Este episodio estuvo marcado por una eliminación.
00:00:00Fallon, what do you think?
00:00:02I really like dancing.
00:00:04And sharing a bed with Rai.
00:00:06In the dance, I mean, of course.
00:00:08It's kind of stiff.
00:00:10I don't know if it will be very stiff in bed too.
00:00:14But we're going to find out today.
00:00:16Today we'll find out.
00:00:18No, no, Mati, it's not stiff.
00:00:20It's not stiff, says Fallon.
00:00:26Josu, what do you think of your partner,
00:00:28the song, the dance?
00:00:30I don't think I've heard the song in my life.
00:00:32I think my partner is great.
00:00:34I thought she was going to laugh at me.
00:00:36There's chemistry, there's chemistry.
00:00:38And with the dance, how are you?
00:00:40Little by little, better.
00:00:42But in bed, I defend myself well.
00:00:44So I think something can come out.
00:00:46Do you defend yourself well in bed?
00:00:48Pretty well.
00:00:50That's for sure.
00:00:58You can say, no, Che, I think it's too much.
00:01:00How am I going to put it in your face?
00:01:02In the face.
00:01:04No, twice.
00:01:06And that's it, I can stay here.
00:01:08We did the ending we wanted.
00:01:10Listen to me.
00:01:12You're mad, right?
00:01:14A lot.
00:01:16Because you can say, Che, I don't think it's too much.
00:01:18I think it's crazy what you're doing.
00:01:22Don't you think it's too much?
00:01:24Yes, I don't think it's too much.
00:01:26Don't you think it's too much?
00:01:28I don't know, I don't feel anything.
00:01:30Besides, it's here, it's not in the face,
00:01:32it's here in the chest.
00:01:34If you're kidding me, I'm not doing it.
00:01:36If you already did it, I don't care.
00:01:38I think it's a little strong, the truth.
00:01:40Strong that you sent me to duel.
00:01:42Are you taking revenge because I sent you to duel?
00:01:44No, I'm not taking revenge.
00:01:46You agreed, you also voted for you to go and not Fer.
00:01:48I didn't vote for her.
00:01:50You said it and I thought you didn't want to do that.
00:01:52I think it's a lot.
00:01:56Say now that your time, I don't know what,
00:01:58that it could still be.
00:02:00Yes, it could be.
00:02:02I don't know when, because I haven't told you.
00:02:04It's going to happen in three more days.
00:02:06Listen to me.
00:02:08In four more days, in five more days.
00:02:10I haven't told you that.
00:02:12After nothing, say no, never,
00:02:14never anything, I don't know what.
00:02:16No, I've never said anything.
00:02:18It's you who denies all the things you do.
00:02:20How many times have I told you how things are?
00:02:22But you deny it.
00:02:24You deny everything
00:02:26and you feel like,
00:02:28I don't know,
00:02:30I'm telling you no,
00:02:32I don't fish for the king.
00:02:34In the end, it's a bit like that.
00:02:36But it's mutual, because you haven't spoken.
00:02:48Damn, Javiera is so sensual.
00:02:50And they both do very well.
00:02:54I love you.
00:03:20She's so beautiful.
00:03:22She's so beautiful.
00:03:40I'm so happy.
00:03:52She's so beautiful.
00:04:06Vico, Vico, wait, wait.
00:04:10No, no, they're not going to do it.
00:04:12Why don't you want to do it?
00:04:14What's the girl's fault?
00:04:16You haven't rehearsed.
00:04:18It's an artistic choreography.
00:04:20I always do everything, but today I don't feel like doing it.
00:04:22I'm sorry, Zoe.
00:04:24Do it for your partner.
00:04:26Now that you're giving me the opinion to do it for your partner.
00:04:28How can you not do it?
00:04:30Don't worry.
00:04:32Come on, Vico.
00:04:34No, no, I'm not going to do it.
00:04:36I'm warning you, I'm not going to do it.
00:04:40He's coming, he's coming.
00:04:42It's Latu.
00:04:52Who's coming?
00:04:54It's Latu.
00:04:56It's Sergio Rojas, right?
00:04:58Hello, little girl.
00:05:00You had a hard time, didn't you?
00:05:02What happened to you, Latu?
00:05:04Wait, let's go over there.
00:05:10I hope that in the end I can go back there at some point
00:05:12and compete and continue
00:05:14as I had started.
00:05:16I'm going to win.
00:05:18I'm going to win.
00:05:20Do you know how important this was for you?
00:05:22How important it is.
00:05:24And it still is.
00:05:26You're funny.
00:05:28You have a wonderful charisma.
00:05:30I have a charisma that is missing.
00:05:32So you look incredible.
00:05:34We're going to be here, your friends,
00:05:36to support you in everything you need.
00:05:48Let's go.
00:05:58Let's go.
00:06:24Let's start in three, two, one.
00:06:26Let's go.
00:06:32This is just the beginning,
00:06:34the beginning
00:06:36of the seventh elimination duel.
00:06:38In words of honor.
00:06:49We thank you, Molina.
00:07:06I'll ask you too, Fernanda.
00:07:08Do you want the duel or do you want another one?
00:07:09Obvio que la quiero, pero cambiar.
00:07:11¿Por qué ha sido tan terrible para ti?
00:07:14No tuvo ni siquiera un poco de empatía,
00:07:16porque yo en la competencia de grupal
00:07:18la ayudé a salir de la piscina.
00:07:20Traté de conversar con ella un poco en la competencia
00:07:24y esperaba que, como ella viene diciendo
00:07:28que es la mejor competidora,
00:07:30esperaba que si estaba tan molesta
00:07:32de que yo fuera a competir con ella,
00:07:34en la competencia de hombres fuera ella a competir.
00:07:36Pero como se queja tanto de las competidoras que le tocan,
00:07:39pero ella no compite, entonces...
00:07:41Qué bueno, porque es la peor dupla que me puede haber pasado.
00:07:45La peor, se dice. No, peor. La peor.
00:07:50Lo quiero cambiar.
00:07:51Ah, ya, ya.
00:07:52Deja la embarrada ahí y después tienen que casi
00:07:54rogarle para que vaya a hacer algo.
00:07:56Entonces, no, no, no, no.
00:07:58No me sirve una pareja a mí. Así.
00:08:00Que disfrute su momento.
00:08:02Está picada porque ya le he dicho que su momento ya fue
00:08:03y ya no me apetece.
00:08:05No me apetece.
00:08:06No me apetece. Prefiero conocer a otra persona.
00:08:10Hola, bienvenidos a un episodio de Definiciones en Palabra, Honor, Realtad o Traición.
00:08:14Hoy es día de eliminación.
00:08:16Los duelistas ya están en la arena de batalla.
00:08:18Andrés y Lorena por un lado, Vico y Zoe por el otro.
00:08:21Un duelo que tiene a dos parejas en peligro de separarse.
00:08:24Julie tendrá que definir cómo continúa si se va Vico.
00:08:27Por el otro lado, Ray, que sabe que la salida de Lorena puede perjudicarlo
00:08:31y dejarle una puerta abierta para una nueva relación.
00:08:34Luego llega el momento de saber la verdad.
00:09:01Desde la instancia más extrema de nuestro reality show,
00:09:17les doy la bienvenida aquí, a la arena de duelo,
00:09:20en donde dos duplas sentenciadas esta noche van a tener que defender su permanencia.
00:09:26Saludamos con aplausos a Galvez y Cañulef.
00:09:31Buenas noches, bienvenidos.
00:09:35Haciendo un versus en la arena de duelo con Bayona y Bouvier.
00:09:40Buenas noches.
00:09:44Parece tarea fácil, pero no.
00:09:46Defender la permanencia con todo lo que hemos vivido en nuestro reality,
00:09:50aquí en Palabra de Honor.
00:09:52Por Dios que hay que tener agallas.
00:09:55Y sin duda, una muy buena dupla.
00:09:58Desde ya les deseo lo mejor.
00:10:00A defender con todo lo que tienen, la permanencia.
00:10:03No es fácil estar acá, pero esta noche todo está por suceder.
00:10:07Cuando termine el duelo, quiero decirles que cada uno de sus sobres
00:10:11contiene los integrantes de cada una de las duplas.
00:10:15Pero será la dupla perdedora quien deberá tomar una difícil decisión.
00:10:21El destino definirá cuál de ellos deberá optar por lealtad o traición.
00:10:29Y antes, conversar con quienes se enfrentan en esta instancia.
00:10:33Voy a comenzar contigo primero, Lorena. Muy buenas noches.
00:10:36Buenas noches, Carlita. ¿Cómo estás?
00:10:38¿Cómo te ves para enfrentar el duelo de hoy?
00:10:40Yo siempre he dicho que estando acá voy a dar lo mejor de mí.
00:10:44Estoy con una rodilla como un poco a medias.
00:10:46Sé que tengo una buena dupla. Con Andrés nos compenetramos bien.
00:10:50Nos sabemos cómo leer bien.
00:10:52Y eso es una parte súper importante dentro de trabajar en pareja.
00:10:55Creo que la conexión es súper importante.
00:10:57Eso es súper importante, saber leer bien la prueba.
00:11:00Conocer a tu dupla.
00:11:02¿Qué te parecería tener que abandonar ahora a Ray,
00:11:05o la relación que tienen, o el estar conociéndose?
00:11:07Sería una pena tener que dejar esto quizá en pausa o terminado.
00:11:13Por eso lo hablamos de nosotros, pero el tiempo dirá.
00:11:18Andrés, aprovecho el tiro de saludarte a ti. ¿Cómo estás?
00:11:21Con la guata apretada. Yo creo que como todos hoy día...
00:11:24Tienes toda la razón.
00:11:25Yo creo que, bueno, el no entrar con la guata apretada
00:11:27significa que algo anda mal.
00:11:29Ahora, ¿cómo ves el duelo del día de hoy? ¿Cómo lo vas a enfrentar?
00:11:33Lo enfrento con la mejor energía, con la mejor disposición y con toda la fuerza.
00:11:37Mis ganas de estar aquí siguen tan firmes como el primer día.
00:11:41Cuando termine el duelo, celebraremos o tendremos que decidir, no lo sé.
00:11:45Pero por ahora, a concentrarse en lo que viene.
00:11:48Muchas gracias. Bueno, ¿cómo estás, Zoe?
00:11:51Pues la verdad que un poco nerviosa, porque es mi primer duelo de eliminación.
00:11:56Así que, bueno, a darlo todo.
00:11:58Yo voy a intentar darlo todo por mi dupla. Confío mucho en él.
00:12:01Nos hemos entendido súper bien,
00:12:03a pesar de que he metido la pata en todas las competiciones.
00:12:06Pero, bueno, confío en él y lo voy a dar todo.
00:12:10Bueno, tu pasada también, por palabra de honor, ha sido intensa,
00:12:13ha tenido buenos momentos, malos momentos.
