• 2 days ago
During remarks on the House floor, Rep. Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick (D-FL) spoke about the House Republican agenda and budget proposal.

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00:00The chair recognizes the gentlewoman from Florida, Ms. Chairfullis McCormick, for five minutes.
00:05Over the last few weeks, Americans have actively watched the dismantling of Social Security and
00:11direct attacks on our seniors, our families, and also our veterans. I've heard directly from my
00:17constituents and they are scared. They're worried about their next meal. They're worried about if
00:22they'll be able to see their doctor. They're worried if they'll be able to retire with dignity.
00:26They're worried about the skyrocketing cost of living and the price of groceries. It's because
00:32they've heard so much about the cuts to Medicaid, the cuts to SNAP, and the cuts to the VA, all
00:37being proposed by the House Republicans. Let's take a closer look at what the House Republicans
00:42are proposing. House Republicans are proposing Medicaid cuts of $880 billion, SNAP cuts of $230
00:50billion, Social Security cuts of $1.5 trillion, Medicare raised the premiums by 22%, and veterans
00:58being fired, 83,000 veteran employees being fired. Now let's take a closer look at what
01:05they actually promised the American people. House Republicans have promised the American people
01:14to actually put forth bills that will make their life better. Let's take it to the board. Nothing,
01:19nada. Nothing has been proposed to help them with their financial situation. To make a visual of it,
01:27nothing has been proposed for the American people. I dare my House Republicans to join
01:33House Democrats in putting forth bills that will actually help the American people.
01:38The American people do not want $880 billion cut from their health care. The American people do
01:44not want $230 billion cut from SNAP and other assistance programs. They want to actually live
01:50the American dream, and they want opportunities. But right now, House Republicans have offered
01:57nothing, a blank piece of paper. Why, you may ask? Because Elon Musk has said the only way to save
02:04America is by jeopardizing our most vulnerable, is by eliminating entitlement programs. In fact,
02:11he said that the biggest issue that he has, and what he must do, is eliminate these programs.
02:17What types of programs are we talking about? Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and veterans
02:24benefits. For American people, this is ridiculous. These are our most vulnerable populations. We have
02:32promised our warriors, our heroes, that we would be there for them, that we would provide for them
02:37their benefits. What are we doing? I dare House Republicans to join the Democrats and stand up
02:44for the American people, to stand with us as we fight for the American people. I dare House
02:50Republicans to stand up for Social Security, to stand up for Medicaid, to stand up for our heroes.
02:57The time is now. Let's stop the madness and make sure that all Americans have a real opportunity
03:03with living with dignity and pursuing the American dream. I yield back.
