• 4 days ago
PokerGO: $100,000 Super High Roller Bowl Mixed Games Day 1 Highlights with Daniel Negreanu & Nick Schulman
00:00Hello, and welcome to the first ever Super High Roller Bowl Mixed Game Edition $100,000
00:08buy-in here in Las Vegas at the PokerGo Studio. I'm Alex Livingston, joined by Chris Fitch
00:14to call the action.
00:15Hey, Alex. I am super excited to be here on the side of you. I suppose the only more exciting
00:20place would be out there in the field, but I'm going to have to settle for this one today.
00:24We talked about that a little bit, both of us, maybe a little bit of FOMO not playing,
00:27but it's going to be fun to call the action and watch these guys play all 10 of these
00:33Here we have our first look at the feature table. We've got J. David Rogers, Eric Wasserson,
00:38Yuri, Benny Glazer, Daniel Negreanu, Ray D., and Johannes Becker.
00:44I saw how you slipped right over Yuri's last name there. You didn't want to go in for the
00:47Yeah. Yuri and Ray D., both with slightly difficult to pronounce last names. You see
00:52not a ton of movement so far in the first two levels of play. We are picking this up
00:55in level three. There's Daniel Negreanu. Recent victory for him in the $15,000 Dealers'
01:01Choice Tournament.
01:02Dominant victory, one would say.
01:04Yeah. He came in, I think, second or third in chips and just very quickly had about 70%
01:08of the chips in play and had a real stranglehold on the rest of the players.
01:12Yeah. Recently got back from Cambodia. He said he was there mostly just as a vacation,
01:16but also did play some of the higher stakes, no limit tournaments there.
01:19All right. We've got some multi-way action here, Alex.
01:23Wasserson with slightly a loose call out of the small blind, but again, with the 1-1.5,
01:29he is getting a slightly better priced call and we see him get rewarded for that loose
01:32call, flopping top two pair.
01:36Ray D. has a hand here that I suppose I could overvalue at times, kind of this bottom wrap,
01:40the wheel wrap here.
01:41He does. I wonder if with the big club in his hand, he might be tempted to bet this
01:46hand thinking he's going to get check raised a little bit less often, although he doesn't
01:49get that opportunity.
01:50Negrano makes a very non-standard lead with just one over pair here and one club, no immediate
01:55straight draws.
01:56He does have backdoor hearts.
01:57There are certainly some turns he can barrel, but I would describe this as unorthodox.
02:01I will say that this board is going to hit Negrano's range perhaps harder than either
02:05of the other two players.
02:06I was going to add, I think that's what he's thinking is that the 7-5 deuce is the big
02:09blind's board texture.
02:12While I agree with that and I agree with leading a fair chunk of hands, I'm not sure I would
02:15throw this particular one in.
02:16He does get called in two spots.
02:18Walser's in top two pair here, but just thinking that's not quite enough hand to want to check
02:22raise this deep.
02:25And now a scare card for everyone.
02:29I guess this kind of favors Ray D's range.
02:31Yeah, I'm thinking if anyone has any incentive to bet this card, it's probably Ray with the
02:36big club.
02:37He still has some outs against sets and two pairs, so it's kind of a semi-bluff that can
02:40get some made hands to fold and still retains equity against all the non-flushes, but it
02:45does just check through.
02:47And you know, Eric might just win this pot.
02:51It might just go check, check, check again.
02:53Yeah, the only one who really doesn't have anything to call or to check down is Negrano.
02:58Right, Ray D's picked up a sliver of showdown value and Negrano does decide to fire the
03:03bluff here and I suspect this will get through.
03:07Ray's problem here is that he has another player behind him, in addition to the fact
03:10that he just has one pair in a multiway pot.
03:12And then it's extremely hard for Walser to call, in my opinion, with no club in his hand.
03:17Yeah, this is a nice find for Daniel to steal this pot with really very little bluff.
03:23As Walser gives him the good bluff speech and Negrano acknowledges, yep.