00:12:16¿Crees que llegó el momento de despedirte o todavía sientes que puedes seguir?
00:12:20Nah, Carlita, bicho malo nunca muere.
00:12:23Yo tengo mucho que dar.
00:12:25He dado toda la guerra, como siempre digo, siempre voy al revés de todo el mundo.
00:12:29Yo entro con todo, entré con muy mal pie con mi expareja, me he sentido muy mal.
00:12:34Con el resto de la casa he tenido disputas de primeras,
00:12:37con mi dupla, que ahora me llevo súper bien.
00:12:40Y creo que ahora que me llevo bien con todo, voy a darlo todo para quedarme.
00:12:44Y espero que así sea.
00:12:46Vico, ¿cómo estás?
00:12:47Muy bien. Siempre venir acá te da miedo, siempre te da nervio.
00:12:50Confío mucho en ella también.
00:12:52Me gustaría que se quede, yo tengo muchas ganas de seguir acá.
00:12:55Con Julie hicimos una estrategia para que Fer no compita con el dedo lastimado.
00:12:59Y me tocó estar acá, voy a dar todo lo posible.
00:13:01Pero nada, siempre estamos con el riesgo de quedar eliminado.
00:13:05No confiado, pero con ganas de competir, a eso vinimos.
00:13:08Voy a dar todo lo posible para que nos quedemos.
00:13:10Les damos el aplauso también a la dupla naranja, Bayona, Bouvier,
00:13:14para que esta noche les vaya extraordinariamente bien.
00:13:17Y ahora sí, converso con el resto de los reclutas.
00:13:20Ray, te tengo que preguntar a ti, sí o sí,
00:13:24porque efectivamente hoy día me imagino que estás más con el corazón en la mano.
00:13:29O sea, no es la primera vez que ves a Lorena en esta situación,
00:13:32pero han avanzado en la relación.
00:13:34Me imagino que para ti es difícil verla ahí.
00:13:36Sí, más que nervios, como me pongo ansioso en estas situaciones.
00:13:40Ya hemos escrito acá una historia igual bonita.
00:13:42Perdón, voy a hacer un paréntesis.
00:13:43Ella ha logrado lo que otras no.
00:13:45Primero, ha sentido muchos celos.
00:13:47Y además, según a la vista de muchos,
00:13:50parece que estuvieras más comprometido de lo que te hemos visto en otras ocasiones.
00:13:54¿O me equivoco?
00:13:55Uno a veces no elige sentir,
00:13:56y aunque tenga ciertas como predisposiciones ante una situación,
00:14:01siempre he estado con la misma visión de querer estar soltero,
00:14:05de disfrutar la vida en este minuto.
00:14:07Pero claro, Lore me dio esa parte como mujer increíble,
00:14:12es tranquila, sabe conversar las cosas,
00:14:14tiene una paz interior que me agrada mucho
00:14:17y que me ha acercado mucho a ella,
00:14:19y me ha hecho estar tranquilo ahí sin necesidad de mirar para el lado.
00:14:23Igual somos conscientes de que,
00:14:25si en el caso de que ella se fuera,
00:14:27que espero que no sea así,
00:14:29ella continúa su vida afuera,
00:14:31yo continúo mi vida acá,
00:14:33y dependiendo de las cosas que se den,
00:14:35o lo que conversemos saliendo,
00:14:37o cómo nos sintamos,
00:14:39o si sigue eso a pesar del tiempo o la distancia,
00:14:43bienvenida sea la relación.
00:14:45Bienvenida sea la relación.
00:14:47Me voy a quedar con esa frase, déjémela ahí, ¿sí?
00:14:49Muchas gracias, Ray.
00:14:50Joe, ¿cómo estás? Muy buenas noches.
00:14:52Buenas noches, Carlita.
00:14:53Bueno, me imagino que para ti también es complicado,
00:14:56y te voy a preguntar específicamente por Zoe,
00:14:58porque muchas veces dices que efectivamente la quieres,
00:15:02otras veces que no la quieres ver más,
00:15:04pero ella ha sido parte de tu vida,
00:15:06así que me imagino que también tendrás palabras para darle ánimo,
00:15:09para que enfrente su primer duelo.
00:15:11Lleva muy poquito, y ya va a tener que defender la permanencia.
00:15:15Sinceramente, ahora mismo tengo como sentimientos encontrados,
00:15:19porque si bien es cierto que he dicho muchas veces
00:15:22que no quiero que esté aquí, que me hace mal,
00:15:25pero después, otra parte, no olvida que es una persona
00:15:29que me ha dado muy buenos momentos en mi vida,
00:15:32que le sigo teniendo un cariño y un aprecio,
00:15:34y siempre le voy a desear lo mejor.
00:15:37Me daría pena también como que se fuera.
00:15:40Así que, nada, ella es una guerrera, ya lo sabes, ves con todo.
00:15:43Yo confío en que tú puedes hacerlo,
00:15:45tienes al lado a uno de los mejores,
00:15:47si no el mejor competidor de aquí.
00:15:49Así que confío en que podáis ganar.
00:15:53También desearle toda la suerte al otro equipo,
00:15:56que también ya los considero como amigos ambos,
00:15:59los quiero muchísimo, y independientemente
00:16:01de quién se vaya, me va a dar mucha pena.
00:16:03Claro, me imagino.
00:16:05¿Algo para decir en las palabras de Jorge?
00:16:08Esperaba, pensaba que iba a bailar de alegría.
00:16:12Sé que aunque te dé rabia que esté aquí,
00:16:14sé que por dentro te sientes un poco más en casa.
00:16:17Y, nada, pues le voy a dar todo pa' te ir a dar pa' culo.
00:16:22Muchas gracias.
00:16:25Bueno, Julie, muy buenas noches.
00:16:28No sé si tan buenas, Carlita.
00:16:30Está seria, ¿eso tiene que ver con el arrepentimiento tal vez de tu decisión?
00:16:34Estoy asustada, tengo miedo de que la estrategia salga mal.
00:16:37Aún así confío ciegamente en él,
00:16:39creo que es el mejor competidor de la casa incluso
00:16:41y que todavía tiene muchísimo, muchísimo para dar.
00:16:43Por eso no dudo de que lo van a dar todos los dos,
00:16:46pero sí, en el fondo un poco de miedo tengo, obviamente.
00:16:49¿Te imaginas realmente estar en Palabra de Honor sin Vico?
00:16:52No, no, no bajo ningún punto de vista, no me imagino.
00:16:55No podría porque quizás si yo hubiera votado a otra persona no estaría ahí,
00:16:58entonces sería por mi culpa.
00:17:00Aparte no la dejo con Ray y con Fabio ni en pedo.
00:17:04No quiero distraerte con eso, Vico.
00:17:06Ahora a concentrarse 100% en lo que será el duelo de hoy.
00:17:11Solo para recordarles entonces que los sobres van a quedar aquí
00:17:15a vista de todos los presentes que están acá
00:17:18y ustedes que están en casa.
00:17:20Máxima concentración de nuestras duplas
00:17:23porque la explicación del juego de hoy viene gracias a Honor.
00:17:30El duelo se inicia desde una base.
00:17:32Un participante cargando dos bidones
00:17:34debe sortear una viga de equilibrio
00:17:36y luego subir hasta lo más alto del hangar
00:17:38para rescatar una cantimplora y volver por el mismo trayecto.
00:17:41Luego deberá trepar una estructura metálica para colgar la cantimplora.
00:17:45Posteriormente debe volver a la base inicial para habilitar a su dupla
00:17:49quien deberá subir la estructura metálica nuevamente
00:17:52para rescatar la cantimplora.
00:17:54En la siguiente sección deberá sortear un zigzag
00:17:57y avanzar a través de agujeros en cada obstáculo
00:17:59para dejar finalmente la cantimplora en un depósito.
00:18:02Luego el participante debe volver por el mismo circuito
00:18:05hasta el punto inicial para continuar con el proceso.
00:18:08La primera dupla que logre el objetivo del juego
00:18:11irá en búsqueda de la bengala
00:18:13a lo más alto del hangar
00:18:15coronándose como los ganadores de este duelo de eliminación.
00:18:23Todo explicado, todo listo.
00:18:25Campo de duelo para recibir a las duplas que defienden su permanencia.
00:18:30Señoritas, señores, a tomar posiciones. ¡Vamos!
00:18:41¿Listos, dispuestos para comenzar este,
00:18:44el séptimo duelo de eliminación?
00:18:47En palabra de honor.
00:18:49Galvez, Cañulev, ¿listos?
00:18:53Bayon, Abubié, ¿listos?
00:18:55Comenzamos entonces en...
00:18:57¡Tres, dos, uno, vámonos!
00:19:04Este es recién el inicio, el comienzo
00:19:08del séptimo duelo de eliminación.
00:19:11En palabra de honor.
00:19:12Hoy, dos duplas enfrentadas, sentenciadas,
00:19:15deberán defender su permanencia.
00:19:17En esta ocasión y primera etapa,
00:19:20por un lado, Abubié ya ascendiendo hacia la plataforma.
00:19:34Abubié, ya desenganchado de la primera cantinclora,
00:19:37viene descendiendo.
00:19:39Ahí va Andrés Cañulev.
00:19:42Descansa, que está permitido.
00:19:44Bien, sin pensar, sin pensar.
00:19:47Respira, retoma.
00:19:49Sin pensar.
00:19:50Mientras no se caigan de las pasarelas,
00:19:53pueden seguir avanzando.
00:19:55Abubié está a punto de llegar.
00:19:58Y será el momento de actuar de Zoe.
00:20:04Abubié, muy lentamente, con mucha precisión.
00:20:08Descansa ahí, descansa ahí, equilíbrate.
00:20:10Hasta ahora va todo bien.
00:20:12Ya coloca la primera cantinclora.
00:20:15Ahora debe subir Zoe, que había tenido ahí
00:20:18un pequeño olvido, corregido por su dupla.
00:20:20Mientras tanto, abubié.
00:20:22¡Ahí va Zoe!
00:20:24¡Ahí va Zoe!
00:20:26Un pequeño olvido, corregido por su dupla.
00:20:28Mientras tanto, Andrés Cañulev.
00:20:30Sigue intentando salir de la pasarela.
00:20:35Vuelve a retomar Cañulev.
00:20:38Se nos cae Cañulev.
00:20:40Pero ya ha llegado ahí, hasta el final.
00:20:42Debe subir la plataforma.
00:20:44Mientras tanto, Zoe lo consigue.
00:20:47Y ya, deposita la primera cantinclora
00:20:50para la dupla naranja.
00:20:53Muy buena la actuación de Zoe.
00:20:55Muy buena la actuación de Abubié.
00:20:57Andrés Cañulev empieza a desenganchar
00:20:59la primera cantinclora para el equipo morado.
00:21:01Mientras tanto, Vico va avanzando por la pasarela
00:21:05a trancos muy seguros.
