• 5 days ago
El deseo de justicia despierta a una bruja peligrosa - Mejor Película de Terror en Español
El deseo de justicia despierta a una bruja peligrosa - Mejor Película de Terror en Español
El deseo de justicia despierta a una bruja peligrosa - Mejor Película de Terror en Español


00:00:49Kaji Hudson
00:00:54Say when the sink or a nose
00:00:58They had a mover lo no lo estoy moviendo
00:01:01Pensé que tú lo estabas moviendo
00:01:04Entonces debe ser los espíritu favor intenta portar de seria
00:01:09Hay espíritus aquí con nosotras
00:01:12Suficiente se acabó hazlo sola la hora sabes que te necesito por seguridad el diablo no va a molestar una virgen
00:01:22De acuerdo bien yo lo estaba moviendo no es gracioso viola como vamos a contactar a alguien si estás jugando con esto
00:01:30Relájate solo es un juego
00:01:32De dónde sacaste esto parece muy viejo de una tienda rara en el pueblo
00:01:38Crees que realmente funciona si creo que sí
00:01:43Lo usé anoche y alguien respondió
00:01:46Si claro en serio así aquí en contacto este pasa pensar que estoy loca pues si
00:01:54Creo que era mary blackwood la bruja de la calle heysel
00:02:00De acuerdo bien veamos que tiene que decir la vieja bruja no creo que sea una buena idea
00:02:11Queremos hablar con el espíritu de mary blackwood
00:02:15Estás ahí
00:02:24Escuchaste eso definitivamente no hay nadie más en casa
00:02:34Las puertas están cerradas a eso creo
00:02:38Podría ser team dijo que vendría no me extrañaría que intentará asustarnos
00:02:43Y cuando ibas a decirme que regresaste con ese mujeriego me juró que los rumores no eran ciertos
00:02:49Lo juró porque siempre ha sido 100% sincero desde que lo conociste
00:02:55Se que no te agrada
00:02:58Cariño sé que parece salido del casting de amigos y amantes pero tiene la personalidad de una caja de cartón
00:03:08Ven vamos a descubrirlo y si no es él y si
00:03:13Es otra cosa como quien mary blackwood
00:03:46Muy original timothy no contigo boy que diablos haces aquí vine a llevarme a mi novia de tus garras
00:03:54que novia
00:04:01No sabía que estaban resucitando los muertos claro que sí vas a unirte o te da miedo
00:04:07Hagamos lo que no no tienes que hacerlo vamos cariño será divertido
00:04:12Aquí en contacto haremos a la bruja mary blackwood si pensé que era una leyenda urbana
00:04:17No es de conocimiento público la gente del pueblo la colgó de un árbol y luego quemó su cuerpo hasta hacer los cenizas muy bien
00:04:26Vamos mary blackwood descansa un poco de ser la zorra de satanás y muestranos tu horrible cara
00:04:36Yo no lo hice lo juro
00:04:41Tranquila probablemente sólo fue el interruptor donde está tu caja de fusibles en el ático si claro que ahí está
00:04:52No quizás no deberías ya vuelvo
00:05:12Hola hay alguien ahí
00:05:30Laura estás bien
00:05:32Cuando usé el tablero anoche sólo quería saber si tim me engañaba
00:05:37qué dijo
00:05:39dijo que sí
00:05:40Lo ves hace una bruja muerta sabe que es una basura
00:05:44estaba tan enojada que le dije que quería que tim estuviera muerto
00:05:50Lo mismo digo cuál es el problema
00:06:10Anoche soñé que moría asesinado por la bruja y se sintió muy real
00:06:19No pasa nada sólo fue un sueño
00:06:24Laura sólo está jugando con nosotras esto no es gracioso
00:07:40No es ella es la bruja
00:09:03La bruja de la ouija
00:09:10La bruja de la ouija
00:09:40La bruja de la ouija
00:10:10En la actualidad
00:11:04Buenos días Sarah
00:11:06Buenos días Viola
00:11:08Oh, I guess mom is too formal these days.
00:11:12Good morning, Mother. Better?
00:11:16Can I make you some coffee?
00:11:18No, it's fine. I have to go to work.
00:11:20Oh, I'm very worried that you work in that bar so late.
00:11:24I wish you could find something else.
00:11:26Yes, well, I don't like it either, but how else am I going to get a house of my own?
00:11:30Yes, I know you're not very happy to be back here.
00:11:33I'm sure your stepmother's house was much bigger.
00:11:36It wasn't, but I have a feeling she wanted me to leave as soon as possible.
00:11:41Why do you say that?
00:11:43She told me she wanted me out of there as soon as possible.
00:11:46That horrible woman. Her own stepdaughter.
00:11:50Mom, it's fine.
