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BLACK BAG Cast Premiere New Spy Movie in London Report by Mccallumj. Like us on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/itn and follow us on Twitter at http://twitter.com/itn
00:00When Stephen said who he wanted to play the part, I said, well good luck getting all of
00:24those people and he did.
00:25So it was a real joy.
00:26And I hope the people who watch it on the big screen enjoy it as much as we had making
00:34I think the stakes are really high for George and Catherine because they are everything
00:38to each other, but yet obviously George is now suspecting Catherine of treachery, which
00:45is quite complicated when you've been in a long-term committed relationship.
00:49And the research we did is so few people who work in espionage are able to maintain and
00:54sustain a relationship, so all that stuff is there in the movie.
00:58It's very hard to trust people, but it's super important that you're going to have a committed
01:24I love that you've got the glasses on as well.
01:36I put mine on as well because I thought, you know what?
01:39Tribute to Kate.
01:40It's a homage.
01:41I've just come back from LA as well though, so I'm still in sunny climate mode.
01:45You're still in that zone.
01:46You're hanging on.
01:47You're in denial.
01:48It's freezing.
01:49It's absolutely balding.
01:50Listen, you're brilliant in this.
01:52Talk to me about George because he's quite a stiff guy.
01:55I was like, can you please just bend his back at some point?
01:58I know.
01:59Loosen up, George.
02:01Yeah, he's just a very sort of, I think, socially awkward maybe guy.
02:07I don't think he's got any friends really except his wife.
02:11I think he's very meticulous.
02:14He's somebody that's sort of compromising in terms of getting to the bottom of the truth
02:18of something, and he likes fishing.
02:21Do you like fishing?
02:22I was thinking that when I was watching it.
02:23Are you a fisherman?
02:24I do like fishing.
02:25I fished quite a lot when I was a boy, so I was like, okay, cool.
02:29I can actually cast and, you know, keep my tackle in order.
02:35I don't know if I've got the patience for fishing though.
02:38I don't know if I've got the patience for that.
02:39Well, you know, it depends.
02:40If you're looking to catch something, then maybe it's a problem.
02:42But if you just like being by the water, it's a nice experience.
02:45Just finally then, MI6 have asked me to ask this question.
02:48Are you a secret spy?
02:49Because you're pretty good at playing them.
02:51What can I possibly tell you then?
02:53I'd make an awful spy.
02:54No, I think you'd be good.
02:56Nice to see you.
02:57Thanks for wearing the glasses.
03:45Listen, I love this film so much.
04:02It's so good, isn't it?
04:03It's so good.
04:04And do you know what?
04:05It feels sexy.
04:06It's cool.
04:07What was it like making this movie?
04:09Well, it was intense because Stephen works very, very quickly.
04:14So we had these really short days.
04:16Filming days are notorious for being super long.
04:19But with Stephen, you finish at four o'clock in the afternoon.
04:22And he works really, really fast.
04:24You only do two to three takes of everything, which is really very little for film.
04:29So it's quite intense.
04:30You need to be really prepared.
04:32But I loved every minute of it.
04:33I loved the scenes where the six of you are all together around the table.
04:36I mean, it's electrifying to watch.
04:38What was it like filming those?
04:40Just as electrifying filming it.
04:42Because also, the other thing about Stephen is he doesn't like to rehearse as well.
04:46Yeah, exactly.
04:47So everything's happening in real time.
04:49You just have to really stay on your toes while you're working with him.
04:52And are you all close as a cast?
04:54Because I know the characters all lie to each other, but are you close?
04:57They're the loveliest bunch of people.
04:59Honestly, I had the most amazing time working with them.
05:02You're amazing in this.
05:04But I do want you to get inside because I'm concerned for you.
05:06I'm concerned for myself as well.
05:08Do you want my coat?
05:09Lots of love to you.
05:10You're brilliant.
05:41You are amazing in this.
06:03Thank you so much.
06:04I loved watching you and I loved your character.
06:06I loved that she's the young, cool one.
06:08I love that she's got the Gen Z lingo.
06:10I know.
06:11I know.
06:12I was struggling with the Gen Z lingo.
06:13I don't know if I can quite pass as Gen Z, but we're trying.
06:16I think at one point she calls Michael's character baby girl and I was like,
06:19this is the best thing ever.
06:21I love that.
06:23My best friend came to the premiere in New York last night and he was like,
06:27when I did that moment, that was the moment he was like, woo!
06:30That's good.
06:31Honestly, I burst out laughing.
06:32I was like, yes, get it!
06:34What was it like playing Clarissa?
06:36Because, I mean, what a character, what a name.
06:38I just love her.
06:39I love her too.
06:40I think what's really special about Clarissa is that, you know,
06:42she's kind of like the eyes and ears of the audience into this world.
06:45Because she is the youngest and she's been doing it for the least amount of time,
06:49Clarissa is really, she's kind of figuring out how to behave in this world
06:54at the same time that the audience are.