00:21:07A un buen ritmo hasta ahora.
00:21:10Una buena actuación de Abubié.
00:21:13Un hombre muy concentrado.
00:21:16Comienza a subir.
00:21:18Mientras tanto, Cañulev empieza a descender
00:21:21con la primera cantinclora para el equipo morado.
00:21:24Es Vico quien ya llega a la cima
00:21:26y comienza a desenganchar
00:21:28para obtener la segunda cantinclora.
00:21:31Estamos viviendo el séptimo duelo de eliminación aquí
00:21:34en Palabra de Honor y todos observando
00:21:36al borde del campo de duelo
00:21:38en donde lleva la delantera
00:21:40y mucha delantera en este caso,
00:21:42el equipo naranja.
00:21:43Abubié comienza a descender.
00:21:45Mientras tanto, Andrés Cañulev ya toma sus barriles.
00:21:50Andrés sigue dudando, desciende.
00:21:56Abubié avanza.
00:21:58Todos muy expectantes.
00:22:00El resto de los reclutas observando
00:22:02la actuación de sus compañeros.
00:22:04Deja los barriles Abubié.
00:22:07Sube por la pared enrejada.
00:22:13Toca la mano de su compañera
00:22:15y es ahora Zoe quien entra a jugar.
00:22:19Debe rescatar la cantinclora.
00:22:21Lo hace fácilmente.
00:22:23Mientras tanto, Andrés Cañulev
00:22:26toma aliento nuevamente
00:22:28para seguir avanzando.
00:22:30Es Zoe quien rápidamente se traslada
00:22:35por ese laberinto.
00:22:37Ya tienen, señoras y señores,
00:22:39la segunda cantinclora.
00:22:42Zoe nuevamente por esta ratonera,
00:22:45por este laberinto.
00:22:49Toca la mano de Vico.
00:22:51Vico comienza nuevamente a jugar
00:22:54por la pasarela.
00:22:58Andrés nuevamente descansa.
00:23:00Está difícil para Andrés.
00:23:02Esto requiere de mucha fuerza de brazos.
00:23:08Vico ya comienza a ascender.
00:23:12Muy bien, Vico.
00:23:14Va con mucho relajo, mucha confianza.
00:23:17Mientras tanto, Andrés Cañulev cae.
00:23:22Lamentablemente, un traspié muy fuerte
00:23:24para la dupla morada.
00:23:26Lamentablemente, debe volver Andrés Cañulev.
00:23:31Falta de concentración.
00:23:33No es fácil esta etapa
00:23:35donde debe mantener el equilibrio,
00:23:37fuerza de brazos.
00:23:39Lleva mucha delantera a los naranjas.
00:23:41Lamentablemente, pierde de nuevo el equilibrio Andrés.
00:23:44Vico ya sale.
00:23:46Sale a las alturas.
00:23:48Comienza a tomar nuevamente la pasarela.
00:23:50Vico muy tranquilo, muy seguro.
00:23:52Andrés debe subir la pared enrejada
00:23:54y depositar la cartimplora.
00:23:56Lorena está muy preocupada.
00:23:58No puede creer lo que está pasando.
00:24:00Había confianza en ellos dos,
00:24:02pero lamentablemente esta etapa
00:24:04les jugó en contra a Andrés.
00:24:06Pero fue decisión de ellos, señoras y señores.
00:24:08Veo como Vico ya deposita la tercera cartimplora
00:24:11en la pared enrejada.
00:24:13Sube Zoe.
00:24:15Lorena haciendo lo propio.
00:24:19Lorena comienza a tomar la ratonera.
00:24:23Va rápidamente, lo más rápido que se puede.
00:24:30Ya está la primera cartimplora para Lorena.
00:24:32Lorena la vemos acongojada, está preocupada.
00:24:38Ahí va Zoe.
00:24:40Zoe muy rápida también.
00:24:41Ya deposita la tercera cartimplora
00:24:43para el equipo naranja.
00:24:45Sigue la actuación de ambas duplas.
00:24:47Duplas defendiendo permanencia.
00:24:49Va nuevamente Andrés Cañulev.
00:24:52Se la juega, va con todo.
00:24:54Está difícil, va Vico.
00:24:57Toma la pasarela.
00:24:58Vico tranquilamente.
00:25:00Es impresionante como ha mantenido el equilibrio.
00:25:02Vico, ahí va nuevamente Andrés.
00:25:04Está dudando.
00:25:05Le pesa mucho.
00:25:07Va nuevamente Vico.
00:25:10Solamente quedan dos cartimploras para el equipo naranja.
00:25:13Cuatro para el equipo morado.
00:25:16Es difícil este relato.
00:25:17Se hace difícil sobre todo viendo a Andrés Cañulev
00:25:20que tanto se ha esforzado,
00:25:22que tantas ganas tiene,
00:25:23pero que se le vino la prueba encima.
00:25:25Cae nuevamente Andrés.
00:25:28Mientras tanto Vico ya rescata la penúltima cartimplora.
00:25:31Comienza a descender de la estructura.
00:25:40Seguimos viendo la actuación de Vico por un lado,
00:25:43de Andrés Cañulev por otro,
00:25:45que lamentablemente debe de detenerse en muchísimas ocasiones.
00:25:48Todavía no logra avanzar.
00:25:50Mientras tanto Vico ya comienza a ascender
00:25:52con buenas zancadas sobre la pared enrejada.
00:25:57Ahí está Vico.
00:25:58Ya deposita la penúltima cartimplora.
00:26:00Debe tocar la mano de su compañera.
00:26:02Ahí está.
00:26:03Soe comienza a jugar.
00:26:05Trepa por la pared enrejada de la mujer.
00:26:07Muy ágil, muy liviana.
00:26:08Ya la tiene en sus manos.
00:26:10Lanza la cantimplora.
00:26:12Andrés está tratando de hacer un buen trabajo.
00:26:16Soe ríe porque en verdad va como loca
00:26:18por este laberinto, por esta ratonera.
00:26:21Vemos a Soe en su primer duelo de eliminación.
00:26:25Y es Soe que ya coloca la cuarta cantimplora
00:26:28para el equipo naranja.
00:26:30Lorena está preocupada, está muy seria.
00:26:32Tal como ella lo ha manifestado en muchas ocasiones,
00:26:35no es el momento para ella para irse,
00:26:37pero en esta ocasión la suerte
00:26:39no está jugando a favor de la dupla morada.
00:26:43No pasa nada.
00:26:45Uno trae al otro.
00:26:49Quedan todavía para el equipo morado
00:26:51cuatro cantimploras a su haber.
00:26:53Mientras tanto, Vico ya comienza a ascender
00:26:55sobre el hangar.
00:26:57Es momento de obtener las dos cantimploras
00:27:00Tendría que ocurrir un milagro
00:27:02porque al parecer ya estamos viendo a la dupla
00:27:04que esta noche se va a coronar como ganadora
00:27:08de este séptimo duelo de eliminación
00:27:10aquí en Palabra de Honor.
00:27:16Andrés Cayulef no baja los brazos.
00:27:18Está ascendiendo hacia el hangar.
00:27:23Ahí viene bajando Vico.
00:27:25Hay mucho peso en esos barriles.
00:27:27Va avanzando Vico por la plataforma.
00:27:30Mientras tanto, Andrés Cayulef sigue desenganchando.
00:27:34La segunda cantimplora, Lorena,
00:27:36no dice nada, está seria, está preocupada.
00:27:39Sabe lo que se viene.
00:27:41Ahí va Vico.
00:27:45Vico coloca la última cantimplora.
00:27:48La última cantimplora.
00:27:50La última cantimplora.
00:27:53Vico coloca la última cantimplora.
00:27:56Equipo Naranja está resolviendo muy bien.
00:27:58Zoe comienza a ascender ahora.
00:28:00Debe rescatar la última cantimplora.
00:28:13Zoe lanza la cantimplora.
00:28:15La cantimplora queda enganchada en una de las paredes
00:28:17de este laberinto.
00:28:20Ahí va Zoe.
00:28:21Es la última cantimplora para el equipo Naranja.
00:28:23Bayona, Boubier.
00:28:25Bayona, Boubier.
00:28:26Y ahí va Bayona.
00:28:27Va Bayona en una actuación impecable.
00:28:29Coloca la última cantimplora, señoras y señores.
00:28:32Bayona, Boubier.
00:28:34Ya toman la bengala.
00:28:37Son los ganadores.
00:28:39Vamos a esperar que asciendan al hangar.
00:28:41Mientras tanto, lamentablemente,
00:28:43abrazos entre los compañeros.
00:28:46Cañulef está agotadísimo.
00:28:49No lo pudo lograr.
00:28:53Galvez abrazando al compañero,
00:28:55entendiendo la situación.
00:28:57Pero aquí estamos todos, los espectadores,
00:28:59las dos caras de la moneda,
00:29:01la tristeza de la dupla morada,
00:29:03la alegría de la dupla Naranja,
00:29:05Bayona, Boubier.
00:29:07Una muy buena dupla.
00:29:09Esta noche se coronan como los ganadores
00:29:11del séptimo duelo de eliminación.
00:29:14En palabra de honor.
00:29:17Felicitaciones, muchachos.
00:29:34Como corresponde, vamos a felicitar.
00:29:37Los aplausos son para la dupla
00:29:39que ha obtenido la victoria esta noche.
00:29:41Bayona, Boubier.
00:29:43Continúan en competencia.
00:29:45Permanecen en palabra de honor.
00:29:48Mil felicitaciones.
00:29:50Lo hicieron increíblemente bien.
00:29:52Y voy a comenzar con la mujer
00:29:54que por primera vez pisaba este campo de duelo.
00:29:58Tuviste una muy buena actuación.
00:30:00Y continuás aquí, en carrera,
00:30:02escribiendo tu historia.
00:30:04Estoy muy contenta.
00:30:06Quiero escucharte eso.
00:30:08Primero, darle las gracias a mi compañero.
00:30:10Nos odiábamos.
00:30:12Y ahora me pide hasta perdón.
00:30:14Siete veces por no haber hecho el baile esta tarde.
00:30:16Pero ya no importa.
00:30:18Me da igual todo. Estoy muy contenta.
00:30:20Para empezar esta experiencia,
00:30:22tener a la dupla Biko
00:30:24ha sido lo mejor que me ha podido pasar
00:30:26para enseñarme absolutamente todo.
00:30:28Me ha enseñado muchísimo
00:30:30desde el primer día que estamos como dupla.
00:30:32En la prueba lo ha dado todo.
00:30:34Yo no he hecho casi nada,
00:30:36porque era pasar por ahí.
00:30:38Y me ha tirado por culo.
00:30:44Gracias por tus palabras, Zoe.
00:30:46Bueno, Biko, tu compañera,
00:30:48ya lo decía, y todos hemos sido testigos
00:30:50de lo concentrado,
00:30:52de lo buen competidor que eres.
