🤫No grites… o te arrancará todos los dientes 🦷 Mejor Película de TERROR Completa en Español
🤫No grites… o te arrancará todos los dientes 🦷 Mejor Película de TERROR Completa en Español
🤫No grites… o te arrancará todos los dientes 🦷 Mejor Película de TERROR Completa en Español
🤫No grites… o te arrancará todos los dientes 🦷 Mejor Película de TERROR Completa en Español
🤫No grites… o te arrancará todos los dientes 🦷 Mejor Película de TERROR Completa en Español
00:03:40Yeah, I'm going to continue with this. Otherwise, I'll never leave.
00:03:43But you'll be okay, right?
00:03:45I think so.
00:03:49Oh, uh, call me tomorrow when you're done.
00:03:52I will.
00:03:53Good night, Meg.
00:03:56Good night, Sams.
00:03:57I love you.
00:03:58I love you.
00:04:50She never leaves.
00:04:52I can see her in everything.
00:04:56In every person I know,
00:04:58every shadow that follows me.
00:05:01Even on the ceiling of this room,
00:05:03she's looking at me,
00:05:05smiling at me.
00:05:10And I can't pretend
00:05:12that it's not crazy, because it is.
00:05:16After all this time,
00:05:18I should keep feeling like this.
00:05:20Who says no, Sammy?
00:05:22Well, I say so.
00:05:25I promised myself that
00:05:27I would overcome this,
00:05:29that I would not let it ruin my life.
00:05:32Don't forget that until recently
00:05:34we couldn't talk about what happened.
00:05:37You've made real progress, Sammy.
00:05:39I promise you.
00:05:41I guess so.
00:05:43And recently you've been working again.
00:05:46That's something that most people
00:05:48who have gone through a trauma like yours
00:05:50would find impossible to do.
00:05:54In fact, since we're on the subject,
00:05:57how do you feel about going back to school?
00:06:00Do you think it's a good distraction?
00:06:04In some ways.
00:06:10It's good to have company again.
00:06:16Being at home all that time,
00:06:20alone, was the worst.
00:06:23All that time to remember and think.
00:06:32So, having work has helped me.
00:06:36That way I stay focused.
00:06:39And the kids?
00:06:40Are they a comfort to you?
00:06:46You don't seem convinced.
00:06:49Don't get me wrong.
00:06:50I love the kids.
00:06:51They make my days.
00:06:54It's the screams that catch me.
00:07:03When they're in the park,
00:07:05when they run down the hallways.
00:07:08The sound of the screams
00:07:09takes me right to that moment.
00:07:12As soon as I hear them,
00:07:14all the memories flood me again.
00:07:18I see.
00:07:20But it's better now.
00:07:23I'm getting used to it little by little.
00:07:26I definitely can't do it yet.
00:07:29But it's normal, right?
00:07:34It's a reflection in our brain
00:07:36that associates the senses,
00:07:38in this case,
00:07:39sounds with past memories,
00:07:41whether good or bad.
00:07:44What we have to do now
00:07:46is take those sounds from the kids
00:07:49and learn to associate them
00:07:50with something more positive,
00:07:53without linking them to that night.
00:07:56I don't know if I'll ever be able to do it.
00:08:00Can I try something with you?
00:08:03What is it?
00:08:05It's a technique
00:08:06I've used many times before.
00:08:09It can be very useful.
00:08:14Very good.
00:08:15Can you stand up and look at me?
00:08:24Now close your eyes
00:08:26and repeat after me.
00:08:29I'm not a victim anymore.
00:08:32I'm not a victim anymore.
00:08:34Those times are over.
00:08:36Those times are over.
00:08:38I'm a strong survivor.
00:08:41I'm a strong survivor.
00:08:42I will use that strength
00:08:44to heal my mind.
00:08:46I will use that strength
00:08:47to heal my mind.
00:08:49The woman is gone.
00:08:51She won't follow me anymore.
00:08:54The woman is gone.
00:08:57She won't follow me anymore.
00:09:00Now, when you open your eyes,
00:09:02you won't see her face anymore.
00:09:04She has been erased
00:09:05from your mind completely.
00:09:09On the count of three,
00:09:10I want you to open your eyes.
00:09:22What do you see now, Sammy?
00:09:29Welcome to the Dentistry Training at Home.
