"You Keep Harming Our Daughters... And We Should Accept Your Jumma?" - Devkinandan Thakur
00:00How many people have been kidnapped by four Dalit girls in Uttar Pradesh and Muradabad for two months?
00:12Who are those four people? Why are they not being talked about? Was this a holy gift for us?
00:21A 14-year-old girl whom I have heard on news channels.
00:25And we keep quiet. You keep raping our girls. You keep destroying our religion.
00:31And we keep saying that your Jummah should be good. I am sorry to say.
00:35If we want that your Jummah should be good, then you should also want that my Holi should be good, my Diwali should be good.
00:41My sisters and daughters should be respected. That's clear.
00:44You respect my religion, then I can.
00:48So if you don't respect, then we won't either.
00:51So who is doing the work of taking this turn?
00:54These people should be brought forward first.
00:56Those religious gurus should come first.
00:58Why is this happening? Why are we doing this?