00:30:54Y te felicito porque resultó la estrategia.
00:30:56Así que ahora puedes...
00:30:58Menos mal.
00:31:00Menos mal. Respirar, descansar.
00:31:02Quiero escucharte, Biko.
00:31:04Bien, contento. Ganar es lindo.
00:31:06Es fea esta parte
00:31:08porque sabemos que alguno de los dos se va a ir.
00:31:10Y son personas con las que compartimos
00:31:12con Cañulefa hace un montón de tiempo ya acá adentro.
00:31:14Con Lore un poco menos,
00:31:16pero es de nuestro grupo y de nuestras amigas.
00:31:18Así que, por una parte, agradecido
00:31:20y feliz de estar de nuevo acá.
00:31:22Pero por otro lado, no me gusta esta etapa
00:31:24porque se tiene que ir alguien.
00:31:26Mi compañera es una genia también, lo hizo bárbaro.
00:31:28Así que nos complementamos como dupla.
00:31:30Vamos a ver si seguimos o no.
00:31:32Por favor, que me la saque.
00:31:34El resto de los reclutas,
00:31:36con el aplauso de todos los presentes.
00:31:38Zoé y Biko continúan con nosotros
00:31:40acá en el programa.
00:31:50Por supuesto que siempre hay espacio
00:31:52para la celebración,
00:31:54pero se nos aprieta el corazón también
00:31:56para la derrota.
00:31:58No, no me dio nunca.
00:32:00He ido yo, como siempre.
00:32:02Tenemos a ambos, Andrés y Lorena,
00:32:04y sabemos una que se quiere mucho,
00:32:06que siempre están dispuestos a darlo todo,
00:32:08no importan las dolencias.
00:32:10Pero esta vez no se pudo.
00:32:12Andrés, Lorena, Lore, ¿cómo lo sientes?
00:32:14Una pena, Carlita,
00:32:16porque habían lesiones preexistentes
00:32:18y Andrés tiene sus tobillos lesionados.
00:32:20Entonces, por todo el tema de equilibrio
00:32:22o propriocepción, qué sé yo,
00:32:24se ve reflejado
00:32:26en esta falta de balance, digamos.
00:32:28Pero, como siempre,
00:32:30un guerrero lo dio todo,
00:32:32no se rindió nunca, y nada.
00:32:34A veces toca ganar, a veces toca perder,
00:32:36y esta vez nos tocó perder.
00:32:38¿Sabes qué pasa? Que yo todavía estoy tocado
00:32:40con la despedida de la Natu.
00:32:42Uno nunca sabe cuándo es el final de sus días acá adentro.
00:32:44Pero por ahora,
00:32:46decirles gracias a todos por la compañía,
00:32:48por hacernos parte,
00:32:50y a la Lorena por aguantar
00:32:52mis dolencias y resistir, básicamente,
00:32:54la poca capacidad que tuve
00:32:56en esta prueba en particular.
00:32:58La verdad es que el corazón y la garra siempre están,
00:33:00pero la vida, no todo es fácil.
00:33:02Así que esta vez tocó perder,
00:33:04y yo solamente quiero dar gracias
00:33:06a todos por todo.
00:33:08En verdad, las gracias te las damos a ti,
00:33:10bueno, a ambos. Todos vimos cómo
00:33:12la dupla naranja avanzaba rápidamente,
00:33:14pero no abandonaron.
00:33:16¿Por qué no te detuviste?
00:33:18Tuviste que parar muchas veces,
00:33:20pero seguiste adelante.
00:33:22Tu compañera mantuvo la templanza,
00:33:24que eso es muy importante.
00:33:26No me queda duda, y a ustedes que están en casa tampoco,
00:33:28de que hay una entrega total.
00:33:30Ha sido un día emocional,
00:33:32emocionalmente muy fuerte,
00:33:34y las cartas ya están echadas.
00:33:36El destino decidirá si partirá uno o dos,
00:33:38y quién deberá tomar
00:33:40la difícil decisión de lealtad
00:33:42o traición.
00:33:44Se los anuncié antes de ir al duelo,
00:33:46los sobres se han mantenido
00:33:48a vista de todos.
00:33:50A mi costado derecho voy a tomar
00:33:52el sobre de ustedes.
00:34:02Al interior de este sobre
00:34:04están los nombres de ambos.
00:34:06El primero que saque
00:34:08será la persona que tomará la difícil decisión
00:34:10de lealtad o traición.
00:34:14¿Será Andrés o será Lorena?
00:34:16Lo vamos a descubrir de inmediato.
00:34:24Andrés Cañulef,
00:34:26esta noche deberás tomar
00:34:28la difícil decisión,
00:34:30lealtad o traición.
00:34:36Es la primera vez que me toca
00:34:38tomar una decisión que duela.
00:34:40Hay una historia
00:34:42con Ray que Lorena tiene,
00:34:44pero también sé que hay miles de aventuras
00:34:46que la esperan afuera.
00:34:50Esta noche te tengo que traicionar.
00:34:52Está bien.
00:34:56Entonces, para que quede claridad,
00:34:58¿cuál es tu decisión?
00:35:00La decisión es traición.
00:35:02Despedimos esta noche a Lorena Galvez.
00:35:04Muchas gracias, Lorena.
00:35:06Los aplausos para ti.
00:35:08La difícil decisión de Andrés.
00:35:10Quiero mostrarles que además
00:35:12aquí también estaba el nombre de Lorena
00:35:14para que haya transparencia al respecto.
00:35:18Gracias por todo.
00:35:20Tiene una energía muy linda.
00:35:22Gracias por ser como eres.
00:35:24Bueno, Andrés, vas a poder volver
00:35:26con el resto de los compañeros.
00:35:28Así que, por favor,
00:35:30a recibir esos abrazos cariñosos.
00:35:32Te deseo lo mejor para esta semana
00:35:34que sigues en competencia con nosotros.
00:35:36Muchas gracias.
00:35:38Los aplausos para Andrés, por favor.
00:35:40Recibido con el resto de los compañeros.
00:35:46Lorena, querida,
00:35:48esto me imagino que no solamente es difícil para ti,
00:35:50sino que para Ray
00:35:52y para las amistades que tú hiciste.
00:35:54Quiero escucharte en esta despedida.
00:35:56Fue una experiencia súper bonita,
00:35:58súper fortalecedora
00:36:00y para conocerme.
00:36:02Conocí a Ray.
00:36:04Vivimos este romance genuino y lindo
00:36:06con las niñas también,
00:36:08un grupo maravilloso,
00:36:10un grupo todos igual por igual,
00:36:12sin una doble intención,
00:36:14sin jugar a los líderes,
00:36:16disfrutando, pasándolo bien.
00:36:18Esta soy yo, auténtica.
00:36:20Quizás a algunos les va a caer bien,
00:36:22a algunos no,
00:36:24pero it is what it is.
00:36:26Bueno, y con justa razón, Ray,
00:36:28esta mujer logró conquistarte,
00:36:32¿Qué te gustaría decirle a Lorena en este momento?
00:36:34Sí, estoy un poco frustrado
00:36:36porque Andrés tiene los tobillos colgando.
00:36:38No pudo completar la prueba.
00:36:40Como uno se merece ir de acá,
00:36:42y encuentro compitiendo,
00:36:44trabajándolo todo en la cancha
00:36:46hasta que no responden las piernas
00:36:48y que no fue el caso que eso me tiró un poco para adentro.
00:36:50Pero es parte de esto.
00:36:52Igual felicitarlo porque a pesar de todo
00:36:54tuvo el intento de hacerlo.
00:36:56No te voy a mentir que me dan ganas de pescarlo
00:36:58y empezar a hacerla yo,
00:37:00pero ya está.
00:37:02Decirle que de que llegó
00:37:04me llamó mucho la atención.
00:37:06Me dieron ganas de conocerla.
00:37:08Fue una experiencia muy bonita hasta ahora
00:37:10lo que yo conviendo con ella.
00:37:12Me cuesta eso con las personas generalmente.
00:37:14Como hacerme un amigo
00:37:16o conocer una chica maya de algo pasajero.
00:37:18Como que
00:37:20tuve esas conversaciones
00:37:22que van maya de algo normal.
00:37:24Y desearte toda la suerte del mundo.
00:37:26Eres una mujer increíble.
00:37:28Te mostraste como eres.
00:37:30Y te aseguro que acá eres
00:37:32la más pura en su interior.
00:37:34Me encanta conocerte.
00:37:36Y ahora, no sé, volver a la casa
00:37:38y pasar la mayor parte del día con ella.
00:37:40No sé cómo van a ser los días
00:37:42desde ahora.
00:37:44Bueno, no va a ser fácil.
00:37:46Sobre todo para los que quieren a Lorena.
00:37:48Y te quiero agradecer tu participación.
00:37:50Tu entrega, tu buena onda.
00:37:52Y lo que le provocaste a ese hombre.
00:37:54Porque al parecer nunca la había pasado.
00:37:56Osito que prueba la miel.
00:37:58Ha llegado el momento de la despedida.
00:38:00Le entrego estos momentos
00:38:02para que abracen a Lorena.
00:38:04Para que se despidan como corresponde.
00:38:06Y gracias Lorena nuevamente por toda la entrega.
00:38:08Es un placer conocerte.
00:38:10Sergio no está, pero nombre de él y mío.
00:38:12Muchas gracias. El aplauso para ti.
00:38:14Gracias a todos por la buena onda.
00:38:16Sigan con todo, chicos.
00:38:18Con toda la garra.
00:38:20Denlo todo en las competencias. Entrenen.
00:38:22Están pesaditas las pruebas.
00:38:24Ponganle bueno. Ustedes pueden con todo.
00:38:26Muchas gracias Lorena. Te deseamos lo mejor.
00:38:28Y a ustedes en casa, gracias por acompañarnos.
00:38:30Por la sintonía, por la fidelidad.
00:38:32Muy buenas noches.
00:38:34Nos vemos. Chau.
00:38:38JUNE 2020
00:39:06I don't love you, Biko, I don't love you.
00:39:08I think we have a similar way of thinking about some things.
00:39:11I felt it.
00:39:14I think I could have done much better than him, but not better than Biko.
00:39:18Go ahead, you're amazing.
00:39:22You showed me that you are an amazing person.
00:39:26In my time at Palabra de Honor, I took many first steps.
00:39:30I did many things that I had never done before.
00:39:32I met Ray, it was a beautiful story.
00:39:35I met Gala, I met Fer, I met Yuli.
00:39:38We made a beautiful bond.
00:39:45What I can highlight the most from all my time here
00:39:48are the human bonds I made with a lot of girls,
00:39:51with Dani, with Andres, with everyone, with Fallon.
00:39:59Thank you very much for everything.
00:40:00No, you're welcome.
00:40:01You can win, you can win.
00:40:04I think all relationships in itself
00:40:06fulfill a certain kind of learning in life.
