• 3 days ago
Drame entre Sœurs Porté Trop Loin ! Sœur MÉCHANTE contre GENTILLE ! Aventure dans une Chambre Secrète

Des frères et sœurs adoptés, des cachettes secrètes et un tourbillon d'émotions - cette vidéo a tout pour plaire ! Plongez dans une aventure épique où une méchante sœur et une gentille sœur s'affrontent à propos de chambres secrètes, de farces scandaleuses et de drames familiaux. Des disputes enflammées aux mésaventures hilarantes en passant par des moments de réconciliation réconfortants, vous assisterez aux montagnes russes des relations entre frères et sœurs comme jamais auparavant.

👇 Regardez se dérouler l'aventure sauvage dans la chambre secrète et voyez si l'amour peut triompher de la rivalité ! 👇

👉 Cliquez sur S'abonner pour plus de drame familial épique et de défis créatifs DIY !
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Q pour VOUS : Quel est le moment le plus inoubliable que vous avez vécu avec votre frère ou sœur ? Partagez votre histoire dans les commentaires ci-dessous !

#DrameEntreSœurs #MéchanteContreGentille #AventureChambreSecrète #AffrontementFraternel #MomentsFamiliauxÉpiques Partage et abonne-toi si tu aimes la vidéo : https://goo.su/2BJZ
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Musique par Epidemic Sound : https://www.epidemicsound.com/

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00:00But it's Casey's fault!
00:04I'm leaving this house!
00:07You're all going to regret it!
00:09I think it's recording.
00:11Hey friends, look at this!
00:13It's my turn!
00:14But mom bought it for me!
00:16So what?
00:17Give it to me!
00:18You always take everything from me!
00:20Because I'm worth it!
00:27It's because of you!
00:29It's your fault!
00:31You always take everything from me!
00:32Don't throw things at me!
00:35Take this!
00:36Don't think about doing that!
00:39You're crazy!
00:43Don't touch my hair!
00:45Let go of me!
00:49It was my favorite t-shirt!
00:52Okay, I get it.
00:53No problem.
00:54I'll send you the contract right away.
00:57What a day!
00:59Look what Casey did to my lamp!
01:00And my t-shirt!
01:02I can't film TikTok anymore!
01:04Do you realize what she did?
01:06It's my contract!
01:07I can't send this!
01:10It's over!
01:11Ruby, how many times do I have to tell you?
01:13Don't come to my office when I'm working!
01:15But mom!
01:16What is it? A lamp?
01:17I don't care about your problems!
01:19Ruby, I'm making money for this family!
01:21Get out of here, I don't want to hear any of this!
01:23You ruined my job!
01:25What am I going to do with this?
01:26It's so unfair!
01:29You see?
01:30No one cares about you.
01:32Even mom.
01:34Stop it!
01:37It's the worst!
01:39Why is she so mean?
01:43Maybe I should just disappear.
01:45I'll do everyone a favor.
01:47Dear newspaper,
01:49no one cares about me.
01:51Not even my sister.
01:52Not even my mother.
01:54I love you too!
01:58I'll see you at my place in...
02:0015 minutes?
02:01Okay, baby!
02:02Okay, see you later!
02:03You're making me sick!
02:08I must be perfect!
02:09I'd better get ready.
02:12Yeah, I know!
02:13I need my makeup!
02:14Where is it?
02:17It won't do.
02:19It must be somewhere.
02:22I'm sure you have it.
02:23You always have my things.
02:25What is it now?
02:26Where's my favorite lipstick?
02:27What are you doing?
02:33I forgive you this time.
02:35It's your favorite!
02:36Give it to me!
02:37It must be important!
02:41Oh no!
02:44You have a crush on someone?
02:46Please don't do this!
02:47Who is it?
02:50What does it mean?
02:52It's my little friend!
02:54Are you serious?
02:56You think he's your real boyfriend?