00:09:34Do you have a tooth problem?
00:09:36No problem.
00:09:38We are here to help you on your way.
00:09:41I'm going to show you
00:09:42how to extract teeth safely
00:09:44with my Dentistry Training.
00:09:47In this video,
00:09:48I will teach you what to do
00:09:50and what not to do
00:09:52in order to save your teeth.
00:09:54In this video,
00:09:55I will teach you what to do
00:09:56and what not to do
00:09:57in order to save your teeth.
00:10:01In this video,
00:10:02I will teach you
00:10:03what to do
00:10:04and what not to do
00:10:05in order to save your teeth.
00:10:08The first time,
00:10:09it didn't go well,
00:10:10mainly because of carelessness.
00:10:24But I learned from my mistakes
00:10:27and I'm going to show you
00:10:28how to do it.
00:10:31If you plan to try it yourself
00:10:33or you're just interested
00:10:35in how the process works,
00:10:37in short,
00:10:38a little gift
00:10:39for the tooth fairy.
00:10:54Who is it?
00:11:03It's a little late
00:11:04to knock on someone's door.
00:11:14Do you have something for me?
00:11:21I'm here.
00:11:24To charge.
00:11:30Oh my God.
00:11:32Hi, girl.
00:11:38You're the teacher
00:11:40who works at the school,
00:11:45I remember you well.
00:11:50From our little friend.
00:11:54It can't be you.
00:11:56You couldn't have found me.
00:11:58It's impossible.
00:12:01How nice it is
00:12:03to meet you again
00:12:08after all this time.
00:12:16You are not her.
00:12:19You are someone who heard the story
00:12:21and is playing a joke on me.
00:12:24Open the door
00:12:27and check it
00:12:29for yourself.
00:12:42I won't let you in.
00:12:51Where are the others?
00:12:58The others from the trip.
00:13:01Your friends.
00:13:04Don't you dare, damn it.
00:13:07They're not there.
00:13:10Did something happen to them?
00:13:24Maybe we should
00:13:26meet them.
00:13:29Let's make a little visit
00:13:31to the cemetery.
00:13:35Get away from my house,
00:13:37damn sicko.
00:13:43But you're alone.
00:13:47I'm not alone.
00:13:49But you're alone.
00:13:54I really should come in
00:13:56to keep you company.
00:14:04How strange.
00:14:11It seems
00:14:13you won't let me in.
00:14:19And I'm going to call the police.
00:14:21Do you hear me?
00:14:23I'm going to call the police right now.
00:14:28You're a very silly girl.
00:14:41You warned me.
00:14:43So now I have no choice
00:14:46but to come in.
00:17:17What a wonderful world.
00:17:25Anyone can learn
00:17:27how to do these things.
00:17:31From the comfort
00:17:33of their own home.
00:17:37A skillful extraction
00:17:41makes it seem
00:17:43so simple.
00:17:50How I missed your face.
00:18:05Show me
00:18:07that there's only
00:18:09one true way
00:18:11to learn something like this.
00:18:29Please, no.
00:18:33No, please.
00:18:35Please, no, no.
00:19:29Not my children, please.
00:19:31Don't hurt them.
00:19:33Don't hurt them, please.
00:19:35Don't you dare.
00:19:42Maybe forgive a child.
00:19:59what you should teach
00:20:01your children
00:20:03at school.
00:20:23¿Estás bien?
00:20:27Solo no estoy segura
00:20:29de cómo lo tomará.
00:20:31Eso es todo.
00:20:33Está bien.
00:20:35Le daré la noticia.
00:20:37Así que solo necesitas
00:20:39estar ahí como apoyo emocional.
00:20:41Estoy seguro de que lo apreciará.
00:21:09Hola, Bego.
00:21:11Hola, Meg.
00:21:13Tenemos que hablar.
00:21:15¿Te importa si entramos?
00:21:17Me temo que tenemos noticias
00:21:19sobre tu hermana.
00:21:25Anoche recibimos una llamada
00:21:27del vecino que vive al lado
00:21:29de tu hermana.
00:21:31Denunció un disturbio
00:21:33en las primeras horas
00:21:35de la mañana,
00:21:37afirmando que escuchó
00:21:41Cuando llegamos,
00:21:43encontramos a tu hermana en la sala.
00:21:45Parece haber sido asesinada.