00:40:10He is still a minor, he is a boy,
00:40:14I saw a 25-year-old man, beautiful girls,
00:40:17it's normal, so much that he was labeled,
00:40:19that he explains flowers,
00:40:20nobody enters where the door is not open.
00:40:22Everyone enters where they can,
00:40:25and things are always reciprocal.
00:40:27Since you arrived, you caught my attention.
00:40:31Those jokes, I changed that,
00:40:34between jokes and jokes,
00:40:36because really, in a way,
00:40:38you were giving me everything I needed,
00:40:42and I didn't want anything else.
00:40:44Finally, he found more peace.
00:40:46I mean, he found a relationship that maybe wasn't toxic,
00:40:49where I tried to empathize a little more
00:40:52with his feelings, without judging him.
00:40:55Those things that suddenly bothered you,
00:40:58I say that I am like that,
00:41:01and later I will improve it, I don't know,
00:41:03but it doesn't mean anything that I don't want to be with you,
00:41:07or look at you.
00:41:09Knowing someone here is also a super plus
00:41:12that I think generates a special connection.
00:41:14I don't know, it would be nice to go out together,
00:41:17but I have to continue here with my mission,
00:41:20I have to...
00:41:23Try to win it.
00:41:26You have to win everything.
00:41:28I think you and the Falons both have to win.
00:41:31I would like to continue knowing him,
00:41:33I would like to see him again.
00:41:42Do what you feel.
00:41:44I have to keep giving face, I have to keep moving forward.
00:41:48Yes, of course.
00:41:53Suerte en todo.
00:42:01Suerte en todo.
00:42:21CHAPTER 2
00:42:24THE FALL
00:42:34It doesn't look like it, but if you don't concentrate, you fall.
00:42:38I have strength in one foot and in the other, right?
00:42:41So how do I balance that?
00:42:43You get nervous when you talk.
00:42:45There you fell.
00:42:47Because that's where I have to make the strongest movement.
00:42:50To the side.
00:42:51I was going up like this.
00:42:53Yes, almost like a donkey.
00:42:55Like a walker.
00:42:57One of the ladies.
00:43:01It made me feel, I don't know, in another way.
00:43:04Do you like it?
00:43:05Yes, yes.
00:43:06What's wrong with you?
00:43:08You know how I see life today,
00:43:10that I want to be...
00:43:12It's just mine and well, I don't know.
00:43:15But, for example, can you imagine seeing it from the outside?
00:43:18Yes, of course.
00:43:20But I don't know what's going to happen.
00:43:22So many things are going to hit me.
00:43:24I'm calling you to hurry you up.
00:43:26But, brother, it's important.
00:43:28If I'm there, if you get the Lores, mom.
00:43:30What's going to happen?
00:43:33This vehicle is in the kitchen.
00:43:35We're going to celebrate the Lores.
00:43:37They're all there.
00:43:39Come, come.
00:43:41Start with me.
00:43:44Take the vein.
00:43:51Well, little brother, that's it.
00:43:55Enjoy it.
00:43:56Now, yes.
00:43:57Mom, I think we have to shout.
00:43:59One more week.
00:44:01One more week.
00:44:03One more week.
00:44:05One more week.
00:44:07One more week.
00:44:09One more week.
00:44:11One more week.
00:44:13One more week.
00:44:15One more week.
00:44:17One week.
00:44:19One week.
00:44:21One week.
00:44:37One week.
00:44:39Happy New Year!
00:44:46Where's the broom?
00:44:49Oh my!
00:44:54What happened?
00:44:55I don't know.
00:44:56What happened? I have to tell the commander.
00:45:00I'll take a quick shower and I'll be right back.
00:45:02Don't worry, we don't have any coffee, beer or shit.
00:45:06Did the egg die?
00:45:08No, it was Lore's, not mine.
00:45:09Start cleaning, not Fabio's.
00:45:12You don't even clean this shit. You're going to clean it.
00:45:15Yes, but there's no broom.
00:45:16And why are you going to clean? I did everything.
00:45:18No, I just have to clean the egg.
00:45:20Everyone here did a little.
00:45:22And now what?
00:45:23And now what?
00:45:24How do you do this?
00:45:27Who's the idiot who came up with this?
00:45:29You, who else?
00:45:30Not us.
00:45:31Obviously it's you.
00:45:32We had to do the beak.
00:45:36Do you want to help me?
00:45:37Do you want to conquer Javiera like this, Fabio?
00:45:39Doing this bullshit?
00:45:40Javiera, you're going to laugh your ass off with me.
00:45:42Sad or bored, I'll make you smile.
00:45:44I'd get green canes out of you.
00:45:47With how hysterical I am.
00:45:48Forget it.
00:45:51Are you okay?
00:45:53What are you going to do?
00:45:55A little bit.
00:45:56He's crazy.
00:45:59If he doesn't hang out with someone every day, he'll be very calm.
00:46:02I'm going to tie you up.
00:46:03I'm going to tie you up.
00:46:04I'm going to tie you up.
00:46:08Visually, in a way, he made me...
00:46:10I don't know what to say.
00:46:11I don't know what to say.
00:46:12I don't know what to say.
00:46:16Poor thing.
00:46:17They took his arm.
00:46:20They took his tuto to sleep.
00:46:23It's like when you take the baby's tuto
00:46:25and he can't sleep without your tuto.
00:46:29Take it.
00:46:30What do you want?
00:46:31Throw it there.
00:46:32Do something, man.
00:46:35Clean that up.
00:46:37It's true.
00:46:38He wasn't conscious.
00:46:39Look at him.
00:46:40He's giving orders.
00:46:42The one who's the dirtiest is giving orders.
00:46:44He wasn't conscious.
00:46:45He wasn't conscious.
00:46:49The feeling?
00:46:50Yes, crazy.
00:46:51But I didn't think it was going to hurt that much.
00:46:53Process it.
00:46:58He's a little boy.
00:46:59He's a little boy.
00:47:00He's a baby.
00:47:01He is.
00:47:02He's a baby.
00:47:03He likes girls.
00:47:04He realized that love exists.
00:47:07But he's still a fag.
00:47:09He's still a fag.
00:47:10You know that.
00:47:11It's nothing.
00:47:12You have to accept it.
00:47:14Cheer up.
00:47:18We haven't left him in a bad mood, right?
00:47:21It's like we changed his skin tone.
00:47:22Sir, James Bond just arrived.
00:47:24I don't see how you're free, man.
00:47:26My young padawan.
00:47:27Clean all this up.
00:47:28My disciple.
00:47:29He hit me in the eye.
00:47:30Look, here's a hand.
00:47:31I know you're going to get over it.
00:47:33Let's go to the back.
00:47:34Let's go.
00:47:38Don't make so much noise, please.
00:47:45You're so depressed.
00:47:46No, it was strange.
00:47:49Because I thought I wasn't going to get that feeling.
00:47:51It was crazy, brother.
00:47:52I don't care about you.
00:47:54I like to have fun, brother.
00:47:55You usually don't compromise with anyone.
00:47:57And there's one who makes you afraid.
00:47:59It's different, right?
00:48:04He's a good boy.
00:48:08We haven't talked about Josué's declaration of love.
00:48:12Don't be like that.
00:48:14It wasn't a declaration of love.
00:48:15It was a very nice gesture.
00:48:17It was nice, wasn't it?
00:48:18Yes, because it was a public one.
00:48:20I know he loves me.
00:48:22He's not a bad guy.
00:48:23He's not.
00:48:24I've never said he's a bad guy.
00:48:26He's a bastard.
00:48:27He puts my pillow on.
00:48:29He puts your pillow on?
00:48:31Yes, he takes it off all the time.
00:48:33And what does it mean that he takes your pillow off?
00:48:36I want to smell you.
00:48:39He takes it off to take a nap.
00:48:42You know you have to put on perfume tomorrow.
00:48:46Lore, Lore.
00:48:47Lore, Lore.
00:48:48I didn't notice you.
00:48:50Lore, I didn't notice you.
00:48:51But one day.
00:48:52Let me introduce you to a friend.
00:48:54She's single.
00:48:57She's single, she says.
00:48:59She's single.
00:49:01She's going through a bad time.
00:49:03It's bad.
00:49:04I saw it today.
00:49:06Fabio walks in.
00:49:08Wherever you want to go.
00:49:10I feel attracted to him.
00:49:13But I don't want the queen to say
00:49:15that I was putting cream on his armpit.
00:49:19How are you?
00:49:20I'm good.
00:49:21How are you?
00:49:22The same.
00:49:23I see that and it's like...
00:49:34How did you feel in the dance with Javi?
00:49:39Hey, why...
00:49:40Why did they grab you?
00:49:42Because of me.
00:49:43I was downstairs listening and he says,
00:49:45give me a capote.
00:49:46A what?
00:49:47A capote.
00:49:48I wanted to help him.
00:49:49I asked Javi how he was doing with Fabio.
00:49:51And he said, good.
00:49:52I like the boy.
00:49:53But he's always pulling my leg
00:49:55with the silly things he does with the kids.
00:49:57So I went to the kitchen and said,
00:49:58Zoe told me, come here.
00:50:00She got mad at me.
00:50:01So after I gave you a capote,
00:50:03Fabio told her.
00:50:04I didn't know it was a secret.
00:50:05I thought she had told you
00:50:07to send me that message later.
00:50:10But we've been together for 15 years.
00:50:11But yes, she reminded me of that.
00:50:13It's stupid.
00:50:14Javi got a little mad.
00:50:15They took her for a whore.
00:50:16Then she had to dance.
00:50:17That's why I asked her.
00:50:18I don't know.
00:50:19You've done it, Fabio.
00:50:20She took it from us.
00:50:21I know.
00:50:22We started talking and laughing.
00:50:23In the end, we did it really well.
00:50:25We enjoyed it.
00:50:37No, kid.
00:50:39Throw that away.
00:50:40Are you going to kick me?
00:50:41Throw that away.
00:50:42You want me to throw it away?
00:50:44You're a kid.
00:50:45I'm sorry.
00:50:50Little bird.
00:50:51Little bird.
00:50:54Little bird.
00:51:14Let's go.
00:51:15Let's go.
00:51:16To the park, to the park, to the park, to the park.
00:51:28I'm not a ghost house.
00:51:31You are not wrong.
00:51:32Today I am a fumigator.
00:51:33Too many fleas in this house.
00:51:34Who wants more screen in this place?
00:51:36Let's see who the fleas are,
00:51:39Who are the fleas? Who are the flies that we are going to eliminate today?
00:51:44Because a new morning begins here, here in Palabra de Honor.
00:51:58Good morning!
00:52:01Today I come to kill flies and fleas.
00:52:06The fleas are where they stop and shit.
00:52:09And the fleas are those that turn on the camera and go immediately.
00:52:14There is a light and they go.
00:52:16For example, this gentleman.
