• 2 days ago
Weather update: বসন্তেই হু হু করে চড়বে তাপমাত্রার পারদ! বৃষ্টির পূর্বাভাস রাজ্যের ৬ টি জেলায়

#weatherupdate #weather #weathernews #weatherforecast #holi #dolyatra #hot #rain

বসন্তেই বাড়বে তাপমাত্রা! হু হু করে চড়বে পারদ। এককথায় উষ্ণ আবহে কাটবে এবারের দোল। দ্রুতগতিতে ঊর্ধমুখী হচ্ছে দক্ষিণবঙ্গের তাপমাত্রা। দোলের দিন সর্বোচ্চ তাপমাত্রা পৌঁছে যেতে পারে ৩৮ ডিগ্রি সেলসিয়াসে। উত্তরবঙ্গের পাঁচ থেকে ছয়টি জেলায় বৃষ্টির পূর্বাভাস আলিপুর আবহাওয়া দপ্তরের।

The temperature will increase in spring! The mercury will soar. In short, this year's swing will be spent in hot weather. The temperature in South Bengal is rising rapidly. The maximum temperature on the swing day may reach 38 degrees Celsius. The Alipore Meteorological Department has forecast rain in five to six districts of North Bengal.


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00:00The temperature will rise in the winter, the sun will rise in the summer, and the temperature will drop in the summer.
00:09In the early season, the temperature in the south is rising.
00:13On the day of Dhol, the temperature can reach up to 38 degrees Celsius.
00:17In the evening, the people are dancing in the open fields.
00:22On the day of Dhol and Holi, the temperature in the south can reach up to 40 degrees Celsius.
00:28But due to the absence of Uttarbang, a lot of talk is being heard.
00:32On the day of Dhol, that is, on Friday, there is a possibility of rain in the upper region of Uttarbang.
00:37Two days before that, there may be rain in Darjeeling, Kalimpong and five to six districts.
00:43According to the Alipur Abha Dhaftar, there was a slight rain in Darjeeling on Tuesday.
00:49On Wednesday, there may be rain in some parts of Darjeeling, Jalpaiguri, Kalimpong district.
00:54Then on March 13-15, there may be heavy rainfall in some parts of Darjeeling, Jalpaiguri, Kalimpong, Alipur, Doar, Koch, Bihar, Uttar and South Ninajpur.
01:05There may be heavy rainfall until March 15.
01:08Then the abhava will be dry.
01:13In the south, there will be dry abhava.
01:15With that, the temperature will rise from Tuesday to Thursday.
01:18In the next five days, the maximum temperature may rise from 2 to 3 degrees Celsius.
01:23So far, the temperature has been slightly below normal in two places in the south.
01:28There is no possibility of rain in the south.
01:34In the next four to five days, the maximum temperature may rise up to 5 degrees Celsius.
01:39According to the Alipur Abha Dhaftar, the maximum temperature may rise up to 4 degrees Celsius.
01:45On Tuesday, there will be a feeling of heat throughout the south.
01:53For a while on Tuesday morning, there was a feeling of heat in Kolkata and its neighboring districts.
01:59There is a feeling of heat all the time.
02:01The sky is completely clear.
02:03There is no possibility of rain.
02:05According to the Alipur Abha Dhaftar, the maximum temperature will rise up to 4 degrees Celsius.
02:10Before Friday and Holi, the temperature may rise up to 4 degrees Celsius.
02:15According to the Alipur Abha Dhaftar, the maximum temperature will rise up to 4 degrees Celsius.
02:19At night in Kolkata, the maximum temperature has risen from 22.6 degrees Celsius to 23.2 degrees Celsius.
02:25On Sunday, the maximum temperature will rise up to 31.4 degrees Celsius and reach 32.4 degrees Celsius.
02:32The expected temperature is 40 to 97 percent.
02:40Bureau report, One India Bangla
03:45For more information, visit www.osho.com