00:11:52No, it's not fine. I'm going to call her. I'm going to tell her everything I think.
00:11:58Just forget it.
00:12:00She says I remind her of him too much.
00:12:05Honey, I'm sorry.
00:12:07Well, I have to go to work.
00:12:34The Museum of Witches of Salem.
00:13:05The Museum of Witches of Salem.
00:13:11He said, brother, I heard screams in the room and all that.
00:13:14And I said, yes, it was me.
00:13:19You have to infect my little brother with some of that charisma.
00:13:22Oh, it's definitely coming. It will be tonight, right?
00:13:24Yes, ready to lose virginity.
00:13:26I don't know.
00:13:27Everything will be fine. Don't worry, old man. We'll put some tits on your face.
00:13:30Great. How long have you been here?
00:13:32Long enough to thank that I'm not a mother.
00:13:34We should all be so lucky.
00:13:36And friend, it's your turn.
00:13:39You don't love me that much.
00:13:41I'll be your best friend. Your best, best friend.
00:13:45You're already my only friend.
00:13:50Hi, guys.
00:13:51I'm glad to see you, Sara.
00:13:52Hi, Derek.
00:13:53Sara, our favorite beer witch.
00:13:55How ingenious, Caleb. I had never heard that before.
00:13:58Come on, honey. You don't have to be so tense.
00:14:01What's the problem? Do you want sex?
00:14:03Come on, Isaac.
00:14:04Hey, I was just offering my services.
00:14:07I'd rather go to a convent.
00:14:12Do you think it's funny?
00:14:13What an idiot.
00:14:16Hey, I'm sorry about what he did. He's just drunk.
00:14:20I didn't know that was an excuse to attack.
00:14:24I didn't mean to say it was.
00:14:27Are we done, Derek?
00:14:29Look, I just want to tell you that I'm glad you're back.
00:14:33After you left for New York, I thought I'd never see you again.
00:14:38Things didn't go as planned.
00:14:41I'm sorry about your dad. He was a good guy.
00:14:45Thank you. He was.
00:14:48Where's your mother?
00:14:50For now, until I find my own place.
00:14:53How is she?
00:14:54You know, the last thing I heard was that she was...
00:14:56She's fine.
00:15:08Hey, Sarah. Hey.
00:15:10Hey, my little brother Asher needs a date.
00:15:13Do you know someone you can introduce him to?
00:15:15No, he's kidding. No, I don't need help.
00:15:18Nonsense. Hey, help me, brother.
00:15:20No, no, no, you're right.
00:15:22Hey, but listen, no good girls are fun.
00:15:25No, um, we need someone to keep him awake.
00:15:28A real witch, you could say.
00:15:30Isaac, enough.
00:15:32No one asked you, Derek.
00:15:36What do you say, Sarah?
00:15:37Do you think your mother still has Mary Blackwood's number?
00:15:40Or we could get rid of the old witch and your father can leave her to us.
00:15:44Isaac, that's enough.
00:15:45Okay, Derek.
00:15:46I'm sorry, Isaac, but the only single girl I know is my good friend Liz.
00:15:53But I'm sure her penis is bigger than yours.
00:15:56Ha ha, hell yeah.
00:15:58Yours is bigger than all of yours, actually.
00:16:00Oh, shit, really?
00:16:03You want to find out?
00:16:05Caleb, if I wanted your milk, I'd scrape it off Isaac's throat.
00:16:08What the hell?
00:16:12Hey, that's enough.
00:16:15Guys, get out of here.
00:16:17We're not done with our drinks.
00:16:19Get out of here.
00:16:20We're not done with our drinks.
00:16:21Or these.
00:16:22Jesus Christ!
00:16:23Get out now, all of you.
00:16:25What the hell?
00:16:27I'm not done.
00:16:28Not even joking.
00:16:30Okay, Liz.
00:16:31I'm sorry.
00:16:39Damn crazy.
00:16:42Hey, are you okay?
00:16:44I'm fine.
00:16:46Sometimes it's okay not to be okay.
00:16:51Sometimes it's okay to scream or cry.
00:16:55Or hit someone in the teeth because it bothers you a little.
00:16:59Just being here and serving guys like that makes me feel like a failure.
00:17:04Honey, most of those guys have had an easy life because of their families.
00:17:09You went through hell and survived.
00:17:13That's a success, not a failure.
00:17:16I didn't think of it that way.
00:17:21Every time my mom looks at me, it makes me feel like she's judging me too.
00:17:28Sara, I'm not going to tell you what to do, but my parents kicked me out when I was 18.
00:17:33I never talked to them again.
00:17:35Your mom wants to be in your life.
00:17:38What are you afraid of?
00:17:41I guess I'm still ashamed.
00:17:43Hey, you've been sober for over a year.