00:21:49¡Dios mío!
00:21:51Lo siento mucho.
00:21:53Me temo que no tenemos más información
00:21:55por el momento, pero parece
00:21:57que fue un robo.
00:21:59Tenemos oficiales buscando en el área
00:22:01mientras hablamos.
00:22:03¿Quién pudo hacerlo?
00:22:05En este momento no lo sabemos.
00:22:07Los encontrarán, Meg.
00:22:09No se saldrán con la suya,
00:22:20Todo estará bien.
00:22:22Está bien.
00:22:37Creo que voy a preparar
00:22:39muchos almuerzos para congelarlos
00:22:41y repartirlos a lo largo de las semanas.
00:22:43Sí, es más barato
00:22:45hacerlo así. Además, no es necesario
00:22:47que cocines algo nuevo todas las noches.
00:22:49Es cierto,
00:22:51tendré que acostumbrarme a comer lo mismo
00:22:53una y otra vez todos los días.
00:22:55Bueno, así es la vida, ¿no?
00:22:57Repetitiva y tediosa.
00:22:59Muy bien, señor cínico.
00:23:01Si no leyeras noticias
00:23:03tan deprimentes todo el tiempo,
00:23:05¿no te sentirías así?
00:23:07No, hay que mantenerse informado
00:23:09de todos los asesinatos del mundo.
00:23:12Supongo que no hay algo nuevo
00:23:14sobre el caso de Sammy.
00:23:16No, la última vez que supe algo
00:23:18todavía estaba buscando.
00:23:20Tiene que ser esa mujer de antes,
00:23:24¿La del viaje de geografía?
00:23:28Puede ser.
00:23:30Tendría más sentido, ¿verdad?
00:23:32Ya que nunca fueron encontrados.
00:23:34Es probable que ya esté todavía
00:23:36en alguna parte.
00:23:38Dios, esto es aterrador.
00:23:40Genial, ¿no?
00:23:42Todos tus colegas alrededor
00:23:44te hace sentir realmente a gusto.
00:23:48Oh, entonces tendrás que cuidarnos,
00:23:52Oh, estarás a salvo conmigo,
00:23:54no te preocupes.
00:23:58Tengo buenas noticias para todos.
00:24:00¿Encontraron a Asbeto en el techo
00:24:03Eres muy optimista, ¿verdad, Michael?
00:24:05No, de eso hablábamos.
00:24:07Está en uno de sus dos
00:24:09estados de ánimo.
00:24:11¿Cuáles son las buenas noticias?
00:24:13Nos vendrían bien.
00:24:15Bueno, la buena noticia es
00:24:17Meg va a regresar a trabajar.
00:24:19¡Oh, eso es bueno!
00:24:21Es genial.
00:24:23Entonces, ella debe estar
00:24:25en un lugar mejor si está dispuesta
00:24:27a volver a trabajar.
00:24:29¿Estaba destrozada después
00:24:31de lo que sucedió?
00:24:33Es comprensible.
00:24:35Sí, tuve una charla con ella y creo que
00:24:37sólo quiere algo de normalidad.
00:24:39Definitivamente es valiente, no es muy pronto
00:24:41después de lo que pasó.
00:24:43Lo sé.
00:24:45Ni siquiera pueden imaginarlo, ¿verdad?
00:24:47Ha sido duro para nosotros,
00:24:49pero cuando se trata de tu hermana...
00:24:51Le vendría bien un poco de terapia.
00:24:53Sí, creo que es un buen momento
00:24:55para superar el dolor.
00:24:57Sin embargo, el hecho de que todo
00:24:59va a ser lo mismo después de lo que pasó
00:25:01con los demás, ya tiene como...
00:25:03dos años.
00:25:05Los dos asesinatos de hadas, como le gusta a la prensa llamarlos.
00:25:09¿Por qué lo llaman así?
00:25:11Por como los encontraron
00:25:17¡Oh, Dios!
00:25:19Sí, por eso todavía
00:25:21me niego a ir en cualquier viaje
00:25:23de geografía.
00:25:25O cualquier viaje para el caso.
00:25:29Los extraño mucho a todos.
00:25:35Entonces, ¿cuándo empieza Meg?
00:25:37Bueno, lo antes posible, creo.
00:25:39Está en la oficina de Sarah ahora, hablando.