03:00I thought you were so special!
03:02Maybe I'm better than you!
03:06What did you say?
03:12I'm the oldest sister here,
03:13and I'm her little friend!
03:15Not you!
03:16Sit here in the room
03:17and think about your behavior!
03:19Stop! What are you doing?
03:21I'm locking you up!
03:24Don't do this!
03:26Open the door!
03:27You can't lock me up!
03:30Let me out!
03:31What are you going to do?
03:35I'll take my things and leave!
03:37Look at me!
03:39What is she doing?
03:40I'll never let you out!
03:42It's too late!
03:43That's not funny!
03:45I hate you!
03:46Open the door!
03:50It's all your fault!
03:51You deserve it!
03:52You're the worst sister!
03:54I hope we'll never be sisters!
03:57I'm done!
03:59Why are you doing this to me?
04:02Wait! I don't hear anything!
04:04You left me all alone!
04:07The door is open!
04:08She's so stupid!
04:10Casey, what are you doing here?
04:13I have to get out of here!
04:15Maybe if I climb over...
04:18It won't work!
04:21Here's my way out!
04:23I did it!
04:24I'm much smarter than Casey!
04:28Ruby, what's going on here?
04:29What's going on?
04:31It was all Casey!
04:32She locked me up in the room and put all her things...
04:35I don't care who did this!
04:36Casey or you!
04:38Take care of this!
04:40Or you'll have big problems!
04:42But it's Casey's fault!
04:46I'm going to leave this house!
04:49You're all going to regret this!
04:51I'm going to miss you when I'm gone!
04:54I'm so happy you're here!
04:56I really missed you!
05:04It's so pretty!
05:08What are you doing here?
05:10She's my little sister!
05:12I've never seen you before!
05:14I remember you!
05:16We always go to the library together at 6 o'clock!
05:18We always have...
05:19I mean, you're always reading!
05:21It doesn't interest her!
05:22Oh yes, I go to the library!
05:24But I don't remember you!
05:26I need to do something!
05:28Oh, darling!
05:30Of course you don't remember!
05:32Look at this!
05:33It's a real cello!
05:39Oh no! Why is she doing this?
05:41It's so embarrassing!
05:42And look what I have!
05:45What? My diary?
05:47Where did you get that?
05:48She had a crush on you!
05:50No! It's personal! Give it back to me!
05:53Come get it!
05:54Stop that!
05:55What are you doing?
05:56Not good!
05:58She's crazy!
05:59Let's go!
06:01Oh! I have to show you something!
06:03Look at this!
06:05Nobody loves me!
06:06Tom doesn't even know I exist!
06:08I'm so embarrassed!
06:09I have to disappear from here!
06:10I don't want to live here anymore!
06:13I need money!
06:15I have to break my diary!
06:17I'm so sorry for this!
06:22I'm finally going to leave this house!
06:24And nobody will ever make fun of me again!
06:28Oh no!
06:28It's not enough!
06:30What am I going to do now?
06:32Wait a minute!
06:33I'm going to get Casey's money!
06:35She always takes my money and won't give it back to me!
06:39Nothing here...
06:40Why does she need a book?
06:42She doesn't even read!
06:43Take a look in there!
06:45Yes! I found it!
06:48I can finally leave this place!
06:50What was that?
06:53She deserves it!
06:55I'm going to take my stuff and leave!
06:58Oh no! Casey!
07:01Who's still here?
07:03Are you going for a walk with your friends?
07:08I'm so stupid!
07:09You don't have any friends!
07:12That's not true!
07:13Stop being mean!
07:15It's true!
07:19What did you do with my stuff?
07:21Where's my money?
07:23Oh no!
07:26Give it back to me!
07:27Let go of my bag!
07:29Give it to me!
07:30It's my money!
07:32You owe me!
07:33You're going to get it!
07:36My money!
07:38I was going to use it for new shoes!
07:40Watch out!
