• 5 days ago
US Trade War: दुनिया में ट्रेड वॉर (Trade War) शुरू हो गया है और डोनाल्ड ट्रंप की टैरिफ पॉलिसी(Donald Trump) का असर तमाम देशों में दिख रहा है. मंगलवार को अमेरिकी राष्ट्रपति ने कनाडा पर एक और टैरिफ(Tariff Policy) बम फोड़ते हुए स्टील और एल्युमिनियम आयात((steel and aluminum Import)) पर प्रस्तावित टैरिफ को दोगुना कर 50% कर दिया. इस बीच व्हाइट हाउस की ओर से एक प्रेस कॉन्फ्रेंस कर दुनियाभर के देशों द्वारा अमेरिकी आयात पर लगाए जाने वाले टैरिफ की जानकारी दी गई. इसमें भारत का भी जिक्र था. प्रेस सचिव कैरोलिन लेविट ने कहा बड़े दुख की बात है कि कई देश अमेरिका पर भारी टैरिफ लगा रहे हैं, जहां कनाडा अमेरिकियों के साथ धोखा कर रहा है, तो भारत अमेरिकी शराब पर 150% का टैरिफ(Tariffs On American Alcohol) लगा रहा है.

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00:00The trade war in the world has begun and Donald Trump's tariff policy is affecting all countries.
00:11On Tuesday, the US President broke another tariff bump in Canada and doubled the tariff
00:18on steel and aluminum imports by 50%.
00:21Meanwhile, a press conference from the White House gave information about the tariffs imposed
00:27on Canadian ports.
00:30India was also mentioned in this.
00:32Press Secretary Caroline Leavitt said,
00:34It is very sad that many countries are imposing heavy tariffs on America.
00:38Where Canada is cheating the Americans, India is imposing a tariff of 150% on American liquor.
00:46According to the ANI report, White House Press Secretary Caroline Leavitt said
00:50that America and the Americans are being cheated by Canada.
00:55She said that US President Donald Trump believes in mutuality and wants impartial and balanced trade.
01:04Leavitt said that President Trump is again answering the fact that Canada has been looting
01:13America and the Americans for decades, and looking at the tariff rates, it is too much.
01:20Leavitt said on Tuesday,
01:23Today America has a president who is really worried about the interests of American business and labor.
01:30He said that if you look at Canada, it has imposed a tariff of about 300% on American cheese and butter.
01:37The White House Press Secretary also mentioned the tariffs imposed on various American products by India and Japan.
01:45She said that heavy tariffs are being imposed on American liquor and agricultural products by India.
01:51Leavitt said that if you look at India, there is a tariff of 150% on American liquor.
01:56Do you think this is helping Kentucky Bob-Ann in exports in India?
02:02I don't think so.
02:04She did not stop there and said that apart from this, India imposes a 100% tariff on agricultural products.
02:11Speaking about Japan, she said that there is a tariff of 700% on rice.
02:16According to reports, according to President Trump, America will take such a step for other countries as well.
02:23She said in an interview that America has been looted from every country in the world and every company in the world.
02:29And what we are going to do is its return.
02:32Let me tell you that a reciprocal tariff was announced in India in recent days and the date of April 2 was decided for it.
02:39Even before this, Donald Trump has said in his speech at the White House that India collects a lot of tariffs from us along with Mexico, China and Canada.
02:49You cannot sell anything in India.
02:51So what is your opinion on this news?
02:53Give us your opinion in the comment box and keep watching Good Returns for such updates.
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