00:25:51Sí, muy bien.
00:25:53Gracias por hacérmelo saber.
00:25:55Escucha, tengo que irme.
00:25:57Te llamaré más tarde, ¿ok?
00:26:05Está bien.
00:26:07Es un poco raro volver al trabajo.
00:26:09Sé que solo han sido unas semanas,
00:26:11pero ¿sabes qué quiero decir?
00:26:13Me imagino que después de todo esto
00:26:15será difícil adaptarse.
00:26:17¿Un poco?
00:26:21Pasar por esas puertas y regresar a la rutina
00:26:23es más difícil de lo que la mayoría podría hacer.
00:26:25Tú eres una persona muy valiente, Meg.
00:26:29Más que la mayoría.
00:26:33ya no soportaba estar más en casa.
00:26:35Con lo que está sucediendo,
00:26:37necesito dejar de pensar.
00:26:41Me volvía loca por oír noticias.
00:26:45Bueno, regresar es muy valiente de tu parte.
00:26:53Y haré todo lo posible para regresar hoy.
00:26:55¿Estás segura?
00:26:57Sí, ya estoy aquí.
00:26:59No me queda otra.
00:27:01Creo que hoy observarás una de las clases
00:27:03para ponerte al correo.
00:27:05Queremos ayudarte con esto tanto como podamos.
00:27:07Si sientes que es demasiado,
00:27:09solo avísanos y te ayudaremos.
00:27:11No hay ninguna prisa.
00:27:15Significa demasiado.
00:27:17De acuerdo.
00:27:51¿Estás bien?
00:27:53¿Estás bien?
00:28:19Está bien, está bien.
00:28:23Si no te sientes lista,
00:28:25está absolutamente bien.
00:28:35Pensé que lo estaba,
00:28:41El solo ver...
00:28:47Lo entiendo.
00:28:51si no estás lista para regresar
00:28:53al salón de clases,
00:28:55te daré algo de papeleo
00:28:57para mantenerte ocupada.
00:28:59Nada extenuante.
00:29:01Creo que estoy lista para ver a los dos niños.
00:29:03Quiero que me vean de mejor humor.
00:29:05Por supuesto.
00:29:11iré a buscar el papeleo.
00:29:17¿Estarás bien con esto?
00:29:23¿Es bueno tenerla conmigo?
00:29:27Bueno, no tardaré mucho.
00:29:29Si necesitas algo, ya sabes dónde estoy.
00:29:53Vuelve a clase ahora, por favor.
00:30:37Siempre he odiado la escuela.
00:30:39¿Sabes por qué?
00:30:43Los profesores siempre hablan demasiado.
00:30:49Por favor.
00:30:53Por favor.
00:31:37¡Qué día!
00:31:39¿Están inquietos otra vez?
00:31:41¡Sólo una pesadilla en este momento!
00:31:45No, no.
00:31:49Sí, pero...
00:31:51son imposi...
00:31:53Sé cómo se siente.
00:31:55Creo que me vendría bien una cerveza hoy.
00:31:59¿Realmente deberías guardar cerveza en el refrigerador de la escuela?
00:32:01Eh... Sí.
00:32:03Es lo más importante que tenemos aquí.
00:32:05Todo profesor necesita el consuelo del alcohol para superarlos.
00:32:09Bueno, en realidad es interesante que lo digas,
00:32:11porque he pensado en algo.
00:32:14No, just correct the homework. Nope.
00:32:16Well, I was thinking that since this weekend is Meg's birthday,
00:32:19we could throw her a party.
00:32:21Yes, that's a great idea.
00:32:23Yes, I thought of doing the preparations.
00:32:25You know, some food, some drinks,
00:32:28and God knows she deserves something nice to distract herself.
00:32:31Yes, I like the plan.
00:32:33If there's a drink in the way, I'm in.
00:32:39Are you going to invite Sara?
00:32:41Yes, I really have to do it. She's going to want to participate.
00:32:44As usual.
00:32:46I think I can keep Meg busy and you guys organize everything.
00:32:51Yes, leave her in our hands and you relax.
00:32:54Hey, someone has to keep her busy.
00:32:56If not, it wouldn't be a surprise.
00:32:58How convenient.
00:33:01What about Joe? Is he still working?
00:33:03I don't know. I stopped by his room, but he wasn't there anymore.