07:42Get out of here!
07:46I was going to leave anyway!
07:51I'll help you!
07:53I'll get your stuff ready!
07:54What are you doing?
07:56That's it!
07:58I hope I'll never see you again!
08:05What am I going to do?
08:07Where am I going to go now?
08:12Is that you?
08:15What's wrong?
08:17I ran away from home!
08:20No one loves me!
08:21Everyone hates me!
08:22That's not true!
08:23It's your family!
08:25Don't cry!
08:26What am I going to do now?
08:28Come on!
08:29It'll be fine!
08:33Everything's going to be fine, I promise!
08:35Yes, you're right!
08:36I feel better!
08:37I told you!
08:38Let's go!
08:39I'm going home!
08:40What are you going to do?
08:41You can't stay here!
08:42It'll be dark soon!
08:44It's pretty scary around here!
08:46And there's the...
08:47I know!
08:48The attic!
08:49No one's been up there for years!
08:50I'm going to go!
08:52Stop! Stop!
08:53I'll help you, okay?
08:54No! I'm a big girl!
08:55I can take care of myself!
08:56I can't leave you alone!
08:57I'll help you!
08:58Let's go!
09:00Thank you!
09:01Come on, let's go!
09:03I don't see anyone!
09:05Okay, quick!
09:07Don't make any noise!
09:08We have to go up here!
09:12Hurry up!
09:13Before they find us!
09:16We did it!
09:18In my room, it's even worse!
09:21A spider!
09:24Are you okay?
09:26It's covered in dust!
09:28Oh, I can use this!
09:30I hope there aren't any giant spiders!
09:33Wow, there are a lot of webs!
09:35I got you!
09:36I got you!
09:38Hey, that's pretty fun!
09:40I guess no one cleans here.
09:42Ah, I think that's all.
09:44This beautiful room...
09:45Ah! Take them off!
09:46I'm really sorry!
09:47I didn't see you!
09:48Leave me alone!
09:49It's okay!
09:50Is this yours?
09:51Yes, these are my childhood toys!
09:53Ah, that's cute!
09:55A bottle?
09:59Fairy lights!
10:01We can use this!
10:04What else is in there?
10:06I'll hang them from the roof!
10:10Wow, great!
10:12Oh, look what I found!
10:13Give it back!
10:14I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you!
10:15It's not bad!
10:16I had a dental device when I was a kid!
10:17Look, I'll show you!
10:21I was so clumsy!
10:22It's pretty cute!
10:23It's starting to get a little cold here!
10:24Yes, we should take blankets and pillows!
10:27Good idea!
10:28Let's go!
10:32Don't make any noise!
10:35I love this movie!
10:36What are you doing? Move!
10:39I need a Coke!
10:41He's so far away!
10:46Where is she?
10:48She has no right to ignore me!
10:52Wait until I catch her!
10:55Did she leave?
10:58No way!
10:59I'm sure she's hiding somewhere!
11:02That was close!
11:04Oh, is that your room?
11:06Take that!
11:08Oh no!
11:09I can hear Casey!
11:10Let's hide!
11:13This way!
11:16Are you there?
11:20Where are you?
11:23I know!
11:25That's her usual hideout!
11:28She must be in the closet!
11:31He's so cute!
11:32I wish I could be with him!
11:34Don't play with me, Ruby!
11:36Get out!
11:37Get out!
11:38Wherever you are!
11:39What are we going to do?
11:42I know you're here!
11:44I can always find you!
11:47I found you!
11:49Let's go get some snacks!
11:52Who turned off the lights?
11:56I'll catch you now!
12:01Where is she?
12:05You can't hide from me!
12:09What's that?
12:13You're here!
12:15You think you're so smart!
12:17I'll show you!
12:24I think I know what to do!
12:26And I'm going to need you too!
12:28Let's play, little sister!
12:32I'm going to love doing this!
