• 2 weeks ago
After being exonerated on a murder charge, Jack Harris teams up with Lucy, the victim's sister, to find the killer and p | dG1fb2xObGtYTk5HSWs
00:05Harris was released today evidence for the original case was severely mishandled. You are a free man. Mr. Harris
00:13He confessed to doing it and they let him go. I gotta convince everyone that I'm innocent
00:19We just did it in court just cuz you let a man out of prison don't mean he's free
00:25Served all that time because of my parents. I swore I'd help get you out. I've done it now. I'm asking you
00:31Will you help me?
00:33We need to go back where it all began
00:36Haven't been back since the day I found her
00:40Never told you this but I think it may have been my father. I think that dad might have stopped right there
00:46There's nonsense would destroy this family
00:50They never killed no one
00:53I'm to find a real killer clear my name prove who I am to the folks in this town. Those people want you dead
01:02Body found has been confirmed to be Isabella Chen Isabella Chen's autopsy results have just been released
01:10It is an exact replica of Katrina Walters 27 years ago, they're gonna come after you even harder now
01:17Where were you two nights ago, I don't think you did it
01:21We all got our secrets now, don't we we need to discover the truth. I haven't been totally honest with you order police
01:29Something I need to show you
01:35Vengeance is mine burn in hell
01:41Hasn't been a child murdered in Huntsville since the first time he was convicted
01:4627 years behind bars. I can tell the evil from your latches. You better be right about this
01:52Where did he take them
01:56Go ahead as long as you're okay with not knowing the truth
