• 5 days ago
▌热点短视频 ▌为了拍出一张能刷爆朋友圈的美照,你愿意付出多大的代价?斯里兰卡火车“挂拍”再出事,这次是一名中国女子!
主持 | @Angelaangxinyi
#网美 #斯里兰卡 #拍照
#发射热点 #84hotspot #热点短视频

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00:00你也喜欢拍这样这样或是这样的照片吗? Do you like to take photos like this or this?
00:03为了一张可以刷爆朋友圈的美照,你愿意付出多大的代价? How much do you want to pay for a beautiful photo that can blow up the circle of friends?
00:07因为一个不小心很可能就会像这样 Because an accident is likely to be like this
00:12真的不好拿生命来开玩笑 It's really hard to joke about life
00:14上个星期日,又有一名女子到斯里兰卡旅游,在乘坐火车时为了拍美照 Last Sunday, another woman went to Sri Lanka to take a beautiful photo while riding a train
00:19不顾危险把身体探出车外,结果下一秒GG了,到现在还没有脱离危险 Despite the danger, she got out of the train, but the next second, she was dead
00:23到现在还没有脱离危险,证明35岁的中国籍女子为了拍照,在火车行驶途中,将身体探出车外,导致头部撞上铁路隧道,松移时头部、腿部都严重受伤,尽管经过两度转院治疗,情况还是相当危急 She hasn't been out of danger until now. This 35-year-old Chinese woman got out of the train while riding a train to take a photo
00:30到现在还没有脱离危险,证明35岁的中国籍女子为了拍照,在火车行驶途中,将身体探出车外,到现在还没有脱离危险,导致头部撞上铁路隧道,松移时头部、腿部都严重受伤,尽管经过两度转院治疗,情况还是相当危急 She hasn't been out of danger until now. This 35-year-old Chinese woman got out of danger. This 35-year-old Chinese woman got out of danger. This 35-year-old Chinese woman got out of danger. This 35-year-old Chinese woman got out of danger. This 35-year-old Chinese woman got out of danger. This 35-year-old Chinese woman got out of danger. This 35-year-old Chinese woman got out of danger. This 35
01:0035-year-old Chinese woman got out of danger. This 35-year-old Chinese woman got out of danger. This 35-year-old Chinese woman got out of danger.
01:06而且这种危险至极的拍照行为早已经是斯里兰卡游客的打卡标配 前斯里兰卡导游向媒体说 他也不知道是哪一国游客先带起了这股风潮 但几乎所有游客都是这样挂火车拍照 于是你拍我拍大家拍 但是在过去几年许多人因此受伤甚至丢了命 而截至2022年的数据显示 全球范围内因为自拍致死人数高达379人 比鲨鱼袭击还要致命 也许会有人问 这不就是
01:36一闪门的事吗 把火车的门关上不就好了吗 其实斯里兰卡的火车大多非常老旧 也都没有车门
01:46为此斯里兰卡铁路部门已经明令禁止在特快列车做危险的挂火车动作 但是当局并不会采取对付行动
01:54而这种提醒基本上不太管用 由于事故频发 中国驻斯里兰卡大使馆昨天还特别发长文告
02:05更不要将身体探出车外拍照 以免发生危险意外 那这种劝告希望游客们都能听得进去了 不要拍照一时爽
02:18如果觉得影片有意义的话 欢迎把这只热点影片分享出去 提醒大家安全第一