00:17:47You should be proud, not ashamed.
00:17:52I'm still learning to be surrounded by people, you know?
00:17:56No one understands it better than me.
00:17:59Believe me.
00:18:00But all this self-despise and self-isolation shit, it's not going to improve anything.
00:18:08You're always right, you know that?
00:18:11Yes, I know.
00:18:32Do you want me to take you home?
00:18:33No, thanks. I'd like to walk.
00:18:37Even so, don't stand in my way. Be careful.
00:19:07Hey, calm down, calm down. It's me.
00:19:27Derek, what the hell?
00:19:29The good thing is that you know how to control that thing.
00:19:31Why are you approaching a woman who walks alone at home in the middle of the night?
00:19:36I was just trying to reach you.
00:19:38I'm sorry to have scared you.
00:19:42Well, I'm not ashamed to have almost burned your eyes.
00:19:45Not even a little?
00:19:46Maybe just a little.
00:19:48What do you want?
00:19:50Look, I just want to apologize for my friends.
00:19:56You know, they're idiots.
00:19:59You're like the people around you.
00:20:03Well, I deserve it.
00:20:07Why do you hang out with them? It must be exhausting.
00:20:11It is, but I really don't have anyone else.
00:20:15Asher has been a friend of mine since we were kids.
00:20:18And Isaac has always taken care of us.
00:20:21It's okay to leave your friends behind.
00:20:24Yes, but it's not that easy.
00:20:26Isaac's father gave me a job at the construction company, so it's not wise to be on the wrong side of the family.
00:20:34But, what if I had someone to hang out with?
00:20:39Are you inviting me out?
00:20:41How sweet.
00:20:45Wait, what?
00:20:48Because you invited me to the 8th grade dance and then you left me for Julie Henderson when she kissed you on the first date.
00:20:57I have to make up for you.
00:20:59If you leave me.
00:21:02I've been trying to spend time alone, you know?
00:21:06Yeah, me too.
00:21:09Every night, actually.
00:21:12A masturbation joke.
00:21:16I've been working on that, what do you think?
00:21:20I would avoid it as a catchphrase.
00:21:23Look, I just want to say that I'm glad you're back.
00:21:32Ah, isn't it nice?
00:21:36What the hell do you want?
00:21:38We just want to apologize to the lady for the misunderstanding from before, that's all.
00:21:42Save your apologies.
00:21:44Just get back to the car, guys.
00:21:46Oh, we can't, Romeo.
00:21:49We have unfinished business with Sarah.
00:21:53Do you think you can treat us like shit, Isaac?
00:21:56I treat them the way I see them.
00:21:58Don't touch her!
00:21:59Where the hell are you going?
00:22:01Son of a bitch!
00:22:04Shit, damn it!
00:22:06I always knew she was stubborn.
00:22:16Ha, sweet.
00:22:18You're not that kind of guy, are you?
00:22:20No, I'm not.
00:22:23Ha, sweet.
00:22:25You're not that rude without your girlfriend around, are you?
00:22:30Hey, Asher!
00:22:31Come here, little brother.
00:22:33Looks like my friend is thirsty.
00:22:36Yeah, I think a drink would be good for her.
00:22:40I'm a little thirsty.
00:22:48Damn bitch!
00:22:50Get her!
00:22:51Let's go, let's go!
00:23:09Wait, wait, wait.
00:23:28Where did she go?
00:23:33Behind you!
00:23:39Oh, no, no, no, no.
00:23:40Please, God, no, no, no.
00:23:42I'm sorry, I'm so sorry.
00:23:44I didn't mean to do it.
00:23:45I just want the guys to accept me.
00:24:03Hey, is that enough, Isaac?
00:24:05Leave him there.
00:24:20No funny comments this time?
00:24:24Come on, man, let's get out of here.
00:24:26I'm not done.
00:24:27Isaac, come on, man.
00:24:29Let's go.
00:24:30You wanted to teach him a lesson and you did.
00:24:32You proved your point.
00:24:40Oh, shit.
00:24:50Hey, what are we going to do with Derek?
00:24:53Let's get him in the car.
00:24:56Watch out.
00:24:57Let's go.
00:24:58Let's go.
00:24:59Let's go.
00:25:00Let's go.
00:25:01Let's go.
00:25:02Let's go.
00:25:03Let's go.
00:25:04Let's go.
00:25:05Let's go.
00:25:06Let's go.
00:25:07Let's go.
00:25:08Watch out.
00:25:09Stand up, man.
00:25:12Put him on your ass.
00:27:08Good evening, how can I help you?
00:27:33My God, you're hurt!
00:27:38What happened to you?
00:27:45A group of men attacked me and then I woke up and I was alone.
00:27:57The men who did this to you, what would you like them to do?
