• vorgestern
In der britischen Comedyserie Big Boys beginnt für den ungeouteten und schüchternen Jack eine neuer Lebensabschnitt an der Universität. Dort lernt er seinen neuen Mitbewohner Danny kennen. Zwischen den beiden jungen Männern entwickelt sich eine überraschende Freundschaft.

Mehr dazu: https://www.moviepilot.de/serie/big-boys


00:00Jack, me, um, Danny.
00:02Jack and Danny.
00:03Cockney rhyme is lame for Fanny, innit?
00:05After two years of discovering ourselves at uni,
00:08it was time to get serious.
00:10Jack, talk to me about your big D.
00:14I ain't got Scooby whatsoever to write my disco on.
00:17It's Scooby-Doo, not Scooby-Don't.
00:18I'm not pretentious.
00:19You stop watching X Factor.
00:21They've replaced Louis with Rita Orr.
00:24This country has gone to pot.
00:26Oh, Daniel Craig at 12 o'clock.
00:29Danny's middle name Craig?
00:31Sorry, cos I know that we drifted this last few months.
00:34I got a lot on my plate.
00:36I'm in this new relationship.
00:37I love you.
00:38You love me.
00:39Everything's coming to an end.
00:40You're naked under it, aren't you?
00:43I feel like you and me will make long-distance work.
00:46I just don't want to lose her.
00:47Don't want to go back to Kent and make nothing of myself.
00:49Believe it or not, there are actually some people in Kent
00:51who are very happy and successful.
00:52There's loads, but some...