06:56She's not quite as jaded by the lies and the deception and violence
07:01as the other people are.
07:03I think it's refreshing in a spy film to see someone be kind of shocked
07:06by the behaviour.
07:07Yeah, absolutely.
07:08And, obviously, Michael and Kate are giving mum and dad.
07:12I mean, were they giving mum and dad on set?
07:14That's so cool. Look at them.
07:17Yeah, I mean, they're just giving, like, legends.
07:21So it was really amazing to work with them.
07:24And I think what was so great is because they are so great
07:27that actually within a few minutes, of course,
07:31you let go of what you know of those people
07:34and you're just playing with those actors.
07:37My first day was the first dinner table scene
07:40and that's a 13-page long scene that really feels like a play.
07:44Just getting to be in that moment with them was so exciting.
07:47And you get to share a few scenes with Michael, just one-on-one as well.
07:50I mean, what was that like?
07:52That was really fun, actually. That was really fun.
07:55There's that scene in the espionage room.
07:58That was great.
08:00I mean, again, there's a lot of dialogue, a lot of jargon, heavy dialogue.
08:04And the great thing about Stephen's set is that it's very relaxed.
08:09So you're so loose with each other in between takes
08:12that by the time you go, you're just sort of warm and you're loose
08:15and you're playful and you're throwing things at each other
08:18that you didn't expect to receive or to get.
08:22And just finally, and obviously I've watched the progression of your career,
08:26can you believe that you're here working with these legends,
08:28working with Stephen Soderbergh? You're just smashing it.
08:31Oh, thank you. No, I can't believe it.
08:33I mean, every time I look down the carpet, I'm like, oh yeah.
08:37It's great, and I'm so proud of this film.
08:39I'm so proud of it, and I'm so excited.
08:42People are really enjoying it, and that's just a great feeling.
08:46I'm so proud of you.
08:47Oh, thank you.
08:48Great to see you.
08:49Great to see you.
08:50Thank you so much.
08:51Thanks so much. See you.
09:04Back there for you on the far right.
09:13I'm so fresh from the film. Oh, I loved it so much.
09:17What was it like playing the cheeky chappy that is Freddie?
09:19Because he's a bit of a naughty boy.
09:21Yeah, he is. No, I enjoyed it a lot. It was a fun part.
09:24No, it was thrilling. I mean, you dream of doing stuff like that,
09:27and with somebody like Stephen.
09:30Yeah, because dinner party scenes could be endless and horrible,
09:34and that was just quick and sparky and fun and everything you want.
09:38And I feel like Michael and Kate are giving mum and dad,
09:41I mean, were they giving that on set?
09:43Certainly felt looked after in that, because that was like our first week,
09:48and they were very like, in a very kind of nice way, welcoming us all in.
09:53And what was it like working with Marisa?
09:55Because you guys share some really cool scenes as well.
09:57Amazing. She's fantastic. Really good.
10:00It's lovely to see you, and I can't wait for everyone to see this.
10:03It's so cool. Thank you.
10:30I like that you're dressed for the weather. You're smart.
10:33I'm very, very relieved, as opposed to smart.
10:36Can we talk about how good you look in tailoring? Like, it's actually annoying.
10:39I mean, you can. I'm not sure I can, but thank you very much.
10:42Honestly, every suit. I was like, did you take any suits home?
10:45Please tell me you did.
10:47Black bag. Classic black bag.
10:49Listen, you're great in this.
10:51Talk to me about the table scenes with the six of you together.
10:54I mean, how electrifying was it to film those?
10:58Oh, that was everything that you wanted to know.
11:00Working in that rarified air at that level,
11:03sitting across the table playing kind of verbal, psychological tennis
11:06with Michael Fassbender, Cate Blanchett, Naomi Harris, Marisa Bellatomber,
11:10Pierce Brosnan's in the film.
11:12It is liberating and so incredibly easy
11:16when you're working with people who've got your back to that degree.
11:19And never mind the fact that Steven Soderbergh is driving the whole thing.
11:22So it was a joy.
11:24And what was it like being told off by Pierce Brosnan?
11:26I like that scene when you're all just sitting there like, oh, sorry.
11:29It was actually a little bit terrifying to be told off by Pierce, I'm not going to lie.
11:33But he is such an irrepressibly delightful man
11:37that it's all over with fairly quickly.
11:40It's great to hang out with him between takes.
11:42I think I would make a pretty good spy because I find things out.
11:45I'm good at finding things out.
11:46That's most of the job. That is the majority of the job.
11:49I think you'd be a great spy.
11:51Do you think you'd be a good spy?
11:52Do I think I'd be a good spy?
11:53No, no. Far too honest. Can't do it.
11:55You would look good in the suit though. That's all that really matters.
11:58I'll take your word for it.
11:59So nice to see you again.
12:00Thank you very much.
12:01Stay warm.