00:28:07I don't know, I guess I should call the police.
00:28:10You can do that, but what will stop you from doing this to another girl?
00:28:14How long will you be locked up before you return to the streets?
00:28:20I guess I hadn't thought about that.
00:28:23And that if they believe you.
00:28:27These men have money, maybe contacts that can move around the town to get them out of trouble.
00:28:35And you, well, you have a past, it's written in you.
00:28:47And if you could stop these men forever, teach them that they can't get away with it all.
00:28:57In a perfect world?
00:28:59It's a perfect world.
00:29:02There are other ways to make sure someone gets what they deserve.
00:29:08How could I do that?
00:29:14Sit down and rest.
00:29:21Have you ever used a spirit board?
00:29:26There are ways in this world beyond your imagination.
00:29:32It's just a game, right?
00:29:35I can assure you it's not a game.
00:29:39Have you ever lost someone you would have wanted to have one more moment with?
00:29:45With whom you would have wanted to speak one last time, a family too?
00:29:53Look, I appreciate your help, but it's getting late and I want to go home.
00:30:00Oh, as you wish. I hope you get home safe this time.
00:30:17What do we have to do?
00:30:20This board belonged to a very powerful witch who was murdered for crimes she did not commit.
00:30:29Her pain and grief are heavy, but she requires a sacrifice.
00:30:38What kind of sacrifice?
00:30:41Your blood.
00:30:47What the hell?
00:30:49Sit down.
00:30:51Sara, I said sit down.
00:31:01You will have to repeat after me, understood?
00:31:09I invoke the spirit united to this board.
00:31:13I invoke the spirit united to this board.
00:31:17A woman mistreated, a woman betrayed, a woman with revenge in her heart.
00:31:23A woman mistreated, a woman betrayed, a woman with revenge in her heart.
00:31:31Talk to her, Sara. Ask her if she's here. Tell her what you want.
00:31:38Hello, spirit. Are you here with us now?
00:31:48What's your name?
00:32:12Are you... Are you Mary Blackwood?
00:32:21Go on, Sara. You can't go back now.
00:32:25I want the men who attacked me tonight to know the pain I felt.
00:32:32I want them to feel scared, desperate, vulnerable.
00:32:39Can you help me?
00:33:02Go, Sara. The door is open.
00:33:32I want the men who attacked me tonight to know the pain I felt.
00:33:39I want them to feel scared, desperate, vulnerable.
00:33:46Can you help me?
00:33:51Go, Sara. The door is open.
00:33:58I want the men who attacked me tonight to know the pain I felt.
00:34:28I want the men who attacked me tonight to know the pain I felt.
00:34:58I want the men who attacked me tonight to know the pain I felt.
00:35:04I want the men who attacked me tonight to know the pain I felt.
00:35:22Hello, beautiful. Do you need help?
00:35:25Yes, I would love your help
00:35:34And what do you have in mind
00:35:55You killed him
00:36:16You ran away
00:36:20No, it was not like that
00:36:22You let him die alone
00:36:24No, no, please
00:36:34Now go and find peace
00:38:36Welcome idiots from Massachusetts
00:38:38You can hunt flies with that mouth
00:38:47I'm sorry, I didn't sleep much last night
00:38:50How was the rest of your night?
00:38:52Good, I went home, took a bath
00:38:55Liz, have you known my mom for a long time?
00:38:58Yes, yes, since I was a child I used to take care of myself
00:39:04Do you know what happened to her?
00:39:08I know what people say happened to her
00:39:11Did she ever tell you about that night at Laura's?
00:39:15No, honey, actually I don't talk to anyone after that night
00:39:27Do you know anything about Mary Blackwood?
00:39:30Yes, well, I know what's in the museums
00:39:35Her husband cheated on her and when she found out, he accused her of being a witch
00:39:41They hung her from that big tree that is still on the street and then they burned her
00:39:46Her husband married his lover a month later
00:39:49You know, the worst thing is that she had three daughters
00:39:54who were forced to grow up without their mother
00:40:00Do you believe in the stories about her?
00:40:03I mean, it depends on what stories you're talking about
00:40:07I think she practiced witchcraft
00:40:10Maybe, they say she had a spiritist tablet that she used to communicate with the energies of the earth
00:40:17But I don't think she's going to come back every couple of years to take revenge on this town
00:40:24Look, I knew your mother very well before that night
00:40:29And after that night, she was a completely different person
00:40:34She saw something that...
00:40:36...disturbed her
00:40:41Her therapist believes that everything was in her head
00:40:44That Tim and Laura committed suicide after a fight because he cheated on her
00:40:48And mom was in shock when she found them
00:40:54It certainly is a less complicated explanation
00:40:58Of course
00:41:00But if you talk to some people in this town
00:41:03They will tell you that Mary Blackgood has some kind of clandestine and secret cult of witches
00:41:10They still worship her
00:41:12Helping her stalk this town for eternity
00:41:20You should see your face
00:41:21I'm going to check the warehouse
00:42:29I'm sorry, man
00:42:31You followed me here?