00:52:19Today Lorena left.
00:52:23That's why he's like this.
00:52:24I'm going to fumigate all those who have raised us.
00:52:27Look what I bring you as a gift.
00:52:29No, no.
00:52:33Take it.
00:52:35How are you today?
00:52:37Watch out!
00:52:40You have a lot of flies on you.
00:52:43Yesterday they didn't want to dance, and now they are.
00:52:49And it's all your fault, girl!
00:52:52What the fuck are you?
00:52:54I saw them as the perfect couple, but no.
00:53:00Let's see, you stand up.
00:53:02Do you know that there is a very good technique to catch flies?
00:53:05Look, throw yourself here.
00:53:07Reina, can you come and help me?
00:53:11Look, you know that flies go to everything that is sticky and all those things.
00:53:16Could you help me?
00:53:17I'll help you.
00:53:18To throw it, please.
00:53:19Throw a little bit.
00:53:20Take advantage and spread it over your hands.
00:53:25Now you have to run.
00:53:26You are a fly.
00:53:27You are a fly.
00:53:28Do you want to be a fly?
00:53:31Look, look, fly!
00:53:33You have to do it like a fly.
00:53:35Come on!
00:53:43Look, look!
00:53:44There is another fly!
00:53:52There is another fly!
00:53:53It's a grape fly!
00:53:56It's a fly!
00:53:57It's a fly!
00:54:02Oh my God!
00:54:15Everyone, get in front of your beds!
00:54:20Galvez's recruits left.
00:54:23I'm left alone.
00:54:24And well, we have to go on with life.
00:54:25We have to go on with life.
00:54:26What else?
00:54:27What else?
00:54:28What are we going to do?
00:54:29No, but...
00:54:30Just a little more.
00:54:31It's only a little heavier.
00:54:32It was very nice to dance with Falun.
00:54:35If it hadn't been for a roll-up that Falun hit him without meaning to, he grabbed his head and did this.
00:54:44And I didn't feel it.
00:54:46Falun had all the choreography and this little boy imagined ...
00:54:50First, to be able to continue with the recruits, take off all that suit.
00:54:54And immediately go to his place.
00:54:56Go, hurry up!
00:54:57I'm going and I'm back.
00:54:58Go, go!
00:54:59Go away.
00:55:00Go away.
00:55:03Where is Caña?
00:55:05I'm going to ask him now.
00:55:07And who has the abandoned person?
00:55:09The one from Galvez?
00:55:10He took it.
00:55:11No, Ryan has it.
00:55:12I have it.
00:55:13Are you supporting him?
00:55:16His name is Randy.
00:55:17It was Arrayzon.
00:55:18No, the one you killed is called Arrayzon.
00:55:21Someone stole it again, so...
00:55:25A disgusting father.
00:55:27As a substitute father, I couldn't do anything right.
00:55:36Today, I was surprised.
00:55:40I have no punishments.
00:55:48I was surprised, but...
00:55:52The but is coming.
00:55:54We're going to separate according to the pairs I'm going to name.
00:55:58And we're going to do a short, but very good maintenance.
00:56:03And then we're going to have breakfast.
00:56:05Because we behave well, Celia.
00:56:07That's like a prize.
00:56:08Hey, you can't always work with prizes.
00:56:11We never had a prize.
00:56:12What do you mean?
00:56:13We were punished.
00:56:14You haven't won any, have you?
00:56:15With good behavior, no.
00:56:17Look, Juli, what a better prize.
00:56:19And we clean everything up.
00:56:22I insist.
00:56:23This is short, short, short, but it has to be effective.
00:56:27It's going to go.
00:56:28Requena, Zúñiga, Agostini, Larraguibel and Cañulef.
00:56:32They're going to order upstairs.
00:56:34Now, proceed.
00:56:35Go up.
00:56:38González, go down.
00:56:39Why did you go up?
00:56:41Then we continue with Cerda, Silva, Cuevas and Figueroa.
00:56:46They're going to clean the stairs and that sector over there.
00:56:49We continue with Boubier, Caña, Bernal.
00:56:52Who's left?
00:56:54The clear sector.
00:56:56Let's go fast.
00:57:01This is fast.
00:57:03What happened?
00:57:04He killed.
00:57:05He killed.
00:57:07The test didn't pass.
00:57:08The test didn't pass, Commander.
00:57:09The test didn't pass.
00:57:10Yes, it had passed.
00:57:13And he was the only one.
00:57:14And here it was interrupted.
00:57:16Fabio broke it.
00:57:18Where is it?
00:57:21He didn't even know how to take care of it.
00:57:29He broke it.
00:57:36You see that the change is...
00:57:39It's too noticeable.
00:57:42Now, out.
00:57:43This recruit is no longer...
00:57:48And you?
00:57:49What am I helping to do?
00:57:51You love it up here.
00:57:53I love it.
00:57:54All those who smoke come and throw their tails here.
00:57:57It's impressive.
00:58:01Now, go down.
00:58:02Finish and come to form...
00:58:07Recruits, I want to tell you that in 10 minutes
00:58:10we left the barracks at 90%.
00:58:13If we work as a team, everything is possible.
00:58:16Now, Cerda and Caña in the front.
00:58:21You, for not taking care of your eggs.
00:58:23I had my eggs.
00:58:24Me too.
00:58:25Not only did I not take care of it, but I stole one.
00:58:29He replanted his egg.
00:58:30He replanted it.
00:58:31Do you know what was the worst?
00:58:33I told him, hey, congratulations.
00:58:35Yes, my boyfriend.
00:58:38Today, he shows it to me like this, and she and I...
00:58:42He lied to my face.
00:58:44Today, you will be in charge of the service.
00:58:47Breakfast, lunch and dinner.
00:58:51The rest is covered and to have breakfast.
00:58:53See you in a while.
00:58:55Very good day.
00:58:56Let's go to Argento Fox.
00:59:07Argento Fox
00:59:12Shut up.
00:59:13Can you?
00:59:15I didn't break your egg.
00:59:16You made me break it.
00:59:18Thanks, Julie.
00:59:19Even worse.
00:59:20Thanks, Julie.
00:59:25What's that?
00:59:27I don't know.
00:59:28I brought it too.
00:59:29No, I don't trust him much.
00:59:31You do well.
00:59:32I imagine he put some salt in the prison.
00:59:34He only put a fly in it.
00:59:36It only fell to the floor.
00:59:43The man made a gesture of...
00:59:46Of concern.
00:59:47Of concern.
00:59:48I put it on the vagina, but...
00:59:50But he did it.
00:59:51Right now, Gala is giving him a head massage.
00:59:54Poor thing.
00:59:55Poor thing.
00:59:56No, man.
00:59:58I don't know.
00:59:59It's like the illusion, I think, right?
01:00:01Yes, it was the same before.
01:00:03Well, now it's the same.
01:00:05It hurts even more.
01:00:07Because you didn't need him to spend a week,
01:00:10to win a duel.
01:00:14Gala acts as if he gives her the same,
01:00:16although he doesn't give her the same.
01:00:18He doesn't care.
01:00:19He doesn't care at all.
01:00:20But she was consoling Ray.
01:00:21And Ray took 15 minutes to forget about Lorena.
01:00:24I think he did get a bit of the vibe.
01:00:27Here, any kind of relationship moves you
01:00:30and moves you back.
01:00:33Good morning.
01:00:34Good morning.
01:00:38How's Ray?
01:00:39Is he better?
01:00:40He's sad.
01:00:41Ray is super skinny, super cute.
01:00:43He doesn't know how to live without a daddy.
01:00:46But we're here with a lot of people we know,
01:00:48we believe in him.
01:00:49Yes, he's the only one left.
01:00:50That's great.
01:00:51This morning he wakes me up praying
01:00:53because he wants us to be a couple.
01:00:55You never know.
01:00:56In a while, we'll know.
01:00:57It was beautiful what Josué told you yesterday.
01:01:00Super beautiful.
01:01:01In the end, I think that's the most important thing,
01:01:03to get to a point...
01:01:04That's what it is.
01:01:05The negative is erased.
01:01:06In the end, you keep the most beautiful things.
01:01:08And it's the healthiest.
01:01:09When you speak badly, it's because you're angry,
01:01:11because you're in pain, you know?
01:01:12And then you realize you're just talking nonsense.
01:01:14Many times, you don't want to sit down
01:01:16because you cling to the idea that it's that person.
01:01:18And sometimes it's not that person.
01:01:20And you can have it in your life,
01:01:21maybe all the time,
01:01:22but sometimes it's not that person.
01:01:24And sometimes it's not that person.
01:01:26And you can have it in your life, maybe in another way,
01:01:28and you can give yourself much more beautiful things.
01:01:31Or not, or not.
01:01:32Here, yes, good vibes, but not outside.
01:01:35There was love.
01:01:36So it was a love story.
01:01:37Yes, yes, that's it.
01:01:38But love has a beginning and an end.
01:01:40Love is not forever.
01:01:42Speaking of the king of Rome.
01:01:43Come here.
01:01:48What do you think, Josué,
01:01:49of what you have kissed the three people here?
01:01:51You should be a little ashamed.
01:01:53No, you should repeat.
01:01:55But it was a lot of love.
01:01:58As Maluma said,
01:01:59you broke my heart.
01:02:02Oh, my heart.
01:02:11It's nowhere, it disappeared.
01:02:13Maybe it went to the bottom so I can't find it.
01:02:16Well, lunch will have to be alone.
01:02:20Do you have a plate?
01:02:21Do you have something?
01:02:22What did I tell you yesterday?
01:02:23Don't give me plots.
01:02:24Let's see.
01:02:25What did I tell you yesterday?
01:02:26Gala and Rai are going to get back together in 3, 2, 1.
01:02:3124 hours after Lorena's game.
01:02:33Josué and Zoe kiss.
01:02:36Are you crazy?
01:02:38I'm not going to let them kiss.
01:02:39Because I'm going to give it to him first.
01:02:40Let's see.
01:02:42These two are here, but what are you doing?
01:02:44One day ago...
01:02:45No, I don't want him to go, I don't want him to be here.
01:02:47I don't want him to go.
01:02:49Would it hurt you if he left?
01:02:51I said it would hurt me, because I feel sorry for the girl.
01:02:54Do you feel sorry for her now?
01:02:55If my ex broke my balls so much, I would enjoy it.
01:02:58Let him go.
01:03:00You prayed for a week.
01:03:04I don't even think I'm going to see a Remember.
01:03:06Look at what I'm telling you.
01:03:07I don't think it's going to happen because Zoe is more clear than not.
01:03:09Because Juan, at a certain moment, pushes forward.
01:03:14Lorena left the reformatory and Rai feels that he is left alone.
01:03:18But a new duo is coming, and maybe he will find someone to accompany him.
01:03:22Many know that this is the moment to get rid of a person
01:03:26who, instead of joining him, left him in the coexistence and competition.
