of course, you will win.
40:52I have no problem.
40:54But if you want to compete,
40:55Gu Chang'an.
40:56If you lose,
40:57you will automatically step down.
41:00What do you think?
41:03Mr. Lian.
41:04We can't compete.
41:05Gu Chang'an is obviously prepared.
41:07He is waiting for us to win.
41:10I dare not.
41:12If you lose,
41:13you need to compensate Lin Jiangxian
41:15a hundred million yuan.
41:16It's a deal.
41:17Mr. Gu.
41:19No matter what,
41:20we have to compete.
41:21Lin Jiangxian
41:22can't lose the opportunity to participate in the cooking competition.
41:26In that case,
41:27I'll be there today.
41:29You two make an appointment on the spot.
41:30You can't regret it then.
41:34Is Gu Chang'an stupid?
41:35What's the point of this?
41:37What Mr. Gu cares about most
41:39is Mr. Gu's last wish
41:41before he died.
41:44Lin Jiangxian's reputation is getting worse.
41:46If he doesn't get Lan'an's support this time,
41:48he can't participate in the cooking competition.
41:49Lin Jiangxian
41:50won't have a good day.
41:52Are those people over there very good?
41:55Especially Liu Sanwan.
41:57His cooking skills,
41:58his knife skills,
41:59his cooking skills,
42:00and his fire skills
42:01are the best in Jiangsheng.
42:03he wouldn't be the chief chef here.
42:04And here,
42:05only Chef Shen's cooking skills
42:07can compete with him.
42:08But Chef Shen's cooking skills
42:10are also his specialty.
42:12How can his apprentice's cooking skills
42:13be compared with his master's, right?
42:15Since it's a competition,
42:16it's boring to make a dish alone.
42:18In my opinion,
42:19we should pick a bow in the first round.
42:21Pick a bow?
42:23Donggua is the best.
42:24Within the specified time,
42:26whoever can carve it more exquisitely
42:27will win.
42:29No problem.
42:32you can't be merciless
42:34to your ex-boss.
42:36Mr. Gu,
42:37don't worry.
42:39I only need a little bit of effort
42:41to defeat this group of
42:43ugly fishermen.
42:49Mr. Gu,
42:50Liu Sanwan
42:51is the best carver in Jiangnan.
42:53No one can compare with him.
42:55Mr. Gu,
42:56let me do it.
42:57Liu Sanwan's carving skills
42:59are impressive.
43:00In terms of carving skills,
43:01no one can beat Lin Jiangxian.
43:03I'm good at cooking.
43:04I'm the best.
43:07Mr. Gu.
43:09Liu Yangyang,
43:10don't you want to be the chief chef of Lin Jiangxian?
43:12You do it.
43:13You compete with him.
43:14If you win,
43:15I'll let you be the chief chef of Lin Jiangxian.
43:20Mr. Gu,
43:21you want him to do it?
43:22He's just a carpenter.
43:24Don't you understand
43:25that he's embarrassing Lin Jiangxian?
43:27Yes, Mr. Gu.
43:28You can't do that.
43:29Liu Sanwan
43:30is the best carver in Jiangnan.
43:31His carving skills
43:32are excellent.
43:33I've made up my mind.
43:34You don't need to say anything else.
43:36Lin Yangyang,
43:37you do it.
43:39Are you sure?
43:42You have a good taste.
43:43But let's make it clear.
43:45If you win,
43:46I'll be the chief chef.
43:48I'll pay you
43:50500,000 yuan.
43:51If you win,
43:52I'll pay you 1 million yuan.
43:59Wu Zhan,
44:00you've found
44:01such a
44:02talented person.
44:03I think
44:04Lin Jiangxian
44:06admit defeat automatically.
44:08He can compete with
44:10a generation-old chef like Master Liu.
44:12I guess
44:13he can even wake up from his father's dream.
44:17What kind of fish and shrimp
44:19dare to compete with me?
44:21You're so nagging.
44:22Do you want to compete with me?
44:26Ignorant kid.
44:28Wait and see.
44:31Mr. Gu,
44:32why do you
44:33want him to compete with you?
44:36I always feel like that.
44:37What's more,
44:38compared to the carving skills,
44:39Lin Jiangxian
44:40can't beat
44:41Liu Sanwan.
44:42Then I'll have to
44:43risk my life.
44:44All right.
44:45Now I declare
44:46the first round of competition
45:06Liu Sanwan's carving skills
45:07are as weak as a dragon.
45:09Liu Sanwan's carving skills
45:10are as weak as a dragon.
45:12Is this the way of a chef?
45:14This is
45:17This is awesome.
45:20this is a master.
45:23I didn't expect that
45:24Liu Sanwan's carving skills
45:25have improved again.
45:26It's a success.
45:27Now he's the second.
45:28No one can be the first.
45:30Liu Sanwan has been in the world
45:31carving competition
45:32for decades.
45:33No one can beat him.
45:35it's my turn.
45:59Lin Youyou,
46:00what are you doing?
46:01I asked you to do it
46:02but you refused.
46:03Are you crazy?
46:05It's not carving.
46:07You are killing a pig!
46:09Mr. Gu, it's not too late for me to change him now.
46:13You can't change people in the middle of the game.
46:19Gu Chang'an, Lin Jiangxian used to be your grandfather's pride.
46:25Now he's at this level.
46:29I think you'd better admit defeat as soon as possible.
46:32So that he won't become a laughingstock of the world.
46:37Mr. Gu, what should we do?
46:39Mr. Gu, I told you not to let him win.
46:42Lin Jiangxian is going to pay for the blood of our sacrifice.
46:47Lin Yangyang, the wax gourd has been chopped by you.
46:49What are you waiting for?
46:51Are you going to lose your temper?
46:55Good! It's not the legendary Liu style.
46:57It's stable and fast.
46:59Gu Chang'an, the wax gourd is almost gone.
47:02What are you holding?
47:04Do you have a pen?
47:07Lin Yangyang, what are you doing?
47:12Mr. Lan, you have won.
47:15Now the country is in peace and happiness.
47:19So I take the name of the new phoenix.
47:32Very good!
47:34I'm so impressed.
47:36This kind of carving is as good as those art pieces.
47:40Mr. Liu is really a master.
47:43Such a carving skill is really amazing.
47:46Liu Chang'an's strength is too terrible.
47:51The carving skill of the master of the Gu family.
47:53How can Lin Yangyang compare with him?
47:55Do you still want to keep struggling?
47:58Why didn't Gu Chang'an let me go up?
48:00Lin Yangyang is so shameful.
48:04Lin Yangxian will be the laughingstock of the whole Jiangnan.
48:12Time is up.
48:13Now I announce that Liu Chang'an has won.
48:18Wait a minute.
48:20I haven't seen the result yet.
48:22Lin Yangyang, don't you feel ashamed?
48:24Without this gold medal, you can't work hard.
48:27That's right.
48:28We should have let Shen Fuchu go up.
48:30At least we can get the whole thing.
48:33Maybe we can compete with Liu Chang'an.
48:36Lin Yaoyao, you have to take full responsibility for Lin Yangxian's current situation.
48:40I'm not afraid of it.
48:42What do you want to hear?
48:43You almost broke all the lanterns.
48:45What can you carve?
48:47What did you carve?
48:49Come and have a look.
48:52Since you are not afraid of shame,
48:54you can fulfill your wish and let me see your work.
48:57This is the highlight of your life.
49:24I'm not afraid of shame.