03:26Show on the camera.
03:27You bluffed?
03:29And you know, given the price, especially in an anti-level like this, you should want
03:32to be playing a lot of hands and fighting for pots.
03:35Walser goes with a bit of a different strategy here, stealing into a number of low cards
03:38with Ace-Ace-3.
03:39Yeah, this looks a little loose to me from Walser, just staring right into two wheel
03:44cards behind him.
03:45And Rodgers makes a bit of a tight fold there with the 4-up and the 8-7 behind.
03:49I agree.
03:50I think that that was a close one and maybe one that many of the players would err on
03:52the side of playing in this level.
03:55Now Ray D. would rather not be showing his 8, but still, he's going to get in there.
03:59And look at Walser.
04:00Walser didn't really open this into four cards 8 or under behind him, which is...
04:04And a big stylistic difference here between the way, I mean, Ray D. choosing to play this
04:07hand, which is basically a very similar holding to Rodgers' hand.
04:11Oh my god.
04:13Now everyone catches good, quote-unquote, and nobody pairs.
04:17Yeah, it'll be interesting to see how Walser navigates this situation now that he knows
04:22that Ace has to, not has to be, but almost always is a very good card for Negron in knowing
04:25that he already blocks two Aces.
04:28Now Chris, maybe this is a spot we can also talk about the squeeze play.
04:30Let's say Walser suddenly caught a 10 here, or a 9.
04:32Oh, he just bails immediately.
04:33And he does just get out of the way.
04:35That also seems a little tight to me.
04:37But if Walser suddenly caught a bad card, there's a chance Ray would have raised just
04:40to get rid of Wasserson, even though he knows his 8-6 isn't best right now against Negron
04:45who's Ace-5.
04:47As we can see, Negron had a very strong hand here, but only had 55% equity.
04:49I guess it does come from the fact that he has an 8 in the hole.
04:51But you're right that in this game, if you can eliminate a player and increase your equity,
04:55it's often worth it even if you are slightly behind against one other player, as the hands
04:59do tend to run close on the early streets.
05:02Now Negron who doesn't love this because he's, you know, a card behind, but a fair chunk
05:05of the time Ray will have paired one of those cards.
05:07I believe a 4 was dead on Roger's board, so Negron is definitely very concerned that
05:13Ray has a legit holding here.
05:15But obviously given the size of the pot and the fact that Negron is drawing live to a
05:18smooth 8, I think he's certainly going to have to continue.
05:21Yeah, so Negron is always live here because even if Ray has Ace-Deuce in the hole, Negron
05:25could still catch a Deuce or a 3 to improve to beat him.
05:28So forced a call, the pot's starting to grow.
05:31And actually Negron has made the second, no, he's made the best hand, this is a very close
05:368-6-5-4-1 versus 8-6-5-4-3.
05:39Now Negron is checking here and a lot of the time he's going to have a made 9.
05:44I think Ray D can go for value here.
05:45If he paired that 4, he would definitely be incentivized to bluff here, and it does look
05:50like Negron has a 9.
05:51I mean, you know, he absolutely can get called by a 9 in this spot.
05:56It's always a touch thin to go for value in these spots just because you do face the possibility
06:00of getting check-raised.
06:01Negron would want to check-raise when he does make a very strong hand here.
06:05I think Negron could have considered check-raising if he didn't go for the sketch play here.
06:09Okay, if it's 5 you could have.
06:16And Negron realizing he beats some value.
06:19Any time in the living game when you can beat value.
06:22Yeah, I mean certainly he could not fold.
06:24He could also just beat a bluff, right?
06:26But I think if Negron was really thinking through the situation, he could have considered
06:31even going for a very thin check-raise knowing that it's impossible that his opponent can
06:34really 3-bet him without a 6, given the strength of his board.
06:41Nevertheless he drags in a nice pot.
06:43Which makes a lot of sense.