12:34I hope you're hungry, Ruby!
12:37It's going to be fun!
12:42Here you go!
12:48You're home early today!
12:49What have you done?
12:53What's going on?
12:54Are you crazy?
12:55What's that?
12:57I can't believe you did something like that!
13:00Why did you do that?
13:01They're too busy fighting!
13:02It's not possible!
13:03We're going to get in trouble!
13:05Let's go back to the attic!
13:08Casey's laptop!
13:10Now it's my turn to watch a movie, sister!
13:14We did it!
13:17I thought we were going to get caught!
13:18Let's do this!
13:19I'll put the blanket here!
13:22Wow! It looks great!
13:25Let's watch the movie!
13:29Low battery?
13:31I really wanted to watch this movie!
13:34Let's do something else then!
13:35But what?
13:38There must be something to do here!
13:42I know!
13:44I learned how to make a spotlight at school!
13:46We're going to need a box!
13:48There are only toys for kids!
13:50So I'm going to make a hole!
13:53And the magnifying glass!
13:55It goes in the hole!
13:57OK, give me your phone!
13:59Trust me!
14:00Is it going to work?
14:05You're so smart!
14:07It's great!
14:11Oh no!
14:12My stomach!
14:13Do you want pizza?
14:14Yes! How do you know?
14:16I'm going to order it!
14:20Can I order a pizza?
14:21What kind?
14:22Which one?
14:23Take a pepperoni!
14:25No problem!
14:26In 10 minutes!
14:27Let's keep watching!
14:29Very funny!
14:32I think this is the address...
14:36I have your pizza!
14:37Where are you?
14:39Come back a bit!
14:41A bit more!
14:43Turn left!
14:44Oh no!
14:45Your left!
14:47More to the left!
14:49To the right!
14:51Like this?
14:53Keep going to the right!
14:54A bit more!
14:57Right there!
15:01That's weird!
15:04So it's going to be 25...
15:07Where's my money?
15:09I'm so impatient!
15:11Me too!
15:14This pizza is older than me!
15:17Maybe it's better not to eat it!
15:19I won't take the risk!
15:21But we still need food!
15:24Mum's going to kill me!
15:27I need to find her as soon as possible!
15:31What should I do?
15:33Think, Casey!
15:36I can call her friends!
15:39I don't know her friends!
15:44I really don't know anything about her!
15:47This is bad!
15:48Really bad!
15:50Calm down, Casey!
15:51You have to understand where Ruby is!
15:54Think like Ruby!
15:56If I were an antelope, where would I go?
16:00To the library!
16:02Of course!
16:03I have to call her there!
16:05I hope she's there!
16:07I should have thought about it earlier!
16:13Can you help me please?
16:15I'm looking for my little sister!
16:19My little sister!
16:26My little sister!
16:30Sorry, sorry!
16:32We don't have this book!
16:35Can you help me?
16:38Darling, it's 5 o'clock!
16:40I have to go home!
16:46That's why I don't go to the library!
16:48What's that?
16:49Her favorite pizzeria!
16:51She must be hungry!
16:53This is where I can find her!
16:55Can you help me please?
16:56We have a promotion right now!
17:00I'll have a pizza!
17:02Two pepperoni, please!
17:05With extra cheese!
17:08But I have to find Ruby!
17:11Why do you always cause me problems?
17:13You're so annoying!
17:17My foot!
17:18Casey, what is she doing in there?
17:20I need to do something!
17:21I know!
17:22I'll hide these teddy bears under the blankets!
17:25The contract will be ready tomorrow!
17:27Yes, thank you!
17:28Casey, what's going on here?
17:30Why all this noise?
17:32Mum, it's OK!
17:34Ruby fell asleep!
17:36She must be dreaming!
17:40At this hour?
17:41Try to see!
17:46But Mum!
17:47She's so tired!
17:48She really needs to rest!
17:50I mean, did you see her?