01:03:30Let's see who faces each of our recruits.
01:03:34Today we have the opportunity to share with you the beginning of our ninth week.
01:03:43Let's go for that ninth!
01:03:45Let's go with joy, with enthusiasm,
01:03:48because here we have the protagonists of this week.
01:03:51Let's go!
01:03:52Let's go!
01:03:53Let's go!
01:03:54Let's go!
01:03:55Let's go!
01:03:56Let's go!
01:03:57Let's go!
01:03:58Let's go!
01:03:59Let's go!
01:04:00Let's go!
01:04:01Let's go!
01:04:02Let's go!
01:04:03Let's go!
01:04:04We are the protagonists of this story, week to week.
01:04:06We expose them to these changes, some very angry,
01:04:11some very happy,
01:04:13and today I invite you again to surrender yourself to this break,
01:04:18to having a new colleague.
01:04:21Let's ask the question which we describe in just one minute.
01:04:27Do you want him, or do you want to change him?
01:04:31It will be the commander Arrati who will decide how the pairs will be formed and for that I am going to ask you to immediately approach this place.
01:04:43Commander! Commander! Commander!
01:04:51Commander! Commander! Commander!
01:05:02Here is the formation of the pairs for this new week.
01:05:08Bayona and Boubier, please stand up.
01:05:12Abiko, do you like it or do you want to change it?
01:05:16I like it a lot. I know that he...
01:05:19As a competitor...
01:05:23As a competitor, we started the week as you saw that we were a little there because we had our disputes, but we have come to laugh.
01:05:31We have done very well. I would look good with him.
01:05:34Boubier, do you like it or do you want to change it?
01:05:37As much as she is crazy, she makes me laugh and I feel that she is not a bad person.
01:05:41I would also like to continue competing with her.
01:05:43So you love her.
01:05:45What happened, Julie?
01:05:47I thought you were going to say that you wanted to be with me in a pair.
01:05:50No, because the other day he said that he got along much better with Fallon than with me competing, so...
01:05:55I said that I felt the same way as Fallon.
01:05:57No, no, no. He said better with Fallon than with me, so let him continue with another pair.
01:06:04I'm alone.
01:06:05Let her continue alone.
01:06:08Bayona, Boubier, according to what the commander has determined, you are still together.
01:06:20Can we go?
01:06:21You can go.
01:06:22Hello, hello.
01:06:27Hello, hello.
01:06:28Look at the kid's face.
01:06:32What's up, mule and widow?
01:06:33I'm a widow.
01:06:35Attention. Stand up, please. The recruits Figueroa and Cuevas.
01:06:45The pair of the week.
01:06:46They want to continue like this.
01:06:49Fanny, do you want to change her or do you want to change Fernanda?
01:06:53I want to change her.
01:06:56This week I don't have a pair.
01:06:58It's not so pleasant to do activities with someone who doesn't have a lot of relationship.
01:07:03There's no good vibe.
01:07:04I would like to have a good pair in competition.
01:07:08Fernanda, I'm going to ask you too. Do you want to change her or do you want to change her?
01:07:12Obviously I want to change her, but change.
01:07:14Why has it been so terrible for you?
01:07:17She didn't even have a little empathy because I helped her get out of the pool in the group competition.
01:07:24I tried to talk to her a little bit in the competition.
01:07:27And I was hoping that, as she has been saying that she is the best competitor,
01:07:33I was hoping that if she was so upset that I was going to compete with her,
01:07:36in the men's competition she would compete.
01:07:39But as she complains so much about the competitors who touch her, but she doesn't compete.
01:07:44I went to the women's competition and came out second after Vico.
01:07:47And the men's one didn't correspond to me to go, so if it were her, it's fine too.
01:07:51So, that's why, Carlita, nothing else.
01:07:53According to what was established by the commander, for your peace of mind, you are not going to continue together.
01:08:00That's good, because it's the worst pair that could have happened to me.
01:08:04The worst is said, not the worst, the worst.
01:08:08Cardirola and Bernal.
01:08:12Gala, do you want it or do you want to change it?
01:08:15Think about what you say.
01:08:16Unlike what I imagined, because when we started this week I was more distant and even a little upset with him,
01:08:22I feel like I'm starting to get to know him once again.
01:08:26And be careful, in the last ceremony you told me, you emphasized that you had nothing to know about him,
01:08:33and that you were not interested.
01:08:36And indeed, I feel that I don't know much about him,
01:08:38and this week I don't know why I have the feeling that there has been something in him that has clicked,
01:08:42and that he is starting to land.
01:08:44I have felt comfortable and I like to compete with him, I feel safe, I wouldn't change it.
01:08:50Very well, the same thing I ask you, do you want it or do you want to change it?
01:08:53We have our pluses and our minuses,
01:08:56but in the end, I don't know, we are two people who cannot get along badly.
01:09:00He is better than us, so I would continue with her.
01:09:04Go ahead.
01:09:05You are getting to know each other again.
01:09:08Do you think there is any possibility that the beginning will happen,
01:09:11like that chemistry or that more loving thing?
01:09:14You never know, in the end, I don't know, it doesn't close the doors.
01:09:19Okay, and you, Ju?
01:09:21Exactly, never say never, because life has many turns.
01:09:26Well, unfortunately, you are not going to continue together.
01:09:33I'm going to tell you how this goes.
01:09:37Requena and Suñiga.
01:09:40Very well.
01:09:41This beautiful duo, Dani.
01:09:43Fighters, we are invincible fighters.
01:09:46Invincible fighters, and I have to ask you, do you want Reina or do you want to change her?
01:09:51I love being with her because we get along very well.
01:09:54It's all great, but I like to rotate and meet all the recruits.
01:09:58And since I have many recruits left to meet, I choose to rotate and a new couple.
01:10:03I'm not going to lie to you, the one you love the most is Ju.
01:10:07How bad, my God.
01:10:09Oh, sorry.
01:10:16You prefer a man over your friend.
01:10:19I can't believe it.
01:10:23Hi, Reina.
01:10:24How are you, Carlita?
01:10:26Do you want to change her or do you want to change Dani?
01:10:28I would also like to change her as a pair because I love meeting new people.
01:10:33I want to tell you right now that you are not going to stay together.
01:10:46Recruit Silva and Cerda, please.
01:10:50Javi, do you like him? Do you want him or do you want to change him?
01:10:53I also share what I did with my teammates.
01:10:55I would like to meet other pairs, but I feel very comfortable with him.
01:10:59Rai, do you want her or do you want to change her?
01:11:02No, I love her. I also have no problem being with her.
01:11:07Yes, besides, how nice it is to be with a person who already knows you.
01:11:11Of course.
01:11:12In this, your first day without Lorena.
01:11:14Yes, I am now in a transformation, Carlita.
01:11:17You are DJ evolving.
01:11:19Yesterday, I have to admit that I felt it.
01:11:22I felt it because I spent most of the day with Lorena.
01:11:25I have to move on.
01:11:27Now, are you focused on the competition or will there be room for romance if it arises?
01:11:32As I told you the other day, Carlita, I do not own the future.
01:11:35I know you do not know the future, but could it be that your feelings were for Javi or am I going crazy?
01:11:42Javi has always caught my attention.
01:11:46As you can see, Lore left.
01:11:50But I have always said it, it is not something I have not said before.
01:11:53I am not committing any sin.
01:11:55The two of them love each other, but I have to tell you that you two are not together.
01:12:04What's up, Lore?
01:12:07Agostini, Larraguibel.
01:12:10Fabio, how are we today?
01:12:11Good, Carlita, I'm fine.
01:12:13A new week.
01:12:14A new week, active, eager to start competing.
01:12:16That's it.
01:12:17I was given.
01:12:19Not just this week with me, Carlita.
01:12:22In the end, I had to do the competitions and that.
01:12:24Now, from your perspective, because this week you have been able to observe more, right?
01:12:28You have been well accompanied.
01:12:30Falon has represented you well.
01:12:32Do you want it or do you want to change it?
01:12:34I want to change it.
01:12:36I think she is a competitor.
01:12:37Of the competitors.
01:12:38Of the competitors.
01:12:39She has let me lose.
01:12:40Are you asking me?
01:12:42Of the strongest competitors there are, but the coexistence is as if she were practically alone.
01:12:46And I think she feels the same with me.
01:12:49Who would you like to meet?
01:12:50Well, I would like to meet Javi a little more.
01:12:53Well, Javi.
01:12:59I'm going to ask you the same question.
01:13:00Do you want it or do you want to change it?
01:13:01No, I don't want to change it, Carlita.
01:13:03No, yes.
01:13:04I want to change it.
01:13:05Ah, yeah, yeah.
01:13:06They leave the mess there.
01:13:07Then they almost have to beg him to go do something.
01:13:10So, no, no, no, no.
01:13:11I don't need a partner like that.
01:13:13Enjoy your moment.
01:13:14Don't worry.
01:13:15It's spicy because I've already told her that her moment is gone.
01:13:17I don't feel like it anymore.
01:13:18You are far above the law.
01:13:19I don't feel like it.
01:13:20I don't feel like it.
01:13:21Who is following you?
01:13:22She's been asking me for ten minutes and you're there bouncing.
01:13:26Nobody wants to be with you, Fabio.
01:13:27I'm going to respect her to talk and let her go.
01:13:30And that's what's there.
01:13:31What's going to burn with you, Falon?
01:13:33That, that.
01:13:34That they haven't caught you, just simply.
01:13:35That they haven't caught you.
01:13:36Here I think many people have had an interest in this young lady,
01:13:39but when we saw how it was, we stepped aside because there is no interest.
01:13:42We didn't catch her when we met her.
01:13:44No, no, no.
01:13:45That's how it has been.
01:13:46But nothing happens.
01:13:47In this case, she and I are not compatible.
01:13:50She got nervous.
01:13:51Who am I going to get nervous with?
01:13:54And when you get nervous, you start throwing poison.
01:13:57Throwing poison.
01:13:58Stay here, stay calm.
01:13:59Because you don't get over someone or a woman.
01:14:02Let's leave them like this, let the whole audience see it.
01:14:04I don't get over her.
01:14:05I don't get over her.
01:14:06Every night I go to the bottom because I don't get over that Falon didn't listen to me.
01:14:10I'm going to put on mourning with Mr. Rey.
01:14:12I'm going to dress in black for a week.
01:14:15Let's review.
01:14:17According to what was established by the commander, you are not together.
01:14:23No, Carlita, please.
01:14:25I'm not going to get over her now.
01:14:27No, I failed.
01:14:28Thank you, Pintamon.
01:14:29It's useless.
01:14:31Don't say those words.
01:14:33The same word you told me.
01:14:34Don't say it.
01:14:35Do you realize how it is?
01:14:36Carlita, there is one thing that is very bad here.
01:14:39They look for equality, but she tells me a word and laughs.
