• last week
Menteri Koordinator bidang Pangan, Zulkifli Hasan meminta agar pelaku curang MinyaKita kemasan 1 liter, diberi sanksi hukuman tegas. Perbuatan tersebut dinilai, karena telah merugikan masyarakat banyak.


00:30in Amran Sulaiman, a few days ago.
00:33In the meeting, the product should contain 1 liter of oil,
00:36but it only contains 750 to 800 milliliters.
00:41According to Zuhal, in order to give a clear effect as a form of accountability,
00:45the perpetrator must be given a strict sanction in the form of imprisonment.
00:50The fraud has been criticized by many people.
01:00What kind of oil is it that contains less than 1 liter?
01:03Yes, if there is a fraud, it is a fraud.
01:08Previously, Minister of Agriculture, Andi Amran Sulaiman,
01:10conducted an inspection of the Agong Jaya Lenteng market in South Jakarta.
01:14Amran found a fraud in the packaging of simple fried oil or our oil,
01:18a packaging of 1 liter, which turned out to only contain 750 to 800 milliliters.
01:24The oil is produced by PT Arta Eka Global Asia,
01:27the production corporation of the United Corporation of Indonesia, or KTN,
01:31and PT Tunas Agro Indolestari.
01:34From Central Jakarta, Ranis Tonsan Jaya, Adefirman Syah, Kim Liputan, IDX Jeno.