00:33:06Could he have gone home early?
00:33:09Did he say anything about it?
00:33:11Why would he go home early?
00:33:13Problems with his boyfriend?
00:33:15Oh, yeah, right.
00:33:17Then maybe I shouldn't mention it.
00:33:19I don't want to get involved in that mess.
00:33:21Well, I'll try to find Meg and stop her if you don't mind.
00:33:26Yes, we have it under control.
00:33:33Time to celebrate.
00:33:35Oh, yeah.
00:33:40If I hadn't arrived in time, I would have gotten dirty with that damn crayon.
00:33:44Oh, my God.
00:33:50You know what?
00:33:52I think I'll be ready to go back to class tomorrow.
00:33:57I'll get used to being back and I think I can handle it.
00:34:00I overcame the first obstacle.
00:34:03That's great, Meg.
00:34:05That's great, Meg.
00:34:07I know today was difficult for you.
00:34:11On the other hand, moving on to a completely different topic,
00:34:14your birthday is this weekend, right?
00:34:18That's interesting.
00:34:26It looks like it's a special day.
00:34:28No, I had no idea.
00:34:31Well, we had to celebrate that special day.
00:34:34They're so pretty.
00:34:36And look at that.
00:34:42Isn't that a good view?
00:34:46I can see you looking at the drinks.
00:34:48Well, then.
00:34:49Well, what do you want? Have fun.
00:34:52Well, nothing wild, just the reasonable.
00:34:57Oh, wait, before we drink some of that.
00:35:01Happy birthday to you!
00:35:05Make a wish, make a wish.
00:35:11Oh, everything is so pretty.
00:35:13Thank you so much.
00:35:14I mean it.
00:35:15We don't repair in expenses.
00:35:17I'm going to start cutting it in case you want a piece.
00:35:19Let's go, please.
00:35:21Yes, please.
00:35:22Time to celebrate.
00:35:23Very good.
00:35:24Everyone a photo.
00:35:25Group photo.
00:35:26Group photo.
00:35:27How is it?
00:35:30Oh, adorable.
00:36:25Who is it?
00:36:27Are the doors closed?
00:36:32I don't know.
00:36:33Would you mind going to see?
00:36:35I really don't want any dad to come in and see us drinking at school at night.
00:36:40Of course.
00:36:41Thank you very much.
00:36:43Milos should be there, but you know how he is.
00:36:57Good evening, Milos.
00:36:58Oh, hello.
00:37:00I forgot you were working tonight.
00:37:03I feel like I haven't seen you in years.
00:37:05I always work when there's no one else here.
00:37:10I'm sorry if we ended up making a little noise tonight.
00:37:13We have a little celebration down there for one of the teachers.
00:37:17She started-
00:37:18Oh, I didn't know.
00:37:20Oh well, it's just something from last minute, you know?
00:37:24Sorry for not telling you.
00:37:26It's fine.
00:37:27I'm used to it.
00:37:31Are you going out for a cigarette?
00:37:33No, I'm just here to check if the doors are closed.
00:37:37I'm working, of course the doors are closed.
00:37:42I don't think they are.
00:37:48It's fine, I have keys, I can do it.
00:37:50It's fine, I'm working.
00:37:52I'll do it.
00:37:53Okay, you're the boss.
00:37:55But listen, I'm sorry if we ended up making a little noise tonight.
00:37:58Would you like a beer?
00:38:00I don't drink when I'm at work, honey.
00:38:06Well, have a good night then.
00:38:11Oh, shit.
00:38:42After running away, it has been an important question for many to know where he is now.
00:38:54Damn it.
00:39:05I've come to pick up...
00:39:12I'm sorry, miss.
00:39:13What did you come to pick up?
00:39:18My son.
00:39:21Oh, she came to pick up her son.
00:39:26He hasn't come home.
00:39:32Well, the school is closed, so I don't think he's here.
00:39:38What's his name? I'll go get him.
00:39:42His name is Sam.
00:39:54I'll go check on him and see how we can get in touch.
00:40:09Do you have a class after school, or something like that?
00:40:24He's not here.
00:43:47I don't know why she's with him. She could have someone much better than that.
00:43:55Much better? Like me?
00:43:59Hey, I thought she was the only one for you.
00:44:06Oh, you know, honey, you know my type.