06:45Ras now has split jacks and a few fewer players behind him.
06:48I see a queen staring right in his face from Mercier.
06:52So this is already perhaps a little bit on the border with a queen behind him and a king
06:57behind him.
06:58And a king behind him who doesn't even have the king.
06:59I actually would describe this open as a little bit loose.
07:01What do you think, Chris?
07:04I think it is.
07:05Especially in this anti-structure.
07:06By the way, this is a dream situation for Nick Schulman.
07:07I know his hand doesn't look like much.
07:08He has the 2-3-5.
07:09But when you have a very well-connected three-card low hand against two high hands, you're in
07:14a very advantageous position because you're getting a good price on all your money and
07:18it's very clear what your opponents have.
07:20Your hand is very easy to play.
07:21And he still has some high potential, too.
07:23Disappointing for him to catch the jack right away, but easy for him to play the situation
07:27in general.
07:29Very ugly street for Nick.
07:30And what Nick's concern would be here, he is going to call the 5k.
07:32Very ugly street for Rast, as well, seeing that jack fall dead.
07:36Yeah, Rast already in kind of a world apart.
07:39Really just hoping that the king has something like two low diamonds in the hole.
07:42Nick hits gin on 5th street.
07:43He has an open-ended straight draw and a four-card low.
07:46Look at how much equity he has in both directions in this situation.
07:49And Chris, I think that Brian can actually get away on this street.
07:52There's a jack dead.
07:53I like a raise from Nick here, actually.
07:56Yeah, interesting.
07:58Nick can certainly... his hand is... but you know what?
08:00He wants to keep Rast in.
08:01Yeah, that's a good point.
08:02That's maybe one reason for calling.
08:03Trying to just get half the pot.
08:04Yes, he has a hand that can scoop, so you could argue for just raising as kind of a
08:07pure value raise.
08:09But getting Rast to continue some of his more marginal hands is actually advantageous for
08:13Nick, where he's the only one who really has a chance of making the low.
08:16And Brian makes what I consider to be a little bit too loose of a call here.
08:20Yeah, you make a good point.
08:22It's not like Albert's just going to continue betting all of his range at this point, especially
08:27when Nick caught so good.
08:29What a strange street.
08:31Nick definitely does not want to bet in this situation.
08:33It's very clear that one of his opponents has a higher pair, if not both of his opponents.
08:38And Brian's actually made two pair.
08:39Nick still has a sizable chunk of equity here.
08:42And Albert's made kings up.
08:43Albert has a very easy bet here.
08:44Yeah, Albert's in a great position here.
08:46He understands that his opponents just really cannot have him beat at this moment.
08:50And having made two pair, I think Brian's going to be stuck in this pot, even with those
08:54two dead jacks.
08:55And this is just... really, I think that Brian made a small mistake on third street that
08:58is just compounded across future streets.
08:59Yeah, you called it.
09:01There's an old school concept in Stud 8, which I think holds true, which is that you never
09:04want to play the second best high hand.
09:07You can play the second best low, because you can just improve.
09:10But the problem for the high hands is that they tend to stay behind the best high hand.
09:13And that's exactly what you're seeing happen in this hand.
09:17Rast has basically zero outs, right?
09:18He has one seven.
09:20Nick still has scooping possibilities, of course.
09:22Yeah, and I think Albert can go for value here, knowing that he has Rast still in the
09:28However, it kind of looks like Rast picked up a safe one.
09:30It is Nick to act first, and now that Nick bets, I don't believe that...
09:33Well, so Brian's just in this really dumb spot.
09:37He's going to have to still continue to call down, and Brian actually has this really tricky
09:43I think Albert can maybe go for a raise here.
09:46I can understand why, because he beats all the jacks up, but he does have some concern
09:50he could be scooped by Nick, who could be playing low hearts or the straight.
09:54But I agree, it's very close.
09:55I mean, Nick can bet any low.
