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This is the Covid Concert given without audience by Alice Zawadzki, Misha Mullov-Abbado & Fred Thomas at The Sands Films Music Room on Thursday 9th July 2020. CLICK HERE TO SEE THE CONCERT GIVEN ON 22nd MAY 2023, this time with audience: https://watch.eventive.org/sandsmusic/play/6442a0304cc1ff009e39b70c During the lock-down, venues are closed and all live performing have been cancelled. Sands Films offers musicians a space to perform and a means to reach an audience. The audience is invited to donate to support the performer and the venue: each "donate" button is specific to each show and pays the musicians of each concert. Donations can be made before, during or after the event: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=87SVFG2WA8P9Q&source=url visit https://www.sandsfilms.co.uk/sands-films-music-room.html and show your support!