00:44:09What is it?
00:44:11Wearing glasses.
00:44:14Wow! Look what you made me do!
00:44:19You made me laugh! And now, look, everything fell on me.
00:44:24Don't worry, honey. I'll help you clean it.
00:44:27What? The dress?
00:44:29Oh, poor thing.
00:44:43I hope it comes off.
00:44:55It will come off. Believe me.
00:45:00Where are you going?
00:45:04Aren't we going to wash it in the bathroom?
00:45:06No, I have something special up there.
00:45:12Well, I bet you have it.
00:45:15Let's go.
00:45:24How convenient that your office is upstairs, because no one can hear us.
00:45:30Let's go upstairs before they come back.
00:45:42Come here.
00:45:53I've always wanted to do it on a desk.
00:45:57You're naughty.
00:46:00It's always been my fantasy since I was a kid.
00:46:12What are we going to do with that dress?
00:46:18Fuck the dress.
00:46:42What's going on? Do you have another idea?
00:46:46What's going on? Do you have another idea?
00:47:10And that's exactly what I said.
00:47:13That's exactly what I said.
00:47:17That's someone else's dress. Please.
00:47:21What did she say?
00:47:30I'm upstairs.
00:47:33She's here.
00:47:35The woman who killed everyone is back.
00:47:39She's back.
00:47:43She's back.
00:48:54I didn't understand what she was saying.
00:48:56She's back. That's all I heard.
00:48:59That's absolutely typical of those two, joking and thinking it's funny.
00:49:04It's completely inappropriate to make jokes like that. I'm not going to tolerate it.
00:49:08Where are you going?
00:49:09Compare those two. They're worse than the damn kids.
00:49:39Oh, yeah.
00:50:10Oh, yeah.
00:50:22Ines, Michael, come back here, please.
00:50:40Ines, I'm not happy with this behavior. It's completely unacceptable.
00:51:15Well, if you're going anywhere, I want to talk to you about...
00:51:50Seriously, what are you playing at?
00:52:03Who are you?
00:52:10Excuse me.
00:52:17Who the hell are you?
00:52:19You realize you're invading school property, which is completely illegal.
00:52:26I'm talking to you.
00:52:29Fine. Fine. Fine.
00:52:33Oh, Christ.
00:53:05I can't hear anything anymore.
00:53:08Me neither.
00:53:10What the hell happened to you?
00:53:13I don't know.
00:53:15I don't like the silence there is.
00:53:19This isn't a joke, you know?
00:53:22I really doubt it.
00:53:24I mean, maybe I could see Ines and Michael doing it, but Sara wouldn't do anything like it.
00:53:30I think we should find them in case they had an accident.
00:53:35Aren't you coming?
00:53:39I don't know. Something doesn't feel right.
00:53:42Well, it's fine. You can stay with me.
00:53:45I won't let anything happen.
00:53:52Can we take a quick look around, and if we don't find anything, we're leaving?
00:53:57Because I don't have a good feeling about being here.
00:54:01Okay. We'll take a quick look around, and if we don't find anything, we're leaving, okay?
00:54:13What are you doing?
00:54:15I'm calling them. It seems like a better idea than just shouting their names.
00:54:23There's no answer from Michael.
00:54:31Not really.
00:54:33It's just that after what happened, I have the feeling that...
00:54:37What do you mean?
00:54:41For God's sake, Ines isn't answering either.
00:54:44I don't have Sara's number. Do I need it?
00:54:47And my phone is almost dead.
00:54:51Wait, so what do you mean by after what happened?
00:54:55Well, there are missing people.
00:54:57Ines is making jokes saying that she's back.
00:55:00It's been weeks since what happened to Sami, and the police still haven't caught the woman who did it.
00:55:04Shit, you're right.
00:55:07I have a terrible feeling that it's her.
00:55:12What was that?
00:55:14I don't know. Could it be them?
00:55:20Do you think they locked them up or something?
00:55:24I bet it's something stupid, like they forgot their keys or something.
00:55:28And why aren't they answering their phones?
00:55:30Signal problems.
00:55:32I know you're trying to make me feel better, but we have to go now.
00:55:45Where's Milos? I thought he was working today.
00:55:49Yeah, of course I saw him today.
00:56:02My God!
00:56:07We have to call the police!
