• 2 days ago
Hoy, en el Congreso de la Nación, se espera una marcha masiva de jubilados que ha ganado apoyo significativo de diversos sectores, incluidos gremios de la CGT y partidos de izquierda. La presencia confirmada de hinchas y barras del fútbol añade un elemento de incertidumbre a la manifestación. Las autoridades han implementado un operativo de seguridad con fuerzas federales y vallado del Congreso para prevenir disturbios. La aplicación del protocolo antipiquete está en discusión, especialmente ante posibles enfrentamientos entre manifestantes y fuerzas del orden.


00:00I don't want to baptize storms or anything, PAME, but it's a complex day today, 4 in the afternoon, in the Congress of the Nation.
00:08Every Wednesday a march of retirees is called.
00:12March, PAME, which were always 20, 30 retirees, who in solitude claimed for their retirement knowledge,
00:20and that in the last days, the last weeks, they were adding up.
00:24Unemployed workers, they were adding up bars,
00:29because last week it was a decision of the bar of Chacarita,
00:33and today they already confirmed, CGT committees confirmed,
00:39the left parties, the unemployed, who are going to support the march of the retirees.
00:44I want to distinguish fans of bars, I would like to distinguish it,
00:48and add it to Salerno to ask him, because Patricia already warned
00:54that if they do it in an orderly way, nothing is going to happen,
00:59but if they generate a disturbance, people cannot circulate,
01:02they are going to apply the anti-bar protocol.
01:04It will be impossible.
01:06How many people are waiting for today?
01:08Well, I don't know the amount, but yes, PAME, which is going to be the most convoking,
01:13the one that is going to be difficult to apply the anti-bar protocol,
01:16because the more people there are, the more difficult it is to apply the protocol.
01:20Yes, Claudio Robin is in the Congress. Hello Claudio, good morning.
01:24PAME, Mariana, good morning, good morning team.
01:27We are located a few meters from the corner of Callao and Rivadavia,
01:31the place that is going to be the epicenter of the march,
01:33called for today between 4 and 5 in the afternoon.
01:36Several questions there that you raised, right?
01:38How many people are going to be there?
01:40Now I can show you the Congress, the front of the Congress,
01:43already based on what is this diagonal of Solís.
01:46We have already seen the movement of police from the city, of mobiles,
01:50but fundamentally what has to do with security today
01:53will be carried out by the operative by federal forces.
01:56I spoke a little while ago with some sources who told me this.
01:59They still don't know how many people are going to arrive
02:02and how much they are going to have for the operative.
02:05I am now approaching the corner of Grigoyen to show you
02:08how in so many other marches there is already a hydrant truck located
02:13and we hope that the situation today does not go beyond that,
02:16of a matter of tension.
02:18The bulk of the march is going to be called here
02:21and whenever important numbers of protesters arrive to this area,
02:26the tension is mainly between the fence when the police is on one side
02:31and the most combative protesters on the other.
02:35Now, what do we have to think about today in the afternoon?
02:38There are groups of clubs, of football fans,
02:41who self-convoked from many spaces, of all colors.
02:44We are talking about the big clubs, but also those of Ascenso,
02:47El Conurbano, and there is the question, you said,
02:50will they be fans, will they be bars?
02:52Well, all that is also part of the expectation that there is today
02:56in what can happen in the afternoon march.
02:58Yes, Mariana.
02:59They have already gone through the whole Congress
03:02as if waiting for a lot of people.
03:04What seems important to me is that it is already there.
03:06They have already started the Congress as if it were, I would say,
03:09almost an opening of sessions.
03:11But we agree that this is a jubilee march.
03:14Of course, this accompaniment is expected.
03:17Salerno, what is the difference between fans and bars?
03:22Who are going to accompany today?
03:24Because the CGT already called, they are going to accompany.
03:27You are going to have bars and you are going to have fans.
03:30The difference is that the bar many times goes with another intention.
03:33The bar is everything that is wrong.
03:35No, no, no.
03:36They are the ones who have the business negotiated,
03:39the business outside of football.