01:14:43And then I tell her and she repeats it.
01:14:45Don't say that, don't say that.
01:14:47Repeat it.
01:14:48You told me here, it's useless.
01:14:50I just repeated it to you.
01:14:51It's in the context of competition.
01:14:54Carlita, Carlita.
01:14:55She tells me and I get in here and out of here, but I repeat it to her and she makes a drama.
01:15:00How are you going to say something like that?
01:15:02You just told me that.
01:15:03Girl, I've told you what you've told me.
01:15:05I've told you what you've told me.
01:15:06I'm big, I'm useless.
01:15:08These are all the adjectives that she tells me every day and I have to put up with them.
01:15:11Because if later I answer the same way, I am the bad one, the misogynist, the little man.
01:15:18Recruit Caña, please, standing up.
01:15:19And Capita.
01:15:22I think several things are happening to you.
01:15:24Issues with Vico, it could be jealousy.
01:15:27What is your vision?
01:15:28What is happening to you?
01:15:29Now I'm surprised, really.
01:15:31If I were with Esteban, I would have said, I'll change it for Vico.
01:15:34He will always be my first option.
01:15:35So I was surprised that he chose Zoé again, knowing that I am alone on top and he continues to leave me alone.
01:15:41We came here as a couple, we came because we wanted to be together.
01:15:44We always say, I hope to compete together, to compete together.
01:15:46And the first time they ask him, he chooses Zoé, that yesterday we had a topic.
01:15:51I don't know, it's very strange, Carlita.
01:15:53Who would you like to be with this new week?
01:15:56The truth with any of the people who are here, except with Fanny.
01:16:00We have already known the appreciation of all the couples.
01:16:02I will proceed to communicate to you how the couples will be formed for coexistence and competition this week here in Palabra Dona.
01:16:13By the decision of the commander, González and Cañulé will be together.
01:16:21You can ask me if I want it, I really want it.
01:16:24In every sense.
01:16:25You can ask me if I want it, I really want it.
01:16:27In every sense.
01:16:37To face this ninth week, the next pair is Cerda and Caldirola.
01:16:48My little gal.
01:16:50My little gal.
01:16:54The Remember is coming.
01:16:56Bye Lore, bye Gala.
01:16:57The Remember is coming.
01:17:00By the decision of the commander, Requena Bernal.
01:17:10I did it, I did it.
01:17:16Silva Agustini!
01:17:22The leaf.
01:17:23Come on, with everything.
01:17:27That's it, Terminator.
01:17:29Oh, what a couple.
01:17:32I imagine that the commander's decision suits you very well.
01:17:36I'm comfortable because I know he's a good competitor.
01:17:38I saw him in another reality show.
01:17:40And as for the cohabitation, we've had a great relationship.
01:17:42Now we have to see how to make the cohabitation closer.
01:17:45What has surprised you the most during these days with Fabio?
01:17:47Something you didn't know.
01:17:48That he's a sensitive man.
01:17:50And he's a gentleman, really. Very attentive.
01:17:52Fabio, what about you?
01:17:53He's also very sensitive.
01:17:55I really like that about her.
01:17:56Besides, she's very beautiful.
01:17:57There's nothing else to see.
01:17:58And I think this is a nice opportunity to get to know him a little more.
01:18:02Have a good time, guys.
01:18:05Let's go with...
01:18:06La Raguibel and Figueroa.
01:18:10La Raguibel and Figueroa.
01:18:14Look at them.
01:18:18Now we're friends.
01:18:22The penultimate pair here in Word of Honor is...
01:18:26Yuli Caña, who will be with...
01:18:31No, no, no.
01:18:32Come on, Fanny.
01:18:34Come on, Fanny.
01:18:35Tuniga, Tuniga.
01:18:36Fanny Cuevas.
01:18:41She was the only one who didn't want to.
01:18:43Girl, I'm so sorry.
01:18:45Cheer up.
01:18:46Let's go, we can do this.
01:18:47Do you want to add anything to this choice that the Commander has made, Fanny?
01:18:57Why don't you want to say anything?
01:18:59Because it was the only option out of the 16 that she didn't want.
01:19:02And that's the right choice.
01:19:04I don't like either fake people or people who lie.
01:19:06Of course.
01:19:07Fanny, I ask you the same thing.
01:19:08I already had a horrible week with another person who didn't want to be with me either.
01:19:13And now again.
01:19:14So I feel like everyone got a good pair, except for me.
01:19:18I'm going to give it my all.
01:19:19I don't have a problem in all competitions, activities and everything.
01:19:21But I know she doesn't.
01:19:23I give it my all, Carlita.
01:19:24In the activities, in the competition, I give it my all.
01:19:26I don't know why they talk so badly about me.
01:19:28These people really have me up to here.
01:19:31Very little empathy.
01:19:33I don't have to have empathy with people I'm not interested in.
01:19:37What the hell is wrong with you?
01:19:38You come to compete and you don't want to compete.
01:19:41But it wasn't my obligation, Carlita.
01:19:42Yes, it was.
01:19:43Yes, it was.
01:19:44Because I wasn't well and she was injured.
01:19:46It's not my obligation to take care of her.
01:19:48A little empathy.
01:19:49It's not an obligation.
01:19:50Well, I don't want to be empathetic with her and you just have to accept it.
01:19:54That's her problem.
01:19:55She's not empathetic, I am.
01:19:57I'm not going to be empathetic with a person who is not empathetic with me either.
01:20:00I don't know how they're going to solve it, but I wish them the best.
01:20:03Now I have to go to the women's competition too.
01:20:05I have to go.
01:20:06No, I'm going.
01:20:07Don't tell me later that you're the best, that you want to do everything and you'll never do it.
01:20:11Fer with one less finger did it better than me in the group stage.
01:20:15Looked and everything.
01:20:17Splendid, fabulous.
01:20:19She has also become a super good competitor.
01:20:22She brings joy and glamour here to Palabra de Olor.
01:20:26When the commander sees her, let's talk.
01:20:29For some reason she left me alone, but I want to tell the commander that
01:20:34I have a surprise, I'm not alone.
01:20:36Do you like surprises?
01:20:37Commander, I'm pregnant.
01:20:41And they are triplets, commander, so I'm not alone.
01:20:44The Bouvier family is growing.
01:20:47Blessings, blessings for you.
01:20:50Your surprise is coming and I think you are going to be very happy.
01:20:54Yes, I hope.
01:20:55Let's hope.
01:20:57Let's hope I'm not wrong.
01:20:58So there's the wait, but remember that you are not alone.
01:21:01We are with Jesus Christ.
01:21:05I'm going to congratulate the commander, please.
01:21:07Someone can request the presence of the commander here.
01:21:21Before the oath, Reina, integrate with the rest of the companions as it corresponds.
01:21:30Commander, I left her alone, let's talk.
01:21:33Let yourself be surprised, Suñiga, let yourself be surprised.
01:21:37Well, guys, I'll leave you with the commander.
01:21:39Remember that in a little while we'll see you in the playing field today
01:21:44with an extreme team competition again.
01:21:49Do everything, but also take care.
01:21:51Thank you, commander.
01:21:52Thank you, Carlita.
01:21:53A round of applause for Carlita.
01:21:59Stand up, please, recruits.
01:22:03We start a new week.
01:22:05We renew the commitment and the attitude with ourselves.
01:22:11Repeat after me.
01:22:12I swear by my honor...
01:22:13I swear by my honor...
01:22:15to do everything within my power...
01:22:17to do everything within my power...
01:22:20for this pair.
01:22:21for this pair.
01:22:23Word of honor.
01:22:24Word of honor.
01:22:32Don't cry.
01:22:33Don't cry?
01:22:34No, cry better.
01:22:35Throw it away, throw it away, throw it away.
01:22:39Throw it away, throw it away, throw it away.
01:22:45I feel like leaving.
01:22:46Apart from what Superman did this week.
01:22:49So, three more weeks.
01:22:52They make very bad comments.
01:22:54I don't like it when they say that I have to compete with someone good.
01:22:56Oh, like she was very good.
01:22:58Like a woman couldn't compete well, she wasn't bad.
01:23:01Like she was the best competitor of all the women in the house.
01:23:03And a good competitor competes with the hand of someone else.
01:23:06Oh, yeah, Fer is like a cynic.
01:23:08She's always sucking her ass.
01:23:10Now, Falon.
01:23:13Like, she's almost her best friend.
01:23:15She talks to her at night.
01:23:17They keep talking.
01:23:18Well, I...
01:23:19That chick, I find her cynical.
01:23:23She doesn't believe it very well.
01:23:24She's looking at him.
01:23:25He's scared.
01:23:26He's looking at the teams.
01:23:27He's scared.
01:23:28He's scared.
01:23:29Yes, why? What's wrong with being scared?
01:23:30Is it okay to be scared?
01:23:31Yes, I admit it, that's why I say it.
01:23:33I'm scared, and what's the problem?
01:23:37The one who says he's not scared is a liar.
01:23:42What if we lose?
01:23:44What do you say?
01:23:45I don't like it.
01:23:46It's you, it's Gala, it's Fer.
01:23:48I would have chosen Agostin and Silo first.
01:23:52And then?
01:23:53Because they were going to choose Gala and Ray.
01:23:56And then I chose myself and Gozo.
01:23:58Because Gala is hurting his arm too.
01:24:00The team is very good.
01:24:01I mean, I can't lose under any circumstances.
01:24:03Everything's fine.
01:24:14What's wrong with your foot?
01:24:18Does it hurt now, all of a sudden?
01:24:19No, it's been hurting for three days.
01:24:21And yesterday I had to jump,
01:24:23and the Salvation bent inwards.
01:24:27Calm down, calm down.
01:24:28We'll fix it, don't worry.
01:24:29Well, don't cry.
01:24:33You're always a face.
01:24:57Did you think we were going to go half-naked?
01:25:02Did you think we were going to lower the intensity of our tests?
01:25:10Because, in the name of honor,
01:25:12we will be more and more extreme.
01:25:14It's a circuit with many stages
01:25:17to put each of you to the test.
01:25:22Three, two, one, let's go!
01:25:27Here's the red team.
01:25:29The golden team,
01:25:30who have started the race
01:25:32in this super circuit
01:25:34of competition by teams.
01:25:36It's extreme today.
01:25:38There are many stages.
01:25:51But I'm going to stay quiet.
01:25:53I'm not going to say anything at all.
01:25:55You don't win until you win.
01:25:57Will it be the reds?
01:25:59Because there goes running, there goes running
01:26:01Nico Raimundo.
01:26:02This is crazy!
01:26:03Ladies and gentlemen,
01:26:04this is the sport of the campfire.
01:26:17They gave me the pleasure
01:26:19to present the party today
01:26:21with the theme of
01:26:23Vivas o Vivos de la Música.
01:26:26Tonight, we present
01:26:28on this stage, for all of you,
01:26:54And the winner is...