00:56:13Who is it?
00:56:17It's Sara.
00:56:20What the hell is she doing standing there?
00:56:26We have to go in. We have to call the police.
00:56:31I don't think she can hear me.
00:56:49Oh my God!
00:56:51Go back in!
00:56:53Go in!
00:56:55No! No! We have to call the police!
00:56:58Shit, my battery is dead. Where's your phone?
00:57:01I don't know!
00:57:03Shit, I'll use the receptionist's.
00:57:08My phone!
00:57:10It's not here, damn it!
00:57:12Use the office's.
00:57:20I found you, little one.
00:57:25There's no need to run anymore.
00:57:29I'm here.
00:57:36You know me.
00:57:39I'm your sister's friend.
00:57:43I was with her in the end.
00:57:47It's very sad what happened to her.
00:58:00The kids will be here soon.
00:58:05What are you talking about?
00:58:08Jumping happily on their way to school.
00:58:14They will be welcomed by the Tooth Fairy.
00:58:21Who will be waiting, waiting to pick up...
00:58:32Pick up their tiny and tender teeth.
00:58:40Come on, let's go!
00:58:43Let's go!
00:59:04Sammy's little sister...
00:59:10You should have saved her.
00:59:13Get out!
00:59:16I was waiting for you to help her.
00:59:20You were nowhere to be found.
00:59:24Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!
00:59:27I can't hear you! I can't hear you!
00:59:30Selfish woman.
00:59:32Let your sister die.
00:59:35Let your sister die.
00:59:49Let's go, let's go.
00:59:54Please, send the police.
01:00:00Shut up!
01:00:05Shut up!
01:00:11Don't feel bad.
01:00:16There's someone who needs your help.
01:00:26Here it is.
01:00:29She needs your help, Meg.
01:00:34She's outside and can't come in.
01:00:39I won't play your game, sadistic bitch!
01:00:46But, wait.
01:00:52I think we'll be fine.
01:01:23Thank you. Please hurry.
01:01:29Meg, let's go!
01:02:28I came here for you.
01:02:58To pick up your special teeth.
01:03:04But all you do is hide.
01:03:28Maybe there are some others I can take.
01:03:35Your friend has such beautiful teeth.
01:04:29Help! She's here!
01:04:39Help! Hurry!
01:04:46She's inside!
01:04:51She was there.
01:04:57She was there.
01:05:05I thought I'd lost you.
01:05:07I thought I'd lost you too.
01:05:10I thought I'd lost you too.
01:05:13I'm so sorry.
01:05:15I couldn't move. I was so scared.
01:05:18It's okay. It's okay.
01:05:21Is she still here?
01:05:23No, she left.
01:05:25The police are here.
01:05:27So, we're safe now.
01:05:34I'm glad you're okay.
01:05:37Me too.
01:05:44Can you give me a detailed description of what happened last night?
01:05:49As detailed as you can, of course.
01:05:57Some teachers and I stayed at school to celebrate my birthday.
01:06:04Some teachers and I stayed at school to celebrate my birthday.
01:06:09And Ainas and Michael left in the middle of the party.
01:06:15We didn't think about them until Ainas started screaming from the speakers.
01:06:20She was being attacked?
01:06:23That's what it sounded like.
01:06:26Sarah went to find her and...
01:06:29She never came back.
01:06:31And that's when...
01:06:33Becca and I went to look for her.
01:06:36Did you find her?
01:06:38She killed her.
01:06:43The woman...
01:06:45The one who killed my sister.
01:06:47Are you sure it was her?
01:06:50She went to school and started looking for me.
01:06:53I confronted her and then I hid.
01:07:01I'm sorry. I have to take this statement.
01:07:05I can see that you're anxious.
01:07:07But you must understand that I must get as much information as possible.
01:07:13If you could read this and then sign it...
01:07:16I'll call the station.
01:07:18It won't take long.
01:07:23Thank you for your cooperation.
01:07:25I know how difficult it has been for both of you.
01:07:28On the contrary. Thank you.
01:07:35And don't let anyone in.
01:07:37Unless you're absolutely sure who it is.
01:07:42I'm not trying to alarm you. It's just a precaution.
01:07:45And of course, if something happens, call us immediately.
01:07:48Thank you. We will.
01:07:50Okay. Take care. We'll be in touch.