17:52This meeting again!
17:54Yes, just a second!
17:55Casey, take care of her!
17:56I have to go!
17:58Yes, of course!
18:02It was hot!
18:05Are you still hungry?
18:08Hey, do you smell that?
18:11Girls, dinner is almost ready!
18:16I'll try to take it!
18:17I'll go!
18:18I can take responsibility if she finds us!
18:21My hero!
18:22He's incredible!
18:24Everything is in order, just a second!
18:26Girls, come and eat!
18:29That's it!
18:30Mum will find out that Ruby is not here!
18:32What am I going to do?
18:34I'll call Tom!
18:36I'm almost there!
18:38Oh, spaghetti!
18:39Oh, my phone!
18:41It's Casey!
18:46I'm sure I heard a phone!
18:48It's so strange!
18:51What are you doing down there?
18:54Where is Ruby?
18:55Where is the plate?
19:00Maybe she is...
19:02I think she is...
19:05She's eating in her room!
19:07These teenagers!
19:10That's it!
19:11Where is the plate?
19:12And why isn't Tom answering me?
19:15I have to be careful!
19:17I must be beautiful for Tom!
19:19It's like our first date!
19:21He's coming!
19:25It's time to eat!
19:27Thank you!
19:29You know, I have to tell you something...
19:32But I don't know where to start...
19:34Me too!
19:35The thing is...
19:37You see...
19:38Just say it!
19:39Just say it!
19:43OK, you must see this!
19:46It's so embarrassing!
19:47Is it better?
19:49I can't believe it happened!
19:52It's Casey!
19:53Don't answer!
19:54I have to answer!
19:56Hi, Casey!
19:57Tom, I called you!
19:58Why didn't you pick up?
20:00Sorry, I was busy!
20:03I don't know what to do!
20:05My little sister has...
20:11What's going on?
20:12I'm with you!
20:13There's no one here!
20:14You see?
20:16I'm alone!
20:18Sorry, I'm really confused!
20:20My dear, I have to go!
20:22Sorry about that!
20:23I'll call you later, OK?
20:25Thank you, Tom!
20:26I'll think of something to say to Mom!
20:29I love you!
20:33Thank you!
20:34Thank you for not abandoning me!
20:35You saved me!
20:42I have a plan!
20:44I hope it works!
20:46I'll put this here...
20:48Now to turn it on...
20:50It should work!
20:56Yes, OK!
20:57I'll call you later!
21:00Is Ruby here?
21:01It's Ruby!
21:02Is she singing?
21:04I didn't know!
21:07No, no, no...
21:09No, no, no...
21:12Casey, what's going on?
21:14It was...
21:16Ruby's singing wrong!
21:21Singing wrong?
21:26OK, I really don't have time for this!
21:29Just send her to singing lessons!
21:35I'm so lucky!
21:37I can't believe it worked!
21:40I love Mom's spaghetti!
21:41Your mom is so sweet!
21:43I could eat it all day!
21:45It's so good!
21:50Just like...
21:52Oh no!
21:53My shirt!
21:54I'm so sorry!
21:55It's OK!
21:56Wait, let me get something!
21:59Don't worry, it's OK!
22:00There must be something!
22:03Wear this!
22:04It was my favourite childhood t-shirt!
22:07It's so cute!
22:10What are you doing?
22:12He's undressing right now!
22:14Oh my God!
22:16It's going to work!
22:17I've put them all over town!
22:19Where are you, Ruby?
22:21Hey you!
22:22Have you seen my little sister?
22:24Can you help me?
22:27I've tried everything!
22:29It's my last hope!
22:32The bell?
22:33Who is it?
22:37We've found the girl!
22:39Get in there!
22:42But it's not her!
22:44Not her?
22:45She's just like in the picture!
22:46Take her!
22:49Thank you, but it's not her!
22:50Take the girl!
22:51She's not coming back!
22:52Little sister!