00:42:33You didn't answer my calls or messages
00:42:37Yes, for a reason
00:42:39Goodbye, Asher
00:42:41So, see you at home tonight?
00:42:45I'm not going back
00:42:47I have a place to stay until I find something permanent
00:42:52Please, just...just talk to me, Derek
00:42:56You're my best friend
00:42:58We're not friends, Asher
00:43:01It's been a long time since we've been friends
00:43:03We're just two people who grew up together
00:43:06Listen, I told them not to do it and I tried to stop them
00:43:10They could have killed her
00:43:11But it wasn't like that
00:43:13She's fine
00:43:14How do you know?
00:43:16I went to the bar today
00:43:18I looked out the window and...
00:43:20She was fine, so...
00:43:22Nothing's wrong
00:43:25I'm sure it'll help you sleep better
00:43:29You know, I just want them to accept me
00:43:32As if I were one of them
00:43:35Why, Asher?
00:43:37Who the hell cares?
00:43:39Be yourself
00:43:41I don't like the one you're trying to be
00:43:44I've always been your friend
00:43:46It doesn't matter
00:43:48Please, Derek
00:43:50I'm so sorry
00:43:52You have to forgive me, man
00:43:54Ask someone else for forgiveness
00:43:56It's over
00:44:20Is the wedding ring forever?
00:44:23Or do you take it off on special occasions?
00:44:27Well, that depends on who you're asking
00:44:37Hi! How are you today, baby?
00:44:41Hi, Louise, thanks
00:44:43Oh my God, you smell so good
00:44:45Are you wearing Prada?
00:44:47I didn't wear anything
00:44:49Then it must be your natural scent
00:44:52How nice
00:44:54You should buy me a drink
00:44:56Maybe later, Louise
00:45:02Can we talk about last night?
00:45:04I'm working
00:45:07I'll wait for you to finish
00:45:09As you wish
00:45:14Another round?
00:45:16No, double
00:45:20You need to find God
00:45:43I love you
00:46:55Not exactly
00:47:05Yeah, I think a drink would be nice
00:47:09Stupid bitch
00:47:16Please help me!
00:47:19Are you scared?
00:47:23I'm sorry
00:47:25I'm so sorry
00:47:42God is love
00:48:04Hey, are you okay?
00:48:07Sit down
00:48:58Please, God
00:49:00I don't want to die
00:49:05There is no God
00:49:07And there is no heaven
00:49:10There is only rot
00:49:20Are you okay?
00:49:21I'm really okay
00:49:23I just got dizzy
00:49:24You shouldn't be standing
00:49:26I'm fine
00:49:27Sarah, it's a quiet night
00:49:29You can go home and rest
00:49:33Are you sure?
00:49:34Of course
00:49:35Go home and rest
00:49:39Maybe you're right
00:49:40Let's go
00:49:41I can walk you home
00:49:58Are you sure you don't need a doctor or something?
00:50:02Why would I need a doctor, Derek?
00:50:08You were right about them
00:50:10I don't need them as friends
00:50:15I'll tell you everything
00:50:17No cops, I don't want them
00:50:19Stay safe
00:50:22What about you?
00:50:23I can take care of myself
00:50:25I can take care of myself
00:50:26I know you can
00:50:30I like girls who take care of themselves
00:50:34Then I have a perfect girl for you
00:50:38Who is she?
00:50:47I didn't need to see that
00:50:49I'm sure she'll give you a tongue kiss on the first date
00:50:52You still haven't forgotten, have you?
00:50:58You look good
00:51:03Dude, last night I thought you were...
00:51:04Yeah, I know, Caleb
00:51:09Do you think she'll talk to the cops?
00:51:12I don't know
00:51:14If I wanted to, I would've already done it
00:51:17Still, we have to make sure
00:51:21How do we make sure?
00:51:22I'll follow her
00:51:24I'll scare her a little, you know?
00:51:27No, dude, don't count on me
00:51:29I'm sorry
00:51:30No, I'm serious
00:51:31Look, I'm sick of this
00:51:34I have a lot of good things in my life to ruin because of your ego
00:51:37She insulted us all
00:51:39You're right, and we deserved it
00:51:42What the hell do you want to prove, dude?
00:51:45We're not in school anymore
00:51:47We're not in school anymore
00:51:50Now life has consequences, damn it
00:51:54Damn it
00:51:56No, you're right
00:51:58That's right
00:52:01Let's not do anything, let's go home
00:52:03Okay, we'll wait
00:52:05We'll wait for someone to tell her
00:52:07And what happens next, huh?