01:07:53Thank you very much.
01:07:55Good night.
01:07:57Good night.
01:08:04Good night.
01:08:12So, they said they're doing an exhaustive search of the school, the area and its surroundings.
01:08:17So I think there's a chance they'll find you tonight.
01:08:23Are you okay?
01:08:26I don't feel good yet.
01:08:30Yes, but the police are investigating and we're safe.
01:08:33I know.
01:08:35Think about what happened after the others were murdered on the school trip.
01:08:39Sammy thought he was safe and...
01:08:43I know I won't rest until they find her and lock her up forever.
01:08:47I understand.
01:08:51Look, how about I make us a cup of tea?
01:08:55It'll relax us a little.
01:08:58Of course.
01:09:09I'm leaving the house now.
01:09:11Everything's in order around here.
01:09:13I'm going back to the station.
01:09:28This is the police.
01:09:31Is there anyone there?
01:09:33You have to leave now.
01:09:40Leave slowly.
01:09:42Hands up.
01:09:50I'm not alone.
01:10:00I'm not alone.
01:10:30I'm not alone.
01:10:57Here you go.
01:11:02I could have made some coffee.
01:11:04But I don't think we're going to sleep much tonight.
01:11:07Yeah, I don't think that'll happen.
01:11:09Well, if you like it, you're more than welcome to stay the night.
01:11:15Thank you. Maybe I'll take it.
01:11:22Who is it?
01:11:24I don't know.
01:11:26It could be the officer.
01:11:28What if he forgot something?
01:11:30I don't think so.
01:11:32Maybe he has some news.
01:11:35Wait, no. I'm sure. We don't know if it's him.
01:11:39Well, I won't open the door. I'll just see who it is.
01:11:57Who is it?
01:12:04It's me.
01:12:06Open the door.
01:12:13Everyone is safe.
01:12:21I know that voice.
01:12:23These girls are cruel.
01:12:28That's how they treat visitors.
01:12:32Stinking rats!
01:12:36Becca, what do we do?
01:12:38Very well. I need you to close the window and the back door.
01:12:41They're closed, but we have to be sure.
01:12:44Okay. And what about you?
01:12:46I'm going to call the police.
01:12:48Damn it.
01:12:50My phone is dead.
01:12:58You said you were going to charge it when you got back.
01:13:00I forgot. And your phone?
01:13:03I left it at school.
01:13:06Okay. I'm going to charge my phone.
01:13:10We just have to stop it as soon as possible.
01:13:12As soon as I charge my phone, I'll call the police, okay?
01:13:15Go. Go and check the windows.
01:13:41Let's go.
01:13:43Let's go!
01:13:57Let's go.
01:14:27Let's go.
01:14:57Let's go.
01:15:27Let's go.
01:16:04She told you to close the back door.
01:16:28How adorable.
01:16:31The circle has closed.
01:16:35Like a proper family.
01:16:39Not like mine, of course.
01:16:43It was just me and my mother.
01:16:47My mother and me.
01:16:52She never let me have dinner.
01:16:58Until she washed my teeth.
01:17:04If she didn't, she punished me.
01:17:11She taught me a lot.
01:17:15She taught me that if you have dark or rotten teeth,
01:17:23then the demon lives inside you.
01:17:28The only way to get it out is by removing them.
01:17:37We'll see. Isn't that right?
01:17:41If it lives inside you.
01:17:45No! No! No!
01:18:04The more evil we extract, the closer we are to God.
01:18:12That's what my mother used to say.
01:18:17Brush your teeth or accept the punishment.
01:18:25Yes, mother, I will.
01:18:46Let me go, you psychopath!
01:18:50Why not?
01:18:53Because I'm your mother.
01:18:57I'm your mother.
01:19:00I'm your mother.
01:19:03I'm your mother.
01:19:06I'm your mother.
01:19:10I'm your mother.
01:19:13I'm your mother.
01:19:16Why don't you care about our purpose?
01:19:21Do you think I'll ever feel anything for you?
01:19:29I don't care what you've been through. You don't have a grain of humanity in you.
01:19:35What a rude girl. Just like your sister.
01:19:43There's no time to run.
01:20:48It's late.
01:21:14We don't want to wake anyone up.
01:21:18I'll take you with me for a very special extraction.
01:21:28Good night.
01:21:48Good night.