03:41Those who pressure their teams, those who extort,
03:43those who have relations with drug trafficking.
03:46Those are going to go today to...
03:48Commonly, yes.
03:49You are right.
03:50There are many bars linked to the hand of crime,
03:53of drug trafficking, of violence.
03:55But well, there are also people who I think
03:57will genuinely accompany.
03:59The only thing I say is that there are admission rights
04:01for the bar or for the fan.
04:03The one who goes to the field and makes a mess today
04:05is going to have a bad time because they are going to put him
04:07on a list with admission rights and a football team is not going to enter.
04:09What does admission rights mean?
04:11Admission rights are, they find you making a mess,
04:14they stop you, your name goes to a list,
04:16when you go to the field they ask for your document.
04:19You have your document, you are on that list, you don't go to the field.
04:22I spoke yesterday, you saw that in this country
04:25there is the double library of everything.
04:27But why?
04:29I need this American breakfast,
04:32where we are more sharp, more informative.
04:35Sincerely, I need to inform without a library or the other.
04:39Well, you know what's going to happen?
04:41If Patricia Bullrich applies what she is saying,
04:44to apply the right of admission,
04:47the lawyers can reject it.
04:50Because one thing is that they go to the Congress
04:53and another is that you forbid them to go to the field.
04:55Because being in the Congress is a legitimate right.
04:58Maria, sorry, we are talking about you making a mess.
05:01She makes the clarification, the one who generates disturbances.
05:05So who is going to have the stick?
05:07To call someone a disturbance.
05:09Pamela, I'll give you this scenario.
05:11I make disturbances in the Congress.
05:13Who are you going to make disturbances to?
05:15That you have confrontations with the police,
05:17you throw stones at them and so on.
05:19The police that represses the retiree,
05:22I don't know if they open a summary or nothing happens.
05:25It is within the protocol and it is allowed.
05:28I answer you on time.
05:30Now, I give you this scenario.
05:32I am a stick and I generate disturbances
05:35or I am stopped for making disturbances in the Congress.
05:37Why would you forbid me to go to the field
05:39if the disturbances I made were made in the Congress and not in the field?
05:42It is understood that the measure...
05:44Maybe she can't apply what she promises.
05:46If she applies it, the lynch will have a lawyer
05:50that tells her that she can't do it.
05:52And that she can win it.
05:54There are issues that sometimes are more for the court than anything else.
05:58This is the statement that Carlos was telling.
06:00He says that in the presence of football fans,
06:03what is going to be done is to carry out the protocol
06:06or measures to guarantee public safety.
06:09And what he says is that any person who engages in security conduct,
06:13participating in acts that generate disturbances
06:17will be arrested at the same time.
06:19This is what corresponds.
06:21And the competition restriction will be applied to all sports events.
06:24And a lawyer told me...
06:26They can't apply it. They can't do it.
06:28He tells me, Mariana, it is as if you...
06:30They explained it to me like this.
06:31It is as if you go to the Congress.
06:33Okay, you made disturbances in the Congress,
06:35but I forbid you to enter the channel...
06:38...to your workplace.
06:39Sorry, a detail of the statement.
06:41I read it to you on time so as not to make a mistake.
06:43Let's see.
06:44Article 194 of the Penal Code...
06:46Of course.
06:47...that they are going to apply.
06:48It says...
06:49Establishes that it is a crime to hinder the normal operation
06:51of public transport or services
06:53and the sentence is three months to two years in prison.
06:57Well, that's fine.
06:59But I want you to understand what I'm proposing.
07:02The measure is fine as long as you apply the Penal Code.
07:08What makes noise to me is that you tell a fan or a bar,
07:14but I want this to be understood,
07:16that you tell a bar...
07:17Yes, it is understood, Mariana.
07:18...that you make a mess in the Congress
07:20and you will not be able to enter the field.
07:23That's weird.
07:24On a particular day, because they have support like every Wednesday,
07:26but this time the support will be strong
07:28to this march of the retirees.
07:30Let's analyze how the retirements are today in our country
07:33in a minute or so.
07:34But there is a last moment.