22:55OK, thank you!
22:56Casey, what's going on now?
22:57Who was that?
22:58Why all this noise?
23:00It was a friend!
23:01I'm just going for a walk with them!
23:02I'll come back later!
23:03Tell me what's going on!
23:04Right now!
23:05Or I'll give you your phone for a week!
23:06Wow, that's serious!
23:08So Mom, the thing is...
23:11What's that?
23:14My little sister is lost?
23:16What does that mean?
23:17What happened to Ruby?
23:19Where is my little girl?
23:20Tell me!
23:21It's a joke, isn't it?
23:22I don't understand!
23:23What is it?
23:26I'm so sorry!
23:28It's all my fault!
23:30Ruby disappeared because of me!
23:31Oh, Ruby disappeared!
23:32I'm so sorry!
23:33Tell me I'm dreaming!
23:35Casey, wait!
23:36Did you call her?
23:37Did you call her phone?
23:38She's not answering!
23:40Oh no!
23:41Where could she be?
23:42I'm going to call her!
23:44She's going to answer!
23:45I'm really sorry!
23:46I'm her mother!
23:47I'm really sorry!
23:48That's better!
23:49Hey, hey!
23:50I'm done!
23:53It looks so cool on you!
23:54I love unicorns!
23:56Wait, you have to see this!
23:58I have a private journal with unicorns on it!
24:02I want to apologize for this picture!
24:04It didn't mean anything!
24:05It was just a picture!
24:06Oh no!
24:07No, no, no!
24:08It's okay!
24:09It's okay, really!
24:10I know what Casey did was wrong!
24:13I didn't know she could do something like that!
24:15Thank you for spending time with me!
24:17It means a lot!
24:18I'm the one who needs to thank you!
24:19I really had a great time with you!
24:21Yes, we had a lot of fun together!
24:23Maybe we could do it more often?
24:27I'd love to!
24:29Me too!
24:34My phone!
24:36It's Mom!
24:38Wait, wait!
24:39Don't hang up!
24:40Don't do that!
24:42Why are you doing this?
24:44It's just my mom!
24:46She's worried about you!
24:47I know she is!
24:48Nobody in this house worries about me!
24:50You're wrong!
24:51Your family loves you!
24:52You have to talk to them!
24:54It won't make any difference!
24:55It will!
24:56Trust me!
24:57Go on, talk to them!
24:58Everything will be fine!
24:59You're not going to help me!
25:00I'll be with you!
25:01I'll help you!
25:02Don't worry!
25:03Okay, I'll do it for you!
25:04Let's go!
25:06Let's go!
25:08Ruby, please answer!
25:09I'll call back!
25:11I'm sorry, Mom!
25:13It's all my fault!
25:15Stop it, please!
25:16Pick up the phone!
25:17Where are you?
25:18Okay, let's go!
25:21I'm here!
25:26Mom, it's me!
25:27I'm home!
25:28Where have you been?
25:29I was so worried about you!
25:30How are you?
25:31Tell me!
25:32What are you doing here?
25:33Were you together?
25:34I just wanted to help Ruby!
25:35What is this?
25:37It's a very long story!
25:38It's Ruby's T-shirt!
25:39You'd better explain everything to me!
25:41Why didn't you answer my calls?
25:42I was so hungry!
25:43Where were you both?
25:44Are you hungry?
25:45Do you want your favorite pancakes?
25:46I'll make them right now!
25:52It's my boss!
25:53I understand!
25:56You know what?
25:57Not today!
25:58He can wait!
25:59So, pancakes?
26:00Let's go!
26:01I'll make them for you!
26:02Thank you, Mom!
26:03I guess people like me!
26:06I want Tom to like me!
26:09What is this?
26:10I can always be with you!
26:12Only if you want, Tom!
26:15He doesn't care!
26:17I hope we'll be together!
26:20I'd love to!
26:22It's perfect!
