Bruxelles, 12 mar. (askanews) - La Commissione europea ha annunciato contromisure "rapide e proporzionate" sulle importazioni americane nell'Unione europea (Ue), definendo "ingiustificati i dazi sulle importazioni di acciaio e alluminio dall'Ue" decisi dal presidente americano Donald Trump ed entrati in vigore oggi."Le contromisure che adottiamo oggi sono forti ma proporzionate - ha dichiarato la presidente della Commissione Ue Ursula von der Leyen - mentre gli Stati Uniti stanno applicando dazi per un valore di 28 miliardi di dollari, noi stiamo rispondendo con contromisure per un valore di 26 miliardi di euro. Questo corrisponde alla portata economica dei dazi statunitensi. Le nostre contromisure saranno introdotte in due fasi. A partire dal 1 aprile e pienamente operative dal 13 aprile" ha precisato.
00:00As of this morning, the United States is applying a 25% tariff on imports of steel and aluminum.
00:10We deeply regret this measure.
00:13Tariffs are taxes. They are bad for business and worse for consumers.
00:19They are disrupting supply chains.
00:22They bring uncertainty for the economy.
00:26Jobs are at stake. Price is up. Nobody needs that.
00:30On both sides, neither in the European Union nor in the United States.
00:35The European Union must act to protect consumers and business.
00:41The countermeasures we take today are strong but proportionate.
00:47As the United States are applying tariffs worth $28 billion,
00:54we are responding with countermeasures worth 26 billion euros.
00:59This matches the economic scope of the tariffs of the United States.
01:05Our countermeasures will be introduced in two steps,
01:09starting with April 1st and fully in place as of April 13th.
01:15In the meantime, we will always remain open to negotiations.
01:20We firmly believe that in a world fraught with geoeconomic and political uncertainties,
01:29it is not in our common interest to burden our economies with such tariffs.