09:57Yeah, we can see Nick's hand and see that against Nick's hand he doesn't want to raise,
10:00but I agree.
10:01And I think in a cash game...
10:02He just calls.
10:03He does just call.
10:04And a big scoop for Nick Schulman here, 142k pot.
10:09The pots can get very big in Stud 8, as all players involved in multiway situations have
10:12incentive to continue.
10:13Yeah, and I think the hand was very normal from both Nick and Albert, and I think once
10:18Brian decided to play the hand on third, fourth was normal, I would have folded fifth, sixth
10:22was normal again.
10:24So I really don't like Brian's play there on third and fifth streets, but you know,
10:27these spots are close, there's a lot out there to fight for, it's just very difficult to
10:31play these, and I think that kind of illustrates why these medium to big pairs can be really
10:35difficult hands in Stud 8.
10:36They're very tough hands to play, for sure.
10:39I just think it's slightly too thin to start going for value here, Jason's still going
10:43to have some hands like Queen-7 and 7-7 that are checking to check call.
10:47That makes sense.
10:49And Albert also doesn't have any of the straight blockers in his hand.
10:54What a card.
10:55Now this is a very difficult card for Jason, because he's going to really feel like he
10:58has the best hand here.
11:00Yeah, having a Queen blocker in this situation seems very relevant, right?
11:03Like, it's not super easy for your opponent to have a full house here.
11:07I mean, now Jason's not going to think he always has the best hand, of course.
11:08Right, they're not going to just pile all the money in necessarily, but...
11:11He's certainly going to think, I believe, that his hand is worth value betting, and
11:14then Albert almost certainly going to raise, especially if the bet is a small one, like
11:18a blocker size.
11:19Yeah, if Jason...
11:20I was just going to ask you, if Jason bets huge here, Albert would just call?
11:24I mean, he's losing to stuff like 7-7, but I think versus this smaller bet, Albert is
11:29going to find the value raise.
11:32I think he could go with something slightly smaller than pot, to be honest.
11:37I think he went big.
11:38He went big, but not pot.
11:41He could have made it about $240,000.
11:42Oh, he could have almost shoved.
11:43He could have made it $234,000, yeah, and he went to $127,000, so about half pot.
11:49And as you said, Jason's immediately...
11:51And Jason hates life.
11:53So, what Jason has to think about here is, what are the weakest hands that Albert is
11:56going to call the flop with?
11:58And it's a good thing Raphs was asking about the time extensions, because we are using
12:03a number of them in this hand.
12:04And it's funny, because I mentioned that Jason might not be someone using them because he
12:08was using them in his chip stack, but, you know, a very serious decision here for him,
12:12and one that warrants some thought.
12:22The one card at a time is never good.
12:27Not a bad line.
12:28Albert's jacket probably wasn't $20 either.
12:31I like coming in for a raise, because then, yeah, that's fine, and he's going to run into
12:34it here a little bit.
12:35But you have a three-card wheel without the deuce, but you do have a pair blocker, which
12:38is nice.
12:39Nick's hand is one that in single draw, you know, if your opponent draws one, I'm always
12:43tempted to break it just to draw smooth and be able to value bet, but usually the ten
12:46is just too good.
12:47I think at a certain depth, it becomes an option.
12:51Even in triple draw, you're just breaking this every time, and Nick would break a nine
12:54here too, by the way, if he had nine, seven, six, five, deuce.
12:56Yeah, and he does improve to the eight, and Albert Doherty hits the gutter ball here,
13:00which is a little bit annoying, but in a blind battle in a three-bet pot, you certainly
13:02need to continue and draw this gut shot.
13:04Absolutely, yeah.
13:05You're duck hunting here.
13:06And a lot of Nick's pat hands here are going to be weaker stuff, so there's going to be
13:08some nines in there.
13:10I'll be interested to see if Albert bricks on the turn, whether he continues to draw
13:14Yeah, it does get close, because against the eights, oh, and he makes the eight.