00:52:08What do you think?
00:52:10Do you remember that your father would hit you every night and tell you
00:52:13Hey, listen to me
00:52:14I put you in my house to protect you
00:52:17That's what we'll do, okay?
00:52:19You were there, you protected me, I remember it, yes, I understand
00:52:24Who will protect you when you're behind bars?
00:52:32Listen, dude, just...
00:52:33Just leave the girl alone, okay?
00:52:36It's over, dude
00:52:38To begin with, you should never have messed with her
00:52:41What, now you want to leave?
00:52:44No, no, we're in this together
00:52:47Hey, look, if I get one more charge against me, it's all over, it's over for me
00:52:52And I'm sure it will end for you too
00:52:54Bad shit with that
00:52:55No, no, look at me
00:52:57I'm not going to let that damn bitch ruin our lives
00:53:05Don't lose control
00:53:11Don't lose control
00:53:12Don't lose control
00:53:13Don't lose control
00:53:14Don't lose control
00:53:15Don't lose control
00:53:16Don't lose control
00:53:17Don't lose control
00:53:18Don't lose control
00:53:19Don't lose control
00:53:20Don't lose control
00:53:21Don't lose control
00:53:22Don't lose control
00:53:23Don't lose control
00:53:24Don't lose control
00:53:25Don't lose control
00:53:26Don't lose control
00:53:27Don't lose control
00:53:28Don't lose control
00:53:29Don't lose control
00:53:30Don't lose control
00:53:31Don't lose control
00:53:32Don't lose control
00:53:33Don't lose control
00:53:34Don't lose control
00:53:35Don't lose control
00:53:36Don't lose control
00:53:37Don't lose control
00:53:38Don't lose control
00:53:39Don't lose control
00:53:40Don't lose control
00:53:41Don't lose control
00:53:42Don't lose control
00:53:45Who are you?
00:54:10Who are you?
00:54:32Who are you?
00:54:40Who are you?
00:55:10Who are you?
00:55:24A mistreated woman
00:55:28A betrayed woman
00:55:32A woman with revenge
00:55:34In her heart
00:56:05Did you have a nightmare?
00:56:12When you came back
00:56:14I thought we had an agreement
00:56:16that we would be honest about everything
00:56:20What are you talking about?
00:56:24I just talked to your stepmother
00:56:29I told you not to call her
00:56:31I didn't
00:56:32She called me
00:56:35They sent her a letter to her house
00:56:37about a meeting at the court next month
00:56:39That letter is not her business
00:56:41No, but mine is
00:56:45Evasion of property
00:56:47Destruction of private property
00:56:52Were you drinking again?
00:56:54God, mom, no
00:56:55It wasn't that dramatic
00:56:57Dad and Lydia were fighting
00:56:59and I didn't want to be near
00:57:01I thought I was abandoned
00:57:03It turns out I was wrong
00:57:05Well, when were you going to tell me?
00:57:07Did you think I wouldn't find out?
00:57:09Yes, something like that
00:57:10That was the idea
00:57:11I didn't want you to react badly
00:57:14And she told me that
00:57:17you were stealing from her
00:57:20That woman took advantage of dad
00:57:22for a year
00:57:23I only borrowed a couple of dollars for the subway
00:57:26God, Sara
00:57:28What happened to you?
00:57:30You were my daughter
00:57:34Come on, mom
00:57:35You were never there as a mother
00:57:37and I was never your daughter
00:57:39You were always too obsessed with her
00:57:41to spend time with her
00:57:43With who?
00:57:46Mary Blackwood
00:57:49Don't say it
00:57:51Why were you so afraid she would come back for you?
00:57:53Do you know how to stop her?
00:57:54Is there any way to stop her?
00:57:57Mary Blackwood is dead
00:57:59She's been dead for centuries
00:58:01Now I know it's not real
00:58:04Tim and Laura committed suicide
00:58:07I know I should have listened to your father
00:58:09and go to therapy
00:58:10and I'm sorry if that affected the way I raised you for so long
00:58:15But that's over
00:58:17She's not coming back
00:58:21But what if she does?
00:58:24What if she comes back?
00:58:26But not for you?
00:58:29What do you mean by that?
00:58:31I have to go
00:58:34Sara, wait!
00:58:35Sara, please tell me you're not saying what I think you're saying
00:58:40I'm sorry I didn't believe you
00:58:42I don't want to drag you into this again
00:58:50What the hell?
00:58:52What's wrong?
00:58:55I didn't know where to go
00:58:58What happened?
00:59:01It's Asher
00:59:03He's dead
00:59:08I'm sorry, I shouldn't have come
00:59:09Not after what they did
00:59:10No, Derek, wait!