13:17I think this is just going to go call, pat, pat, possibly check, check.
13:21I think Albert's hand is a little bit too weak to go for value with an eight, seven,
13:26Yeah, he had one blocker not super relevant in this spot.
13:29Could Nick consider breaking?
13:30I don't think so, because I think that Albert's going to have some nines.
13:34There's still one worse eight that exists.
13:36We keep seeing these wide-range situations, right?
13:38Small blind, big blind battles are very difficult to ever get away from any eight.
13:41Also, the danger of breaking, as Nick, is that when you break incorrectly, it is such
13:44a huge mistake, whereas when you pat incorrectly...
13:47Wow, I'm actually surprised that Nick's going for value with the ten, though.
13:49This, I think, is too thin.
13:50I do agree, yeah.
13:51I would value bet eight, seven, fives, and better, I think.
13:53I think there's a big gap there, right?
13:57And I don't think Albert's going to get away from...
13:58I mean, it's not going to accidentally be a bluff here.
13:59I think Albert will pay this.
14:01I mean...
14:02He's tempted to fold, though.
14:03I think Albert could actually fold this.
14:05Yeah, he's definitely tempted to fold.
14:06I mean, it's not looking good.
14:07I mean, this could be a sick bluff from Nick, if that was his intention.
14:11Yeah, you're right.
14:14It's not something I ever would have considered in the moment.
14:17And he does get it through, so...
14:18I'd love to talk to Nick about that hand, though.
14:20Yeah, I wonder if he...
14:22What his thought process was there.
14:23That's an interesting one.
14:24That's very interesting.
14:25Not something I would have considered, but...
14:26Albert's going to be sick.
14:27Albert's fold makes some sense to me.
14:28It absolutely does, yeah.
14:29I mean, you've gone pat-pat.
14:31You know you have some weaker hands in there, but you also have some stronger hands, and...
14:35Albert just decides to fold.
14:36Also, given his stack size, perhaps he's going to just avoid some of those questionable snow
14:41I like seeing this defense from Ashen, because this is the kind of hand I always want to
14:45But, you know, it's tough to play.
14:46It's a marginal holding.
14:478-7-4 in the big blind, depending.
14:49I would lean towards folding this versus a hijack open, but it is close.
14:53And now he improves to a gutter draw with a pair.
14:56Will he think that...
14:57So, typically with the gut shot, you might like to check and call, but the pair blockers
15:00make you want to bet a little bit more.
15:02I'm curious to see which way he leans.
15:03Or could you even make this a snow candidate again?
15:06Not yet, but maybe on the next streak.
15:07So he's seeing that he's had two pair blockers, so he's going with a lead play.
15:11And this also indicates to me that if he catches one more blocker, he very likely would snow.
15:15Especially where Chad's drawing two, and where his draw is not that premium.
15:21Okay, so now he's just going to play his 10 as a pat, right?
15:23He no longer needs to snow.
15:24He made a value hand.
15:25Chad catches an interesting combo.
15:26Chad has seen a pair of twos.
15:28It would be very tempting to raise this hand, I think.
15:30Yeah, often what you're going to see in these spots is that the 10 raises more often than
15:33the 9.
15:35Because the 9 actually wants to freeze some more of his hands, whereas the 10 can actually
15:39break some 9s, and then play it as a pat if you get the break, and draw if you don't.
15:43So Chad's going with the call, which tells me that if Ashton pats, he's just planning
15:47to just draw.
15:48He's going to draw, yeah.
15:49He didn't give himself the opportunity to get a better hand to break or anything like
15:53He just went with a straightforward play.
15:54By the way, Ashton would have been in a really difficult situation had he gotten raised here.
15:56It's very unclear what he should do with this hand.
15:58I think I would just tend to fold Ashton's hand facing a raise.
16:01It's such an ugly draw.
16:02And now Chad's going to go for a bluff, having seen a pair of twos and a pair of fives.