00:59:11What happened to him?
00:59:13They think he killed himself
00:59:18I saw Asher
00:59:20I saw him in my dream
00:59:23What are you talking about?
00:59:25Derek, I don't think he killed himself
00:59:36Another one
00:59:41Do you really think it's a good idea now?
00:59:45My brother is dead
00:59:47Do you have a better idea of what I should be doing now?
00:59:55Hey, calm down
01:00:02When I woke up, I thought it was a dream
01:00:05It seemed so real, but...
01:00:08It couldn't be
01:00:11Do you think you summoned Mary Blackwood's spirit and now you're trying to kill the people who attacked you that night?
01:00:16I know it seems like I'm crazy
01:00:19I know I sound like Mary Blackwood
01:00:21I'm crazy
01:00:23I know I sound like my mother
01:00:27But the dream I had last night was so real
01:00:33If I'm right, you're in danger too
01:00:38Why do you say that?
01:00:44I saw you last night in my dream
01:00:47In my dream
01:00:53You were hanging from a rope
01:00:58You don't believe me, do you?
01:00:59No, no
01:01:02I believe you
01:01:10I had the same dream
01:01:12Of being hanged
01:01:15It felt so real
01:01:18I woke up and it still hurt
01:01:20I looked in the mirror and I had this
01:01:23Oh my god
01:01:24It still burns
01:01:28We have to stop her
01:01:29Before she kills someone else
01:01:32How do we do it?
01:01:34I want to go back to the store where I met that woman
01:01:36She told me the portal was open
01:01:38Maybe she knows how to close it
01:01:48Let's go
01:01:50Damn it!
01:01:52Are you sure it's the right store?
01:01:55The store you described is just like many in this place
01:01:58It's here, I swear
01:01:59She took me back and made me touch the board
01:02:02Well, if we don't find the board, we'll have to think of another plan
01:02:07We have to tell Isaac and Caleb
01:02:09She's going to attack them just like she attacked Asher
01:02:11I've always thought you were cute
01:02:13I loved seeing you play soccer on Friday nights
01:02:16And knock down all the strikers
01:02:18Oh, really?
01:02:20That's right
01:02:24Hi, Caleb
01:02:27Pull a chair, I'll buy you a drink
01:02:29No, no, no, old man
01:02:30We're going to take you home, okay?
01:02:31It's been a long day for you
01:02:32Oh, screw that
01:02:34Louie, if I wasn't with you, I wouldn't be here
01:02:36I don't care
01:02:37I don't care
01:02:38Oh, screw that
01:02:39Louie, if I wasn't with you, we'd be reconciling
01:02:42Yeah, well, say goodbye
01:02:44Come on, old man, I'll call you a cab
01:02:46And I'll call you to a party
01:02:52Did she tell you to pick me up?
01:02:54Come on, Isaac, don't worry
01:02:55No, no, no, screw you
01:02:56Hey, hey, hey, Isaac, calm down, old man
01:03:03Asher was a good guy, yes, we all know that
01:03:06But there was no way you knew he would do something like that
01:03:09You believe that shit about suicide?
01:03:13Of course
01:03:16Okay, Isaac, so what happened, old man?
01:03:20I'll tell you what happened
01:03:23It was that bitch, Sarah
01:03:25She's crazy, just like her mother
01:03:28I assure you
01:03:30She's chasing us
01:03:32What the fuck? What the fuck is going on?
01:03:34Are you listening to yourself?
01:03:36You know what?
01:03:37Create your own story
01:03:39I'm sick of this, old man
01:03:40I'm sick of you, of your damn ego
01:03:44You know what?
01:03:46I think I'll get out of here
01:03:48I'm going to find Sarah
01:03:50I'll finish this
01:03:51Hey, Isaac, come on, man
01:03:52Get out of here
01:03:54Come on, old man
01:04:02I'm glad you're here
01:04:14Do I know you?
01:04:31I don't know you
01:05:01I don't know you
01:05:23Yeah, step on that bitch, Isaac, yeah
01:05:26You can't mess with us
01:05:32What the hell?
01:05:34Are you desperate?
01:05:57There, psychopath bitch!
01:05:59Nobody kills my clients
01:06:04He'd let you die if he had the chance
01:06:10What the hell?
01:06:23Get up
01:06:25Get up
01:06:33Men have hurt you
01:06:34And they took advantage of you all your life
01:06:37Don't ignore the pain anymore
01:06:41Get back control of yourself
01:06:54Get up
01:07:11We're late
01:07:24Don't move
01:07:28What happened?
01:07:30The stories
01:07:32They're true
01:07:34Viola was right
01:07:36Mary Blackwood is real
01:07:39She's a damn bitch
01:07:41Call an ambulance
01:07:43What are we going to do with the witch?
01:07:46We're going to find that board
01:07:47And send that damn witch back to hell
01:07:49Where she came from
01:07:50How do we do it?
01:07:53I have a good idea
01:08:05What the hell?
01:08:21It's you
01:08:29Do you need
01:08:31To go home?
01:08:33I'm home
01:08:41Are you sure you live here?
01:08:57Come with me
01:09:02You don't have to tell me twice
01:09:35Did you forget to turn off the heater?
01:09:41This isn't your house, is it?
01:09:45This must be our house
01:10:03That's it!
01:10:04You like it?
01:10:05Damn bitch!
01:10:20Come on
01:10:50Where did you go?
01:11:21You're beautiful
01:11:31Yes, ma'am
01:11:43I can do this
01:11:51Oh no
01:11:57For God's sake, please
01:11:58For God's sake
01:11:59She was here
01:12:00She was here
01:12:01Mary Blackwood
01:12:04Where is Sara?
01:12:06She went looking for the witch
01:12:07She's trying to stop her
01:12:39Are you vulnerable?
01:12:57Don't be weak now
01:13:21What the hell are you doing here, Sara?
01:13:26Maybe it's too late for him
01:13:39Sara, wait
01:14:09Are you here?
01:14:19Are you here?
01:14:49Are you here?
01:15:07Oh God
01:15:14Let's look for the board
01:15:16It was in the attic in my dream
01:16:00What's wrong?
01:16:02I'm fine
01:16:07No, you're not
01:16:08He's definitely here
01:16:10It's over there.
01:16:25It's close. We have to hurry.
01:16:40Let's go.
01:16:48Are you ready?
01:16:50Not quite.
01:16:52Let's do it.
01:17:02What are you doing here, Sara?
01:17:04I have to stop her.
01:17:06We can't be here, honey.
01:17:08I can't be here.
01:17:10I have to send her back before she comes for Derek.
01:17:12What do you mean, send her back?
01:17:14What did you do, Sara?
01:17:16I summoned Mary Blackwood.
01:17:18All these years, you were right.
01:17:20We should...
01:17:22Real or not, I should never have given my life like that.
01:17:24Then help me.
01:17:26How does it work?
01:17:28She won't stop with Derek.
01:17:30As soon as she fulfills your orders,
01:17:32she will come for you.
01:17:34The portal closes when...
01:17:36Yes, that's what happened to Laura.
01:17:38We can talk to her, negotiate with her.
01:17:40I need you to help me.
01:17:42You can't negotiate with Mary Blackwood.
01:17:44She is pure evil.
01:17:46Mom, please.
01:17:48We have to try.
01:17:52You're right.
01:17:54That will end tonight.
01:17:58I summon the spirit
01:18:00united to that board.
01:18:02A mistreated woman.
01:18:04A betrayed woman.
01:18:06A woman with revenge in her heart.
01:18:10Mary Blackwood,
01:18:12my daughter brought you from the afterlife,
01:18:14but she left the portal open.
01:18:16I order you to close the portal
01:18:18and leave.
01:18:24What do you want?
01:18:42We must stop.
01:18:44No, we have to continue.
01:18:46Mary Blackwood,
01:18:48do you accept the blood of another?
01:18:50Mom, what are you doing?
01:18:52It's okay, honey.
01:18:54Everything will be fine.
01:18:56Don't worry.
01:18:58Would you drink my blood?
01:19:00Mom, no.
01:19:06Mary Blackwood,
01:19:08I know you were innocent.
01:19:10I know you're angry.
01:19:14I want you to be free.
01:19:18Let Mary go.
01:19:20Leave this kingdom.
01:19:24Don't cause anyone
01:19:26any more pain.
01:19:28Don't cause
01:19:30my mother
01:19:32the pain you felt
01:19:34when you were separated from your children.
01:19:38Close the portal.
01:19:46She left?
01:19:48She left.
01:19:50You had to close the portal.
01:19:52You did it.
01:19:54I knew you would.
01:20:16Your blood
01:20:18is the next one.
01:20:38You were avenged.
01:20:40Join me.
01:20:44For eternity.
01:20:48Take your hands off my daughter!
01:20:50It's too late.
01:20:52No more games.
01:20:54No more games.
01:21:14Burn in hell, witch!
01:21:38Honey, honey, don't look.
01:21:40Let's just get out of here, okay?
01:21:42Were you going to sacrifice yourself
01:21:44for me?
01:21:46Of course.
01:21:48I'm your mother.
01:21:50I'd do anything for you.
01:21:52The witch disappeared.
01:21:54She's destroyed
01:21:58Are you sure?
01:22:10I'm sure.
01:22:22I'm sure.
01:23:22La Bruja de la Huija.