16:06I do think that having that 10 in his hand was actually kind of a bad card to bluff with
16:10Because he wants his opponent to have a 10, but he...
16:11I think so.
16:12He's putting a lot of pressure even on a 9 here, I think, but...
16:15Ashton is not going to fold.
16:16The pair of fives is too big.
16:18But you know what?
16:19I like that Chad goes for it here, because I think some players just really never bluff
16:22this spot.
16:24This is a very good hand.
16:25In the pat one spot.
16:26This is a very high-level hand that got played here.
16:28This was a very good hand for Ashton to call with on the river.
16:30Ashton, and Henningen has the same hand as Evislage.
16:32Henningen should be probably incentivized to make it another raise.
16:37To try to get Ashton's weakest hands to fold.
16:38And Cedar...
16:39And Scott picks up a hand.
16:41What a setup of a razz hand.
16:42A setup for Scott.
16:43Usually you would always play 3 to a 7, and likely he still gets in there, but it's at
16:48least close.
16:49Maybe Ashton ducks out of the way?
16:50I think so.
16:51I would fold as Ashton with a 7-8-3.
16:53It's just, in my opinion, just slightly too weak going four ways.
16:56Yeah, he opened a hand with one dead pair, and all hell broke loose behind him.
16:59And I think if Scott's hand was more like a 7-6-4, something like that, or a 7-5-4,
17:05he might...
17:06Maybe not 7-6-4 where the sixes are dead, but 7-5-4, he might have even got out of the
17:10Now, I think in theory, Chad was supposed to raise again.
17:11I believe he did.
17:13So Chad correctly raised again against the 7-up card.
17:15They are punishing Scott for his play, but it's not a big mistake.
17:19And I know if Scott had an 8, he would have folded it, an 8-5-ace, I'm almost certain.
17:24But the 7, he just deems a little bit too good.
17:27And it's World who catches best.
17:28Now these are the spots where sometimes a player can get sandwiched.
17:32Not in this case.
17:34This is a situation now where you have to be pretty sticky, because the pot is massive
17:36from a 4-bet pre-multi-way.
17:37It is, but when you're potentially facing 5-bets, it can be really dicey.
17:42And everyone has caught well on 5th.
17:43This is going to be a big pot.
17:44This is going to be a pot, probably the pot of the tournament here.
17:48Bigger than those PLO pots we saw earlier.
17:49Yeah, you're right.
17:50Seaver, actually.
17:51Nobody can get away from their hand now.
17:55And Hennigan is in a great spot here with the best hand and the best draw.
17:59Chad kind of hates life if Hennigan actually has the 8 that he's sort of quote-unquote
18:04supposed to have, although he still does have outs against all the 8s.
18:06But this is where the pot being so big is just working against him.
18:09Scott, who pulls ahead, catches a gin card.
18:12That 6 is a super dead card.
18:16And he just is aware of it, and John checked to him.
18:19Hennigan was aware that that 6 was a super, super good card.
18:22So it's a lot less likely to have paired Scott.
18:24And now maybe Chad can find the exit, looking at these boards.
18:28It's so tough when the pocket's this big, but yeah, I think so.
18:30Yeah, but what does Seaver have?
18:31He called 3 cold.
18:33I think Chad has to fold here, because even if somehow Seaver doesn't have what he's supposed
18:37to have, Hennigan still has outs against him, and he can still just be in really bad
18:41shape against Hennigan's hand.
18:42So after this hand, we're going to have one player under 100K and one player above a starting
18:45stack, depending on what this river card is.
18:46I could be wrong, but did Hennigan check this door?
18:48I believe he did, which is probably just right.
18:50Seaver should probably just go ahead and bet.
18:52And he's going to hope that Seaver value bets all 7s, and if Hennigan does improve to a
18:556, he's going to be able to get the check raise in.
18:58And John is sad.
18:59Or maybe angry.
19:00What is a better word?
19:01I think that's a better word, yeah.
19:02I think that's a better word, yeah.
